Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Records of Discussions of the 4th Meeting of the Asian Regional Aviation Safety Team (ARAST) Bangkok, Thailand 21 to 24 February 2011 1. Introduction The 4th Meeting of the Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team (ARAST) was conducted at the ICAO Regional Office in Bangkok Thailand during the period of 21 to 24 February 2011. The objective of the ARAST is to recommend safety enhancements to the COSCAP Steering Committees and implement the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP). The GASP endorses the concept of concentrating the safety-related activities of ICAO on those safety initiatives which offer the best safety dividends in terms of reducing the accident rate. Additionally, the GASP encourages States to foster regional and sub-regional safety groups for the purpose of furthering the global safety effort. 2. Opening Remarks Mr. Mohktar Awan, ICAO Regional Director, welcomed attendees and opened the meeting by providing remarks, recognizing the accomplishments of the ARAST and looking forward to the transition to the Regional Aviation Safety Group (See Annex I). With the concurrence of the CTA COSCAP-SA and CTA COSCAP-NA, the CTA COSCAP-SEA kindly facilitated the meeting which progressed in accordance with the Agenda with slight adjustments to the order. A copy of the Agenda (Programme) is attached at Annex II. 3. Present The 4th ARAST was attended by representatives from the Civil Aviation Authorities and service providers of the Member Administrations of COSCAP-NA, COSCAP-SEA and COSCAP-SA, International / Regional Experts attached to the Programmes including Programme Coordinators, representatives from AAPA, Airbus, Boeing, DGAC France, EASA, FAA, IATA, ICAO and COSCAP Gulf States. There were a total of 117 participants registered for the meeting. The list of participants is attached at Annex III. 4. Presentations A number of presentations were made by various organizations as outlined below, for which ARAST expressed its gratitude and thanked all the presenters. Records below are identified by agenda number (see Annex II). file:\\106751141 1 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Agenda Item 3. IATA Runway Excursion Workshop The 3rd ARAST identified runway safety as an area for support to members, and identified the following action: O09.02: COSCAPs are to seek Excursion prevention material from the Flight Safety Foundation O09.03: COSCAPs are to seek Excursion prevention workshop from Flight Safety Foundation In response to these actions, IATA kindly offered to present its Runway Excursion Workshop. The workshop was presented by Capt. Anthony Houston and Mr. Geof Sartorii over the full day of February 21st using an informative combination of lecture, group exercises and plenary discussion. Runway excursion accidents currently account for approximately 30% of all accidents, resulting in a high number of fatalities. The workshop served to identify that all stakeholders – flight crews, air operators, aerodromes and air traffic control – must contribute to reduce the risk of a runway excursion accident. The workshop was well received by participants, who expressed their appreciation to IATA. A CD with workshop material was provided for the use of participants. Agenda Item 6. ARAST – Background and Terms of Reference CTA COSCAP-NA (Capt. Kim Trethewey) presented an overview of the current terms of reference for the three Asian COSCAPs. The terms of reference for each of the three safety teams were revised by their respective Steering Committees during 2008 / 2009 to more closely link the work of the safety teams to the metrics and best practices of the Global Aviation Safety Plan/Roadmap (GASP/R). The Safety Plan and Roadmap identify best practices and metrics to track performance and prioritize actions. While the COSCAP programmes of Asia Pacific Region originally convened separate RAST meetings, as the RASTs matured and to better share best practices, the three COSCAP RASTs were combined in the November 2008 meeting to form an Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team (ARAST). In addition, through invitation from the ICAO Regional Office, all States of the Asia Pacific Region are invited to participate. To ensure that any sub-regional safety issues can be adequately addressed, the combined ARAST was followed on Friday 25 February 2011 by separate meetings of the original COSCAP safety teams (South Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team – SARAST; South East Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team – SEARAST; North Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team – NARAST). Agenda Item 7. Development of Regional Aviation Safety Groups CTA COSCAP-NA provided a briefing on the ICAO decision to create in each ICAO Region a Regional Aviation Safety Group (RASG). While the exact form of the RASG might vary from region to region, in the ICAO Asia-Pacific Region the creation of the RASG is viewed as a transition from the existing ARAST, conducted under the leadership of the three Asian COSCAP Steering Committees, to the RASG which will be comprised of the Directors General of Civil Aviation for the Asia-Pacific Region plus safety partner organizations. file:\\106751141 2 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting It is anticipated that the 1st meeting of the RASG (coincident with the 48th DGCA Asia-Pacific Conference in October 2011) will establish terms of reference that include the formation of the Asia-Pacific Regional Aviation Safety Team (APRAST). The APRAST, like the current ARAST, would be comprised of technical experts from Asia-Pacific civil aviation administrations, service providers and international safety partners. The role of the APRAST will be to identify proposed safety enhancements for the approval of the RASG. Once approved by the RASG, Asia-Pacific Administrations will undertake appropriate implementation action in concert with their respective COSCAP and safety partners. COSCAP Steering Committees would consider the decisions of the RASG as they establish priorities for their respective COSCAP work programme. Discussion of the RASG emphasized member desires to maintain the benefits and participation of the ARAST, to avoid duplication, and to retain the support of COSCAPs for those Administrations currently a member of a COSCAP. Agenda Item 8. Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) - Update Capt. Glenn Michael, Manager, International Operations FAA, presented an overview of the Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST). The ARAST is closely linked to the CAST so as to benefit from a broad base of experts from government agencies, airlines, manufacturers, aviation associations, labour unions, and other safety-related organizations. Coordination with the CAST safety efforts has reduced duplication and improved alignment within the region. After completing a rigorous analysis of accidents worldwide, CAST identified and categorized factors contributing to the cause of these accidents, assigned priorities for the purpose of pursuing remedial actions and developed and prioritized specific Safety Enhancements (SE) and implementation plans. Once these SEs are implemented the risk of an accident or serious incident is greatly reduced. CAST remains active in prioritizing contributing factors related to accidents to identify the most effective means of reducing risk. Now through the use of the Aviation Safety Information and Sharing System (ASIAS), future risk areas can be identified and mitigation strategies developed. Accident rate reduction is a combination of how effective the intervention (safety enhancement) is and how the intervention is applied across the fleet. Forty-five CAST Safety Enhancements have been accepted under the ARAST and are being implemented which, when completed, will provide for a 60% reduction in safety risk. The following safety enhancements developed by the CAST are new to COSCAP Asia and will be reviewed as further information becomes available from the CAST: SE 120 TAWS Improved Functionality SE 184 TAWS Minimum Vectoring Altitude Re-evaluation SE 185 TAWS RNAV Visual or other procedures SE 186 TCAS Sensitivity Command SE 187 TCAS Alerting Parameters file:\\106751141 3 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting SE 188 Airspace design to reduce TCAS alerts SE 191 Next generation TCAS development Agenda Item 9. Regional Safety Data / USOAP Data Analysis CTA COSCAP-SEA (Capt. Len Cormier) reviewed the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) safety targets to be achieved by 2011: Target 1: Reduce the number of fatal accidents and related fatalities worldwide Target 2: Achieve significant reductions in the global accident rate Target 3: Ensure that no ICAO region has an accident rate more than double the world average The performance against those targets is: Target 1: Progress in reduction of fatal accidents and associated fatalities over the past 10 year period Target 2: While the fatal accident rate has decreased, the overall accident rate remains unchanged Target 3: Significant variances remain in regional accident rates. The APAC accident rate is near the global average, but trending upward The presentation further illustrated, based on the ICAO Comprehensive Systems Audit findings, that there is a direct relationship between the accident rate and a lack of effective implementation of the Critical Elements (CEs) of a State’s oversight system. That is, those regions with a poorer the rate of implementation of the CEs have a higher accident