Topic Outlines - Michigan State University

PRR 844 Research Methods in Parks, Recreation & Tourism
Daniel J. Stynes
PRR 844 Topic Outlines
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TOPIC 1. Introduction to Philosophy of Science
A. Science can be viewed as **A body of knowledge that is:
systematic: propositions related within body of theory
abstract: doesn't explain everything, simplifications, assumptions.
general: aim for general laws, not explanation of isolated events.
parsimonious: prefer simpler explanation
** A method of inquiry that is:
logical: hypothetico-deductive system, deduction, induction
self-corrective: iterative search for knowledge
empirical: ultimate test of truth requires testing with real world observations
no single scientific method: many different approaches-must fit method to the purpose and characteristics of the inquiry.
B. Alternatives to the scientific method -- C.S. Pierce - methods of fixing belief:
Tenacity: repeat belief until accepted
Authority: rely on an accepted or noted authority
Intuition: rely on common sense or intuition
Scientific method : systematic and objective gathering of empirical data to support or refute ideas.
Example : beliefs about the benefits of recreation or leisure. Can base these on repetition to convince people of
the benefits, reliance on a noted authority (NRPA, Academy of Leisure Science, or endorsement by sports
figure or scholar) or tradition (we’ve known this for many years), our intuition that recreation is good for you,
or studies to measure what the benefits actually are.
What is the basis for the following beliefs?
Recreation reduces juvenile delinquency.
Tourism is beneficial for a community.
Recreation facilities should be accessible to those with disabilities.
Notice that the last statement is a value judgment rather than a statement of fact that can be empirically tested.
Beliefs including those about management practices rest on a mix of tradition, intuition, authority and science.
A good scientist asks for empirical support for propositions - this means making objective observations in real
world and letting the facts determione "truth".
C. Epistemology is a branch of philosphy dealing with the theory of knowledge. Philosophy of science is a part of
epistemology. Major contributors include Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Bacon, Locke, Hume, Berkeley, Carnap,
Russell, Pierce, Dewey, and James. See any introductory philosophy text or set of readings.
Ontology: what can be known about the world
Epistemology: philosophy of how we come to know things, relations between knower and known
Methodology : practical aspects of how we know, the science of methods
Current philosophy directly relevant to research methods divides into two camps that roughly parallel
quantitive vs qualitative methods. Quantitatve methods come from traditional science and the positivist
philosophy. Positivism was a reaction to metaphysical explanations of the natural world. Positivists subscribe
to Lord Kelvin’s statement that “measurement is the beginning of scence”. If we can’t measure something we
really can’t study it scientifically. The stereotypical scientist in a lab coat conducting experiments and making
measurements is a positivist. Post-positivism is a term that refers to modern views of science. These range
from modest updates of positivism that more fully recognize the fallibility of scientific methods to interpretive
paradigms that completely reject the notion of absolute truth. Qualitative methods are grounded in
phenomenology, hermaneutics, and related epistemologies.
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D. Qualitative vs Quantitative Methods
We will primarily cover what are known as quantitative research methods in this course. These are based in logical
positivism and encompass "traditional science". A somewhat distinct set of methods are based in phenomonology
and other non-positivist theories of knowledge. These are loosely termed "qualitative research methods". With roots
in sociology and anthropology, qualitative methods are now used in almost all sciences. They have become
increasingly popular in leisure science within the past ten years.
Qualitative methods include: ethnography, focus groups, in-depth interviews, case studies, historical analysis,
participant observation and related techniques.
There are three key differences between qualitative (QL) and quantitative (QN) methods:
1. Purposes: QN seeks general laws, testing & verification, and tends to focus on behavior. QL studies
particular instances, seeks understanding (verstehen), and focuses more on intentions and meanings.
2. Perspective: QN takes an outsider (scientist's perspective). The researcher is an objective observer. QL tries
to measure and study phenomona from an insider perspective- observe from the subject or actor's frame of
3. Procedures : QN uses standardized and structured procedures, operational definitions, probability sampling.
QN tends to be reductionist (reduces things to their most important aspects). Interpretation is separate from
analysis. QL uses unstandardized procedures, actor defined concepts, and non-probability samples. QL
tends to be holistic. Interpretation tends to be interlinked with procedures and analysis and hence somewhat
inseparable from them.
Both sets of methods are useful, although usually for quite different purposes. The key is matching the methods with
the purpose. Qualitative methods tend to be used more for exploratory research, although this is not their only use.
Ideally QL and QN methods should be integrated to study a particular problem. One may start with a qualitative
approach talking with key informants observing as a participant, etc. From this are generated hypotheses that can be
tested formally within a QN approach, maybe a survey. Results of QN suggest additional study for a more in-depth
understanding of the phenomonon. This may suggest further QL type research, maybe followed again by QN. While
QN and QL are often presented as competing scientific paradigms, they are complementary more than competitive.
QL research, being less standardized, is more difficult for the novice researcher. QL data is more difficult to analyze
and to write up. It is harder to publish. Some QL work is more properly labeled philosophy than research. Good QL
research requires first a good understanding of QN methods. There is a tendency for those researchers who are
uncomfortable with statistics and mathematics to gravitate toward QL methods, while people who are good at
mathematics and analytical thinking favor QN.
Examples of recreation research problems QL is well-suited to:
1) Evaluating effects of a unique recreation program on a specific group. eg. Has pet therapy been successful in
my nursing home. May be no need here to generalize beyond a given home or group of patients.
2). Focus groups to understand people's motivations for recreation, the benefits they obtain from particular
products or experiences, etc. Results might yield a list of motivations, attributes or benefits for a structured
questionnaire. Focus groups widely used to evaluate advertising.
3). Understanding small group dynamics in recreation settings
4). Case studies of particular programs or events.
5). Participant observation by a researcher prior to a QN investigation. eg. spend a day in a wheelchair before
designing a study about handicapper accessibility.
6). Studying the meaning of leisure to people.
Remember that most of the basic information commonly used to support management, planning, marketing and
evaluation is inherently quantititaive and requires careful, objective measurements, i.e. numbers of visitors, days of
recreation, costs, spatial distribution of supply and demand, market characteristics, spending, etc. Qualitative
methods add to but do not substitute for quantitative type analyses.
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SELECTED REFERENCES ON QUALITATIVE METHODS: need to update, particularly applications move to
later, substitute general science/philos references here.
Bogdan, R.C. & Biklen, S.K. 1992. Qualitative research for education: An introduction to theory and methods.
Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Creswell, John W. 1994. Research Desugn: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Dezin, N.KJ. and Lincoln, Y.S. (eds). 1994. Handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Glaser and Strauss. 1967. The Discovery of Grounded Theory.Chicago: Aldine.
Henderson, Karla. 1991. Dimensions of Choice: A qualitative approach to recreation, parks and leisure. State
College, PA: Venture.
Howe, C.Z.1985. Possibilities of using a qualitative approach in the sociological study of leisure. Journal of
Leisure Research 17(3): 212-224. - a review paper on qualitative methods.
Lincoln, Y.S. and Guba, E.G. 1985. Naturalistic inquiry. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Maanen (Ed). 1983. Special issue of Administrative Science Quarterly on qualitative methods.
Marshall, C. and Rossman, G.B. Designing qualitative research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Miles, M. and Huberman, A. 1984. Qualitative data analysis. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Patton, M.Q. 1987. How to use qualitative methods in evaluation. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Rosenau, P.M. 1992. Post-modernism and the social sciences. Princeton NJ: Princeton Univ. Press. - philosophical
treatment of post-modern theories of knowledge.
Schwartz and Jacobs. 1979. Qualitative Sociology. Free Press: NY.
Strauss, A. and Corbin, J. 1990. Basics of Qualitative Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Chirban, J.T. 1996. Interviewing in depth. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Krueger, R.A. 1994. Focus Groups; A practical guide for applied research. 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA:
Rubin, H.J. & Rubin, I.S. 1995. Qualitative interviewing. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Yin, R.K. 1989. Case Study Research: Design and Methods. Revised edition. Newbury Park, CA: Sage
Brandmeyer JLR 1986 18 (1): 26-40 - baseball fantasy camp
Glancy JLR 1986 18(2): 59-80. - participant observation in a recreation setting
Glancy, M. 1988. JLR 20(2):135-153. Play world setting of the auction
Hartmann, R. 1988. Combining field methods in tourism research. Annals of Tourism Research 15: 88-105.
Henderson, K.A. 1987. Journal of Experiential Education 10(2): 25-28. woman’s work experience
.1988. Leisure Sciences 10(1); 41-50 . Farm women & leisure
Hummell JLR 1986 18(1): 40-52.
Shaw, S. 1985. Leisure Sciences 7(1): 1-24. Meaning of leisure.
Also see works of Denzin, Filstead, Sage Series on Qualitative methods, methods texts in sociology and
anthropology, books on ethnography, participant observation, focus group interviewing, etc.
Exercise : Find and read a research article using a qualitative approach. Write up a brief summary (one page or less)
including :
a). Complete citation in APA format
b). Brief summary of topic, study objectives
c). Description of methods used
d). Principal conclusions
e). Your observations on the study and pros and cons of the qualitative approach.
f). Also hand in a copy of the article.
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E. Sciences may be divided into the natural sciences (physics, chemistry, biology), social sciences (sociology,
psychology, economics, geography, political science, communication, anthropology) and a variety of applied
and management sciences (e.g., management, marketing, social work, forestry, engineering, urban planning,
recreation and tourism). Over time, the basic disciplines have subdivided into specialty areas and formed
hybrids such as economic geography and social psychology. Many of the applied sciences are interdisciplinary,
borrowing from the more basic disciplines while also developing their own unique bodies of theory and
methods. Recreation, leisure and tourism are applied sciences that borrow both from basic disciplines as well as
other applied sciences.
F. Research is the application of scientific methods, the search for knowledge, controlled inquiry directed toward the
establishment of truth. Purposes of research (Stoltenberg):
1. answer questions of fact arising during management (problem solving)
2. develop new alternatives for management (developmental research)
3. answer questions of fact arising during research (methods)
(4.) answer questions for sake of knowing (pure research, theory)
G. Pure vs applied research -as a continuum
-pure or basic research: for its own sake, more general, longer time to use
-applied research: to solve a problem, for client, immediate application.
Most recreation and tourism research is applied research although some basic research is conducted, for
example on the nature and meaning of leisure. Think of basic and applied research as endpoints of a
continuum. An individual study may be placed along this continuum based on the degree to which it is done
for its own sake or to solve a problem, the generality of the research and the client and timeframe for
application. The use of complex models or statistical tools does not make a study basic or applied, as both
simple and complex analysis tools may be used in either type of study. Theories and models are equally
useful in applied and basic research, although theory development itself tends toward the basic end of the
H. Stages in the development of a science
exploratory to descriptive to explanatory to predictive research
definition, measurement, quantification, theory building
Thomas Kuhn - Structure of Scientific Revolutions examines how sciences evolve and change over time. He
stresses the importance of paradigms to help structure and guide research. A paradigm is an accepted set of
assumptions, theories, and methods within a given science. In the pre-paradigm phase of a science
investigation is somewhat random and disorganized. Once a set of methods, assumptions and theories are
accepted, research proceeds in a more organized and cumulative fashion as the paradigm identifies the most
important variables to measure and suggests the appropriate methods, while also providing the structure into
which results may be integrated. Scientific revolutions occur when a competing paradigm is adopted and
“overthrows” the old ideas. In astronomy the switch from an earth centered solar system to the present
model was a paradigm shift. What paradigms guide recreation and tourism research?
