WALSALL COUNCIL SOCIAL CARE & INCLUSION MINUTES OF THE WALSALL ADULT PARTNERSHIP SAFEGUARDING BOARD MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 22 MAY 2014 PRESENT: Jane Evans Suzanne Joyner Andy Rust Peter Davis Richard O’Brien Yvonne Nolan Nigel Uttley Angela Copestick Sally Roberts June Morrow Debbie Cooper Jennifer Robinson John Bardsley Adrian Roche Adam Jones Fay Baillie Victoria Lee Michaela Kerr Davina Lytton Denise Perry Emma Cotterill 1. Independent Chair Head of Community Care Head of Joint Commissioning Head of Community Care Head of Service Interim Head of Adult Safeguarding Team Manager – Adult Safeguarding Team Manager – Adult Safeguarding Lead Nurse – Walsall CCG Walsall College Safeguarding Lead (DWMHPT) Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Black Country Partnership NHS Trust Public Health West Midlands Fire Service NHS England DS PPU West Midlands Police DCI West Midlands Police Age UK, Walsall Area Manager- Communities and Public Health Minute Taker (JE) (SJ) (AR) (PFD) (ROB) (YN) (NU) (AC) (SR) (JM) (DC) (JR) (JB) (ARo) (AJ) (FB) (VL) (MK) (DL) (DP) (EC) APOLOGIES: Keith Skerman Hassan Omar Tess Beckett John Leach Tony McGregor Robert Gilham Susan Claire Marshall Mandy Clarke Faith Wilson Interim Executive Director Head of Service (DWMHT) West Midlands Police Head of Communities Head of Safeguarding - Children WHG Black Country Partnership Probation Service Representing Children’s Services (KS) (HO) (TB) (JL) (TMcG) (RG) (SCM) (MC) (FW) ACTION 2. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 25 MARCH 2014 Agreed as a true record. 1 Chase Nursing Home (AOB) Action: SJ to check Maddy Wilkes’ notes to see if Chase Nursing Home was discussed at the last Safeguarding SJ Adults Board as requested by PFD. 3. ACTION LOG AND FORWARD PLAN Action Log updated. DC explained that Dudley’s Adult Safeguarding Board were in the middle of producing an action plan but this cannot be shared with Walsall’s Adult Safeguarding Board at the moment. 4. CHAIR’S REPORT (Paper previously circulated) JE’s Chair’s Report, previously circulated to the group, sets out what is happening nationally. The board Audit Tool QA Framework developed by London chairs group and fits with Section 11 assessments currently being trailed in a number of London Boroughs and it will be interesting to see what comes out of their trial. Phase 3 Making Safeguarding Personal has just finished with 53 councils participating. There will be a piece of work across the Black Country looking at training across the board, looking at developing consistent training and development to ensure we get the best value out of training creating a standard across the black country. JE suggested that this piece of work is directed to the Sub Group and challenges can be made there, timescale 3-4 months. JE said she would like to recommend this way forward for the board and this was agreed by all. 5. WSAPB TERMS OF REFERENCE (Paper previously circulated) JE said that she had asked for comments from the board to be with her by 4 April but had received no comments whatsoever. DC said she wanted to change her title from Walsall Safeguarding Inspector to Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership Trust Safeguarding Lead. SJ said she felt that the Terms of Reference should quote the objectives for this year to prepare a state of readiness for the new Care Act legislation, AR said he agreed with SJ 2 suggestions but felt it needed two separate statements to become statutory. Action: SJ to look at the wording within the Terms of Reference and get them to JE as soon as possible. 6. DEPRIVATION OF LIBERTY SAFEGUARDS UPDATE TO INCLUDE THE HOUSE OF LORDS JUDGEMENT/ CHESHIRE WEST. THE IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE IN WALSALL. (Papers previously circulated) Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Update to include the House of Lords Judgement. AC explained to the board that she had two papers for discussion first being the House of Lords scrutiny report. Back in May 2013 there was a review of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The findings of the report were published on the 13th March 2014. The Mental Capacity Act 2005 was a piece of legislation designed to focus on those individuals who lack capacity whether the reason being a learning disability, autism, spectrum disorders, dementia, brain injury or temporary impairment with statutory rights and placed the individual at the heart of the decision making. What the committee found was that the Act was held in high regard but the expectations of the Act had not been met. With a lack of awareness and recognition of MCA 2005, compliance to the Act was an optional add-on to daily work and the main areas for concern were with health and social care sectors and there was no central ownership of the act. DoLs applications/ referrals were dealt with on an urgent 7 day basis rather than the expected standard 21 day basis and the legislative provisions of the DoLs and their operation in practice are subject to extensive criticism, with provisions being poorly drafted, overly complex with safeguards not well understood and poorly implemented. The committee made 2 principle recommendations that are underpinned by 38 recommendations. One of the first recommendations suggests a centrally based committee taking responsibility for DoLs and regulation, and to complete a review of the Mental Capacity Act legislation and DoLs. This could take up to two years to be completed. 