E X P E R I E N C E O V E R V I E W Name of Project: The Power of Plates (Tectonic, that is) Duration: 2-3 Weeks Subject/Course: Science Grade Level: 8th Other Subject Areas: Technology Unit Goal for Student: Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem: In this project, students will interpret topographic maps and satellite views to identify the role of oceans in the formation of weather systems and their relation to plate tectonics. Students will apply their understanding of plate tectonics to climactic conditions, and how they interact with the ocean, Earth, and weather. Enduring Understanding(s) Changes in lithospheric plates, both continental and oceanic, create major geological events such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and mountain building. Some changes in the plates are abrupt while others take great lengths of time. Essential Question(s) What natural processes create observable changes to the Earth’s surface? What helps us determine the internal energy sources present? What land features are the result of gradual changes? What earth processes and catastrophic events continue today? Teacher(s): Donice Cornwell Curriculum Standards Bundle (Stage 1) Content and Process Standards (TEKS) to be taught and assessed: Highlight those targeted for depth. Region 10 ESC (8.1) Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student, for at least 40% of instructional time, conduct laboratory and field investigations following safety procedures and environmentally appropriate and ethical practices. The student is expected to: (A)demonstrate safe practices during laboratory and field investigations as outlined in the Texas Safety Standards (8.2) Scientific investigation and reasoning. The student uses scientific inquiry methods during laboratory and field investigations. The student is expected to (A) plan and implement comparative and descriptive investigations by making observations, asking well-defined questions, and using appropriate equipment and technology 8.9 Earth and space. The student knows that natural events can impact Earth systems. The student is expected to (A) describe the historical development of evidence that supports plate tectonic theory (B) relate plate tectonics to the formation of crustal features (C) interpret topographic maps and satellite views to identify land and erosional features and predict how these features may be reshaped by weathering (8.10) Earth and space. The student knows that climatic interactions exist among Earth, ocean, and weather systems. The student is expected to (C) identify the role of the oceans in the formation of weather systems such as hurricanes ADAPTED FROM BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION Other Required Standards to be taught and assessed: (i.e. CCRS, Graduate Expectations, Local Objectives, etc.) CCRS Standards SCIENCE I. Nature of Science: Scientific Ways of Learning and Thinking- A(1) IV. Science, Technology, and Society- A(1-4), B(1) IX. Earth and Space Sciences- A(1-2), E(1-4) X. Environmental Science- A(1, 4) Authentic Learning Elements to be integrated: Check all that are targeted in this unit. Provide authentic context that X Provide multiple roles and reflects the way the knowledge perspectives will be used in real-life Provide authentic activities Provide access to expert performances and the modeling of processes 21st Century Skills/NETS to be taught and assessed: Major Products & Performances X Support collaborative construction of knowledge Promote reflection Promote articulation X Provide coaching and scaffolding X Provide for authentic assessment of learning within the tasks Creativity and Innovation (NETS 1) X Information, Media, or ICT Literacy (NETS 3) Communication and Collaboration (NETS 2) X Life and Career Skills Critical Thinking/Problem Solving (NETS 4) X Digital Citizenship, Technology Operations and Concepts (NETS 5and 6) Group: X X X Each group will create a game that will be presented and played on the last day. Classmates will rate the game, and will be graded according to the project rubric. Individual: Students will have individual assignments of foldables, journal assignments, labs, and worksheets. Region 10 ESC ADAPTED FROM BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION A S S E S S M E N T (STAGE 2) Entry Event to After a preliminary exposure to plate tectonics (notes, video, lecture, reading, etc.), students will be given Playlaunch inquiry, engage students: Doh, a mold of the continents, and a laminated placemat with outlines of the continents. They will explore making the continents by using the mold and Play-Doh, and will understand how they are arranged by placing the "continents" on the placemat. Students will use this activity to predict how they believe the continents changed positions over time. Then, they will use a media device (computer, cell phone, iPad, etc.) to learn about the Continental Drift. After students have completed these activities, there will be a class discussion on plate tectonics, and how the Continental Drift affects the Earth and weather. Assessments Formative Assessments (During Project) Summative Assessments (End of Project) Resources Needed Reflection Methods Region 10 ESC Quizzes/Tests Journals Classroom labs Game Product with Rubric Multiple Choice Test X X X Preliminary plans, outlines, prototypes Notes Foldables X X X X X Peer Evaluation with Rubric X facilities: Labs; classroom materials Lava lamps, matches, hot plates, journals, candles, boiling water equipment Computers enough for each group; text materials, internet access (Individual, Whole-Class Discussion Group, and/or Whole Class) Journal X Survey X Focus Group X Fishbowl Discussion ADAPTED FROM BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION L E A R N I N G E X P E R I E N C E S ( S T A G E 3 ) STAGE 1: ENTRY EVENT After a preliminary exposure to plate tectonics (notes, video, lecture, reading, etc.), students will be given Play-Doh, a mold of the continents, and a laminated placemat with outlines of the continents. They will explore making the continents by using the mold and Play-Doh, and will understand how they are arranged by placing the "continents" on the placemat. Students will use this activity to predict how they believe the continents changed positions over time. Then, they will use a media device (computer, cell phone, iPad, etc.) to learn about the Continental Drift. After students have completed these activities, there will be a class discussion on plate tectonics, and how the Continental Drift affects the Earth and weather. STAGE 2: CONVECTION LAB Students will perform a lab that will teach them how convection cells in the Earth's mantle drive the motion of tectonic plates. After a prepared demonstration by the teacher, students will get into lab groups, and will conduct the Convection Lab, and complete the Convection Lab Worksheet. Although students will work in a group to complete the lab, each student is responsible for turning in their own lab worksheets. This activity is designed to ensure students can make the connection between convection and plate tectonics. STAGE 3: PLATE TECTONICS AND LAVA LAMP LAB Students will conduct the Plate Tectonics and Lava Lamps Lab to investigate a lava lamp, and relate it to Earth’s internal processes that cause geological phenomena such as earthquakes, mountain building and sea-floor trenches. The teacher can give the students the full lab, or can opt to use Lava Lamps as a demonstration lab and have students’ observation notes. Students will fill out the Plate Tectonics and Lava Lamps Worksheet to complete the lab. STAGE 4: GROUP PROJECT (PROJECT-BASED LEARNING) Once students have completed the lab, students will be given an authentic project-based learning assignment, which will enable them to research, learn, and create their own projects to show mastery. Students will be given the Plate Tectonics Game Project Directions and the Plate Tectonics Project Rubric. STAGE 5: ASSESSMENT Each game will be played by peer groups. Once all games have been played, students will provide feedback about each game, and the class will vote on the overall best game. The games are designed to teach and reinforce the topic of plate tectonics, and to facilitate mastery of the topic. A teacher-created exam will be given after all games are played to assess learning. Region 10 ESC ADAPTED FROM BUCK INSTITUTE FOR EDUCATION