Jackson, Richard H. Images of the West: Elements of the Mormon Landscape. Provo: Brigham Young University Press, 1976. [SETTLEMENT PATTERNS, ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE] ---. “The Mormon Village: Genesis and Articulation of the City of Zion Plan.” Brigham Young University Studies 17 (1977): 223-40. [ARCHITECTURE, MORMONS, SETTLEMENT PATTERNS] ---. “Religion and Landscape in the Mormon Cultural Region.” In Dimensions of Human Geography: Essays on Some Familiar and Neglected Themes. Ed. Karl W. Butzer. Department of Geography Research Papers No. 186. Chicago: University of Chicago Dept. of Geography, 1978. 100-127. [MORMONS, SETTLEMENT PATTERNS, RELIGION, LANDSCAPE] ---. “The Use of Adobe in the Mormon Culture Region.” Journal of Cultural Geography 1 (1980): 82-95. [ARCHITECTURE, OCCUPATIONAL PRACTICES, MORMONS] Jackson, Richard H., and Roger Henrie. “Perception of Sacred Space.” Journal of Cultural Geography 3 (1983): 94-107. [MORMONS, RELIGION, ARCHITECTURE] Jackson, Richard H., and Robert L. Layton. “The Mormon Village: Analysis of a Settlement Type.” The Professional Geographer 28 (1976): 136-41. [SETTLEMENT PATTERNS, MORMONS, LANDSCAPE] Jake, Lucille. “The Southern Paiute Woman in a Changing Society.” In Women’s Oral History: The Frontiers Reader. Ed. Susan H. Armitage, Patricia Hart, and Karen Weathermon. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2002. 258-71. [NATIVE AMERICANS, PAIUTES, LIFE HISTORIES, WOMEN] Jett, Stephen C. “The Navajo in the American Southwest.” In To Build in a New Land: Ethnic Landscapes in North America. Ed. Allen G. Noble. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992. 331-44. [SETTLEMENT PATTERNS, ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPE, NAVAJOS] Jett, Stephen C., and Virginia E. Spencer. Navajo Architecture: Forms, History, Distributions. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1981. [ARCHITECTURE, NAVAJOS] Johnson, LaVell. “The Watermaster's Stick.” Utah Historical Quarterly 42 (1974): 189-96. [LEGENDS, NATURE, FARMING, OCCUPATIONAL PRACTICES, WATER] Johnson, Rue C. “Theatre in Zion: The Brigham City Dramatic Association.” Utah Historical Quarterly 33 (1965): 187-97. [BOX ELDER COUNTY, DANCE, DRAMA] Jolley, Clifton Holt. “The Martyrdom of Joseph Smith: An Archetypal Study.” Utah Historical Quarterly 44 (1976): 329-50. [LEGENDS, LIFE HISTORIES, MORMONS] Jones, John A. The Sun Dance of the Northern Ute. Bureau of American Ethnology Bulletin No. 157. Washington, DC: Bureau of American Ethnology, 1955. [UTES, DANCE, RELIGION, RITUAL] Jones, Kumen. “First Settlement of San Juan County, Utah.” Utah Historical Quarterly 2 (1929): 8-11. [SETTLEMENT PATTERNS, SAN JUAN COUNTY] Jones, Tara Perkins. “Geographical Landmarks in San Juan County: The Stories behind the Names.” Blue Mountain Shadows (San Juan County Historical Commission) 7 (1990): 69-71. [NAMING PRACTICES, SAN JUAN COUNTY] Jorgensen, Joseph G. “The Ethnohistory and Acculturation of the Northern Ute.” Diss., Indiana University, 1964. [DANCE, ETHNOGRAPHIES, HISTORIES, UTES] ---. “Functions of Ute Folklore.” M. A. Thesis, University of Utah, 1960. [UTES, NARRATIVES] ---. The Sun Dance Religion: Power for the Powerless. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1972. [DANCE, RELIGION, RITUAL, NATIVE AMERICANS, UTES] Kane, Elizabeth Wood. Twelve Mormon Homes Visited in Succession on a Journey through Utah to Arizona [1874]. Rpt. in Utah, the Mormons, and the West Series No. 4. Salt Lake City: Tanner Trust Fund, University of Utah Library, c. 1974. [ARCHITECTURE, MORMONS] Karampetsos, Efthymios D. “Helen Papanikolas: When Manoli Turned His Coat Inside Out and Called Himself Manolio.” Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora 28.2 (2002): 57-85. [NAMING PRACTICES, LITERATURE, LIFE HISTORIES, IMMIGRATION, GREEKS] ---. “Mining the Past: Helen Papanikolas and the Greeks of Utah.” Odyssey 9.3 (Mar. 2002): 52-55, 78-79. [MINING, LITERATURE, GREEKS, LIFE HISTORIES] Kaufman, William I., ed. The Mormon Pioneer Songbook. Bryn Mawr, PA: T. Presser, 1980. [BALLADS, MORMONS, SONGS] Kelen, Leslie G., and Sandra T. Fuller, eds. The Other Utahns: A Photographic Portfolio. Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1988. [ETHNICITY, IMMIGRATION, LIFE HISTORIES] Kelen, Leslie G., and Joyce A. Kelen. Streaked with Light and Shadow: Portraits of Former Soviet Jews in Utah. Salt Lake City: Oral History Institute, 2000. [LIFE HISTORIES, RUSSIANS, JEWS] Kelen, Leslie G., and Eileen Hallet Stone, eds. Missing Stories: An Oral History of Ethnic and Minority Groups in Utah. Logan: Utah State University Press, 1996. [ETHNICITY, LIFE HISTORIES] Keller, Fred. “‘Blue Mountain.’” Reminiscence by composer of song. Blue Mountain Shadows (San Juan County Historical Commission) 7 (1990): 6468. [MUSIC, SONGS, COWBOYS, MORMONS, SAN JUAN COUNTY] Kelly, Charles. The Outlaw Trail: A History of Butch Cassidy and His Wild Bunch. Salt Lake City: Privately published, 1938. Revised ed., New York: Devin-Adair, 1959. [HISTORIES, LEGENDS] Kelly, Charles, and Hoffman Birney. Holy Murder: The Story of Porter Rockwell. New York: Minton, Balch, 1934. [HISTORIES, MORMONS, NARRATIVES, LEGENDS] Kelly, Isabel T. Southern Paiute Ethnography. University of Utah Anthropological Papers No. 69. Salt Lake City: University of Utah, 1964. [ETHNOGRAPHIES, PAIUTES] ---. “Southern Paiute Shamanism.” University of California Anthropological Records No. 2. Berkeley: University of California, 1939. 151-67. [PAIUTES, MEDICINE, MAGIC] Kesler, Bette Smith. “The Styles of Outer Wraps and Headgear Worn by Women of the Pioneer Period of Utah, 1847-1875.” M. A. Thesis, University of Utah, 1947. [1840S, 1850S, 1860S, 1870S, CLOTHING] Kesler, Bonnie Catherine Adams. “Utah Pioneer Homes: Interior Decoration and Pioneer Objects.” M. A. Thesis, University of Utah, 1950. [FURNITURE, HOME DECORATION, NINETEENTH CENTURY] Kimball, Stanley B. “The Captivity Narrative on Mormon Trails, 184665.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 18 (1985): 81-88. [LEGENDS, MORMONS, NARRATIVES, 1840S, 1850S, 1860S] King, Bob. “An Introduction to Foodways.” Utah Folklife Newsletter 18.2 (1984): 5. [FIELDWORK, FOODWAYS] King, Thomas H. “Roadside Rock Art.” Journal of American Folklore 93 (1980): 60. [MATERIAL CULTURE, ART, GRAFFITI] King, Volney. “Millard County, 1851-1875 (An Original Journal.” Utah Humanities Review 1 (1947): 18-37, 147-65, 261-79, 378-400. [PERSONAL EXPERIENCE NARRATIVES, HISTORIES, MILLARD COUNTY, 1850S, 1860S, 1870S] Knack, Martha C. Boundaries Between: The Southern Paiutes, 1775-1995. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2001. [HISTORIES, PAIUTES, EIGHTEENTH CENTURY, NINETEENTH CENTURY, TWENTIETH CENTURY] Knipmeyer, James H. “The Denis Julien Inscriptions.” Utah Historical Quarterly 64 (1996): 52-69. [GRAFFITI, 1830S] ---. “This Is the Country Where Coyotes Bark at Strangers.” Blue Mountain Shadows (San Juan County Historical Commission) 7 (1990): 3-7. [GRAFFITI, SAN JUAN COUNTY, HISTORIES] Knowlton, David. “America, América y Utah.” In Edison, Hatch, and Miller 3-5. [LATINOS] Kreitzer, Matthew Eric, ed. Washakie Letters of Willie Ottogary, Northwestern Shoshoni Journalist and Leader, 1906-1929. Logan: Utah State University Press, 2000. [SHOSHONES, 1900S, 1910S, 1920S] Kroeber, A. L. “Notes on the Ute Language.” American Anthropologist 10 (1908): 74-87. [DIALECT AND LANGUAGE, UTES] ---. “Ute Tales.” Journal of American Folklore 14 (1901): 252-85. [LEGENDS, MYTHS, NARRATIVES, UTES] Lane, Lea Nielson. “Joe, the Fish Lake Guide.” Utah Historical Quarterly 52 (1984): 158-64. [FISHING, NARRATIVES, TALL TALES, SEVIER COUNTY] Larson, Andrew Karl. “Ithamar Sprague and His Big Shoes.” In Cheney, Lore 31-35. [MORMONS, NARRATIVES, THREE NEPHITE STORIES] ---. “Pioneer Agriculture.” Utah Historical Quarterly 29 (1961): 26880. [FARMING, NINETEENTH CENTURY] ---. The Red Hills of November: A Pioneer Biography of Utah’s Cotton Town. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1957. [WASHINGTON COUNTY, HISTORIES] ---. “Reminiscences of a Mormon Village in Transition.” In Cheney, Lore 37-48. [MORMONS, NARRATIVES, SETTLEMENT PATTERNS] ---. “Some Folk Tales from Utah's Dixie.” Western Folklore 18 (1959): 89-97. [NARRATIVES, TALES, WASHINGTON COUNTY] Larson, Gustive O. “Orrin Porter Rockwell--The Modern Samson.” In Cheney, Lore 179-90. [LIFE HISTORIES, MORMONS, NINETEENTH CENTURY] Lawless, Elaine. “'I Know If I Don't Bear My Testimony, I'll Lose It': Why Mormon Women Bother to Speak At All.” Kentucky Folklore Record 30 (1984): 79-96. [MORMONS, WOMEN, RELIGION, CUSTOMS] Layton, Stanford J., ed. Being Different: Stories of Utah’s Minorities. Favorite readings from the Utah Historical Quarterly. Salt Lake City: Signature, 2001. [IMMIGRATION, ETHNICITY, CUSTOMS] Lee, David R., and Hector H. Lee. “Thatched Cowsheds of the Mormon Country.” Western Folklore 40 (1981): 171-87. [MORMONS, ARCHITECTURE, RANCHING, FARMING] Lee, Hector. A Bibliography of the Archives of the Utah Humanities Research Foundation, 1944-1947. University of Utah Bulletin Vol. 38, No. 9. Salt Lake City: University of Utah, 1947. [COLLECTANEA, ARCHIVES, BIBLIOGRAPHIES] ---. Folklore of the Mormon Country: J. Golden Kimball Stories Together with the Brother Petersen Yarns. LP. Folk-Legacy, 1964. [LEGENDS, DANES, NARRATIVES, MORMONS, SANPETE COUNTY] ---. “Introduction” to Fife, Exploring. xv-xviii. [HISTORY OF FOLKLORE STUDIES] ---. “Leadbelly’s ‘Frankie and Albert.’” Journal of