School of Life Sciences 1.0 CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH (COSHH) REGULATIONS 2002 L29 PURPOSE OF THE LEGISLATION To minimise the risk to workers from exposure to hazardous substances during the course of their employment. Hazardous substances include both chemical and biological agents. 2.0 DEFINITIONS “Substance hazardous to health”: A substance listed in the Approved Supply List under the CHIP Regulations as dangerous for supply andclassed as very toxic, toxic, harmful, corrosive or irritant; A substance for which the HSE has assigned a Workplace Exposure Limit (WEL); A biological agent (consult the Approved list of Biological Agents); A dust of any kind present in the air at a concentration equal to or greater than 10mg/m3 time-weighted average over an 8 hour period for inhalable dust, or 4mg/m3 respirable dust; A substance which does not fall in any of the above categories, but because of its chemical or toxicological properties and the way it is used/present in the workplace creates a risk to health. “CHIP Regulations” – the Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002. “Biological Agent” – a micro-organism, cell culture or human endoparasite, whether or not genetically modified, which may cause infection, allergy, toxicity or otherwise create a hazard to human health. “Inhalable Dust” – airborne material which is capable of entering the nose and mouth during breathing. “Respirable Dust” – airborne dust, capable of penetrating to the gas exchange region of the lung. 3.0 REQUIREMENTS Identify activities involving substances hazardous to health and assess the risks to health. A special hazard risk assessment form should be completed Prevent, or where this is not possible, identify and implement appropriate control measures to reduce exposure to substances hazardous to health. Control measures may include: - The provision and use of engineering controls - The provision and use of safe systems of work and local rules - The maintenance and cleaning of workplaces, plant and equipment - The provision and use of personal protective equipment Ensure control measures are used/applied properly and effectively maintained Ensure regular examinations and tests of engineering controls are carried out as required Ensure respiratory protective equipment is regularly examined and tested as required Issue 2: 30th August 2005 Page 1 of 2 Rev 1.0 School of Life Sciences CONTROL OF SUBSTANCES HAZARDOUS TO HEALTH (COSHH) REGULATIONS 2002 L29 Maintain records of examinations and tests and of any repairs undertaken for at least 5 years Where required to ensure adequate control of exposure to hazardous substances, monitoring should be carried out at regular intervals and records retained for at least 40 years for identifiable employees or for 5 years for general monitoring Provide health surveillance to employees exposed to substances where exposure may give rise to an identifiable disease or adverse health effect Provide information, instruction and training on risks to health caused by hazardous substances and precautions to be taken, including monitoring information and collective results of health surveillance Employee Duties 4.0 Make full and proper use of control measures and personal protective equipment provided Report any problems Look after items provided for safety USEFUL SOURCES OF INFORMATION The following sources of information may be useful to help identify substances hazardous to health: The CHIP Regulations 2002 Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet Container Labels Approved list of Biological Agents Technical reference sources (Text books, scientific and technical papers, journals, etc.) Professional Institutions HSE Guidance Internet Issue 2: 30th August 2005 Page 2 of 2 Rev 1.0