Research communication chain. As applied fields of study, recreation and tourism research involve
considerable interaction between scientists and practitioners . MSU, as a land grant school, is grounded in a
philosophy of using research to help solve problems. This requires a chain of communication between research
centers and the field. In the simple model, problems flow up from the field to the University where they are
addressed by researchers. Solutions are then extended back to the field where the results are applied. Today
one more frequently finds researchers working directly with clients in the field to help identify and solve
pure research---applied research----extension---practitioner
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J. Some mistaken notions
1. Theoretical means not useful - theories play very important roles both in science and management.
Theories help to organize knowledge and direct further investigation. Management decisions, like research, are often
based on "theories" of people's behavior, how markets work, etc. Almost all actions and decisions are based on
some theory or set of assumptions. Question is whether theories/assumptions are well-founded and useful.
2. Some things are measureable and others are not. Measurement is as much a function of our creativity and
success in developing measurement instruments than characteristics inherent in the things being measured. Individual
measures almost always capture only a narrow aspect of the thing being measured and there are always many
different potential measures of any characteristic. For example, the usual measure of age captures only the time that
has passed since birth. While this measure may be correlated with physical health, attitudes etc., it doesn't measure
these traits. Don't criticize a measure for not measuring something it doesn't purport to measure. Suggest a different
measure. Many things we measure today were deemed "unmeasureable" in the past until suitable instruments and
procedures were developed, e.g. the thermometer to measure temperature.
Classification is a form of meaurement. When we place a person into a religious, racial or ethnic group or
classify people based on hair color, we are making a measurement of the underlying attribute. We regularly measure
"qualities" with quantitative measurements, e.g. personality, intelligence, beauty. You can argue how good these
measures are or which dimensions of the underlying attributes they capture, but arguing they can't be measured
suggests either an anti-scientific bias or "giving up". Remember that no measure is perfect or complete.
Science and application progress by improving our measurements and using these to better understand relationships
between variables.
3. Can we measure the beauty of a sunset? Yes, if we have a clear understanding of what the concept
"beauty" means and have devised suitable instruments/procedures to measure it. If the concept rests on people's
perceptions, then attitude surveys and rating techniques can be used --just as we "rate" the performance of a gymnast
or ice skater, we could rate sunsets. Perhaps one can identify the characteristics that define the beauty of a sunset
and develop rating guidelines that "experts" can apply, as they do in evaluating skaters. Or if beauty can be defined
by physical features, perhaps an instrument/formula can be devised based on wavelengths of light emitted.
Remember that prior to themometer's, temperature was measured by people's perceptions of hot/cold. Only when we
understood the relationship between temperature and expansion of mercury could a more precise and standard
quantitative measure be developed. Is the notion of warmth inherently more measureable than beauty?
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TOPIC 2. Recreation, Tourism & Leisure as Research Areas.
In this section, we explore the nature of recreation, parks, leisure, and tourism as research areas and also as sciences.
Are these sciences and if so, what kind of science(s)? Before we can discuss these questions, we will need to become
familiar with the research literature, some of the history of recreation and tourism research, and some of the
important research topics, theories and methods.
A. Characteristics of the recreation field
1. Relatively new field for research-start about 1960 with the ORRRC studies in US.
2. Interdisciplinary field.
3. Applied Field
4. Divisions between resource-oriented, program oriented; urban-rural, recreation, parks, tourism
5. Status of recreation as research area is low
6. Few highly trained researchers
7. Little theory of its own
8. Heavy reliance on surveys and descriptive studies
B. Characteristics of tourism as a "science"
1. Lacks clear academic home, cuts across business, planning, recreation, geography,…
2. Divisions between international-domestic, marketing-social-environmental, hospitality-resource-based
3. More & better research outside U.S.
4. Heavy dose of consulting and commercial studies relative to academic ones
5. Strong political influence on research
6. Marketing studies and advertising evaluation dominate
7. Convergence of tourism and recreation research since 1985.
C. WHO is doing recreation & tourism research:
1. UNIVERSITIES (North America): About a dozen recreation/park/leisure studies/tourism curricula making major
contributions: Michigan State, Texas A&M, Illinois, Waterloo, Oregon State, Penn State, Clemson, Indiana.,
Colorado State. One or two individuals at many other institutions. Scattered, but significant contributions from
individuals in disciplines (geography, sociology, psychology, economics,...) or related applied fields (HRI, forestry,
fish & wildlife, business, marketing, agric. economics, health and medicine,...) within Universities.
a. Federal: Over 30 agencies involved in recreation-related research. e.g. USDA, Forest Service, National
Park Service, Sports fisheries & Wildlife, US Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Land Mgmt, Bureau of
Reclamation, NOAA-Sea Grant Program, Dept. of Commerce, Health, Education, Welfare, NIH, NSF,
Transportation. Federal role in tourism research mainly periodic surveys in Transportation (BTS) and in-flight
surveys of international travelers.
b. State: Considerable planning-related research as part of SCORP (recreation) and other planning. Also as
part of forestry, fish & wildlife, water resource, land use, tourism, and economic development. State travel offices a
primary funder of travel research, some from CVB and industry associations.
c. Local & municipal: mostly planning studies with small research component. Larger efforts in major
metropolitan park systems like Hennepin county, MN, Huron Clinton and Cleveland metroparks. Metro CVB's.
3. FOUNDATIONS and Non-Profit Organizations: Ford, Rockefeller, Resources for the Future, Wilderness Society,
Sierra Club, Appalachian Mt. Club, NOLS etc. Tourism - TIA, WTO, WTTC.
4. NRPA, National Recreation & Park Assoc: A little & growing. TTRA = Travel & Tourism Research Assoc.
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5. COMMERCIAL/PVT SECTOR: Large market surveys, industry sponsored research, small scale in-house
research. Use of consultants. Examples from campground, recreation vehicle, ski, fishing equipment, boating,
lodging, and other recreation/tourism industries. Numerous consulting companies, particularly in tourism (D.K.
Shifflet, Smith Travel, …) conduct large scale travel surveys and custom research.
6. INTERNATIONAL: Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, Netherlands have research similar to US programs; UK,
Netherlands focus on land use & planning. Europe: sociology of sport, cultural studies. USSR, Eastern Europe: time
budget studies. Tourism research more common globally.
Reference: Stanley Parker. A review of leisure research around the world. WLRA and International Handbook of
Leisure Studies and Research. See Graefe and Parker's Recreation & Leisure; An Introductory Handbook or
Parker's chapter in Barnett (1988), Research About Leisure. Ritchie & Goeldner. Travel, Tourism & Hospitality
D. WHAT - Selected Recreation Research Themes by Problem (with key contributors
prior to 1990)
1. Landscape aesthetics, visual quality: Daniel, Zube, Schroeder, Anderson, Brown, Buhyoff, Westphal, Vining.
See Taho conference -Our National Landscape.
2. Use estimation, demand modeling, valuation. economists: Clawson, Knetsch, VK Smith, GL Peterson,
Randall, Brookshire, Walsh, Dwyer, Cicchetti, Loomis, Sorg, Hoehn, Stoll, Talhelm, Brown, See PCAO...
geographers: Ewing, Baxter, Cesario, Fesenmaier, Timmermans.
3. Costs/Supply : Reiling, Gibbs, Echelberger, S. Daniels, Cordell, Harrington. See 1985, 1990 Trends Symposia,
Harrington RFF book.
4. Forecasting: Van Doren, Stynes, Bevins, Moeller, Shafer, BarOn, Guerts, Witt, Calantone, Sheldon, See
Stynes in PCAO.
5. Marketing : Crompton, Mahoney, Snepenger, Woodside, Etzel, Goodrich, Perdue. See JTR, Perdue chapter in
Barnett (1988).
6. Carrying capacity, crowding & satisfaction : Stankey, Lime, Lucas, Graefe, Heberlein, Schreyer, Shelby,
Manning book, Graefe review in LS, Stankey in PCAO.
7. Environmental. psych : Knopf, Hammitt, Fridgen, Williams, Schreyer
8. Recreation Motivations: Driver, Knopf, Brown et al.
9. Leisure theory: Tinsley, Pierce, Iso-Ahola, Kleiber, Ragheb, Mannell, Kelly, Godbey, Goodale.
10. Play & Human development: Barnett, Klieber, M. Ellis
11. Therapeutic Recreation: C. Peterson, Austin, Dickason, Witt, G. Ellis. See TRJ.
12. Methodology/Statistics: J. Christensen, Tinsley, Stynes, Samdahl, Fesenmeier
13. Tourism: Broad category emcompassing most of the others in context of travel-related use of leisure. Perdue,
Crompton, Gitelson, Fridgen, Hunt, Burke, Gartner, Uysal, Goeldner, Ritchie, Archer, Rovelstad, Jafari,
O'Leary, Becker, Var, Sheldon. See Ritchie & Goeldner, PCAO.
14. Evaluation of recreation programs : Howe, Theobald, van der Smissen, McKinney, Russell
15. Gen'l forest recreation mgmt: Brown, Driver, Lucas, Lime, Stankey, Harris
16. Depreciative behavior: Clark, Christiansen, Westover
17. Interpretation/communication: Roggenbuck, McDonough, Machlis, Ham
18. Social psychology of leisure. Iso-Ahola, Mannell, Csikszentmihalyi, Weissinger, Fridgen,...
19. Modeling : VK Smith, J. Ellis, Stynes, Levine, GL Peterson, Cesario, Fesenmaier, Timmermans, Louviere,
20. Economic impact : Archer, Propst, Alward, Schaffer, Maki, Stevens. See Propst (1984).
21. Rec Choice : Dwyer, Stynes, Peterson, Louviere, Timmermans, Vaske, see Choice Symposium.
22. Environmental impacts : Cole, van Wagtendonk, see PCAO and Wilderness Mgmt Proceedings.
23. Leisure time use: Robinson in PCAO
24. Pricing: Driver in 1985 Trends, Manning,
25. Others: Policy processes, Sports, Arts & culture, Social impacts, public involvement.
26. Benefits of leisure . See book edited by Driver, Brown & Peterson.
27. Constraints to Leisure - see book and artilcles by Edgar Jackson
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Major Tourism Research Themes: marketing, conversion studies, advertising evaluation, social, environmental
and economic impacts, segmentation, destination images, information search & processing, destination choice,
community attitudes. - See Ritchie and Goeldner, JTR, Annals, Tourism Management.
E. Selected Theories from disciplines:
Political Science
Utility theory, choice, exchange, market behavior, decisionmaking, risk, uncertainty, and
Spatial behavior, location theories, envir. perception, central place theory.
Choice, perception and cognition, learning, cognitive dissonance, attitude & behavior,
personality, locus of control, Flow
Social structure and change, group behavior, institutions, status, norms, conflict
Norms, institutions, cultural change.
Collective action, gaming, small group decisionmaking, power and influence.
Verbal and nonverbal behavior, information processing, mass media and interpersonal
communication, diffusion theories
Territoriality, predator-prey, adaptation, migration, population growth
Theories that combine economic, psychology, communications and geographic theories to
explain market behavior.
1. Samuel Dana Problem analysis in forest recreation research, 1957
2. ORRRC Commission Report 1962
3. Conference on research in Ann Arbor, 1963
4. Economics of Outdoor Recreation, Clawson & Knetsch 1966
RFF Program on outdoor recreation research during 1960's.