rate. Members discussed the importance of collecting and sharing safety data, and the challenges faced in accomplishing this. Proposed Actions: A11.01 COSCAPs to explore with Asia States, FAA, EASA and other organizations, methods and policies related to data collection, analysis and sharing of data. A11.02 COSCAPs to convene a workshop or seminar, concerning methods and policies related to data collection, analysis and sharing of data, possibly concurrent with the next ARAST (APRAST) Meeting. Agenda Item 10. State Safety Programme (SSP) / Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) CTA COSCAP-NA presented on the relationship of the Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP), including a proposed revision of the GASP, and the Global Aviation Safety Roadmap (GASR), and reviewed their importance to the work of the ARAST. The GASR prepared by the Industry Safety Strategy Group (ISSG) in close cooperation with ICAO is the basis from which the GASP was developed. GASR was developed to build on data-driven file:\\106751141 4 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting regional initiatives such as the United States Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) and Europe’s ESSI (European Safety Strategy Initiative), highlighting key areas that governments and industry must act on. He also reviewed the conclusion of the 3rd ARAST and provided a review of the matrix relating the GASP and GASR to the SSP Framework. A10.03 COSCAP to support SSP implementation as a means to implement the GASP / R. Members discussed the importance of training for States to support SSP implementation, and expressed concern that the current availability of ICAO SSP instructors in the region is inadequate to meet overall regional needs.1 Pakistan emphasized that it is ready to assign personnel to become ICAO qualified SSP Instructors. Proposed Actions: A11.03 COSCAP to communicate to ICAO headquarters the need to support training of SSP Instructors from the Asia Pacific Region A11.04 Singapore Aviation Academy kindly offered to support the training of some SSP instructors Agenda Item 11.1 ARAST Accident Investigation (ARAST-AIG) Sub-team CTA COSCAP-SEA reviewed the decisions of the 1st ARAST Accident and Incident Investigation Sub-team (ARAST-AIG) meeting that was held 23 and 24 November 2009. Although it has not yet been possible to hold the 2nd ARAST-AIG, members were informed that planning is underway for 2011 at a date and location to be determined. Proposed Action: A11.05 COSCAP requested to determine the level of Accident Investigation training required by a State that has entered into an agreement to have its Annex 13 obligations met by another State. Response kindly obtained from ICAO by CAAS: If, by formal and mutual agreement with another State or regional organization, a State has delegated the conduct of all accident and serious incident investigations which fall under its investigation responsibilities, the State would still need to train the relevant technical staff for the first actions following the occurrence. This includes the collection and preservation of evidence. In addition, the State must ensure that the staff in charge of sending and receiving/acting on initial notifications of accidents and incidents have received the proper training. 1 Capt. Fareed Ali Shah, former ICAO Regional Safety Officer (retired); Mr. Nie Junjian, COSCAP-NA Regional Airworthiness Inspector; Kim Trethewey, CTA COSCAP-NA. file:\\106751141 5 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Agenda Item 11.2 Sharing Data to Manage Safety Risk CTA COSCAP-SEA presented on the importance of sharing data to manage safety risk, providing an overview of the evolution of safety management practices, including State Safety Programmes (SSP) and Safety Management Systems (SMS). In order to achieve effective risk reduction, stakeholders must have effective data collection systems and utilize performance indicators. Sharing data on a national and global basis is important, especially for stakeholders which have limited aviation activity. He also shared information on current efforts to establish the Global Safety Information Exchange (GSIE) as discussed at the ICAO High Level Safety Conference in March 2010. A memorandum of understanding to implement the GSIE was signed by ICAO, the European Community, FAA and IATA during the 37th ICAO Assembly. Agenda Item 12. AIG Update Agenda Item 12.1 Amendments to Annex 13 – Singapore Mr. Brian Siow Yao, Aircraft Accident Investigation Board (AAIB) of Singapore, kindly provided an overview of the recent amendments to ICAO Annex 13 – Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation. Definition of Accident/Serious Incident New examples of Serious Incidents Voluntary Incident Reporting Notification to ICAO and Investigation Attachment F – Framework of State Safety Programme (SSP) Attachment G – Guidance for the Determination of Aircraft Damage Discussion by members regarding emerging technologies led to a proposed action addressing cockpit image recorders. Proposed Action: A11.06 COSCAPs to determine the ICAO position concerning cockpit image recorders and report back to the ARAST/APRAST. Agenda Item 12.2 Planning for Sea Search and Recovery Operations – Singapore Mr. Brian Siow Yao, Aircraft Accident Investigation Board (AAIB) of Singapore kindly presented its experience in preparing for responding to an accident at sea that would involve sea search and rescue operations. The presentation was thorough, and clearly presented important information for the consideration of a State when making preparations to respond to an aircraft accident at sea. This is of particular importance for a small Accident and Incident Investigation agency. AAIB Singapore will be hosting an Accident Investigation Sea Search Workshop (including a sea search exercise) in Singapore on 21 and 22 July 2011, and will kindly open this to COSCAP members. file:\\106751141 6 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Proposed Action: A11.07 In coordination with AAIB Singapore, COSCAPs to extend an invitation on behalf of AAIB to Member Administrations to attend the AAIB Sea Search for Flight Recorder Workshop. Alternatively the ICAO Regional Office may be invited to extend an invitation on behalf of AAIB. Agenda Item 12.3 Incident Investigation Report – Fuel Contamination, Cathay Pacific Airlines CTA COSCAP-SEA presented a summary of an Investigation report completed by the Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong following the landing at Hong Kong of a wide body twin engine jet transport aircraft that had experienced loss of control over both engines while on approach to land. The investigation determined that the source of the problem was a fuel supply system at a foreign airport that had been inadequately cleaned following maintenance. This investigation identified that: the Fuel industry has established various specifications and guidelines for fuel supply and quality control at airports; Air operators have a quality system but are largely dependent on aviation fuel suppliers; and, there is largely self regulation and no international civil aviation requirements for oversight, training, etc. Although the investigation is ongoing, it has led to the issuance by the CAD Hong Kong of a recommendation to ICAO regarding the need to establish requirements for oversight and quality control on aviation fuel supply at airports. Agenda Item12.4 Accidents and Serious Incidents Database – Republic of Korea Korea Aircraft and Railway Accident and Incident Bureau (KARAIB), Mr. Ok-sig Shin, presented on the promotion of accident prevention through the collection and analysis of the accident and serious incident data, and on the importance of promoting the exchange of safety information. He shared the experience of the KARAIB to implement the ECCAIRS system, and to consolidate historical paper-based records into the accident investigation database. While this was extremely labour-intensive, having ready access to the data will support future safety actions. The KARAIB stated that it will be holding an ECCAIRS training programme in May or June 2011, and kindly undertook to explore the possibility of sponsoring a second ECCAIRS training programme to be delivered at the Bangkok Regional office. Proposed Action: A11.08 file:\\106751141 COSCAPs to explore with KARAIB the possibility of providing a second ECCAIRS training programme in the region for APAC administrations. 