Swiss Ball Exercises with Weights

Swiss Ball Exercises - Basic
1) Swiss Ball Sitting Leg Lifts (figure 1) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise sitting up tall on a Swiss ball
with your feet together. Slowly lift one leg slightly off the ground, keeping your back straight and the
Swiss ball still. Then lower your leg and repeat on the other side. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions on
each side provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 1 –Swiss Ball Sitting Leg Lifts
2) Swiss Ball Squats (figure 2) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise in standing with your feet shoulder width
apart, your feet facing forwards and a Swiss ball positioned between a wall and your lower back as
demonstrated. Slowly perform a squat, keeping your back straight. Your knees should be in line with
your middle toes and should not move forward past your toes. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions
provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 2 – Swiss Ball Squats
3) Swiss Ball Prone Single Leg Lifts (figure 3) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise lying over a Swiss ball
as demonstrated. Slowly lift one leg, keeping the Swiss ball still and your knees straight. Then slowly
lower your leg and repeat on the other side. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side provided the
exercise is pain free.
Figure 3 – Swiss Ball Prone Single Leg Lifts
4) Swiss Ball Roll Outs (figure 4) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise in kneeling with your back straight
and your hands on a Swiss ball as demonstrated. Slowly roll forwards, moving at your knees, keeping
your back and arms straight. Slowly return to the start position. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions
provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 4 – Swiss Ball Roll Outs
5) Swiss Ball Bridging (figure 5) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise lying on your back with your feet on a
Swiss ball as demonstrated. Keeping the Swiss ball still, slowly lift your bottom pushing through your
ankles and heels, until your knees, hips and shoulders are in a straight line. Tighten your bottom muscles
(gluteals) as you do this and hold for 2 seconds. Then slowly lower back down. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10
repetitions provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 5 – Swiss Ball Bridging
6) Swiss Ball Crunches (figure 6) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise lying on your back on a Swiss ball,
with your knees bent and your hands on your head as demonstrated. Keeping your neck straight and the
Swiss ball still, slowly lift your shoulders and trunk off the ball, tightening your abdominals. Perform 2
– 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 6 – Swiss Ball Crunches
7) Swiss Ball Shoulder Rolls (figure 7) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise lying on your back on a Swiss
ball, with your knees bent and your arms straight at shoulder height as demonstrated. Keeping your neck
and back straight, slowly roll your torso to one side of the Swiss ball and then the other. Make sure you
keep your knees, hips and shoulders in a straight line throughout the exercise. Perform 2 – 3 sets of 10
repetitions provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 7 – Swiss Ball Shoulder Rolls
Swiss Ball Exercises – Intermediate
1) Swiss Ball Push Ups (Feet) (figure 1) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise in the push up position with
your feet on a Swiss ball as demonstrated. Keeping your back and neck straight and the Swiss ball still,
slowly straighten your elbows until they are straight, tightening the chest muscles, then return to the
starting position. Perform 2 – 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 1 – Swiss Ball Push Ups (Feet)
2) Swiss Ball Supine Leg Lift (figure 2) - Begin this Swiss ball exercise lying on your back with a Swiss
ball under your legs as demonstrated. Keeping your back straight and the Swiss ball still, slowly lift one
leg and then return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side keeping the Swiss ball as still as
possible. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions alternating legs, provided the exercise is pain free and you
are maintaining control. Once this is too easy, the exercise can be progressed by putting your arms
across your chest making it harder to control.
Figure 2 – Swiss Ball Supine Leg Lift
3) Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls (figure 3) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise lying on your back with a
Swiss ball under your legs as demonstrated. Keeping your back straight, slowly bend your knees
tightening the back of your thighs (hamstrings). Then slowly return to the starting position. Perform 2 –
3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise is pain free. Once this is too easy, the exercise can be
progressed by putting your arms across your chest, making it harder to control.
Figure 3 – Swiss Ball Hamstring Curls
4) Swiss Ball Prone Hold (figure 4) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise with your forearms on the floor,
your back straight and your feet on a Swiss ball as demonstrated. Hold this position for as long as
possible provided it is pain free and you are maintaining good posture. Repeat 3 times.
Figure 4 – Swiss Ball Prone Hold
5) Swiss Ball Prone Double Leg Lifts (figure 5) – Begin this exercise lying over a Swiss ball as
demonstrated. Slowly lift your legs, keeping the Swiss ball still and your knees straight. Perform 2 - 3
sets of 10 repetitions provided it is pain free.