5. National Acad. of Sciences, Program for outdoor rec. research, 1969
6. Journal of Leisure Research founded, 1969
7. First Nationwide Outdoor Recreation Plan 1973
8. Harper's Ferry Research Needs Workshop, 1974
9. NAS Report Assessing Demand for Outdoor Recreation, 1975
10. CORDS Reports, 1976
11. Leisure Sciences founded 1977
12. First NRPA/SPRE Leisure Research Symposium 1977
13. First National Outdoor Recreation Trends Symposium, 1980
14. NRPA/BOR research agenda project, 1982
15. PCAO Reports 1986
16. Wilderness research Conference 1985
17. Anniversary Leisure Research Symposium - Barnett (1988) book
18. Benchmark conference, RPA planning 1988
19. Recreation Benefits Workshop 1989.
20. 1990 Trends Symposium
Regular Symposia with published Proceedings/Abstracts
NRPA/SPRE Leisure Research Symposia; Since 1977; Abstracts published since 1981.
Canadian Leisure Research Symposia: 1975 (Laval); 1979 (Toronto);1983 (Ottawa); 1987 (Halifax); 1990
(Waterloo); 1994 (Winnepeg).
Southeast region symposia (SERR): since 1979
Northeast region symposia:since 1989
Travel and Tourism Research Assoc. since about 1973
CenStates, TTRA: Last few years
World Leisure and Recreation Assoc. (WLRA).
Research in the National Parks, since 1979.
IUFRO, SAF, Assoc. of American Geographers, Recreation Working groups
Trends every five years since 1980; Social Sci & Res Mgmt every other year since 1986?
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A. Purpose of research proposal
1. focus your research efforts, organize it into blocks.
2. structure final paper or report
3. communicate to client exactly what will be done. View proposal as a contract to be carried out.
4. Allow client or reviewers to make suggestions, review design, point out potential problems, oversights, etc.;
decide if this study can and should be done.
B. Suggested Proposal Format
1. Problem Statement:
a. put project in context, work from broad problem area to specific part you will tackle. Identify the
client, key dependent and independent variables.
b. establish importance of problem, justify the study, potential importance and uses of results.
c. delimit the problem: narrow problem down, define your terms.
d. Brief sketch of proposed approach.
e. Anticipated products and uses/users of results.
2. Objectives
a. Be specific, a one, two, three listing is preferred, itemizing objectives in some logical order.
b. State as testable hypotheses or answerable questions
c. Objectives should flow clearly from problem statement.
3. Review of Literature
a. Provide background theory and evidence of your knowledge of the subject area. Show you have
done homework, are capable in given area.
b. Show relationship of your study to other studies (completed and on-going). Link other research
specifically to your study in a logical way. Show how you will fill a gap, advance knowledge.
c. Help in defining problem, justifying importance, and identifying best approach.
d. This isn't an annotated bibliography. Review only most relevant studies and pinpoint linkages to this
one. A handful of best and most closely related studies usually sufficient.
4. Procedures : What are you going to do, when, how, to whom, and why?
a. Design: independent, dependent variables, how control for threats to validity and reliability.
b. Define variables, measures, instrumentation.
c. Define Population, sampling plan, sample size.
d. Data collection, field procedures.
e. Analysis; data processing, planned analysis and statistical tests.
5. Attachments: Time sequence of activities, Budget, Vita of personnel, Instruments
6. Overall Considerations
a. All sections should fit together like a puzzle and be presented in a logical fashion.
b. Be preecise, concise, and to the point.
c. Write for the intended audience
Identifying Research questions/ problems
To be added
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Five basic steps in a research study.
1. Define the research problem/ objectives of the study.
2. Choose appropriate research designs for a given problem
3. Collect data (secondary or primary)
4. Process and analyze data to meet each objective
5. Communicate results with clients/publics
1. Defining the problem is the most difficult and most important step in any study. Good research results
from good questions/problems that are clearly understood. This is especially true of applied research, which must
begin from clear problems that have been translated into one or more specific research questions or hypotheses.
Given that research resources are limited, it is important that priorities be established and resources are directed at
questions where the expected benefit-cost ratio is high. The most difficult task for both students and managers is
often that of defining clear, do-able research problems.
2. Once a problem has been defined, the research design task may begin. Most problems may be addressed
in a variety of ways, each offering advantages and disadvantages. The research design task is to choose the most
promising design, based upon a clear understanding of different approaches, the particular characteristics of the
problem at hand, and resource constraints. Almost all research design questions involve tradeoffs between costs and
accuracy. Choose the design to fit the problem and resources at hand, not necessarily based on what has been done in
past or your personal preferences.
3. Data collection tends to be a tedious task, but requires strict adherence to procedures established in the
design stage. Your analysis will be no better than the data you gather so careful attention to details here will pay off
later. In primary data collection interviewers must be trained and supervised. Procedures and data should be checked
as you proceed to identify and solve problems that may occur. When gathering secondary data, sources must be
carefully documented and the validity and reliability of all data must be assessed and hopefully cross-checked.
4. Data processing includes coding, data entry, cleaning and editing, file creation & documentation, and
analysis. In the first stage, data is transferred from surveys or records into the computer. Begin with the identification
and naming of variables, develop a codebook (including missing codes) and a data entry form/format. Clean and edit
data as it is entered. Eventually, you will create a special "system file" suitable for use by whatever statistical
package you are using. It is a good practice to write out the first 10 and last 10 cases prior to starting your formal
analysis to verify that data have been correctly entered or converted. Check that you have the correct number of
cases and variables.
Next run some exploratory data analysis procedures to get a feel for the data and further check for possible
problems. Run frequencies on nominal variables and other variables assuming a limited set of values. Run
descriptive statistics on interval scale variables. Check these results carefully before beginning any bivariate or
multivariate analysis. Analysis should proceed from simple univariate description to bivariate descriptive tables
(means by subgroup or two way tables) to explanation, hypothesis testing and prediction.
5. Identify the audience and their needs before preparing oral or written reports of results. In most studies
you should plan out a series of reports which might include
a comprehensive technical report or series of such reports,
an executive summary
journal articles for research audiences
reports and recommendations for management
articles and information for the general public/lay audiences
Large studies often contain many pieces that must be packaged for different purposes and audiences.
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Research Approaches
1. Primary data gathering:
a. Surveys (self-administered, telephone, personal interview): description, exploring relationships among variables.
b. Experiments (field, lab): test cause-effect relationships, evaluating interventions, impacts.
c. Observation: restricted to data that is accessible to observation, describing observable phenomona.
d. Qualitative (focus groups, in-depth interviews, partic. observation): explore interpret, and discover, study
meanings and intentions, describe unique phenomona.
2. Secondary data: Use of any data collected for some purpose other than that for which the data were originally
gathered. Original source may be any of the above. Most commonly, data are: Surveys: re-analysis of survey data
Government statistics: analysis of various population and economic censuses, or other regularly gathered social,
economic and environmental indicators.
Agency data : use, registration data, budget, personnel, client/patient records, etc.
Documents and written material : content analysis, literature reviews.
3. Measurement instruments:
Questionnaires-- elicit verbal or written reports from verbal or written questions or statements.
Observation -- one or more observers (people) record information
Physical instruments-- a variety of measuring devices from yardsticks to thermometers, to electronic counting
devices, cameras, tape recorders, barometers, various sensors, instruments to measure various components of
water, air, and environmental quality, ...
4. Other dimensions of research designs
a. Cross sectional or longitudinal (Time) - study phenomona at one point in time or more than one point. Trend,
cohort, and panel designs are examples of longitudinal approaches.
b. Structured vs unstructured approaches (formal vs informal)
c. Direct vs indirect approaches
d. Exploratory vs confirmatory: explore vs test
e. Descriptive, explanatory, predictive
f. Correlational vs cause-effect relationships
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Alternative Research Designs
Where Data are Collected
How Data are
Surveys & Field
Focus Groups
Surveys & Field
Telephone or
Surveys & Field
Observation &
Internal Records
Gov't , Industry &
Other external
a. Other locations include highway cordon studies, mall intercept surveys, surveys at outdoor shows & other special
events, etc.
A few simple guidelines on when to use different methods:
1. Describing a population - surveys
2. Describing users/visitors - on-site survey
3. Describing potential users or general population - household survey
4. Describing observable characteristics of visitors - on-site observation
5. Measuring impacts, cause-effect relationships - experiments
6. Anytime suitable secondary data exists - secondary data
7. Short, simple household studies - telephone surveys
8. Captive audience or very interested population - self-administered surveys
9. Testing new ideas - experimentation or focus groups
10. In-depth study - in-depth personal interviews, focus groups.
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1. Define the Problem - Problem Analysis
a. Identify problem area
b. Immerse yourself in it
Literature: Relevant concepts, theory, methods, previous research
Talk with people involved
c. Isolate more specific research problem(s)
Identify key variables (dependent, independent), hypothesized relationships
Identify relevant populations
Identify key decisionmakers/clients/users or research
d. Specify research objectives and/or hypotheses
2. Select Research Design - Develop Research Proposal
a. Define key elements of the research problem
Information needed, variables
Population(s) to be studied
Resources available (time, expertise,money)
b. Evaluate alternative designs
Cross sectional, longitudinal, panel study,...
Qualitative or quantitative approach
Survey, experiment, secondary data, ...
Mail, telephone, personal interview, on-site or household
Instruments, questionnaires, observation, traces...
Census, sample, probability?, stratify?, cluster?
c. Specify measurement procedures
Define concepts, variables, measurement of each variable
Measurement scales & instrumentation
Assess reliability & validity of measures
d. Specify population and sampling design
Define population, identify sampling frame
Choose sampling approach
Choose sample size
e. Specify analysis approach
Data processing
Statistical analysis
Inferential - hypotheses to test
Intended tables, figures, format of anticipated results
f. Assess threats to reliability & validity, possible errors
g. Assess feasibility of the design - time, costs, expertise
h. Assess ethical issues, human subjects review
3. Implement the research design - Data gathering/Field procedures
a. Pre-testing of instruments and procedures
b. Choose sample and administer measurement procedures
c. Monitor the process, solve problems as they occur
4. Analysis and Reporting - Results
a. Data entry - coding, cleaning, ...
b. Preliminary analysis
c. Descriptive analysis
d. Hypothesis testing
e. Preparation of tables and figures
f. Writing/presenting results
5. Put it all together
a. Final report(s) and articles
b. Drawing conclusions, assessing limitations
c. Applying the results, implications for intended users
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Whether you are designing research or reading and evaluating it, it is useful to approach the task as one of
controlling for or looking for errors. The following is a list of the types of errors to watch for when designing research or
reading research reports. The principles and methods for research design are largely to control for error.
1. Problem Definition: Conceptualization of research problem may not adequately or accurately reflect the real
- use of a theory or assumptions that are faulty or do not apply
- research problem doesn't address the management questions
- reductionism - omission of key variables
2. Surrogate information error: variation between the information required to solve the problem and the
information sought by researcher.
3. Measurement error: variation between information sought and information produced by the measurement
process. (reliability and validity)
4. Population specification error: variation between the population required to provide needed information and the
population sought by the researcher. (rule for clearly defining the study population)
5. Frame error: variation between the population as defined by the researcher and list of population elements used
by the researcher.
6. Sampling error: variation between a representative sample and the sample generated by a probability sampling
method (sampling error estimates, checking for representativeness).
7. Selection error: variation between a representative sample and the sample obtained by a nonprobability sampling
method. (check for representativeness)
8. Nonresponse error: variation between the sample that was selected and the one that actually participated in the
study. (evaluating non-response bias).
9. Experimental error: variation between the actual impact of treatment and the impact attributed to it based on an
experimental design (pre-measurement, interaction, selection, history, maturation, instrumentation, mortality,
reactive error, timing, surrogate situation - will define later when we cover experimental design). (experimental
10. Data processing errors: errors in coding and handling of data. (cleaning)
11. Analysis errors: Covers a variety of errors including violation of assumptions of statistical procedures, use of
inappropriate or incorrect procedures, mis-handling of missing values, calculation errors, and faulty
interpretation of results.
