Kriterien zur Begutachtung und Annahme von Beiträgen für die

Criteria for the appraisal of contributions to the Swiss Journal of
Educational Research
The criteria below cannot be applied equally to all articles. The members of the editorial commission
adapt their appraisal to the criteria of academic quality and validity to the standards and criteria which
are prevalent in the disciplines in question and which are optimal for the topic being addressed. In each
case, regardless of the outcome of the evaluation, an appraisal is expected that is clearly justified and
reasonable taking into account the given criteria.
General criteria
• Agreement with the basic mission of the journal
• Proximity of topic and integration into main topic area (for thematic reviews).
 Significance for academic research in pedagogy
• Relevance for Swiss and international educational research
• •Contribution to the national and international reputation of the journal
Academic criteria
General coherence
• academic coherence of the text
• Connections between the different parts of the text
• Clearly recognisable connection between the purpose and the argumentation proposed
Reference to relevant academic literature
• Reception of current state of research on the topic (national and international)
• Quality and consistency of the cited literature and the theoretical models used
• Explicit representation of an academic or conceptual frame of reference
• Contribution to opening up, expansion of or refocusing of academic discussion
Approach to the topic
• Relevance to the topic area and context
• In-depth analysis and clarification of concepts used
Appropriateness of methods used
• clear presentation of methodological approach
• Adequacy of approach for the issue dealt with
• Clear presentation of the data collected
• Precision and thoroughness in the methodological treatment of data
• Relationship between representation and interpretation of data
• Clarity in presentation of results
• Discussion of the validity of the results
• Discussion of the consequence of the results for educational research
Topicality of the contribution
• Novelty and attractiveness of the stated hypothesis, of problems presented and of research findings
• Innovation potential for educational research
Formal criteria
• Linguistic forms (norms)
• Outline
• Compliance with editorial standards (see attached document)
Please fill out the form below and send to the office of the Swiss Journal of Educational Research
Swiss Journal of Educational Research, Editorial office (Jutta Schork)
Department of Educational Sciences, Rue Faucigny 2, 1700 Freiburg, Tel 026 300 75 84
Appraisal of articles for Swiss Journal of Educational Research
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3) Evaluation
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