Figure 5 – Swiss Ball Prone Double Leg Lifts
6) Swiss Ball Single Leg Bridge (figure 6) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise lying on your back with a
Swiss ball under your shoulder blades and your feet slightly apart as demonstrated. Keeping your back
straight and the Swiss ball still, slowly straighten one knee and then return to the starting position. Then,
slowly straighten the other knee whilst keeping your body and the Swiss ball still, then return to the
starting position. Perform 2 – 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 6 – Swiss Ball Single Leg Bridge
7) Swiss Ball Lumbar Extension (figure 7) – Begin this exercise with your feet against the wall and a
Swiss ball between your thighs as demonstrated. Keeping your back straight, slowly raise your back,
keeping the Swiss ball still. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 7 –Swiss Ball Lumbar Extension
8) Swiss Ball Side Bends (figure 8) – Begin this exercise with your feet apart and against a wall and
your hip and back resting on a Swiss ball as demonstrated. Slowly perform a side bend keeping the
Swiss ball as still as possible. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side provided the exercise is
pain free.
Figure 8 – Swiss Ball Side Bends (left side)
Swiss Ball Exercises - Advanced
1) Swiss Ball Single Leg Squats (figure 1) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise in standing on one leg, with
your foot facing forwards and a Swiss ball positioned between a wall and your lower back. Slowly
perform a squat, keeping your back straight. Your knee should not bend beyond right angles and should
be in line with your middle toe. Your knee also should not move forward past your toes. Perform 2 - 3
sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 1 – Swiss Ball Single Leg Squats
2) Swiss Ball Single Leg Hamstring Curls (figure 2) – Begin this exercise lying on your back with a
Swiss ball under your leg and your other leg bent as demonstrated. Keeping your back straight, slowly
bend your knee tightening the back of your thigh (hamstrings). Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions on
each side, provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 2 – Swiss Ball Single Leg Hamstring Curls (right)
3) Swiss Ball Prone Leg Lift (figure 3) – Begin this Swiss ball exercise with your hands on the floor,
your back straight and your feet on a Swiss ball as demonstrated. Hold this position and slowly lift one
leg keeping your knee straight and the Swiss ball still. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat
with the other side. Perform 2 – 3 sets of 10 repetitions alternating between legs provided the exercise is
pain free.
Figure 3 – Swiss Ball Prone Leg Lifts
4) Swiss Ball Push Ups (Hands) (figure 4) – Begin this exercise in the push up position on a Swiss ball
as demonstrated. Keeping your back and neck straight and the Swiss ball still, slowly straighten your
elbows tightening the chest muscles, then return to the starting position. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10
repetitions provided the exercise is pain free.
Figure 4 – Swiss Ball Push Ups (Hands)
5) Swiss Ball Side Bends with Rotation (figure 5) – Begin this exercise with your feet apart and against
a wall and your hip and back resting on a Swiss ball. Your chest should be facing the ground as
demonstrated. Keeping the Swiss ball still, slowly perform a side bend, rotating your torso so your chest
faces upwards as shown. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions on each side provided the exercise is pain
Figure 5 – Swiss Ball Side Bends with Rotation
6) Swiss Ball Jacknifes (figure 6) – Begin this exercise with your hands on the floor, your back straight
and your feet on a Swiss ball as demonstrated. Keeping your back straight, slowly bring your knees
towards the floor while maintaining a slight curve in your lower back until your knees are below your
hips. Slowly return to the starting position. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise is
pain free and you are maintaining good posture.
Figure 6 – Swiss Ball Jacknifes
7) Swiss Ball Lumbar Extension with Rotation (figure 7) – Begin this exercise with your feet against the
wall, a Swiss ball between your thighs and your torso leaning forwards and rotated to one side as
demonstrated. Keeping your back straight and the Swiss ball still, slowly raise your back whilst rotating
your torso to the other side. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise is pain free. Repeat
the exercise rotating your torso to the other side.
Figure 7 – Swiss Ball Lumbar Extension with Rotation (left rotation)
8) Swiss Ball Sit Up and Twist (figure 8) – Begin this exercise lying on a Swiss ball with your feet apart
and your hands behind your head as demonstrated. Keeping the Swiss ball as still as possible, slowly
perform a sit up taking your right elbow to your left knee. Slowly return to the starting position and then
perform on the other side. Begin with small movements and as your skill improves over time, move your
elbow and knee closer together during each repetition. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the
exercise is pain free and you are maintaining control.
Figure 8 – Swiss Ball Sit Up and Twist
Swiss Ball Exercises with Weights
1) Dumbbell Press on Swiss Ball (figure 1) – Begin this exercise holding light weights and lying on a
Swiss ball as demonstrated. Keeping your back straight and the Swiss ball still, slowly straighten your
elbows and then return to the starting position. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise
does not cause or increase symptoms and you are maintaining good control.