12. Reporting and Communication errors: Errors made in preparing oral or written reports including both
typographic and logical errors. Faulty interpretation of results made by users. (editing)
13. Application errors: Inappropriate or faulty application of the research results to a management problem. Overgeneralizing the results to situations where they may not apply is a common error in applying research results.
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Nominal or Conceptual definitions define concepts in terms of other concepts.
Operational definitions define concepts in terms of a set of measurement procedures for generating the concept.
EXAMPLE 1. Conceptual definition - Length of table is the distance from one end to the other. Operational definition - Length of table
is the number that results from the following procedure : Place a yardstick along one edge of the table, place additional yardsticks end to
end until one extends over the other edge. Read the numeric marking for inches on the final yardstick at the point where it is exactly over
the other edge of the table (call this X inches). Count the number of yardsticks you have used (call this N). Compute (N-1) * 36 + X.
Repeat this process on the edge perpendicular to this one. The length of the table in inches is the larger of these two numbers.
EXAMPLE 2. Age- Conceptual definition- the number of years that have passed since a person's date of birth. Operational definitions:
A. Ask an individual for his name, place of birth (county and state), and names of both parents. Go to the county records office for the
given county and find the record for the person with the given name. If there are more than one such records, check for names of parents.
Identify the date of birth from this record. Subtract the year of birth from 1991. If the month and day of birth has not yet been reached in
the current year, subtract 1. DEF B. Give the subject a slip of paper with the following question. ENTER YOUR AGE IN YEARS AT
YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY ______. The number written in the blank is the person's age.
NOMINAL: classify objects into categories with no ordering, the special case of two categories is termed a
dichotomous variable. examples: Religion, State of Birth.
ORDINAL: classify objects into categories with an ordering (less than, equal to, or greater than) but not neccesarily
equal distances between levels. examples; high, medium, low ; small, medium, large; hardness scale for minerals.
INTERVAL: An ordered scale where distances between categories are meaningful. For example there is 10 years
difference in age between someone age 10 and age 20, or someone age 70 and age 80. Examples - anything measured
using the real number system is an interval scale, income in dollars, age in years, temperature in degrees Celsius.
RATIO: An interval scale with a "natural zero". A natural zero is the total absence of the attribute being measured. eg.
Kelvin temperature scale is a ratio scale (0 degrees Kelvin = absence of any molecular motion), while Farenheit and
Celsius scales are interval, but not ratio scales. A ratio scale is required to make statements like "X is twice as warm as
Y”. Otherwise, ratio and interval scales have similar properties.
Examples: Measures of income at each level of measurement.
NOMINAL-Middle income if income is between $30,000 and $50,000
Not middle if less than $30 or more than $50.
LOW is less than 30
MID if between 30 and 50
HIGH if greater than 50
Income in dollars from Line 17 of 1995 tax return.
INTERVAL but not RATIO scale - Income in dollars + $10,000. This contrived measure doesn't have a natural
zero, but it is an interval scale. Note how the shift changes interpretations like "twice or half as large".
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mode, frequency tables, percentages
Chi square
median, percentile,
range, interquartile deviation
Rank order statistics
standard deviation
T-test, ANOVA, etc.
A dichotomous variable measured as 0 or 1 can be considered to be any of these scales and all of the above statistics can
be applied.
RELIABILITY is the absence of random error in a measure, the degree to which a measure is repeatable - yields the
same answer each time we measure it. We assess reliability by test-retest, split half method for indexes & scales
(Cronbach's alpha), and alternative forms.
VALIDITY is the absence of systematic error (bias) in a measure, the degree to which we are measuring what we
purport to measure. Types of validity are content (or face), criterion-related and construct validity
ACCURACY of a measure typically implies the absence of both systematic and random error, i.e a measure that is both
reliable and valid is called accurate. Also note the distinction between precision (fineness of distinctions, number of
decimal places) vs accuracy (how close the measure is to the "true" value". The "true" measure is something we can
never know with certainty. Scientists therefore refer to reliability and validity of measures vs accuracy.
The differences between reliability and vailidity are illustrated by looking at the targets below. Think of taking 100
independent measures (shots at a target here) and displaying the results graphically. Note that validity and reliability are
two independent concepts. Reliability is indicated by the repeatability of the measure (a tight shot group) while validity
refers to whether the measures center on the true measure (or target).
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5. Assessing Reliability and Validity of a measure
a. Reliability
1. test-retest
2. alternative forms
3. split half/ Cronbach's alpha
b. Validity
1. content or face validity
2. criterion-related validity
a. concurrent
b. predictive
3. construct validity
6. Souces of measurement error
a. Sources of bias
1. Due to researcher or measurement instrument; expectations, training, deception
2. Due to subjects, e.g. Hawthorne effect, reactivity
3. Due to research design – biased samples, nonresponse
b. Sources of noise (random error)
1. Differences among people
2. Fuzzy definitions, criteria, procedures yielding inconsistent interpretations
3. Mixing processes
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A. Kinds of Information
1. Demographics, socioeconomics and other personal attributes: age, race, education, gender, income,
family size/structure, location of residence, years living in the area, place where person was born,
grew up, personality, ...
2. Cognitive - what do they know, beliefs (what do they think is true or false)
3. Affective - attitudes, how do they feel about something, preferences, likes and dislikes, evaluations,...
4. Behavioral - what have they done in past, are doing in present, expect to do in future (behavioral
B. Question structures
1. Open ended
2. Close ended with ordered choices, eg. Likert scale
3. Close ended with unordered choices
4. Partially close ended, ("other" option)
C. Question content
1. Is this question necessary? useful?
2. Are several questions needed on this subject? Double barrelled questions.
3. Do respondents have information to answer the question? Should a filter question be included. How
precise can subjects answer? Is question too demanding?
4. Does question need to be more concrete, specific and related to subject's personal experience? Is a time
referent provided?
5. Is question sufficiently general? Do you want recent behavior or "typical behavior"?
6. Do replies express general attitudes or specific ones?
7. Is content loaded or biased
8. Are subjects willing to answer?
9. Can responses be compared with existing information?
D. Question wording
1. Will words be uniformly understood? Simple language. Beware of technical phrases, jargon and
2. Does question adequately express the alternatives?
3. Is the question misleading due to unstated assumption or unseen implications.
4. Is wording biased, emotional, or slanted?
5. Will wording be objectionable to respondents?
6. Use more or less personalized wording.
7. Ask in more direct or more indirect way?
E. Form of Response
1. Open or closed
2. If closed, ordered or unordered; number of categories, type of queue,forced or unforced choice
3. Be sure categories are mutually exclusive.
F. Sequencing of questions
1. Will this question influence responses to others?
2. Is question led up to in a natural way?
3. Placement to create interest, improve response rate.
4. Branching, Skipping, and transitions on questionnaires.
PRR 844 Topic Outlines
G. Most Common Problems in Questionnaire Design
Page 20
1. Lack of specificity.
a.. Not indicating a timeframe for questions about behavior (within past day, week, month, etc)
b. Asking for what people do in general or on average vs what they did on a particular trip or during a
particular week. The concern is usually that the last trip or a particular day or trip may not be a
"typical one". Proper sampling usually covers this potential problem. Remember that we are usually
not interested in a particular subject's response, but will likely report averages or percentages across
population subgroups. If we randomly sample trips, chances are that if for one person the trip we
choose happens to be longer than their usual trip, for others the random choices will yield the
opposite. For a large enough sample and proper random sampling no single observation is
representative, but collectively the sample will be.
c. Too much aggregation: to measure complex phenomona we usually must break them into component
parts. e.g. How many days of recreation participation, hours of leisure last week? Concepts too vague
and aggregate to yield reliable information. Ask for individual activities and then add up responses.
2. Not using filter/branch/contingency questions for questions that may not apply to all subjects. Don't assume
everyone is aware of everything or fulfills the requirements for answering a particular question.
a. Question doesn't apply : e.g. if not stay overnight don't ask number of nights or lodging type
b. Subject not informed adequately about a topic : e.g. don’t ask attitudes or opinions about things without
first assessing awareness.
3. Use of technical terms or complex language. Don't use technical terms like carrying capacity, sustained
yield, ADA, etc. on non-technical audiences. What you put in research proposal must be translated
and phrased for the population being surveyed.
4. Asking questions subjects likely cannot answer.
a. Recall of details from distant or even recent past. "How many fish did you catch in 1985? "How many
people were in the pool this morning?
b. Looking for deep motivations and attitudes on topics subjects really haven't thought about very much or
don't know much about. " To visitors - Should we use more volunteers or regular park staff at the
visitor center?"
5. Trying to handle complex matters in a single question vs breaking it down into smaller pieces. Often termed
"double barreled" questions.
6. Using questionnaires to gather data that is better collected via observation, physical instruments, or from
available records. e.g. What was the temperature or weather conditions today, in personal interview are you
male or female, for a park manager - how many visitors did you have last week (without opportunity to look it
7. Implied alternatives: State them. e.g. Do you feel Lansing should charge $2 for entrance to the zoo OR
should the zoo be free of charge.
8. Unstated assumptions: How far did you drive to reach the park? Assumes subject arrived by car.
9. Frame of reference: particularly important when asking for attitudes or evaluations.
e.g. How would you evaluate the performance of the Lansing Parks Department?
- as a user, taxpayer, parent,
- Am I satified?, Do I think most people are satisfied, Are they doing best job possible
with resources they have
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Sample Question Formats
Kinds of variables typically measured in surveys
1. Demographic and socioeconomic characteristics
2. Behavior
3. Attitudes, Interests,Opinions, Preferences, Perceptions
a. Cognitive : Beliefs and knowledge
b. Affective : Feelings, emotional responses
c. Behavioral intentions
1. Simple fill in the blank. Obtaining a straightforward number or other easily understood response.
How old are you? ___________.
In what county is your permanent residence? __________
How much money did you spend on this trip?
$ __________________.
2. Open ended: To avoid leading subject, to obtain wide range of responses in subject’s own words, or when you
don’t know kinds of responses to expect.
What is your primary reason for visiting the park today? _______________________________________.
3. Partially closed ended. List major response categories while leaving room for others. If you have exhaustive
set of categories question can be completely “closed-ended”. Usually check a single reponse, but can also allow
multiple responses (see checklist below).
Which of the following community recreation facilities do you most frequently use? (check one).
neighborhood parks/playgrounds
swimming pools
community centers
natural areas
tennis courts
other (please specify) ___________________
4. Checklists: Allow subjects to check multiple responses. Categories exhaustive & mutually exclusive
Which of the following winter recreation activities have you participated in during the past month?(check all that
Cross-country skiing
Downhill skiing
Ice Skating
Sledding or Toboganning
5. Likert Scales: Versatile format for measuring attitudes. Can replace “agree” with “importance” “satisfaction”,
“interest” “preference” and other descriptors to fit the attitude you wish to measure.
Please check the box that best represents your level of agreement or disagreement with each of the following
statements about downhill skiing:
Downhill skiing is exciting
Downhill skiing is dangerous
Downhill skiing is expensive
Strongly agree
Disgaree Strongly disagree
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6. Rank Ordering: To measure preferences/priorities . Limit to short lists.
Rank the following states in terms of your interest as possible travel destinations for a summer vacation trip.
Place a 1 beside the state you would most like to visit, place a 2 besides your second choice, and a 3 beside your
third choice.