3 The Cheshire West report bought forward the House of Lords report, recommendations in Section 5 of the House of Lords report indicates what we need to do as a board. AC informed the group that the table within the report was now out of date however the table shows that in January of this year Walsall as a comparative came out quite low in referrals compared to others authorities with only 29 DOLs requests received. Recommendation 9 states that ADASS and NHS England are encouraging that we make wider use of commissioning as a tool for compliance. DL said that referrals and assessments were of poor quality, training needed to become a part of this. AC explained that in terms of training Walsall Council are currently looking at Best Interest Assessors and that there was a whole action plan that has been put in place following the Cheshire West report. SR explained that there was a National Fund available from Health and had been successful at obtaining the fund. SR explained that the fund would go towards improving access and educational training for MCA and DOLs; in relation to that there will be some posts available and she will be meeting with the lead and look at resources. JE said that this was excellent news. Cheshire West Report AC explained that the Cheshire West Report was a supreme court ruling, in respect of a challenge to a DoLs which is a legal framework for care homes, acute hospitals, psychiatric hospitals and Independent hospitals to obtain power to lawfully deprive people who lack capacity in these services. The Cheshire West report highlighted two cases in particular and they announced their final judgement on 19 March 2014. In both cases the court found that both cases were deprived of their liberty. This ruling has led to major changes including a change in the law relating to DoLs, “relative normality” is no longer deemed appropriate. This was where a person would have previously been assessed against someone with a similar disability and the completion of the acid test, which is where anyone with continued supervision and control and is the person free to leave was now deemed deprived of their liberty. Example: If a person is seen to lack capacity within a nursing home and observations had been done and that person tried 4 to exit the building and you prevented that person from going that would be classed as a DoLs. AC asked the group to look at table 4 within the report this table gives the group an overview of the referrals coming in over the past 6 weeks (01/04/14-15/05/14) where there had been a total of 28 DoLs requests received and this is increasing on a daily basis. The (BIA) Best Interest Assessor role was problematic due to capacity issues however regionally other authorities are experiencing the same difficulties and have a higher number of referrals waiting to be assessed so we need to make sure we are prepared. AC explained that there needed to be more training and awareness and was looking at a condensed (BIA) Best Interest Assessor Course for staff. A briefing will be put on for staff so that they can understand the role of the BIA better and hopefully request to attend the training and become BIAs. ROB said that he wanted to look at the role of the Best Interest Assessor too look at the impact this role is having on the Social Work Staff. SJ agreed that the role of a (BIA) Best Interest Assessor needed to be looked at. AC explained that if a person had not been assessed by a (BIA) Best Interest Assessor within 7 days an extension could be granted. SR said that she had been having discussions about ward based activities, current practice and future practice with Mental Health. DC explained that Dudley and Walsall Mental Health partnership had recently changed their governing database and is now able to know what assessments are due within 7 days, etc. A working group has been set up to look at the look at any overarching DoLs and MCAs with one member taking lead for DoLs. JE asked DC if she could share the overarching policy with the board. DC said she would share what she had with the board. SR said she had been working on providing awareness for the care homes and nursing homes and was creating a set of bridge sheets which will be issued to the care and Nursing homes and have now been given approval for them to be circulated. 7. SERIOUS CASE REVIEW UPDATE YN explained that the Serious Case Review could not take place until the Court Hearing had taken place which had now 5 been postponed 3 times. YN explained that she had not received an update from the police but was hoping the court case would take week. Once the court case had taken place the group and panel can meet to discuss the outcomes. The second serious case review was going to be chaired by Martin from the Police, but this will now be passed to his successor. MK said that she had not been informed of this and asked YN to send her the details. 