Figure 1 – Dumbbell Press on Swiss Ball
2) Shoulder Press on Swiss Ball (figure 2) – Begin this exercise holding light weights and sitting on a
Swiss ball as demonstrated. Keeping your back straight and the Swiss ball still, slowly straighten your
elbows and then return to the starting position. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise
does not cause or increase symptoms and you are maintaining good control.
Figure 2 – Shoulder Press on Swiss Ball
3) Bent Over Row on Swiss Ball (figure 3) – Begin this exercise standing with your knees bent, back
straight, hand on a Swiss ball and holding a light weight as demonstrated. Slowly pull the weight
towards your chest, bringing your elbow back and squeezing your shoulder blades together. Perform 2 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise does not cause or increase symptoms and you are
maintaining good control.
Figure 3 – Bent Over Row on Swiss Ball (right arm)
4) Weight Rotations on Swiss Ball (figure 4) – Begin this exercise lying on a Swiss ball and holding a
light weight with your arms straight as demonstrated. Keeping your back and elbows straight, slowly
move the weight slightly to the left and then to the right side of the ball as demonstrated. Perform 2 - 3
sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise does not cause or increase symptoms and you are
maintaining good control.
Figure 4 – Weight Rotations on Swiss Ball
5) Flys on Swiss Ball (figure 5) – Begin this exercise holding light weights and lying on a Swiss ball as
demonstrated. Keeping your back straight, your elbows slightly bent and the Swiss ball still, slowly
lower your arms to the side and then return to the starting position as demonstrated, tightening your
chest muscles. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the exercise does not cause or increase
symptoms and you are maintaining good control.
Figure 5 – Flys on Swiss Ball
6) Dumbbell Pull on Swiss Ball (figure 6) – Begin this exercise lying on a Swiss ball holding a light
weight at shoulder level with your back and neck straight as demonstrated. Slowly take your arms
overhead and then slowly return to the starting position. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions provided the
exercise does not cause or increase symptoms and you are maintaining good control.
Figure 6 – Dumbbell Pull on Swiss Ball
7) Triceps Kickbacks on Swiss Ball (figure 7) – Begin this exercise holding a light weight, leaning
forward with your back straight and your hand on a Swiss ball as demonstrated. Slowly straighten your
elbows tightening the muscles at the back of your arm (triceps). Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions as
far as possible and comfortable without pain.
Figure 7 – Triceps Kickbacks on Swiss Balls
8) Dumbbell Triceps on Swiss Ball (figure 8) – Begin this exercise lying on a Swiss ball and holding a
light weight as demonstrated. Keeping your back straight and the Swiss ball still, slowly straighten your
elbows tightening the muscles at the back of your arm (triceps). Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions as
far as possible and comfortable without pain.
Figure 8 – Dumbbell Triceps on Swiss Ball
9) Biceps Preacher Curl on Swiss Ball (figure 9) – Begin this exercise kneeling over a Swiss ball and
holding a light weight as demonstrated. Your back and elbows should be straight. Slowly bend your
elbow tightening your biceps. Perform 2 - 3 sets of 10 repetitions as far as possible and comfortable
without pain.
Figure 9 – Biceps Preacher Curl on Swiss Ball (right arm)
Exercises with weights:
Exercise Ball Exercises - Reverse Bridge Twist
Walk yourself out into the supine position (Exercise Ball Exercises Assuming the Supine Position)
Put your hands together and point your arms straight up to the ceiling.
Your feet should be hip width apart or closer.
Head neck and hips should form a straight line from your head to your
Rotate your upper trunk to one side.
Prime Movers
Shoulders, abdominal obliques
Your pelvis should remain level.
Put a piece of dowel or a golf club across your hips and notice it
shouldn'e move.
Try this ball exercise with a weight in your hands.
Try this with one leg raised. (Reverse Bridge Twist with Leg Raise)
Physio Tips
Exercise Ball Exercises - Superman
These exercise ball exercises require you to start by lying prone over the ball with
chest slightly raised.
Hands rest lightly on the floor in front of you.
Raise one arm in front of you to shoulder height.
At the same time, raise the opposite leg.
Hold for 5 seconds.
Lower your hand and foot to the floor.
Repeat this on the other side.
Glutes, hamstrings, back extensors, deltoids and scapular rotators.
Be sure to keep your neck straight, chest up, and chin tucked to avoid neck injury.
Keep your elbows and knees straight.
If you find this too difficult, try raising alternating arms alone and then alternating legs
so that you always have three points of stable support.
Prime Movers
Physio Tips
Try Prone Leg Raise 2.
Add 1-2 kg ankle weights.