______ Michigan
______ Wisconsin
______ Minnesota
7. Filter Question. To screen for eligibility or knowledge prior to asking other questions. Make sure each
question applies to all subjects or use filters and skips to direct respondents around questions that don’t apply.
Did you stay overnight on your most recent trip?
 NO
 IF YES, How many nights did you spend
away from home? ______
8. Semantic Differential scale. Measure perception or image of something using a set of polar adjectives.
For each of the characteristics listed below, mark an X on the line where you feel downhill skiing falls with respect
to that characteristic. (Could repeat with cross country ski, snomobiling and compare perceptions) (or Coke and
exciting _____
______ ______
expensive _____
______ _____
______ _____
1. Loaded questions
Most people are switching to brand X. Have you switched yet?
Do you agree with (famous person or authority) that our parks are in terrible shape?
How satisfied were you with our service: Very satisfied Quite Satisfied Satisfied
2. Double-barrelled (two questions in one)
Do you use the city parks or recreation centers?
Should Lansing build a new baseball stadium by raising taxes?
3. Not specific enough
Do you downhill ski? - Have you downhill skiied within the past 12 months.
Have you made a trip within the past three months? - Have you taken any overnight trips of 50 miles or
more (one-way)...
How much did you spend on this trip?- Please estimate the amount of money spent by you or any
member of your travel
party within 30 miles of this park.
How many hours of leisure did you have last week. (How define leisure?)
4. Subject able to answer?.
Do you think the American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) has been effective?
How would you rate the job done by our new Parks & Recreation Director.
How much time do your teenagers spend on homework.
How many fish did you catch last year, by species, location, month, ....
How many trips would you make to MI State Parks if entrance fees were eliminated?
What is zipcode of your travel destination?
5. Sensitive questions
Have you committed any crimes within the past week? Yes No.
When did you stop beating your wife?
Sudman, S. and Bradburn, N.M. (1982). Asking Questions: A Practical Guide to Questionnaire Design. San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Hogarth, R.M. (ed). (1982). Question framing and response consistency. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
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Indices and Scales
Indices and scales are defined and used in a variety of ways. Generally they are ordinal measures of some construct that
are based on a composite of items. They are most often used to measure a construct or latent (vs manifest) variable that
is not directly observable.
Babbie distinguishes an index from a scale by
index = simple sum of items
scale = based on patterns of response
Devillis distinguishes them based on causal relationships
index= cause indicator - the items determine level of the construct, e.g. SES
scale = effect indicator - all items result from a common cause, e.g. alienation
Indicators are often measured via an index ( e.g. economic index of leading indicators, quality of
life indicators, ...)
Indices and scales may be uni-dimensional (one underlying construct) or multi-dimensional (two
or more distinct facets or dimensions of the construct , e.g (verbal, quantitative &
analytical parts of GRE score.)
Off-the-shelf index/scale vs “home-built” : There are thousands of scales/indices measuring almost any concept
you are interested in. (See Miller or Bearden et. al. for numerous examples). Existing scales have the
advantage of having their reliability & validity tested (most of them anyway). They may however be
too long, or not exactly what you need. In that case you develop your own scale or index or modify an
existing one, but then you must do your own assessment of validity & reliability.
1. Define the concept /construct-- theory, specificity, what to include in the measure
2. Identify items that measure it - Generate an item pool to choose from. Items should reflect the scale’s purpose:
Can include some redundancy of items
Tips on Good & bad items
avoid lengthy items
aim at reading level of audience/population
avoid multiple negatives, avoid double barrelled items
watch for ambiguous pronouns, misplaced modifiers, adjective forms
reversing polarity of some items avoids agreement bias but may confuse
Determine format for measures
Thurstone - items to represent each level of the attribute
Guttman - progressively more difficult to pass
Likert, Standard formats/issues - number of cues, balanced?, weights
Decide whether a unidimensional or multidimensional scale is appropriate
3. Evaluate face validity of items
Have the item pool reviewed by experts - face validity & item clarity/wording
Consider including some validation items in the scale (predictive or criterion-related)
4. Administer scale/index to a test sample and evaluate the scale
a. Item analysis: means, variances, correl, coefficient alpha,
b. Check bivariate relationships between items - correlations
c. Check multivariate relationships
d. split samples to check stability across samples
5. Finalize the scale - assign scores to items, optimize scale length- alpha depends on co-variaton among
items and number of items, handle missing data if necessary
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1. Reliability (SPSS Reliability analysis computes alpha and inter-item correlations): Internal consistency
homogeneity, item analysis
a. Coefficient alpha measures the proportion of total variance in a set of items that is due to the
latent variable (in common across the scale items).
 = [k/(k-1)] * [1 - (I 2 / y 2)],
where k= number of items in scale, I 2 =sum of variances of each item, and y
= total variance of scale
b. Spearman Brown formula -- reliability = k r / [ 1+(k-1) r], where r = the average
inter-item correlation and k = number of items.
Note that longer scales automatically are more reliable. example.1: suppose r for a set of items is
.5. Then a scale with 3 items has = .75. For n =10 and r=.5, = .91. Example 2: Suppose r
=.25, then for n=3, = .5 and for n=10 =.77.
Good scale if reliability above .7, .8 better , if above .9 consider shortening the scale.
c. Other types of reliability
Alternative forms reliability
Temporal stability - test-retest reliablity
Generalizability Theory
2. Validity
Content or Face Validity
Criterion-related, validity
Construct validity
Multi-trait, multi-method validition - MTMM
3. Factor Analysis is a multivariate procedure often used in developing scales. It can assess how many latent variables
(dimensions) underlie a set of items, condensing info, & helping define the content or meaning of each dimension
Ajzen, I. & Fishbein, M. 1980. Understanding attitudes and predicting social behavior. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall.
Bearden, W.O., Netemeyer, R.G., & Mobley, M.F. 1993. Handbook of Marketing Scales. Newbury Park, CA.: Sage.
- whole book of marketing-related scales
Devellis, R.F. 1991. Scale Development: Theory & Applications. Newbury Park, CA.: Sage.
Eagly, A.H. & Chaiken, S. 1993. The Psychology of Attitudes. Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College
Henerson, M., Morris, L.L. and Fitz-Gibbon, C.T. 1987. How to Measure Attitudes. Newbury Park, CA.: Sage.
Miller, D.C. 1991. Handbook of Research Design & Social Measurement 5th ed. Newbury Park, CA.: Sage. Chapter 6 is guidebook to social scales
Nunnally, J.C. 1978. Psychometric Theory. 2nd edition. New York: McGraw Hill.
Robinson, J.P., Shaver, P.R, & Wrightsman, L.S. 1991. Criteria for scale selection and evaluation. in Measures of
Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes. Ann Arbor: Univ. of Michigan Survey Reseasrch Center Institute
for Social Research.
PRR 844 Topic Outlines
Page 25
1. Census vs sample
2. Steps in sampling process
a. Define study population
b. Specify sampling frame
c. Specify sampling unit
d. Specify sampling method
e. Determine sample size
f. Specify sampling plan
g. Choose sample
2. Study population: Define population in terms of element, sampling unit, extent and time.
Adults 12 years of age and older
Sampling unit
In vehicles
Entering Yogi Bear Park
Between July 1 and August 31, 1993
3. Sampling frame : a perfect one lists every element of the population once
4. Sampling unit is element or set of elements considered for selection at some stage in sampling
5. Sampling method
Probability - each element has a known chance of selection, can estimate sampling error when probability
sampling is used.
Non-probability - don't know probabilities & can't estimate sampling errors. Examples: Judgement,
convenience, quota, purposive, snowball
Probability sampling methods:
Simple random sample (SRS),
Systematic sample.
Stratified vs Cluster sample
Proportionate vs disproportionate
Single vs multistage
6. Stratified samples : Stratify to a) ensure enough samples in designated population subgroups and to increase
efficiency of sample by taking advantage of smaller subgroup variances. In stratified sample you divide population
into subgroups (strata) and sample some elements from each subgroup. Subgroups should be formed to be
homogeneous - people in same group are similar to each other on variables you intend to measure and people in
different groups are different on these variables.
7. Cluster or Area Sample : Cluster to reduce costs of gathering data. Cluster samples are less efficient than simple
random samples in terms of the sampling error for a given sample size.
In cluster sampling, you divide
population into subgroups (clusters) and sample elements only from some of the clusters. When cluster sampling,
form heterogeneous subgroups so that you will not miss any particular type of person/element because you didn't
select a particular cluster. Generally groups are formed based on geographic considerations in cluster sampling and
it is therefore also called area sampling.
8. Disproportionate sampling. Note that all elements need NOT have an EQUAL chance of selection to be a probability
sample, only a KNOWN probability. However, to have a representative sample each population subgroup should
be represented proportionately to their occurence in the population. The best way to assure this is for each element
to have equal chance of selection. If sampling is disproportionate, you must weight the resulting sample to adjust
for different probabilities of selection. See attached example.
9. Determine sample size: Sample size is based on a) budget, b) desired accuracy (confidence level/interval), and c)
amount of variance in population on variable(s) being measured. It is also affected by whether or not you wish to
do subgroup analyses. Tables provide the sampling errors associated with different sample sizes for sampling from
a binomial distribution. More on this later.
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TOPIC 6A. Sampling populations of visitors, trips and nights - Weighting
Recreation and travel studies often sample populations of visitors using household and on-site sampling designs. Care
must be exercised in such studies to avoid a number of potential biases in the sample that can result from the unequal
sampling probabilities caused by variations in the length of stay or frequency of visitation across population subgroups.
Length of stay bias is a common problem in on-site studies. For example, if motel visitors are sampled by randomly
choosing occupied rooms each night, visitors staying short periods will be less likely to be chosen than visitors staying
for a longer time. Someone staying two nights would have twice the chance of being chosen as someone staying only
one night. This bias in the sample can be corrected by weighting cases in inverse proportion to their probability of being
chosen. For example, two night stay visitors would be weighted 1/2 that of single night visitors to adjust for the unequal
selection probabilities.
The existence of such sampling biases depends on how the population has been defined and the sampling frame chosen.
Three common populations may be defined for these kinds of recreation and travel surveys:
(1) Population of visitors = any individual visiting a site for one or more days during a given time period.
(2) Population of trips or visits = defined as either person or party visits, the population in this case is the visit or
trip, which may consist of several days/nights.
(3) population of nights (person or party) = an individual or party staying one night. Someone staying 3 nights on a
trip would be treated as three distinct members of the population of nights.
Biases enter when a sampling frame appropriate for one definition of the population is used to generate a sample for a
different population definition. For example, if the population of interest is visitors (definition 1) and we sample nights
or trips, repeat and longer stay visitors will be overrepresented in the sample. Similar biases can result when household
surveys are used to generate a sample of trips or nights. For example, travel surveys that ask households to report their
most recent trip and then analyze trip characteristics, will overrepresent the kinds of trips that less frequent travelers
If the researcher is aware of the problem , it can usually be corrected easily by asking length of stay and frequency of
visit questions and then applying appropriate weights based on these measures. A simple example helps illustrate.
Note that in the example we KNOW the full population(s) and therefore any bias in the sample is readily evident by
simply comparing a sample estimate with the population value.
General rule for weighting cases is
1. Identify unequal probabilities of selection for population subgroups.
2. Weight cases in inverse proportion to their selection probabilities. e.g. if one type of visitor is twice as likely to be
chosen as another, assign the former a weight of 1/2 relative to the latter.
3. It is sometimes also desirable to normalize weights so that the weighted sample is the same size as the original one.
Do this by making the weights sum to one.