8. SUB GROUP UPDATE: (i) CHAIRS REPORT- QUALITY SUB GROUP (INCLUDING THE FURTURE WORK STREAMS OF LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATIONS) SR said that she would quickly run through Quality and Performance with the board and explained that she had been looking to develop a dashboard but the work was ongoing. SR explained that she had met with colleagues and discussion took place about the available Quality and Performance data, this was an early draft and would look at how the work could be presented better. SR said that key partners such as the police were missing from the data; SR said that she was having regular conversations with the third sector such as DL, and the fire service was also missing from the data sets. SR said that she felt the Quality and Performance board needed to have a membership that was reflective of the Adult Safeguarding Board. SJ said that she would look at the attendance from Social Care. SR said that she wanted to ensure that the Quality and Performance sub group were capturing meaningful data such as the amount of referrals, alerts, and also wanted to incorporate the multi agency data. JE said that she was really pleased that data was starting to come through to the Adult Safeguarding board as it was really important that data was being reported here. NU advised that the draft Dashboard was based on a proposed Regional Performance Framework which was currently subject to ongoing development. SR said that she was really pleased with the work Elaine Betts had been doing with regards to the training outcomes and statistics for the local authority. Elaine has looked at the numbers of people to complete training for 6 the level 1 awareness and that is really starting to build that up. JE said that the work being done was really good. OUTCOME OF THE DISCUSSION IN REGARD TO THE: ANNUAL ASSURANCE DOCUMENT. SAFEGUARDING DASHBOARD. Discussed at the Quality Sub Group – to be compared with S11 audit– deferred for further comment at the Regional Safeguarding Leads meeting before further discussion at WSAPB. 9. WSAPB ANNUAL REPORT 2013/14 DISCUSSION ON PARTNER CONTRIBUTIONS NU explained that the annual report was in the draft stage awaiting the Safeguarding Adults Return data and contributions from partners (email request for partner contributions circulated on 2 May 2014). JE asked NU when the statistical data would be ready; NU said that he had received confirmation that the data would be submitted shortly. SJ said that NU should wait to see what the data submission was from Louise Chapman. SJ explained that she would be supporting NU with the text within the report and that the data could then be put in at a later stage. Action: SJ to speak with KS about his expectations SJ around the report. 10. CONTEST (Paper previously circulated) ARo explained the purpose of the report which was to raise awareness with Social Care and Inclusion staff and strategic patterns around the importance of using the referral pathway to report any concerns regarding clients who are displaying vulnerability and potential for radicalisation by extremists NU advised that CONTEST is the Government’s strategic response to the concerns about extremism and consists of four components such as Pursue, Protect, Prepare and Prevent. The recommendations to the board are as follows: a specific page within the Adult Safeguarding Web Page giving an 7 explanation about the CONTEST strategy, a commitment to facilitating staff to receive free awareness training. Finally a link on the WSAPB website to the Prevent referral form as part of the prevent section of the Safer Walsall website to encourage and ensure concerns are reported. SR explained that Walsall Health Care had done as much as possible around prevention and had resources at the CCG that we are tapping into. SJ asked if this was more of a Community Safety Team issue rather than a Safeguarding Adults issue. ARo said that this issue was already part of the Community Safety Team’s agenda but would like to see this issue raised through other pathways. SJ said she felt this was something to be discussed outside of the board. 11. DOMESTIC ABUSE RESPONSE TEAM (DART) REVIEW (Paper previously circulated) ARo explained that this report had moved on slightly and that some of the items within the report had changed. A review of the DART process was initiated in December 2013 by the chairs of the Children’s and Adult Safeguarding Boards. An external consultant was brought in to carry out the review which took place in January – March this year, which saw 31 Local Authority managers interviewed and produced significant report with 16 findings and 4 recommendations that were seen to need action right way. The findings identified that the DART and MARAC steering group met as a joint group and the Terms of Reference of the group had not been agreed and it was unclear who the steering group reported to. ARo explained that the report was not final and was work in progress and that the action plan would be bought back to the board for contributions, Aro said that he wanted this to be a live living through the action plan and a changing agenda the Adult Safeguarding board were involved. YN said that recommendation around the DART/MARAC Steering Group had now been done (Terms of Reference, Reporting lines) and could now report that people have taken notice. ARo said that the report concluded recommendations for the board to consider. 8 with four 1. Maintain the present process for children and adults and implement the suggested improved supportive infrastructure. 2. As option 1 but with high risk notifications being directly referred to MARAC. 3. As option 2 with adults screened out and referred to ASC&I to allow DART to concentrate on the risks to children. 