7 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Agenda Item 13. Performance Based Navigation Implementation Agenda Item 13.1 Implementation of NextGEN — FAA Ms. Jeri Alles, Director, FAA Asia-Pacific Region, provided a briefing on the FAA’s commitment to support aviation safety nationally and internationally, and introduced the FAA’s new draft strategic plan Destination 2025 (replacement for the FAA Flight Plan). This was followed by a video Gate to Gate demonstrating the implementation of NextGEN. Members expressed their appreciation to the FAA for its long-standing and continuing commitment to support aviation safety in the region, particularly though the participation of Capt. Glenn Michael. A special acknowledgement was provided for the assistance and contributions of Mr. Kyle Olsen, FAA (retired) who has been instrumental in supporting ARAST work for the implementation of CAST safety enhancements in the Asia-Pacific region. Agenda Item 13.2 ICAO Flight Procedure Programme (FPP) CTA COSCAP-NA presented, on behalf of Capt. David Van Ness, Manager of the ICAO Flight Procedures Programme office, an update on FPP membership and planned training over 2011 and 2012. The FPP is working closely with the COSCAPs to support PBN implementation. Agenda Item 13.3 COSCAP Implementation of Performance Based Navigation (PBN) CTA COSCAP-SEA presented on the actions undertaken by the Asian COSCAPs to support PBN implementation. PBN is a high priority undertaking for ICAO in order to both reduce the risk of a landing accident while conducting a non-precision approach and to improve efficiency. COSCAP support is focussed on the implementation of PBN in the areas of greatest safety need. With the support of international donors and a contracted expert, the COSCAPs have developed model regulations, a model PBN Operational Approval Handbook and an associated PBN Operational Approval course (8 days). In 2010 COSCAP delivered 7 courses, with another scheduled for the ICAO Regional Office on 15 to 19 August 2011. In addition to training, the COSCAPs in cooperation with the FPP and IATA have conducted PBN Implementation Workshops. The workshops examine the State PBN Implementation plan, assess impediments to PBN Implementation in the State and identify next steps for each stakeholder. To date in 2011 six workshops have been completed and six more are being planned. The participants expressed their appreciation for the generous support of Boeing for the training and workshops throughout the region. IATA expressed appreciation for COSCAP and FPP support for PBN implementation to improved safety, and stated that PBN Implementation is in the early stages and there remains considerable work to complete in the Asia Pacific Region. IATA committed its continuing support for PBN implementation. Airbus indicated that it is undertaking major support for PBN implementation and referred to their efforts in India. Airbus expressed its desire for future coordination with COSCAP / FPP. file:\\106751141 8 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Proposed Action: A11.09 Agenda Item 14. States that require support to implement and/or develop their PBN Implementation Plan are to advise COSCAP/FPP. Review of ARAST Action Items CTA COSCAP-SEA completed a review of outstanding actions following the 3rd ARAST. See Annex IV for a summary of actions and their status at the end of the 4th ARAST. Updates including a specific presentation or new proposed action are provided in the following paragraphs. Agenda Item 14.1 CAST SE-18, Evaluation and Surveillance of Sub-Contractor maintenance providers Previous Action M09.02: COSCAPs to provide a draft Advisory Circular for consideration by Member Administrations/States Update: Mr. Nie Junjian, Regional Airworthiness Inspector, COSCAP-NA, presented a draft Advisory Circular 021 — Maintenance Contracting for the consideration of members Proposed Action A11.10 Comments are to be provided to Mr. Nie1 by 31 May 2011 after which Advisory Circular 021 — Maintenance Contracting will be finalized. Agenda Item 14.2 CAST SE-169R1, Policy & Procedures related to Work Cards and Shift Changes Previous Action M09.05: COSCAP to develop a draft Advisory Circular for consideration by Member Administrations/States to heighten the awareness and risk Update: Mr. Nie Junjian, Regional Airworthiness Inspector, COSCAP-NA, presented a draft Advisory Circular 022 — Guidance for Task and Shift Handovers for the consideration of members. Proposed Action A11.11 1 Nie Junjian file:\\106751141 Comments are to be provided to Mr. Nie by 31 May 2011 after which the Advisory Circular 022 — Guidance for Task and Shift Handovers will be finalized. 9 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Agenda Item 14.3 BP 2a-3 – State applies the principles of risk management to its safety related activities. Previous Action A10.13 COSCAP to explore the possibility of conducting a training audit exercise on an Air Operator SMS and to provide de-identified feedback to the next ARAST meeting. Update: CTA COSCAP-NA, briefed the meeting on the results of a trial assessment of an air operator safety management system (SMS) conducted with the cooperation of a volunteer CAA and a volunteer air operator and the kind support of SMS experts from the Airbus, AAPA, Boeing, IATA, SR Technics, CAA China, CAA Singapore, Korean Air Lines and the State of the Operator. The trial assessment protocol will be revised and used in a second trial and thereafter made available to Members as guidance for the refinement of their own safety oversight programmes intended to assess the effectiveness of SMS. Further, discussion of member needs regarding the acceptance of SMS led to a conclusion that further guidance is desirable. Proposed Actions A11.12 COSCAP to finalize the SMS assessment guidelines and forward to member Administrations/States for their consideration: A11.13 COSCAP to develop guidance for the acceptance of service provider’s SMS. Previous Action A10.19 States to conduct a preliminary gap analysis and provide data to their respective COSCAP CTA to establish regional SSP implementation baseline. Data provided by States to be kept confidential by COSCAP Update At Agenda Item 15 CTA COSCAP-NA briefed the meeting on the summary of the SSP Gap Analysis submitted by Member States. Agenda Item 14.4 CAST SE-176 – Runway Safety Action Teams CAST SE-182 Air Traffic Control Clearance Procedure Review Previous Action A10.24 COSCAP to examine ICAO requirements (Manual on Prevention of Runway Incursions) and ICAO Runway Safety Toolkit related to establishment of runway safety teams. A10.25 COSCAP-SA to examine the FAA material related to SE 176 and Wrong Runway Departure report file:\\106751141 10 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting A10.26 COSCAPs to survey member States on the existence of Runway Safety teams, and how these have been established (Note: USOAP data indicates 70% of States had not established runway safety teams). A10.27 COSCAP to provide a report and recommendations for next ARAST meeting Update Mr. Zahid Khan, ATC Officer, COSCAP-SA, briefed on the review of SE-176 and SE-182. The 3rd ARSAT considered ICAO requirements and CAST SE-176, related to the creation of Runway Safety Action Teams, and the FAA’s Wrong Runway Departure Study in order to identify applicability of risk mitigation in the Asia-Pacific region. These were examined by COSCAP-SA in detail and a report included on the CD of the 4th ARAST [file name: COSCAPSA input on 3rd ARAST Action Items 8, 9 & 10.pdf]. The briefing to the 4th ARAST concluded that the establishment of Runway Safety Action Teams is viewed as an important measure by both ICAO and CAST, and that there are excellent references available from ICAO and the CAST (DOC 9870 Manual on the Prevention of Runway Incursion; ICAO Runway Safety Toolkit, CAST SE-176; CAST Wrong Runway Departure report). USOAP data for Asia-Pacific indicate that 70% have not established runway safety teams. Discussion supported the establishment of runway safety teams, and a request to seek information from ICAO regarding the definitions for runway confusion, runway incursion and runway excursion. Members also identified the action regarding the provision of take-off clearance to an aircraft that must cross another runway prior to take-off. (See also notes below at Agenda Item 14.8 — CAST SE-180 Scenario Based Training for Tower Controllers) Proposed Action: A11.14 Member Administrations who have yet to do so to review the ICAO Guidance material and establish a Runway Safety Programme with priority on International Airports. A11.15 COSCAP to explore with ICAO the need for a definition concerning Runway Confusion, Incursion and Excursion A11.16 COSCAP-SA to determine if there is an ICAO standard regarding the provision of a take off clearance to an aircraft that must taxi across other runways prior to take off. Agenda Item 14.5 CAST SE- 178 – Enhanced Surface Marking and Lighting Previous Action A10. 28 COSCAP-SEA to review with ICAO Aerodrome Expert to identify ICAO Standards and the related guidance material that is available A10.29 FAA to provide detailed information related to this Safety Enhancement for review by COSCAP to determine its applicability to Asia Pacific Region. file:\\106751141 11 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Update Mr. N.C. Sekhar, ICAO Regional Aerodrome Officer, reviewed ICAO Standards and briefed the participants. It was concluded that SE-178 does not have general applicability in the Asia-Pacific region. Participants were informed of the ICAO Global Runway Safety Symposium to take place to Montreal from 24 to 26 May 2011. Proposed Actions: A11.17 COSCAP to provide to the ARAST Meeting regular updates on future developments in the area of Runway Safety A11.18 Member Administrations to encourage participation at the Global Runway Safety Symposium. A11.19 COSCAP to provide a briefing to ARAST/APRAST on the outputs of the Global Runway Safety Symposium. A11.20 COSCAP to determine the availability of training concerning the development of Type A charts and electronic charts (Type A and Type B). Agenda Item 14.6 CAST SE-179 Scenario Based Training for Pilots CAST SE-180 Scenario Based Training for Tower Controllers Previous Action A10.31 FAA to provide full report related to SE-179 to COSCAP for review. A10.32 COSCAP to report back to the next ARAST on the results of this review. A10.33 (SE-180) Update to be provided by the FAA at the next ARAST Meeting to determine possible action in Asia Pacific. Update Capt. Glenn Michael, Manager, International Operations FAA, kindly reviewed these SEs which would improve safety by providing scenario-based training for controllers and pilots highlighting