EXAMPLE: Population of 1,000 Visitors divided equally between two types (say non-resident=Type A and
resident=Type B). Assume TYPE A visitors take 1 trip per year, averaging 4 nights per trip
. TYPE B visitors
take 4 trips per year averaging 2 nights per trip. We can completely specify the population of visitors, trips and nights as
Popl n of Vi s i t or s
Pc t
Popl n of Tr i
Suppose we want to Draw sample to estimate the following:
1. Percent of population who are Type A
2. Percent of Trips by Type A visitors
3. Percent of Nights by Type A visitors
Pc t
Popl n of Ni ght s
Pc t
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their last trip. This gives us a sample of 200 visitors and 200 trips.
If random sampling works reasonably, we will get a sample of roughly 100 TYPE A's and 100 Type B's, with one trip
reported for each visitor. Note that the sampling frame is for the population of visitors. Be careful if you start doing
analyses with trips (or nights) as the unit of analysis. You won’t necessarily have a representative sample of trips or
nights. Let’s look:
From this sample, the percent of trips by TYPE A = 1/2, a biased (wrong) answer, since we know in the population of
trips that only 20% are by Type A’s. Problem is we do not have a representative sample of trips - a given trip by a Type
A is four times more likely to be chosen as a given trip of a Type B person.
We can choose trips, by first choosing person (these are equal), but gathering one trip per visitor introduces a bias since
it gives different kinds of trips unequal probabilities of being sampled. Correct by weighting the sample to adjust for
unequal probability of selection. .
Weight cases inversely proportional to their probability of selection.
Prob of choosing given trip = prob of choosing person x prob trip is selected given person
Type A trip prob = 100/500 * 1/1
Type B trip prob = 100/500 * 1/4
= 1/5
= 1/20
Weight inversely proportional to these probabilities, e.g. since probability ratio is 4:1 make weights 1:4. This reflects
fact that type A trips are four times more likely to be chosen.
Type A Weight = 1
Type B Weight =4
Weight = Corrected sample
= 100
= 400
Pct of trips
Note the percents are the correct values as observed in population above. If we had not weighted, we would irroniously
estimate half of trips are Type A. Normalized weights would be 1/5 and 4/5 - two weights in proprotions of 1:4 that add
to one.
OPTION 2. RANDOM SAMPLE OF NIGHTS. Suppose instead of sampling households (visitors) we take our sample
on-site by randomly selecting every 10th occupied site/room in motels or campgrounds. This sampling frame is for the
population of nights. Unweighted estimates of Type A nights would be correct, but estimates of Type A visitors or trips
would be biased. Use same procedures as above to calculate appropriate weights. Check your result to see if you obtain
the correct percentages - in this case
you know these from the population figures above.
1. Survey research attempts to measure things as they are. The researcher wishes to measure phenomona without
intruding upon or changing the things being measured. This is in contrast with experiments, which intentionally
manipulate at least one variable (the treatment) to study its effects on another (dependent variable or effect).
2. Survey research generally means gathering data from people by asking questions - self administered, phone, or in
person personal interviews (Interview Surveys). See Babbie, Trochim or any methods text for strengths and
weaknesses of these three approaches. Key is choosing the most appropriate approach in a given situation. This will
depend on a) budget, b) turnaround time, c) content and number of questions, and d) population being measured.
3. Survey designs best suited to describe a population- demographic & socioeconomic characteristics, knowledge &
beliefs, attitudes, feelings & preferences, and behaviors and behavioral intentions.
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4. Types of survey designs
a. Cross sectional : study phenomonon at a single point in time (snapshot of the study population).
b. Longitudinal : study phenomona at more than one point in time.
i.. Trend study: Measure same general population at two or more times.
ii. Cohort Study : Measure same specific population at two or more times
iii. Panel study: Measure same individuals (same sample) at two or more times.
c. Approximating longitudinal study with cross sectional designs.
i. replication of previous studies.
ii. using recall or expectation questions
iii. using cohorts as surrogates for a temporal dimension
5. Key Survey Research Issues
a. Study population: identifiable, reachable, literacy, language
b. Sampling, obtaining representative samples, sample size, sampling unit
c. Choice of mail, interview, phone; household, on-site, internet, etc.
d. Questionnaire development & testing
e. Follow-up procedures & non-response bias e. Interviewer/instrument effects and other biases
f. Field procedures, interviewer training, costs, facilities, time, personnel
g. Data handling & analysis
6. Steps in Survey
1. Assess Feasibility
2. Set objectives, identify variables & population
3. Choose approach/design
4. Develop instruments (write questions, format, sequencing, cover letters…)
5. Pretest instruments and procedures, train interviewers
6. Sampling plan and sample size
7. Gather data/execute survey
8. Data entry, processing and analysis
9. Reporting
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A. Introduction
Experiments are designed to test for relationships between one or more dependent variables and one or more
independent variables. They are uniquely qualified to determine cause-effect relationships.
Consider experimental or quasi-experimental approaches whenever you are interested in studying the effects of
one variable on another as contrasted with studying the relationship between the two variables.
Experiments are distinguished from surveys in that the researcher consciously manipulates the situation in order to study
a cause-effect relationship. Survey procedures measure things as they are and try to avoid any researcher caused changes
in the objects under study.
FOR EXAMPLE : A pollster asking who people intend to vote for in the next election is conducting a survey -trying to measure what the result woud be if the election were held today. His questioning is designed to
measure voter preference without influencing the choice in any way. This research could become an
experiment if the study is investigating how pre-election polling influences voting patterns. In this situation, the
act of polling is an intervention or treatment, consciously introduced for the purpose of manipulating the
situation and then measuring the effects on voters.
Typical examples of experiments in recreation & tourism:
1. Effects of an information or promotion programs on knowledge, attitudes, or behavior. eg. Is a promotional
program successful in increasing brand awareness, image, or sales? Which media, messages, etc. are more
effective with which subgroups of potential customers? What is the effect of interpretation, environmental
education, or outdoor adventure programs on environmental knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors? Does an outdoor
adventure program increase a person's self-concept, improve family bonding, increase social cohesion, etc.
2. Consumer reaction to price changes. Bamford, Manning et. al. (JLR 20,4, 324-342) a good example. Response of
consumers to product changes or location/distributional approaches. With promotion above, this covers 4 P's of
3. Effectiveness of various TR interventions.
4. Impacts of tourism on community attitudes; social, economic, and environmental impacts.
5. Positive and negative consequences of recreation and tourism - physical health, mental health, family bonding,
economic impacts, learning, etc. Consequences for individuals, families, social groups, communities, societies,
global consequences.
6. Experiments have been used in studying people's preferences for landscapes and more generally to measure the
relative importance of different product attributes in consumer choices. e.g. conjoint analysis (see Tull &
Hawkins pp. 359-370.
B. There are many alternative experimental designs, but the basic principles behind an experiment can be illustreated
with the Classic Pre-test, post-test with control (also called before after with control).
This experimental design involves two groups (experimental and control) and measurements before and after the
"treatment". It can be diagrammed as follows:
Experimental group
Control Group
R denotes random assignment to experimental and control groups
X denotes administration of the treatment
Other entries denote measures made before (B) or after (A) the administration of the treatment.
Measure of the effect = (MA1-MB1) - (MA2-MB2)
without ;
NOT simply after (MA1) - before (MB1)
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Note the effect is the change in experimental group adjusted for any change in the control group. Without the adjustment
for the control group, you have a before-after measure rather than a with vs without measure. The experimental group
change is the change with the treatment, while control group change is the change without the treatment. The difference
in the two is a "with minus without" measure. This design controls for all major internal validity errors except
interaction (see below).
In program evaluation, the program is the treatment or "cause" and program outcomes or impacts are the "effects" to be
measured. Critical to understanding experiments is understanding of the role of the control group and the potential
sources of error that experiments control for (covered in D below).
C. Characteristics of a true experiment
1. Sample equivalent experimental and control groups
2. Isolate and control the treatment
3. Measure the effect
In the classic Pre-test -Post-test with control, design above, note how these characteristics are met:
1. random assignment to groups to assure "equivalence"
2. treatment administered to experimental group and withheld from control group
3. Effect is measured by change in experimental group - change in control group.
Quasi-experimental designs fail on one or more of these characteristics:
A simple before-after design lacks a control group.
Ex post facto designs form groups "after the fact". These usually do not involve "equivalent" groups
and may not isolate or control the intended "treatment". People who volunteer for a program
may be different than those who do not in many respects.
D. Sources of Experimental Error - these are the errors that experiments tryto control for in evaluating a causeeffect relationship.
Internal Validity: errors internal to a specific experiment, designs control for these
*1. Premeasurement (Testing) : effect of pre-measurement on dependent variable (post-test)
*2. Selection: nonequivalent experimental & control groups, (statistical regression a special case)
*3. History: impact of any other events between pre- and post measures on dependent variable
*4. Interaction: alteration of the “effect” due to interaction between treatment & pre-test.
5. Maturation: aging of subjects or measurement procedures
6. Instrumentation: changes in instruments between pre and post.
7. Mortality: loss of some subjects
External validity: errors in generalizing beyond the specific experiment
8. Reactive error - Hawthorne effect - artificiality opf experimental situation
9. Measurement timing - measure dependent variable at wrong time
10. Surrogate situation: using popln, treatment or situation different from “real” one.
1. After Only with Control : This design is used widely in evaluating changes in knowledge or attitudes due to an
information, education, or advertising program. It is used instead of pre-test post-test with control due to the likelihood
of interaction affects when testing knowledge or attitudes. It omits the pre-test and relies on large samples or careful
assignment to groups to achive “equivalent” experimental and control groups. No pre-measure avoids interaction effects.
Sacrifice is weaker control over selection errors.
PRR 844 Topic Outlines
2. Other Designs
Quasi Experimental
a. Ex Post Facto
Page 31
b..After Only (no control)
a. Simulated before-after with control
c. Before-After
(no control)
controls for pre-meas/interaction; an alternative to after-only with control - simply varies timing of
measurement on control group (possible history & selection errors)- this design avoids contaminating control
group with the treatment, say in evaluating a large mass media campaign).
b. Solomon 4 group - controls for everything (internal) , but expensive, two control & two experimental groups.
3.Advanced designs
Random Block Designs (RBD) - one major intervening variable, block (stratify) on this variable.
Latin Squares- two non-interacting extraneous variables
Factorial Design - effects of two or more indep. variables (multiple treatments), including interactions
F. LABORATORY vs Field (Natural) experiments, tradeoff between external and internal validity
LAB - high internal validity, but may not generalize to real worl settings
FIELD - high external validity, but may be problems obtaining adequate controls (internal validity).
G. Steps in Conducting an Experiment
1. Identify the relevant study population, the primary "treatment(s)" or independent variable (s) and the measures of the
effect or dependent variables.
2. Choose a suitable design based on an analysis of the potential threats to validity in this situation.
3. Form groups and assign subjects to groups - remember you want to form "equivalent groups".
Random assignment
Matching characteristics
4. Develop measurement procedures/instruments, measures of the effect
5. Run the experiment - make pre-measurements, administer treatment to experimental group, make post-measurements
6. Compute measure of the effect
G. Quasi- Experimental Designs - Examples (Find potential flaws here):
1. Travel Bureau compares travel inquiries in 1991 and 1994 to evaluate 1992 promotion efforts.
2. To assess effectiveness of an interpretive exhibit, visitors leaving park are asked if they saw exhibit or not, Two
groups are compared relative to knowledge, attitudes etc.
TOPIC 7C. Secondary data designs
Secondary data analysis : use of data gathered by someone else for a different purpose – reanalysis of existing data.