American Folklore 64 (1951): 314-17. [BALLADS, SALT LAKE COUNTY, AFRICAN AMERICANS, 1950S] ---. “Nicknames of the Ephraimites.” Western Humanities Review 3 (1949): 12-22. [NAMING, SANPETE COUNTY] ---. “Some Notes on Lead Belly.” Journal of American Folklore 76 (1963): 135-40. [SONGS, BALLADS, AFRICAN AMERICANS, SALT LAKE COUNTY, 1940S] ---. “The Three Nephites: A Disappearing Legend.” American Notes and Queries 2 (1942): 35-38. [LEGENDS, MORMONS, THREE NEPHITE STORIES] ---. The Three Nephites: The Substance and Significance of the Legend in Folklore. University of New Mexico Publications in Language and Literature No. 2. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, 1949. Rpt. as The Three Nephites. New York: Arno, 1977. [LEGENDS, MORMONS, THREE NEPHITE STORIES] ---, et al. (“The Editors”). “Regionalism, the Humanities, and the Utah Humanities Review.” Utah Humanities Review 1 (1947): 5-7. [HISTORY OF FOLKLORE STUDIES] Lee, Lawrence B. “Homesteading in Zion.” Utah Historical Quarterly 28 (1960): 29-38. [MORMONS, SETTLEMENT PATTERNS, FARMING] Leigh, Rufus Wood. “Lake Bonneville, Its Name and History.” Utah Historical Quarterly 26 (1958): 151-59. [LEGENDS, NAMING PRACTICES] ---. “Naming of the Green, Sevier, and Virgin Rivers.” Utah Historical Quarterly 29 (1961): 136-47. [NAMING PRACTICES] Leone, Mark P. “Archaeology as the Science of Technology: Mormon Town Plans and Fences.” In Research and Theory in Current Archaeology. Ed. Charles L. Redman. New York: John Wiley, 1973. 125-50. [ARCHITECTURE, MATERIAL CULTURE, MORMONS, SETTLEMENT PATTERNS] ---. “Why the Coalville Tabernacle Had to Be Razed.” Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought 8 (1973): 30-35. [MORMONS, RELIGIOUS STRUCTURES] Liebler, H. B. “Christian Concepts and Navaho Words.” Utah Humanities Review 2 (1948): 169-74. [NAVAJOS, DIALECT AND LANGUAGE] Liestman, Daniel. “Utah’s Chinatowns: The Development and Decline of Extinct Ethnic Enclaves.” Utah Historical Quarterly 64 (1996): 70-95. [IMMIGRATION, CHINESE, SETTLEMENT PATTERNS] Lowie, Robert H. “Shoshonean Tales.” Journal of American Folklore 37 (1924): 1-242. [NARRATIVES, TALES, MYTHS, LEGENDS, PAIUTES, SHOSHONES, UTES] ---. “Sun Dance of the Shoshoni, Ute, and Hidatsa.” Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History 16 (1919): 393-410. [DANCE, RITUAL, RELIGION, SHOSHONES, UTES] Luckert, Karl W., comp. Navajo Mountain and Rainbow Bridge Religion. Flagstaff: Museum of Northern Arizona Press, 1977. [RELIGION, NATURE, NAVAJOS, SAN JUAN COUNTY] Lundahl, Craig R. “Near-Death Experiences of Mormons.” In A Collection of Near-Death Research Readings. Comp. Lundahl. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1983. 165-179. [BELIEFS, MORMONS, PERSONAL EXPERIENCE NARRATIVES, SUPERNATURAL] Lyman, Albert R. “First White Men in San Juan County, Utah.” Utah Historical Quarterly 2 (1929): 11-13. [SAN JUAN COUNTY, SETTLEMENT PATTERNS] ---. “Pahute Biscuits.” Utah Historical Quarterly 3 (1930): 118-120. [FOODWAYS, PAIUTES] Lyman, Edward Leo. Political Deliverance: The Mormon Quest for Utah Statehood. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1986. [HISTORIES, MORMONS, POLYGAMY]