the factors that have contributed to wrong runway departures. The training would focus on operations in complex airports, airport geometry, communications, taxi/departure clearances, understanding and managing fatigue and time pressures, Taxi Into Position and Hold (TIPH), and situational awareness as described in the Wrong Runway Departures report. Discussions recognized the importance of using ICAO phraseology (e.g., Line up and Wait) and of providing training material to support improved situational awareness. Proposed Action A11.21 file:\\106751141 COSCAP to review SAFO 06013 Takeoff Safety, SAFO 07003 Confirming Takeoff Runway and InFO 08049 Preventing Wrong Runway Takeoffs developed by FAA, discuss with ICAO to determine the applicability in Asia Pacific and report back to the next ARAST/APRAST 12 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting A11.22 FAA to provide Tower Controller Runway Training CD to the COSCAP programmes for review and consideration. A11.23 COSCAP to provide a briefing at the next ARAST/APRAST Meeting Agenda Item 14.7 CAST SE-185 TAWS and RNAV Visual or other procedures Previous Action A10.40 IATA kindly offered to search STEADES for data on TAWS alerts for the region. Update Capt. Anthony Houston, IATA, briefed the meeting on the TAWS alerts data extracted from the IATA STEADES database. Proposed Action A11.24 IATA was requested to kindly acquire TAWS data by region. Agenda Item 15. Review of SSP and GASP/R Implementation CTA COSCAP-NA expressed his appreciation to administrations that had submitted an SSP gap analysis, and briefed the meeting on the findings of the baseline SSP gap analysis for the region. The objective of reviewing the baseline gap analysis was for the meeting to determine priorities for COSCAP support to member administrations. Proposed Actions A11.25 COSCAP to provide a workshop on methods and indicators to be utilize in development of State safety measurement and service provider safety performance measurement. A11.26 COSCAPs to invite other Member Administration to provide presentations on the challenges and solutions related to SSP Implementation. A11.27 Member Administrations requested COSCAPs support for the implementation of SSP Framework elements 1.4, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2. Agenda Item 16.1 Regional Safety Concerns Members did not identify new Regional safety concerns. Agenda Item 16.2 Review of Conclusions The Actions arrived at on various subjects discussed at the meeting were reviewed and further inputs solicited. All conclusions and proposed actions were accepted and the ARAST members requested that they be presented to the three COSCAP Steering Committees at their next meetings or the 1st Meeting of the Regional Aviation Safety Group, whichever occurs first. See Annex IV for a summary of actions and their status as at the end of the 4th ARAST. file:\\106751141 13 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Agenda Item 17. Close of Meeting Recognising that safety risk reduction can be achieved only through the effective implementation of Safety Enhancements, Member Administrations are encouraged to lead implementation efforts of ARAST action items once approved by their respective Steering Committee. Subject to the determination of the 1st Meeting of the Regional Aviation Safety Group, the next meeting of the ARAST / APRAST will take place during February 2012 at the ICAO Regional office in Bangkok. ~~ End ~~ file:\\106751141 14 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Annex I Opening Remarks by Mr. Mokhtar A. Awan ICAO Regional Director, Asia & Pacific Region 4th Asian Regional Aviation Safety Team Meeting 21 February 2011 Member Administrations of COSCAP South Asia, COSCAP South East Asia and COSCAP North Asia, FAA, [Australia, EASA] Valued service providers Distinguished Donors and Partners of the Asian Region COSCAPs Ladies and Gentlemen I am pleased to have the honour of welcoming you to Bangkok to this, fourth combined Asian Regional Aviation Safety Team meeting. It is particularly noteworthy to mention today this being the last meeting of ARAST about its achievement since it was established two years ago as ARAST will see a transition to Regional Aviation Safety Group [RASG]. Before that I wish to recall the good work done by the three COSCAPS for furthering the global safety effort and achieve its goal as a cooperative arrangement to enhance the safety and efficiency of air transportation in the region. To this end the three COSCAPs have established regional aviation safety teams which encouraged states to foster regional and sub regional safety groups. Furthermore in 2008 the 3 COSCAPs joined to form the Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team (ARAST) to improve efficiency and effectiveness and in the following year the ICAO Regional Office invited all the Asia/Pacific states to participate and benefit from the ARAST activities. In a nut shell since its establishment the ARAST has provided immense benefits of improved efficiency and encouraged wider participation among States to share safety information. I wish to highlight here afew key achievements: The Safety Team work to reduce the risk of approach and landing accidents led to workshops on continuous descent final approach technique. Discussions among the safety team seeking to support effective implementation of safety management systems contributed to development of guidance to strengthen reporting systems and Guidance on Acceptable and Unacceptable Behaviours Overall work of the Safety Team has led to the adoption of 45 specific safety enhancements, which when fully implemented will reduce the risk of a fatal accident by 60% Work from 2009 Mode Awareness and Energy State Management Aspects of Flight Deck Automation was recommended as a model for a European advisory circular As you might be aware that there was a long time need for a forum like APANPIRG to address the Flight safety issues and finally on 25 May 2010, the ICAO Council approved the establishment of RASGs. This ICAO Council decision mandated the ICAO secretariat to establish a Regional Aviation safety Group with the aim of supporting a regional performance framework for the management of safety on the basis of GASP and GASR, nurture its development and guide the Group’s activities considering the related resources of COSCAPs and avoid duplication of efforts. The RASG-APAC, similar to Planning and implementation Regional Groups (PIRGs), would allow the reports of RASGs to be reviewed by the Commission on a regular basis, and by Council as deemed necessary, thus providing interregional harmonization related to flight safety issues and a means to monitor implementation of Global Aviation Safety Plan / Global Aviation Safety Roadmap file:\\106751141 15 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Annex I (GASP/GASR). RASG-APAC members would include all Administrations in the Asia Pacific Region and other stakeholders as determined by APAC administrations. DGCA/47 took note of the proposal on establishment of RASG and generally supported the initiative with a concern regarding the need to avoid the duplication in the ToR of COSCAP and RASG. I wish to add here that while considering the proposal on the establishment of RASG, the ICAO Council fully recognized the need to avoid duplication in efforts and to benefit from established practices. Accordingly the establishment of RASG in the APAC region has been approached as a transition from the ARAST to RASG. Furthermore as directed by DGCA/47 the ToRs of RASG and COSCAPs are being reviewed by the COSCAP steering Committee and in order to avoid creating a separate forum for the RASG, the meeting will be convened concurrent with the DGCA Conference. Recognising that the RSAG meeting will be high level attended by DGs, there will still exist a need to have working level arrangements composed of technical specialists who would review the safety issues and develop safety enhancements. To achieve this COSCAP ARAST would be replaced by the APRAST. The outputs from the APRAST would be presented to the RASG APAC for approval. This will provide for wider participation of talented personnel and broader sharing of safety information. In addition an APRAST-AIG Adhoc working group will also be established under RASG with defined terms of Reference. During the course of the meeting you will receive further updates from the COSCAP CTA’s. The meeting this week builds again, on the best practices of the ICAO Global Aviation Safety Plan and Global Aviation Safety Roadmap into the established safety team process. Runway related accidents and serious incidents continue to be a serious safety concern. While runway incursions remain a significant problem, runway excursion are shown to greatly exceed all other occurrence categories in the ICAO ADREP system. I am pleased that IATA will conduct a workshop on runway excursion today. This should provide increased focus to an already effective programme for safety enhancement. ICAO works to achieve its vision of safe, secure and sustainable development of civil aviation through cooperation amongst its member States and Administrations. As concerned Stakeholders we must together work to Enhance global civil aviation safety and Enhance the efficiency of aviation operations. I wish to take this opportunity to thank our donors and safety partners whose active support is vital to achieving our safety objectives. ICAO as part of its efforts to improve and create awareness has organised a 3 days global runway safety conference in Montreal, Canada from 24th to 26 May2011 