The liver is the body`s largest internal organ and is located

Liver Flush
The liver is the body’s largest internal organ and is located in the upper right quadrant of
the abdomen. It conforms to the under surface of the diaphragm. The lower liver edge
can often be felt under the rib cage on the right side of the body.
While life itself depends on our lungs, heart and circulation to bring oxygen, warmth and
nutrients to all cells in the body, the liver provides essential support to these processes,
with more than a hundred known functions. We can’t live without it because the liver is
the body’s master laboratory. It stores and distributes nourishment for the entire body.
It’s involved in the formation and breakdown of blood. And, it filters toxins from the
blood and breaks them down for elimination. Wow! That’s big, important work.
When the liver is overloaded, it is less able to detoxify the blood, and poisons remain,
potentially leading to many acute and chronic problems which manifest themselves in
each individual’s weaker areas. Overeating can lead to an enlarged, overworked liver.
Too much of any food, but especially alcohol, chemicals, drugs, fried oils and meats, can
be toxic to the liver. The liver also detoxifies nicotine, caffeine, food additives, water
additives and polluted air. The liver stores glucose (blood sugar) as glycogen when blood
sugar drops between meals. A healthy liver can convert the glycogen back to glucose and
feed it back out as needed. On the other hand, if there is too much glucose, the liver can
convert it to starchy glycogen and store it. Up to one half pound of sugar a day could be
stored this way, often as fat in the liver and around the rest of the body. Sugar puts a
tremendous load upon the liver because it leaves no room for storage of healthy nutrients.
Toxins can also be caused by improper food combining. This means that eating the
wrong foods together, like fruits with vegetables, can create toxins in the liver. Cold
foods (like ice water and ice cream), fatty foods, dairy foods and sugary foods all create
an overload of toxins for the liver to filter out of the system.
Performing a liver flush allows the liver to release these built up toxins and to rebuild its
capability to do its work well. Use the finest quality of fresh ingredients available for the
best results.
The Liver Flush:
 Juice of 1 organic lemon
 1 slice of ginger root
 1 tablespoon olive oil
 1 handful organic parsley
 Organic apple juice
 1 small organic banana
Put all of the ingredients in a blender with enough apple juice to allow it to blend
smoothly. Drink the entire amount either 2-3 hours after your evening meal or 1 hour
before breakfast for 7 consecutive days.