See methods links page for links to secondary sources of data about recreation & tourism
Government agencies: e.g. Population, housing & economic censuses, tax collections, traffic counts, employment,
environmental quality measures, park use, …
Internal records of your organization – sales, customers, employees, budgets…
Private sector - industry associations often have data on size and characteristics of industry
Previous surveys – as printed reports or raw data, survey research firms sell data
Library & Electronic sources – the WWW, on-line & CD-ROM literature searches, …
Previously published research – reports have data in summary form, original data often available from author.
Issues in using secondary data.
1) data availability – know what is available & where to find it
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2) relevance – data must be relevant to your problem & situation
3) accuracy – need to understand accuracy & meaning of the data
4) sufficiency – often must supplement secondary data with primary data or judgement to completely address
the problem
Since you did not collect the secondary data it is imperative that you fully understand the meaning and accuracy of the
data before you can intelligently use it. This usually requires you to know how it was collected and by whom. Find
complete documentation of the data or ask about details from source of data. At Gov. Info site choose INFO links to see
documentation of each data source.
Examples: using secondary data to estimate
Trends – Compare surveys in different years or plot time series data - many tables in Spotts Travel &
Tourism Statistical Abstract, Michigan county tourism profiles, economic time series at BLS site, REIS
data at Gov Info Clearing House.
b) Spatial variations - gather data across spatial units, map the result
c) Recreation participation – apply rates from national, state and local surveys to local population data from
Census, rates at NSGA, ARC web pages (Roper-Starch study), NSRE 1994-95 survey
d) Tourism spending – Stynes estimates tourism spending by county in Michigan using a variety of secondary
data and some judgement – lodging room use taxes, motel, campground and seasonal home inventories,
occupancy rates by region, average spending by segment and statewide travel counts. See my economic
impact web site. Also see Leones paper on measuring tourism activity.
Unobtrusive Measurement – content analysis, physical instruments, and observation (See Webb et. al. Unobtrusive
Measures book.
Observation : gathering data using human observers. There are a range of observational methods from highly structured
quantitative counts to qualitative participant observation. Babbie distinguishes a continuum of approaches:
complete participant -- participant as observer -- observer as participant-- complete observer
Quantitative versions of observation employ probability sampling techniques (time or event sampling) and
quantitative measures of the behaviors being observed (generally by means of a highly structured observation
form). Studies may employ multiple observers and evaluate the reliability of observations by comparing
independent observers. E.g. measuring use of a park or trail by counting visitors and observing their
characteristics during randomly selected periods.
Qualitative forms of observation are more interpretive with the observer making field notes and interpreting what
they observed.
Content analysis is a special set of technique for analyzing documentary evidence (letters, articles, books, legal
opinions, brochures, comments, TV programs, …). It is used quite widely in communication and media studies to study
media and messages in human communication. (See Babbie Chapter 12; A Sage monograph by Weber, Robert Philip.
1990. Basic content analysis. Newbury Park, CA: Sage and a book by Ole Holsti . 1969. Content analysis for the social
sciences and humanities. Reading,Mass: Addison-Wesley Publ, Co. are good references
Content analysis is the application of scientific methods to documentary evidence. Makes inferences via objective and
systematic identification of specified characteristics of messages.
REFS: Holsti, Ole R. 1969. Content analysis for the social sciences and humanities. Reading Mass: Addison Wesley.
Also see Babbie's Chapter 12.
Applications in recreation to coding open ended survey questions, analyzing public involvement, analysis of societal (or
individual) values, opinions and attitudes as reflected in written documents, etc.
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TOPIC 8. Data Gathering, Field Procedures and Data Entry (incomplete)
There are many tedious but important procedures involved in gathering data. These should be clearly thought
out in advance, tested, and included in a study proposal.
For surveys: mailing options, follow-ups, interviewer training,..
Data entry options: CATI systems,
Coding and cleaning
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1. Functions of statistics
a. description: summarize a set of data
b. inference: make generalizations from sample to population. parameter estimates, hypothesis tests.
2. Types of statistics
i. descriptive statistics: describe a set of data
a. central tendency: mean, median (order statistics), mode.
b. dispersion: range, variance & standard deviation,
c. Others: shape -skewness, kutosis.
d. EDA procedures (exploratory data analysis).
Stem & leaf display: ordered array, freq distrib. & histogram all in one.
Box and Whisker plot: Five number summary-minimum,Q1, median, Q3, and maximum.
Resistant statistics: trimmed and winsorized means,midhinge, interquartile deviation.
ii. inferential statistics: make inferences from samples to populations.
iii. Parameteric vs non-parametric statistics
a. parametric : generally assume interval scale measurements and normally distributed variables.
b. nonparametric (distribution free statistics) : generally weaker assumptions: ordinal or nominal
measurements, don't specify the exact form of distribution.
3.Steps in hypothesis testing.
1. Make assumptions & choose the appropriate statistic. Check measurement scale of variables.
2. State null hypothesis; and the alternative
3. Select a confidence level for the test. Determine the critical region - values of the statistic for which you will
reject the null hypothesis.
4. Calculate the statistic.
5. Reject or fail to reject null hypothesis.
6. Interpret results.
Type I error: rejecting null hypothesis when it is true.
Prob of Type I error is 1-confidence level.
Type II error: failing to reject null hypothesis when it is false.
Power of a test = 1-prob of a type II error.
4. Null hypotheses for simple bivariate tests.
a. Pearson Correlation
rxy =0.
b. T-Test
x =y
c. One Way ANOVA
d. Chi square : No relationship between x and y. Formally, this is captured by the "expected table", which
assumes cells in the X-Y table can be generated completely from row and column totals.
(1) T-TEST. Tests for differences in means (or percentages) across two subgroups. Null hypothesis is mean of Group 1
= mean of group 2. This test assumes interval scale measure of dependent variable (the one you compute means for) and
that the distribution in the population is normal. The generalization to more than two groups is called a one way analysis
of variance and the null hypothesis is that all the subgroup means are identical. These are parametric statistics since they
assume interval scale and normality.
(2) Chi square is a nonparametric statistic to test if there is a relationship in a contingency table, i.e. Is the row variable
related to the column variable? Is there any discernible pattern in the table? Can we predict the column variable Y if we
know the row variable X?
The Chi square statistic is calculated by comparing the observed table from the sample, with an "expected" table derived
under the null hypothesis of no relationship. If Fo denotes a cell in the observed table and Fe a corresponding cell in
expected table, then
Chi square (  ) =
 (Fo -Fe) /Fe
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The cells in the expected table are computed from the row (nr ) and column (nc ) totals for the sample as follows:
Fe =nr nc / n
CHI SQUARE TEST EXAMPLE: Suppose a sample (n=100) from student population yields the following observed
table of frequencies:
 = (20-30) /30 + (40-30) /30 + (30-20) /20 + (10-20) /20
100/30 + 100/30 + 100/20 +100/20 = 13.67
Chi square tables report the probability of getting a Chi square value
this high for a particular random sample, given that there is no
relationship in the population. If doing the test by hand, you would
look up the probability in a table. There are different Chi square tables
depending on the number of cells in the table. Determine the number of
degrees of freedom for the table as (rows-1) X (columns -1). In this
case it is (2-1)*(2-1)=1. The probability of obtaining a Chi square of
13.67 given no relationship is less than .001. (The last entry in my table gives 10.83 as the chi square value
corresponding to a probability of .001, so 13.67 would have a smaller probability).
If using a computer package, it will normally report both the Chi square and the probability or significance level
corresponding to this value. In testing your null hypothesis, REJECT if the reported probability is less than .05 (or
whatever confidence level you have chosen). FAIL TO REJECT if the probability is greater than .05.
(1) Nominal level variables, so we used Chi square.
(2) State null hypothesis. No relationship between gender and IM-USE
(3) Choose confidence level. 95%, so alpha = .05, critical region is  > 3.84 (see App E -p. A-28).
(4) Draw sample and calculate the statistic;  = 13.67
(5). 13.67 > 3.84, so inside critical region, REJECT null hypothesis. Alternatively, SIG= .001 on computer printout,
.001<.05 so REJECT null hypothesis.
Note we could have rejected null hypothesis at .001 level here.
WHAT HAVE WE DONE? We have used probability theory to determine the likelihood of obtaining a contingency
table with a Chi square of 13.67 or greater given that there is no relationship between gender and IMUSE. If there is no
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relationship (null hypothesis is true), obtaining a table that deviates as much as the observed table does from the
expected table would be very rare - a chance of less than one in 1000. We therefore assume we didn't happen to get this
rare sample, but instead our null hypothesis must be false. Thus we conclude there is a relationship between gender and
The test doesn't tell us what the relationship is, but we can inspect the observed table to find out. Calculate row or
column percents and inspect these. Percents below are row percents obtained by dividing each entry on a row by the row
Row percents:
To find the "pattern" in table, compare row percents for each row with the "Totals" at bottom. Thus, half of sample are
men, whereas only a third of IMusers are male and three quarters of nonusers are male. Conclusion - men are less likely
to use IM.
-------------------------------------------------------------Column Percents: Divide entries in each column by column total.
PATTERN: 40% of males use IM, compared to 80% of women. Conclude women more likely to use IM. Note in this
case the column percents provide a clearer description of the pattern than row percents.
a. Measures of strength of a relationship vs a statistical test of a hypothesis. There are a number of statistics that
measure how strong a relationship is, say between variable X and variable Y. These include parametric statistics like the
Pearson Correlation coefficient, rank order correlation measures for ordinal data (Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau), and
a host of non-parametric measures including Cramer's V, phi, Yule's Q, lambda, gamma, and others. DO NOT confuse a
measure of association with a test of a hypothesis. The Chi square statistic tests a particular hypothesis. It tells you little
about how strong the relationship is, only whether you can reject a hypothesis of no relationship based upon the
evidence in your sample. The problem is that the size of Chi square depends on strength of relationships as well as
sample size and number of cells. There are measures of association based on chi square that control for the number of
cells in table and sample size. Correlation coefficients from a sample tell how strong the relationship is in the sample,
not whether you can generalize this to the population. There is a test of whether a correlation coefficient is significantly
different from zero that evaluates generalizability from the sample correlation to the population correlation. This tests
the null hypothesis that the correlation in the population is zero.
b. Statistical significance versus practical significance. Hypothesis tests merely test how confidently we can
generalize from what was found in the sample to the population we have sampled from. It assumes random
sampling-thus, you cannot do statistical hypothesis tests from a non-probability sample or a census. The larger the
sample, the easier it is to generalize to the population. For very large sample sizes, virtually ALL hypothesized
relationships are statistically significant. For very small samples, only very strong relationships will be statistically
significant. What is practically significant is a quite different matter from what is statistically significant. Check to see
how large the differences really are to judge practical significance, i.e. does the difference make a difference?.
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1. Calculate mean, median, standard deviation, variance from a set of data.
2. Compute Z scores to find areas under normal distribution.
3. Find an alpha (95%) percent confidence interval for the mean.(alpha given). Must estimate the standard error of
mean, 95% CI = 2 S.E.'s either side of mean.
4. Given a confidence level, accuracy desired, and estimate of variance, determine the required sample size for a
survey. n=Z22/ e2 , where Z is number of standard errors assoc. with confidence level,  is an estimate of
standard deviation of variable in the population, and e is size of error you can tolerate.
5. Similar problems for proportions rather than means. Simply replace standard deviation by sqrt(p(1-p)), the
standard deviation of a binomial distribution with probability p. n=Z2p(1-p)/ e2
6.Chi square test of relationship between two nominal scaled variables.