with an objective to strengthen the implementation of ICAO provisions for the prevention and mitigation of RE, RI and other runway related occurrences. This will also assist in the initiation of the regional safety summits. I note that you have a challenging and demanding Agenda set out for the next four days. New ideas are being introduced which I am sure will generate fruitful and quality discussions. I wish the Meeting all success. Thank you. file:\\106751141 16 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Annex II 4th Meeting of the Asia Regional Aviation Safety Team (ARAST) 21 to 24 February 2011 - Bangkok, Thailand Agenda Monday 21 February 2011 08:00 – 08:30 1. Registration 08:30 – 09:00 2. Opening remarks 09:00 – 10:00 3. IATA Runway Excursion Workshop 10:00 – 10:30 Tea Break 10:30 – 12:00 IATA Runway Excursion Workshop (continued) 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 14:45 IATA Runway Excursion Workshop (continued) 14:45 – 15:15 Tea Break 15:15 – 16:30 IATA Runway Excursion Workshop Conclusions Tuesday 22 February 2011 08:00 – 08:30 4. Late Registration 08:30 – 09:00 5. Self-introduction of Participants 09:00 – 09:30 6. ARAST – Background and Terms of Reference – Captain Kim Trethewey 09:30 – 10:00 7. Presentation: Development of Regional Aviation Safety Groups (RASG) - Captain Kim Trethewey 10:00 – 10:30 Tea Break 10:30 – 11:00 8. Presentation: Update on Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) – FAA 11:00 – 11:30 9. Presentation: Regional Safety/USOAP Data – Update Captain Len Cormier 11:30 - 1200 10. State Safety Programme / Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 13:45 11. ARAST-AIG Update Captain Len Cormier 13:45 – 14:30 12. AIG Update – AIB Singapore 14:30 - 1500 13. COSCAP Support of PBN Implementation 15:00 – 15:30 Tea Break 15:30 – 16:30 14. Review - ARAST Safety Interventions file:\\106751141 17 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Annex II Wednesday 23 February 2011 08:30 – 10:00 14. Review – ARAST Safety Interventions (cont) 10:00 – 10:30 Tea Break 10:30 – 12:00 14. Review – ARAST Safety Interventions (cont) 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 14:45 15. Review of SSP and GASP/R Implementation 14:45 – 15:15 Tea Break 15:15 – 16:30 15. Review of SSP and GASP/R Implementation (cont) Thursday 24 February 2011 08:30 – 10:00 15. Review of SSP and GASP/R Implementation (cont) 10:00 – 10:30 Tea Break 10:30 – 12:00 15. Review of SSP and GASP/R Implementation (cont) 12:00 – 13:00 Lunch 13:00 – 14:00 15. Review of SSP and GASP/R Implementation (cont) 14:00 – 14:30 Tea Break 14:30 – 15:30 16. Review of Conclusions 15:30 – 16:00 17. Close of the Meeting file:\\106751141 18 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Annex III 4th Meeting of the ARAST Participant List SN Designation Name - Surname Title Organization Phone Email APAC Region 1 NEW CALEDONIA Mr. Christophe Verges Head of Civil Aviation Safety Department Civil Aviation of New Caledonia +687-265-280 COSCAP-GS Mrs. Nadia Konzali Project CoordinatorAirworthiness Expert ICAO/COSCAP-GS +971-50-328-1510 COSCAP-GS Mr. Raine Pennanen Observer Captain Wu Chengchang Deputy Director GeneralFlight Standards Department General Administration of Civil Aviation of China +86-10-6409-1419 P.R. CHINA Mr. Lu Xinming Director-Division of Continuous Airworthiness & Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul of FSD General Administration of Civil Aviation of China +86-10-6409-1473 P.R. CHINA Captain Qi Gang Deputy Director GeneralDivision of Standard for Commercial Flight of FSD General Administration of Civil Aviation of China +86-10-6409-2409 P.R. CHINA Ms. Wang Hong Director-Division of General Affair of FSD General Administration of Civil Aviation of China +86-10-6409-1401 P.R. CHINA Captain Xiong Jie Deputy Director GeneralAviation Safety Office General Administration of Civil Aviation of China +86-10-6409-1917 P.R. CHINA Mr. Fang Jun Deputy Director-Aviation Information Division of Aviation Safety Office General Administration of Civil Aviation of China +86-10-6402-1911 Total = 1 COSCAP-GS 1 2 Total = 2 COSCAP-NA 1 P.R. CHINA 2 3 4 5 6 file:\\106751141 19 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting SN Designation Name - Surname Title Organization Annex III Phone Email CAMIC Mr. Zhang Zhijun Deputy Dean Civil Aviaiton Management Institute of China +86-10-5825-0555 8 AIR CHINA Mr. Luo Gang Quality Department Manager Air China +86-10-6146-3127 9 AIR CHINA Mr. Li Jian Quality Audit Engineer Air China +86-10-6146-3153 Mr. Li Jiangshi Deputy Manager China Eastern Airlines Engineering & Technic +86-21-2233-2005 10 CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES Mr. Deng Pengyuan Branch Manager of Safety Supervision & Operational Management Departmmnt China Eastern Airlines Engineering & Technic +86-21-2233-1046 11 CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES Mr. Liu Zheng Vice Director, Operation Qualityy Department SOC CSN China Southern Airlines +86-20-8613-0988 12 CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES Mr. Liu Guanhua Dispatch Office CSN China Southern Airlines +86-20-2823-5704 13 CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES 14 HAINAN AIRLINES Mr. Wang Zhengpeng Chief Dispatcher, Operation Control Hainan Airlines +86-898-6575-6500 KOREAN AIR Captain Yong-Yeob Kim 7 15 REPUBLIC OF KOREA Korean Air Mr. Bong-Jin Kim Deputy Director of Personnel Licensing Division Korea Office of Civil Aviation (KOCA) under the Ministry of Land, Transport and Marine Affairs (MLTM) +82-2-2669-6341 Mr. Jeong-Min Kim Assistant Director of ATM Division Korea Office of Civil Aviation (KOCA) under the Ministry of Land, Transport and Marine Affairs (MLTM) +82-2-2269-6427 Mr. Yool Kim Assistant Director of Flight Standards Division Korea Office of Civil Aviation (KOCA) under the Ministry of Land, Transport and Marine Affairs (MLTM) +82-2-2669-6451 16 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 17 REPUBLIC OF KOREA 18 file:\\106751141 20 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting SN Designation Name - Surname Title Organization Annex III Phone Email REPUBLIC OF KOREA Mr. Ok-Sig Shin Assistant Director of Secretary General Republic of Korea Aviation and Railway Accident Investigation Board +82-2-6096-1014 COSCAP-NA Kim Trethewey Chief Technical Advisor COSCAP-NA 86 10 84025454 COSCAP-NA Nie Junjian Airworthiness Inspector Audit Division of CASTC of CAAC 86 10 84018424 COSCAP-NA Sun Qun Administrative Assistant COSCAP-NA 86 10 84001671 BANGLADESH Wg Cdr A K M Mahmudul Hasan Director-Flight Safety & Regulations Civil Aviation Authority Bangladesh BANGLADESH Captain Rafi Ul Hoque Consultant/FOI Civil Aviation Authority Bangladesh BANGLADESH Mr. S M Lutful Kabir Senior Aerodrome Officer Civil Aviation Authority Bangladesh Mr. Mohammad Mohiuddin Bhuiyan Manager Flight Safety 4 BIMAN BANGLADESH AIRLINES Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. 5 BIMAN BANGLADESH AIRLINES Captain Syed Mozammil Huq Capt. DC10-30 DCP Base Training & Check Captain Biman Bangladesh Airlines Ltd. 6 GMG AIRLINES BANGLADESH Captain Jack Ekl Director - Flight Operations GMG Airlines Ltd. +88-2-890-0460-3 Mr. Nazmus S. Jugbhery Chief of Safety United Airways (BD) Ltd. +88-2-893-2338 7 UNITED AIRWAYS BANGLADESH Captain Liaqat A. Khan, B.U. Director Flight Operations United Airways (BD) Ltd. +88-2-893-2338 8 UNITED AIRWAYS BANGLADESH 9 BHUTAN Mr. Karma Yonten ATCO/AIS Officer Department of Civil Aviation +975-827-2760 19 20 21 22 Total = 22 COSCAP-SA 1 2 3 file:\\106751141 21 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting SN Designation Name - Surname Title Organization Annex III Phone MALDIVES Mr. Fathimath Ramiza Director-Air Navigation Civil Aviation Department MALDIVES Mr. Mohamed Solih Chief Operating Officer GMR Male' International Airport MALDIVES Mr. Abdulla Mufeed General Manager GMR Male' International Airport MALDIVES Mr. Abdulla Zakariyya Manager ATS Safety Maldives Airports Company Ltd MALDIVES Mr. Ahmed Nazim Safety Manager Maldivian Air Taxi NEPAL Mr. Binod Kumar Guatam Deputy Director General Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal +977-1-426-2326 NEPAL Mr. Sanjiv Guatam Director-ATM Department Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal +977-1-426-2326 NEPAL Mr. Binod Giri Director Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal +977-1-426-2326 NEPAL Mr. Deepak Kumar Lama Flight Operation Inspector Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal +977-1-426-2326 NEPAL Airline Mr. Subash Rijal Deputy Director - Flight Safety Nepal Airline PAKISTAN Mr. Ahmed Bilal Khan Flight Inspector-Technical Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan PAKISTAN GP.Capt. Engr. Riasat Ali Changazi SRI LANKA Mr. Parakrama Dissanayake Senior Director Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka 23 SRI LANKA Expoaviation Mr. Warnakula Anthhony Dabarera Asisstant Manager - Quality Assurance 24 SRI LANKAN AIRLINES Captain Sri S. Segaram COSCAP-SA Mr. Mohammad Ali Reza Khan 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 file:\\106751141 Civil Aviation Authority of Pakistan Email +92-21-924-2551 Sri Lanka Expoaviation (pvt) Ltd. +941-1257-6941 Manager Flight/Ground Safety Sri Lankan Airlines Limited +94-19733-2333 Regional Programme Coordinator ICAO COSCAP-SA +94-11-237-0673 22 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting SN Designation COSCAP-SA 26 COSCAP-SA 27 Name - Surname Title Captain Salahuddin M. Rahmatullah Ex-Region Flight Operations Expert Mr. Zahid H. Khan Regional ATS Safety Expert (RATSSE) Organization Annex III Phone +880-17150-27508 ICAO COSCAP-SA Email Total = 27 COSCAP-SEA 1 BRUNEI Mr. Haji Mohammad Rahimin Bin Haji Ismail Acting Operations Manager His Majesty The Sultan's Flight (HMSF) Brunei +673-246-0036 2 BRUNEI Mr. Ariffin Mohd HMSF Operations His Majesty The Sultan's Flight (HMSF) Brunei +673-877-8757 3 BRUNEI Mr. Del Thompson Safety Manager His Majesty The Sultan's Flight (HMSF) Brunei +673-246-0043 4 BRUNEI Mr. Benjamin Chong Quality Manager His Majesty The Sultan's Flight (HMSF) Brunei +673-871-9117 5 CAMBODIA Mr. Moeung Sathya Deputy Director - Planning & Legislation State Secretariat of Civil Aviation of Cambodia +855-1270-1393 6 CAMBODIA Mr. Lorn Thyrith Manager - Quality & Safety Assurance State Secretariat of Civil Aviation of Cambodia +855-1677-1134 7 CAMBODIA Mr. Thach Khelen Flight Operation Inspector State Secretariat of Civil Aviation of Cambodia 8 HONG KONG SAR CHINA Tse Kee Fat, David Chief Operations Officer Special Duties Civil Aviation Department of Hong Kong +852-2769-7643 9 INDONESIA Mr. Bambang Sutarmadji Deputy Director of Standards Ministry of Transportation Directorate General Of Civil Aviation +62-21-381-1308 m 10 INDONESIA Mr. Diding Sunardi State Safety Programm Manager Airworthiness Inspector Ministry of Transportation Directorate General Of Civil Aviation +62-21-350-6664 file:\\106751141 23 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting SN Designation Name - Surname Title Organization Annex III Phone Email 11 INDONESIA Mr. Marcus Totok Hermawan Airworthiness Inspector Ministry of Transportation Directorate General Of Civil Aviation +62-21-350-6664 12 INDONESIA Mr. Agus Sasongko Airworthiness Inspector Ministry of Transportation Directorate General Of Civil Aviation +62-21-350-6664 13 LAO PDR. Mr. Khamphan Souyaniam Director-Flight Safety Division Department of Civil Aviation Lao PDR. +856-21-512-163 14 MACAO Mr. Stanley Pun Wa Kin Acting Director-Flight Standards & Licensing Civil Aviation Authority +853-8796-4109 15 MACAO Mr. Johnson Cheong Chong Leong Senior Safety Officer (Airworthiness) - Flight Standards & Licensing Civil Aviation Authority +853-8796-4144 16 MACAO Mr. Bryan Chiu Kuan Hou Safety Officer (Flight Standards) - Flight Standards & Licensing Civil Aviation Authority +853-8796-4142 17 MACAO Mr. Ray Wong Weng Kel Assistant Safety Officer (Flight Standards & Licensing) Civil Aviation Authority +853-8796-4161 18 MALAYSIA Mr. Abdul Razak Abdul Malik Deputy DirectorAirworthiness Department of Civil Aviation +603-8871-4000 19 PHILIPPINES Mr. Eduel B. Yumang Chief, Air Traffic Service Safety Management System Civil Aviation Authority of Philippines +63-2-879-9156 20 PHILIPPINES Ms. Nehemiah D. Tady Senior Air Traffic Controller Manilla Control Tower Civil Aviation Authority of Philippines +63-2-879-9264 21 PHILIPPINES Mr. Napoleon L. Garcia Deputy Director General Civil Aviation Authority of Philippines +63-2-879-9104 22 SINGAPORE Mr. Lawrence Lau Chun Kwok Deputy Head Airworthiness Engineering Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore +65-6541-2479 23 SINGAPORE Captain Allan Tang Deputy Head Flight Operations Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore +65-6541-2480 file:\\106751141 24 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting SN Designation Name - Surname Title Organization Annex III Phone Email 24 SINGAPORE Mr. Foong Ling Huei Manager - Policy & Rulemaking Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore +65-6541-3080 25 SINGAPORE Mr. Lee Cheok Weng Snr. INSP - ATS Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore +65-6541-3034 26 SINGAPORE Mr. Chan Wing Keong Director Air Accident Investigation Bureau of Singapore (AAIB) +65-6595-6010 27 SINGAPORE Mr. Chong Chow Wah Senior Investigator Air Accident Investigation Bureau of Singapore (AAIB) 28 SINGAPORE Mr. Bryan Siow Yao Accident Investigator Air Accident Investigation Bureau of Singapore (AAIB) +65-6541-3437 29 SINGAPORE Ms. Huang Li Ning Manager - School of Aviation Safety & Security Singapore Aviation Academy +65-6540-6354 30 THAILAND Mr. Vasan Thanomsing Flight Standards Bureau Department of Civil Aviation Thailand +66-2-286-2374 31 THAILAND Sqn.Ldr. Sompol Chompradist Aviation Safety Inspector Department of Civil Aviation Thailand +66-2-287-3547 32 THAILAND Mr. Poompun Trakulmaipol Aviation Safety Inspector Department of Civil Aviation Thailand +66-2-286-0923 33 THAILAND Flying Officer Nakorn Yoonpand Air Traffic Control Specialist Department of Civil Aviation Thailand +66-2-287-0320-9 ext 1399 34 AERO THAI Ms. Oranee Phiphitaphanda Senior Management Assistant Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Limited +66-2-287-8294 35 AERO THAI Mr. Ronnachit Apichatmetee Engineering Manager Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Limited 36 AERO THAI Ms. Duangtawan Pinpimai Senior Management Assistant Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Limited +66-2-287-8190 37 AERO THAI Gp. Capt. Suthep Raumjit Aircraft Commander Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Limited 38 THAI AIRWAYS Mr. Naratip Naressaenee Aircraft Engineering Thai Airways International Pcl +66-2-137-5106 file:\\106751141 25 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting SN Designation Name - Surname Title Organization Annex III Phone Email 39 ORIENT THAI Mr. Yotsapol Kantarat Safety Management Officer Orient Thai Airlines Co.,Ltd. +66-2-229-4260 40 ORIENT THAI Mr. Chatchai Khamphui License Engineer Orient Thai Airlines Co.,Ltd. +66-2-134-2242 41 ORIENT THAI Mr. Carmen Morbitt Safety Management Officer Orient Thai Airlines Co.,Ltd. 42 THAI AIR ASIA Mr. Banyat Hansakul Quality Assurance Manager Thai Air Asia Co.,Ltd. +66-2-315-2710 43 THAI AIR ASIA Mr. Rongrit Sanginlert Flitht Officer Thai Air Asia Co.,Ltd. +66-2-315-9766 44 BUSINESS AIR CENTER Mr. Tospol Eaimsri Flight Dispatch Manager Business Air Center Co.,Ltd. +66-2-134-6042-3 45 BUSINESS AIR CENTER Mr. Chaipat Jarhatchaitanun Q.A. Inspector Business Air Center Co.,Ltd. +66-2-255-7155-8 46 SFS AVIATION Mr. Boonchai Empremsilapa Assistant to Chief Engineer SFS Aviation Co.,Ltd. +66-85-503-9988 .th 47 SFS AVIATION Mr. Krisadej Pobsook Flight Safety Officer SFS Aviation Co.,Ltd. +66-86-969-0732 48 BANGKOK AIRWAYS Ms. Sanny Salaemae Safety Staff Bangkok Airways Co.,Ltd. +66-2-328-3228 49 NOK AIRLINES Mr. Viroon Mahittikul Chief Dispatch & Operations Manager Nok Airlines Co.,Ltd. +87-269-7945 50 NOK AIRLINES Mr. Kristana Padungpunt Assistant Dispatch Manager Flight Operations Nok Airlines Co.,Ltd. +83-687-6949 51 COSCAP-SEA Capt. Len Cormier Chief Technical Advisor ICAO / COSCAP-SEA 66-2-287-0803 52 COSCAP-SEA Ms. Sudhatai Juntarapratin Project Secretary ICAO / COSCAP-SEA 66-2-287-0829 53 COSCAP-SEA Mr. Jeongho Cho Interns ICAO / COSCAP-SEA 66-2-287-0829 Total = 53 Donors file:\\106751141 26 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting SN Designation Name - Surname Title Organization Annex III Phone Email 1 AAPA Mr. Alvin Liaw Assistant Manager - Technical Affairs Association of Asia Pacific Airlines +6-03-2145-5600 2 AIRBUS Capt. Michel Menestrot Airbus Regional Flight Operations and Flight Safety Representative Airbus +91-80-4190-3686 3 BOEING Mr. Henry Reed Aviation Safety The Boeing Company +1-425-237-3081 4 DGAC FRANCE Mrs. Emanuela Gellini Manager International Cooperation Asia and Pacific Region France Civil Aviation Authority +33 (0) 1 5809-3637 5 EASA Mr. Erick Ferrandez Head of Technical Cooperation European Aviation Safety Agency +49-221-89990-5533 6 FAA Mr. Glenn W. Michael Manager, International Operations, CAST Federal Aviation Administration - Aircraft Certification +1-202-510-8009 7 FAA Ms. Jeri Alles Director - Asia Pacific Region Federal Aviation Administration +65-6476-9320 8 FAA Mr. Aaron Wilkins Senior Representative, South Asia Attache' Federal Aviation Administration +91-11-2419-8403 9 FAA Mr. Patrick Power Senior Representative, North Asia Attache' Federal Aviation Administration 10 IATA Mr. Anthony Maurice Houston Assistant Director-Safety, Operations & Infrastructure Asia Pacific International Air Transport Association +65-6499-2339 11 ICAO APAC Mr. N.C. Sekhar Regional Officer-Aerodromes and Ground Aids International Civil Aviaiton Organization Asia and Pacific Office +66-2-537-8189 ext 157 12 THE SARTORI GROUP Mr Geof Sartorii Managing Director The Sartori Group Pty Ltd +61-418-368-073 Total = 12 file:\\106751141 27 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Annex IV Update on ACTIONS at 4th ARAST Legend G09.nn – 2009 — 2nd ARAST, GASP BP = Global Aviation Safety Roadmap (GASR) Best Practice M09.nn = 2009 — 2 ARAST, Maintenance SE-nnn = Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) Safety Enhancement nd O09.nn = 2009 — 2 ARAST , Operations nd A10.nn = 2010 — 3rd ARAST A11.nn – 2011 — 4th ARAST Action Item Action by Update Status TCAS / ACAS Working Group – FAA (reference ARAST 2, item 4.8) O09.07 COSCAP to distribute the TCAS report to COSCAP Member States and Administrations when available COSCAP FAA to provide when available O09.08 FAA to brief a future meeting on the findings of the study. FAA FAA provided a briefing at the 3rd ARAST Meeting Completed European Strategic Safety Initiative (ESSI) (reference 3rd ARAST, item 4.9) A10.01 China kindly volunteered to attend the ESSI meetings on behalf of the ARAST. CAAC CAAC Attended December 2010 Completed A10.02 COSCAP-NA will assist the coordination of this action and the sharing of information with member Administrations COSCAPNA CAAC Attended December 2010 Completed SE-18 — Evaluation and Surveillance of SubContractor maintenance providers file:\\106751141 28 