4. Children and Young People to be screened at Multi Agency Assessment Team (MAST) with the addition of police and other partner agency involvement. A multiagency model to be retained for adults based upon the demand and needs of the referrals. ARo said that there was an option to remove adults from the process, JE said no and that children and young people did not want that to be considered either. A resounding yes to remaining in adults and children’s process. Option 4 was discussed with setting up Multi agency Assessment Teams around the borough, another stage of development a (MAST) Multi Agency Screen Team now if we were to go with option 4 there would have to be a sign up from a large number of agencies, that could only be written in the action plan to be considered and would require a significant sign up and would not be something that can be done right away. SJ said she would go for the fourth option as discussions around reviewing the MAST were in process looking at how screening takes place and look at the resources we have. SR said that there was significant work to be done in terms of the multi agency contribution. ARo Action: Work regarding the DART to come back to the board in July. JE said that Option 4 looked the most positive and was agreed by everyone around the table that the mast to be in place first and then look at the MASH. 12. CARE BILL UPDATE (CARE ACT 2014) SJ explained that she had presented the presentation to Scrutiny and that the name of the presentation had changed since then to the Care Act 2014. 9 The presentation takes you through the key and new responsibilities for local government the presentation isn’t anything that has not been spoken about here at the board. There are key timescales in terms of the act looking at regulations and guidance with more details about what it means in reality, guidance around the DILNOTT funding care account which won’t be out for the next few weeks. DL asked how the Care Act 2014 would be delivered what were the services to support this. SJ said that this was a work in progress and SJ was the lead for the council and was trying to establish a programme board approach with a series of task and finish groups. SJ explained that the carer’s partnership board was now up and running and the representation was changeable and was happy for the programme board to be widened out. Action: SJ to bring back in July. 13. SJ MAKING SAFEGUARDING PERSONAL 2014-2015 YN explained to the board that she was in the in the process of preparing a report for the Senior Management Team and to consider the viability of running a pilot of making safeguarding personal. Making Safeguarding Personal would see a significant change in the approach to safeguarding work instead of being by the process and timelines. This was piloted successfully across 50 local authorities and was driven by the outcomes that the victim wanted to achieve not by timelines and processes. The making safeguarding personal model focuses on the victim and family which is a huge change and a culture change with staff and how we work, what we record. Action: YN to keep the board updated. 14. PREVENTING PEOPLE VIOLENCE AGAINST YN VULNERABLE NU said that the preventing violence around vulnerable people is to create a key range of outcome indicators to measure prevention, protection etc. NU explained that the PVVP Board was seeking contributions from partner agencies to get involved and monitor data and also to review progress. ARo said that Steven Rimmer, a senior Civil Servant,was looking to build up this agenda and planned on tracking indicators such as prevention and intervention. ARo said that the local authority should link into the agenda to 10 ensure we are contributing to it. SJ asked if this work was being picked up through Safer Walsall, ARo said that he would link into this work from Council perspective MK said that there would be a different consideration from Children’s do not see how we make the connection. Action: ARo to make the connection for the Adult Safeguarding Board. JE agreed AR to be the key link in this. 15. WSAPB RISK REGISTER (TASK AND FINISH GROUP) JE said a task and finish group needed to be created for the Risk Register and was looking for volunteers. The board agreed that Nigel Uttley would coordinate with representation from Debbie Cooper, Jon Beardsley, Jennifer Robinson and Jane Evans the outcome to be discussed Quality Sub Group. 16. HOT TOPICS AACM ROB said that he had been looking at the form and function within AACM and the current pathways that fall within Safeguarding. ROB said it was a good time to review and link in with SR through Quality & Performance looking at the front end of the service. Action: ROB to continue to update the board on the ROB progress of AACM with regards to the form and function. Care in Care homes DL said that following the documentary regarding Care within Care Homes Age UK had received a lot of telephone calls from worried customer’s etc. DL said that whatever hits the headlines in terms of Care Homes etc affects the drop in service. SJ said that Andy Rust was now responsible for Quality and Performance within Care Homes. Action: AR/JCU taking this forward update at the July AR board. Vulnerable Adult Hub 11 MK said that a dedicated domestic abuse protection team and Hub would go live from 16/06/14 Private Hospital – Ivy Dean No longer open. 17. ANY OTHER BUSINESS No Items 18. DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Date: Thursday, 24 July 2014 Time: 10.00 am Venue: Conference Room 2, The Council House, Walsall 12