1 - Craven District Council Online Planning

Site Description
The application site is a 610m² plot of agricultural (grazing) land to the rear of Tewit
Cote, a dwelling which is set 1.5km to the east of Cononley’s Babyhouse Lane. The
site lies outside of the Cononley Development Limit. Accessed from the same track
that serves Tewit Cote is Street Head, the neighbouring property to the north east.
That access track runs from Babyhouse Lane, to the west, past the two properties
and down to Stockshott Lane, to the south east. Running parallel to [25 metres to the
west of] the application site is an unmade public footpath. The land in this vicinity
slopes from west to east.
Dry stone walls are prominent landscape features in this part of the district. Such
walls line both sides of Babyhouse Lane and form the boundaries between fields in
the area. The plot of land to which this application relates comprises parts of two
adjacent fields and it is enclosed to two sides by dry stone walls (to the north, Tewit
Cote’s rear boundary, and to the west) and has a similar wall running through the
middle of it.
The applicant proposes to change the use of the land from agricultural to form an
extended residential curtilage for Tewit Cote. No detailed drawings showing the
proposed boundaries of the garden extension have been submitted.
Planning History
PI:SN:5680 – Convert barn adjacent to Tewit Cote (outline); approved 16/04/1973.
17/29 – Conversion of barn at Tewit Cote to dwelling (renewal of outline consent);
approved 28/05/1976.
Planning Policy Background
Policies ENV1, ENV2, ENV4, ENV11 and H20 of the Local Plan.
Parish/Town Council Comments
Cononley Parish Council: “No comment” (16/11/2001).
No technical consultations necessary in this case.
None received.
Summary of principle planning issues
Impact of the proposed development on the landscape character of the area, on the
local agricultural economy and on the amenities of neighbouring residents.
Policy ENV1 supports small scale developments outside Development Limits
provided that they are rural in character and that they maintain the landscape
character of the area. The land surrounding the application site is mainly grazing land
and is therefore characterised by its undeveloped nature and by the prevalence of
dry stone walls enclosing fields of varying sizes and shapes. No details of proposed
boundary treatments to enclose the garden extension have been submitted by the
applicant. Since the land in question is not currently enclosed to its southern and
eastern sides, it is considered that the boundary treatments for the site should be
controlled under this application. A condition on the planning consent requiring the
garden extension’s boundaries with adjacent agricultural land to be dry stone walls,
along with a further condition limiting future ancillary development of the site, would
satisfactorily maintain its landscape character. As such, in accordance with policies
ENV1, ENV2 and ENV4 of the Local Plan, the development will be compatible with
the character of the surrounding area and will not have an unacceptable impact on
the landscape. Nor will it adversely effect public views of the site.
Policy ENV11 of the Local Plan safeguards the best and most versatile agricultural
land, and agricultural land of moderate quality located in valley bottoms and on hills
and uplands which is important to the local agricultural economy. In this case, the
land in question is a relatively small plot which is not of such agricultural importance.
As a result, its loss to residential use will not adversely effect the local agricultural
In accordance with policy H20 of the Local Plan, the extension of Tewit Cote’s rear
garden will not adversely effect the amenities of neighbouring residents. The site will
not directly overlook amenity space belonging to Street Head, nor will the change of
the use of the land overshadow or obstruct that property or its grounds.
Recommend that planning permission be GRANTED.
Summary of Conditions
Standard time limit.
Restriction on permitted development: garages, ancillary buildings, boundary walls
and fences.
The development hereby approved shall be enclosed to the western, southern and
eastern sides by dry stone walls measuring not less than one metre in height. Before
the change of use hereby approved is undertaken, detailed plans shall be submitted
to, and approved in writing by, the District Planning Authority showing the layout,
dimensions and materials of the dry stone walls which are to enclose the garden
extension. The walls shall be constructed in accordance with the approved details.