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item M09.02 COSCAPs to provide a draft Advisory Circular for consideration by Member Administrations/States. Action by COSCAPNA Annex IV Update Status Draft AC 021 distributed for review by the meeting Members to comment by 31 May 2011 (Action A11.10). A11.10 Comments are to be provided to Mr. Nie by 31 May Members 2011 after which Advisory Circular 021 — Maintenance Contracting will be finalized. SE-19, Policy regarding the use of Minimum Equipment List (MEL) A10.05 Brunei representative to provide linkages related to State access of MMEL for Airbus aircraft. Brunei See A10.06 below Completed A10.06 COSCAP to confirm with Airbus the availability of MMEL information for CAAs and advise at the next ARAST. COSCAPNA Information provided by Airbus: Completed A10.07 COSCAP to provide the Model MMEL/MEL Policy and Procedures Manual for inclusion on the meeting CD. COSCAP provided on the ARAST 3 CD. Completed A10.08 COSCAP Administrations to advise if they require any training related to MMEL/MEL implementation. Members provided training to administrations on request. Completed See Annex V SE-20 — Directors of Safety will determine deficiencies and Quality Control Procedures outlined in SE -18 and SE-19 are addressed. M09.03 COSCAPs to provide guidance and training material to Member Administration/States and COSCAP administrations to determine if additional support is required. file:\\106751141 COSCAP ongoing Ongoing 29 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item Action by Annex IV Update Status SE-169R1 — Policy & Procedures related to Work Cards and Shift Changes M09.05 A11.11 COSCAP to develop a draft Advisory Circular for consideration by Member Administrations/States to heighten the awareness and risk. COSCAPNA Draft AC 022 distributed for review by the meeting Members to comment by 31 May 2011 (Action A11.11). Comments are to be provided to Mr. Nie by 31 May Members 2011 after which the Advisory Circular 022 — Guidance for Task and Shift Handovers will be finalized. SE-170R1 — OEM Continuous Monitoring of Service History M09.06 COSCAP to gather information from ICAO related to USOAP data results (related protocol questions) and share that with Member Administrations/States. COSCAPNA The USOAP data related to Output 1 acquired for ARAST 3 indicated that there are almost no findings in these areas. Completed SE-172R1 — Gap Analysis of Existing Airplane Maintenance Process & Follow-up Action Plan. A10.09 ARAST to continue to follow up with CAST for latest developments. COSCAP A10.10 COSCAP to organize a seminar on MSG and MRB processes to promote the exchange of best practices in 2010. COSCAPNA With support of AAPA, planned for 21 & 22 April 2011 — Beijing, China A10.11 Airbus and Boeing to kindly provide support to such a Seminar. Airbus and Boeing Boeing and Airbus supporting seminar file:\\106751141 Ongoing Completed 30 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item Action by Annex IV Update Status SE-175R1 — Policy and Procedures – Flight Critical Configurations Changes Made During Maintenance M09.08: COSCAPs to provide draft guidance material to Member Administrations/States for their review on best practices that could be followed to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to prevent such occurrences. COSCAP Open FAA BP 1a-2 – States takes all necessary action to ensure compliance with SARPs and industry best practice. G09.02 States to continue their efforts as necessary to comply in this area. Members Ongoing BP 1a-4 States apply coordinated initiatives to ensure that non-compliant States do not engage in activity which could be seen as unacceptably increasing the risk of operation G09.03 States to implement Annex 6 part I, amendment 32 regarding Foreign Air operators by revision to regulations, procedures and guidance material Members COSCAP Model Regulation, Manual developed Ongoing Training provided July 2010. State-specific COSCAP support on request G09.05 COSCAP to continue to monitor and support effective implementation of the requirements COSCAP Ongoing BP 2a-3 – State applies the principles of risk management to its safety related activities. Safety Management Systems (SMS) and State Safety Program (SSP) file:\\106751141 31 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item Action by Annex IV Update Status G09.06 States support initiative to implement a State Safety Programme (SSP), including the requirement for Safety Management Systems (SMS) implementation by service providers. Members Ongoing G09.07 COSCAPs to support SSP development and SMS implementation through provision of training courses. COSCAP Ongoing G09.08 COSCAPs to assist States through the development of generic models and guidance material. COSCAP Ongoing A10.12 COSCAP to examine the availability/provision of guidance / training to Operators for internal audit assessment. COSCAPSEA Training available from IATA Completed A10.13 COSCAP to explore the possibility of conducting a training audit exercise on an Air Operator SMS and to provide de-identified feedback to the next ARAST meeting. COSCAPNA/SEA Assessment completed Completed A10.14 States kindly requested to advise COSCAP if they could support such an exercise (both Air Operator and CAA support required). Members Completed A10.03 COSCAP to support SSP implementation as a means to implement the GASP / R. COSCAP Ongoing A10.15 Singapore kindly offered to provide a presentation on their implementation of SMS and of an Air Operator or AMO implementation of SMS. CAAS CTA COSCAP-NA briefed ARAST 4. COSCAP SMS Implementation seminar combined with ROK / FAA 3rd Flight Safety Seminar – 31 May to 2 June 2011 CAAS to participate file:\\106751141 32 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item Action by Annex IV Update Status A10.16 COSCAP to provide material to Member States for high level training of senior management on SMS concepts and implementation. COSCAPNA A10.17 Member States are to advise COSCAP if additional SMS guidance and training is required. Members A10.18 States requested to provide copies of their SSP implementation documentation for COSCAP CTA NA to provide comments and to support development of COSCAP guidance material. Members Feedback received Completed A10.19 States to conduct a preliminary gap analysis and provide data to their respective COSCAP CTA to establish regional SSP implementation base-line. Data provided by States to be kept confidential by COSCAP. Members Data received, regional Baseline established Completed A10.20 COSCAP to send a letter to the Director General of each member administration in support of the preliminary SSP gap analysis. Data will be kept confidential. COSCAPSEA SA/SEA/ NA letter sent out in May 2010, seeking August 30 return Completed A10.21 Pakistan kindly offered to provide their SSP manual to COSCAP for review and comment. Pakistan A11.03 COSCAP to communicate to ICAO headquarters the need to support training of SSP Instructors from the Asia Pacific Region COSCAP A11.04 Singapore Aviation Academy kindly offered to support the training of some SSP instructors Singapore Aviation Academy file:\\106751141 Material and / or presentations available on Completed request Ongoing Completed COSCAPNA Letter 16 March 2011 to ICAO, Director Air Navigation Bureau 33 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item Action by A11.12 COSCAP to finalize the SMS assessment guidelines COSCAP and forward to member Administrations/States for their consideration: A11.13 COSCAP to develop guidance for the acceptance of service provider’s SMS. COSCAP A11.25 COSCAP to provide a workshop on methods and indicators to be utilize in development of State safety measurement and service provider safety performance measurement. COSCAP A11.26 COSCAPs to invite other Member Administration to provide presentations on the challenges and solutions related to SSP Implementation. COSCAP A11.27 Member Administrations requested COSCAPs support for the implementation of SSP Framework elements 1.4, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2. COSCAP Annex IV Update Status BP 3a-4 – Each aviation professional that has an impact on safety has a clear understanding of what constitutes acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. G09.11 CTA North Asia to develop guidance to supplement ICAO material related to GSI-3a-4. COSCAPNA A10.22 RAST Members to provide additional comments by 30 April 2010 Members AC 023 Acceptable & Unacceptable Behaviour provided to participants Completed Completed 6BP 5a-1 – COSCAPs encourage implementation of best practices consistent with Roadmap Focus Areas for their region. file:\\106751141 34 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item G09.20 ICAO (Mitch Fox) kindly requested to pursue global coordination with ICAO Contracting States G09.21 COSCAPs to develop specific policies addressing coordination with Asian COSCAPs and ICAO Regional Office, for the approval of their Steering Committee. Action by ICAO HQ Annex IV Update Status RASG Update presentation provided to the meeting. Completed Overtaken by RASG Closed Members Review at SARAST, SEARAST and NARAST Open. SE 30 –Mode Awareness and Energy State Management Aspects of Flight Deck Automation O09.14 Member States and Administrations to consider Advisory Circular Mode Awareness and Energy State Management Aspects of Flight Deck Management for implementation. Runway Excursions (reference ARAST 2, item 7.2) O09.02 COSCAPs are to seek Excursion prevention material from the FSF COSCAP IATA provided Runway Excursion Risk Reduction Workshop concurrent with