7. Brief Summary of Multivariate Analysis Methods. SPSS procedure in Capitals.
1. Linear Regression: Estimate a linear relationship between a dependent variable and a set of independent
variables. All must be interval scale or dichotomous (dummy variables).(See Babbie p 437, T&H, p 619, Also
JLR 15(4). Examples: estimating participation in recreation activities, cost functions, spending. REGRESSION.
2. Non-linear models : Similar to above except for the functional form of the relationship. Gravity models, logit
models, and some time series models are examples. (See Stynes & Peterson JLR 16(4) for logit, Ewing Leisure
Sciences 3(1) for gravity. Examples: Similar to above when relationships are non-linear. Gravity models widely
used in trip generation and distribution models. Logit models in predicting choices. NLR
3. Cluster analysis : A host of different methods for grouping objects based upon their similarity across several
variables. (See Romesburg JLR 11(2) & book review same issue.) Examples: Used frequently to form market
segments or otherwise group cases. See Michigan Ski Market Segmentation Bulletin #391 for a good
4. Factor analysis. Method for reducing a large number of variables into a smaller number of independent
(orthogonal) dimensions or factors. (See Kass & Tinsley JLR 11(2); Babbie p 444, T&H pp 627). Examples:
Used in theory development (e.g. What are the underlying dimensions of leisure attitudes?) and data reduction
(reduce number of independent variables to smaller set). FACTOR.
5. Discriminant analysis: Predicts group membership using linear "discriminant" functions. This is a variant of
linear regression suited to predicting a nominal dependent variable. (See JLR 15(4) ; T&H pp 625). Examples:
Predict whether an individual will buy a sail, power, or pontoon boat based upon demographics and
socioeconomics. DISCRIMINANT
6. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA): To identify sources of variation in a dependent variable across one or more
independent variables. Tests null hypothesis of no difference in means of dependent variable for three or more
subgroups (levels or categories of independent variable). The basic statistical analysis technique for experimental
designs. (See T&H pp 573, 598). Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) is the extension to more
complex designs. (See JLR 15(4)). ANOVA, MANOVA.
7. Multidimensional scaling (MDS): Refers to a number of methods for forming scales and identifying the structure
(dimensions) of attitudes. Differ from factor analysis in employing non-linear methods. MDS can be based on
measures of similarities between objects. Applic in recreation & tourism- mapping images of parks or travel
destinations. Identifying dimensions of leisure attitudes.RELIABILITY (See T&H pp 376.)
8.Others: Path analysis (LISREL) (Babbie p. 441), canonical correlation, conjoint analysis (See T& H 359, App C),
multiple classification analysis, time series analysis (Babbie p. 443), log linear analysis (LOGLINEAR
HILOGLINEAR) linear programming, simulation.
PRR 844 Topic Outlines
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Topic 10. Research Ethics : acceptable methods & practices
1. Voluntary Participation : Informed Consent
2. No Harm to Subjects, Deception, Right to Privacy
3. Anonymity & Confidentiality
4. Open & Honest reporting
5. Client confidentiality
6. Don't use research as guise for selling something or for other purposes
Examples in Babbie: Trouble in Tearoom & Human Obedience Study
Political and social issues: substance & use of research
1. Objectivity of scientist
2. Client-researcher relationships
3. Understanding range of stakeholders and the likely uses/misuses of research results
4. Scientific truth & knowledge as goal vs other practical matters
5. Social & political factors particularly important in evaluation research
6. Keeping clients & stakeholders informed
7. Political correctness & science
8. Researcher & organizational reputations
9. Relationships within and outside the organization
Topic 11. Research Writing & Presentations
1. Research style more impersonal, objective, concise and to the point, avoid embellishments
2. Complex subject requires clear organization, careful definition of terms, effective use of tables, graphs, charts.
3. Use a standard style guide, e.g. APA or Chicago Manual of Style. Follow style of outlet paper or talk will appear in.
4. Literature review, citing others work, plagiarism
5. Major headings of research article or report are ABSTRACT or EXEC SUMMARY, INTRO., PROBLEM,
6. Typical Sub-headings in Methods Section: Study population, sampling procedures; definition of concepts,
measurement, special sections for questionnaire design, experimental design where appropriate, field procedures
including pretesting, data gathering, follow-ups etc., plan of analysis, hypotheses and hypothesis testing
procedures if appropriate.
7. General guidelines same as any communications:
a. Know your subject
b. Know your audience
c. Choose most effective way of reaching audience
d. Multiple outlets and formats for most research
e. Rewrite or practice, have paper/talk reviewed, rewrite again.
f. Learn to edit/criticize your own work
g. Use tools you have available - e.g. spell checkers, enlargement for overheads
h. Make effective use of tables, diagrams, charts, bulleted lists, etc.
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Topic 12. Supplemental Material
In some cases, one has a problem in search of solution, in other cases a research result in search of an application, in
others some of both.
1. Know what to look for. First must define what the problems/questions are. Identify key parts of problem. General and
specific information needs.
* If specific information need, consider how you might generalize the question. You are more likely to find
research relevant to a more generally stated question. Questions that are very specific, particularly to time and
place seldom have answers in existing research. Information would either exist locally (in your organization or
closely related place) or you would need to begin your own study.
Example : Need to know where my visitors come from. Possible answers found in a) your organizations
records (maybe registration forms or visitor log book). b) Design a study to find out, or c) Is there research at nearby
facilities or similar ones that measures visitor origins or how far visitors travel for this type of facility or activity.
2. Where to find it? Know sources of research information/data. Internal and external. Familiar with recent and on-going
studies in the organization/area, related organizations or nearby areas. Who to contact about research relevant to the
problem. People in organization, in area, elsewhere.
3. How to evaluate it? Is it good research? Evaluate the research report/article. See research review/evaluation
4. Does it apply to my situation? This involves comparing the study situation with your own. Generalizability over:
a) Time: Have things changed substantially since the study was done? or is this a reasonably stable phenomona?
Can I adjust for time using simple indices, eg. price or cost index.
b) Space: Is the site/area similar in respects that would alter the results?
c) Population: Is study population similar to the one to which I intend to apply the results.
d) Situation/setting : Is the situation/setting similar? Identify any other variables that might change the results. Are
these variables similar enough between the study and the application to validly apply the results? Does the
research identify relationships or models that let me adjust the results to my situation? What assumptions
underlie these models and do they hold in this situation?
5. How to apply it.
a. Understand the research and its limits.
b. Understand the situation.
c. Consider factors not addressed in research that might yield unintended consequences.
d. Will changes/decisions be politically acceptable and accepted by all relevant stakeholders.
e. Know how to best implement different types of decisions within your organization/situation/market.
f. Establish an implementation plan.
g. Consider alternatives. Research seldom "makes" a decision. It may suggest several alternatives.
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1. CLEAR PROBLEM AND OBJECTIVES: The study should have a clearly defined problem that leads to specific
study objectives. The objectives should identify the questions to be answered by the survey. There should be
methods and results for each stated objective.
a. What is the general topic? Motivation or reason for study?
b. Who conducted the study?
c. Is purpose primarily exploratory, description, explanation, prediction? If this is an evaluation
study, what is being evaluated using what criteria?
2. APPROPRIATE METHODS: The methods should be appropriate for the study's purposes in light of cost and time
a. STUDY POPULATION should be defined in terms of content, units, extent and time Does sampling frame
represent/cover this population?
b. SAMPLE. If a sample is drawn, probability samples are needed to make inferences from the sample to the
study population. If not non-probability samples may be appropriate.
1. Evaluate if sample is representative of population
a. By comparisons with known characteristics of population
b. By evaluating sampling methods
c. Checking for non-response bias
2. Is sample size adequate? Estimate sampling error by using tables of sampling error for given
sample sizes. Are confidence intervals or estimates of sampling error reported? Watch for small
samples, if study reports results for popln subgroups.
3. What is the response rate? Does author address possible non-response bias? Is it likely to be large
or small? Were/did some groups have higher response than others?
4. Were sampling procedures carried out properly? What is time and place the data represent?
1. VARIABLES : Are variables appropriate to questions/objectives and have they been
operationally defined? Has study ignored any important variables?
2.. Evaluate reliability of measures.
3. Evaluate validity of measures. Start with content or face validity. Then look for
consistency among different measures or with similar studies.
4. How were specific questions worded? Any possible question sequencing effects?
5. Is a telephone, personal interview or self-administered approach used? Is this
appropriate? What possible errors might occur from data gathering procedures?
d. ANALYSIS. Are appropriate analysis procedures used and are results reported clearly?
1. Are statistics appropriate to measurement scales
2. Are all Tables and Figures clear and easy to follow. Does text match tables?
3. Is the analysis appropriate to the study objectives? Does report present some basic descriptive
results before launching into more complex analyses.
4. If hypothesis testing is done, does author distinguish between statistical and practical significance
(importance)? Watch sample sizes in hypothesis tests.
5. Have any important variables been ignored in drawing conclusions about relationships between
variables? How strong are the relationships?
e. REPEATABILITY: Are methods presented in enough detail that you could repeat this study?
a. Does author draw meaningful implications for managers, researchers, or whomever the intended
audience may be.
b. Do conclusions stay within the empirical results or does the author go beyond the findings?
c. How generalizable are results and to what kinds of situations?
d. Are study limitations, problems and errors clearly noted and discussed?
PRR 844 Topic Outlines
e. Is report well written, objective, and at the level of intended audience?
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Steps in a Research or Evaluation Study (Alternative Handout)
1. Identify Purpose and Constraints
a. define purpose
b. clarify purposes and information needs with decision-makers/clients
c. determine time and cost constraints and error tolerance
d. obtain agreement on desired information and study purposes
2. Develop Research Plan (includes steps 3-6)
a. identify & evaluate alternatives
b. identify available/existing information (literature & data)
c. clarify research objectives
d. write research proposal
e. have proposal reviewed and evaluated, including human subjects review
f. final plan/proposal
3. Choose Overall Approach
a. review alternatives & select approach(s)
b. obtain agreement and plan steps 4-6
4. Develop Sampling Plan
a. define study population
b. identify sampling frame (if applicable)
c. determine sample size taking into account response rates
d. evaluate alternative sampling designs & choose best
e. draw the sample
5. Develop Measurement Instruments and Procedures
a. identify information needed
b. develop operational measures for each variable
c. design questions or choose measurement instruments
d. assemble questionnaire (if applicable)
e. have instruments reviewed & evaluated, including pre-testing
f. revise and repeat evaluation of instruments as needed
6. Plan the Analysis
a. identify planned analyses, prepare "dummy" tables
b. choose statistical procedures/tests
c. evaluate if intended analysis will meet study objectives
d. review sample and measurement instruments for compatibility with the analysis (e.g. measurement scales suited
to chosen statistics, adequate samples for subgroup analyses & desired accuracy).
7. Administer the Study
a. assemble personnel and materials, assign responsibilities
b. carry out data collection procedures including follow-ups
c. manage personnel and data
d. solve problems & make adjustments to procedures as needed
8. Conduct Data Processing and Analysis
a. develop codebook
b. data entry, and cleaning, selected data checking analyses
c. carry out planned analysis
d. prepare tables and figures
e. double check results for consistency
f. data file documentation
9. Prepare Reports
a. identify audience(s) and plan report(s)
b. develop outlines for each report
c. assemble tables and figures
d. prepare text
e. reviews, editing & rewriting
f. final proofing
g. printing and distribution
h. oral presentations
10. Document the Study and File Key Reports and Materials
PRR 844 Topic Outlines
a. document & file final reports, codebooks, and copies of data files
b. assure confidentiality/anonymity of individual subject's records
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