ARAST 4 Completed O09.03 COSCAPs are to seek Excursion prevention workshop from FSF COSCAP IATA provided Runway Excursion Risk Reduction Workshop concurrent with ARAST 4 Completed O09.04: FAA will kindly inform COSCAPs of safety enhancement work in this area. FAA A10.23 IATA will kindly consider providing a one day Runway Excursion Workshop concurrent with the 4th ARAST Meeting. IATA IATA provided Runway Excursion Risk reduction Workshop concurrent with ARAST 4 Completed CAST SE-176 – Runway Safety Action Teams file:\\106751141 35 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item Action by Annex IV Update Status A10.24 COSCAP to examine ICAO requirements (Manual on Prevention of Runway Incursions) and ICAO Runway Safety Toolkit related to establishment of runway safety teams. COSCAP-SA Presentation to 4th ARAST Completed A10.25 COSCAP-SA to examine the FAA material related to SE 176 and Wrong Runway Departure report. COSCAP-SA Presentation to 4th ARAST Completed A10.26 COSCAPs to survey member States on the existence of Runway Safety teams, and how these have been established (Note: USOAP data indicates 70% of States had not established runway safety teams). COSCAPs A10.27 COSCAP to provide a report and recommendations for next ARAST meeting. COSCAPSEA A11.14 Member Administrations who have yet to do so to review the ICAO Guidance material and establish a Runway Safety Programme with priority on International Airports. Members A11.15 COSCAP to explore with ICAO the need for a definition concerning Runway Confusion, Incursion and Excursion COSCAP SE- 178 – Enhanced Surface Marking and Lighting A10. 28 COSCAP-SEA to review with ICAO Aerodrome Expert to identify ICAO Standards and the related guidance material that is available. file:\\106751141 COSCAPNA Presentation by ICAO Regional Aerodrome Officer to 4th ARAST. Completed 36 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item Action by Annex IV Update A10.29 FAA to provide detailed information related to this Safety Enhancement for review by COSCAP to determine its applicability to Asia Pacific Region. FAA Briefing provided A10.30 IFALPA offered to provide guidance material available from New Zealand. IFALPA No material is available A11.17 COSCAP to provide to the ARAST Meeting regular COSCAP updates on future developments in the area of Runway Safety A11.18 Member Administrations to encourage participation at the Global Runway Safety Symposium. Members A11.19 COSCAP to provide a briefing to ARAST/APRAST on the outputs of the Global Runway Safety Symposium. COSCAP A11.20 COSCAP to determine the availability of training concerning the development of Type A charts and electronic charts (Type A and Type B). COSCAP Status Completed SE-179 — Scenario Based Training for Pilots A10.31 FAA to provide full report related to SE-179 to COSCAP for review. FAA A10.32 COSCAP to report back to the next ARAST on the results of this review. FAA ICAO is also making some major changes to the way training is done in the future. SE- 180 — Scenario Based Training for Tower Controller A10.33 Update to be provided by the FAA at the next ARAST Meeting to determine possible action in Asia Pacific. file:\\106751141 FAA 37 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item Action by A11.21 COSCAP to review SAFO and INFO 08049 developed by FAA, discuss with ICAO to determine the applicability in Asia Pacific and report back to the next ARAST/APRAST COSCAP A11.22 FAA to provide Tower Controller Runway Training CD to the COSCAP programmes for review and consideration. FAA A11.23 COSCAP to provide a briefing at the next ARAST/APRAST Meeting COSCAP Annex IV Update Status SE-181 — Taxiway and Runway Configuration A10.34 Update to be provided by the FAA at the next ARAST Meeting. FAA See also A10.35 A10.35 COSCAPs to follow up with ICAO regarding work that they may be conducting related to this matter. COSCAP Presentation by ICAO Regional Aerodrome Officer to 4th ARAST ICAO Regional Aerodrome Officer Further ICAO developments to be provided. SE-182 — Air Traffic Control Clearance Procedure Review A10.36 COSCAP to review the FAA material and report to the next meeting. COSCAP-SA Runway crossing procedure under review (action A11.16) A11.16 COSCAP-SA to determine if there is an ICAO standard regarding the provision of a take off clearance to an aircraft that must taxi across other runways prior to take off. COSCAP-SA file:\\106751141 38 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item Action by Annex IV Update Status CAST SE-183 Cockpit Moving Map Display and Runway Awareness System A10.37 Equipment and standards related so not deemed appropriate for consideration by the ARAST. None Closed SE-184 — Minimum Vectoring Altitude Reevaluation SE-185 — TAWS and RNAV Visual or other procedures O09.05 COSCAP will distribute the TAWS report to COSCAP Member States and Administrations when available COSCAP CAST report completed. Briefing on report completed at 3rd ARAST O09.06 FAA will brief future meetings on the findings of the TAWS study. FAA FAA provided a briefing at the 3rd ARAST Meeting Completed A10.38 COSCAP Member States to canvas their Operators to determine whether there is a significant number of TAWS false warnings within their region. IATA IATA to research STEADES data Closed A10.39 COSCAP to send letter to States and ask them to provide data to COSCAP prior to 30 July 2010. COSCAPSEA No longer required Closed A10.40 IATA kindly offered to search STEADES for data on TAWS alerts for the region. IATA Presentation to ARAST 4 Completed A10.41 IATA kindly asked to make a presentation on STEADES at the next ARAST. IATA Presentation to ARAST 4 Completed A11.24 IATA was requested to kindly acquire TAWS data by region. IATA Report will be provided to ARAST once released (reference A11.24) Regional Safety Data / USOAP Data Analysis file:\\106751141 39 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item Action by A11.01 COSCAPs to explore with Asia States, FAA, EASA COSCAP and other organizations, methods and policies related to data collection, analysis and sharing of data A11.02 COSCAPs to convene a workshop or seminar, concerning methods and policies related to data collection, analysis and sharing Annex IV Update Status COSCAP ARAST Accident Investigation A11.05 COSCAP requested to determine the level of Accident Investigation training required by a State that has entered into an agreement to have its Annex 13 obligations met by another State. COSCAP A11.06 COSCAPs to determine the ICAO position concerning cockpit image recorders and report back to the ARAST/APRAST. COSCAP file:\\106751141 From ICAO: If, by formal and mutual agreement with another State or regional organization, a State has delegated the conduct of all accident and serious incident investigations which fall under its investigation responsibilities, the State would still need to train the relevant technical staff for the first actions following the occurrence. This includes the collection and preservation of evidence. In addition, the State must ensure that the staff in charge of sending and receiving/acting on initial notifications of accidents and incidents have received the proper training. 40 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Action Item Action by A11.07 In coordination with AAIB Singapore, COSCAPs to extend an invitation on behalf of AAIB to Member Administrations to attend the AAIB Sea Search for Flight Recorder Workshop. Alternatively the ICAO Regional Office may be invited to extend an invitation on behalf of AAIB. A11.08 COSCAPs to explore with KARAIB the possibility COSCAP of providing a second ECCAIRS training programme in the region for APAC administrations. Annex IV Update Status COSCAP Performance Based Navigation A11.09 States that require support to implement and/or develop their PBN Implementation Plan are to advise COSCAP/FPP. Members Regional Safety Concerns O09.15 COSCAP will inform ICAO Regional Office and request that the issue be raised with the APANPIRG. COSCAP Completed O09.17 COSCAPs to follow up as necessary to determine that the safety concern has been addressed. COSCAP-SA Completed file:\\106751141 41 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting Annex V Update from Airbus Capt. Michel Menestrot A10.06 COSCAP to confirm with Airbus the availability of MMEL information for CAAs and advise at the next ARAST Authorities can be granted direct access rights to AIRBUSWORLD. The focal point is: When posting their request, they should provide the attached documents, completed <<AirbusWorld_Customer_CompanyRegistrationFormV1.doc>> <<AirbusWorld_AA_GTC.pdf>> If needed, those documents can also be downloaded from file:\\106751141 42 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting file:\\106751141 Annex V 43 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting file:\\106751141 Annex V 44 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting file:\\106751141 Annex V 45 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting file:\\106751141 Annex V 46 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting file:\\106751141 Annex V 47 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting file:\\106751141 Annex V 48 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting file:\\106751141 Annex V 49 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting file:\\106751141 Annex V 50 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting file:\\106751141 Annex V 51 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting file:\\106751141 Annex V 52 Record of Discussions 4rd ARAST Meeting file:\\106751141 Annex V 53