DOC - Europa

José Manuel Durão Barroso
President of the European Commission
"European Chemicals Agency: Turning
REACH into Reality
Inauguration of the European Chemical Agency
Helsinki, 3 June 2008
Prime Minister,
Vice-President Onesta,
Vice-President Verheugen,
Lord Mayor Pajunen,
Mr. Dancet,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to be in Helsinki today to perform the official opening of
the European Chemicals Agency. This Agency is a living proof of what the
European Union concretely does for European citizens. It will be decisive in turning
the new European chemicals legislation REACH into reality.
The REACH legislation certainly is by far the largest legislative project adopted by
the EU over the recent years. It replaces 40 legislative texts and creates a single
EU-wide system for the management of chemicals produced in Europe or imported
into Europe.
Before REACH, there was a general lack of knowledge regarding 99% of the
chemicals (around 100,000 substances) that were placed on the market before
1981. Prior to that date, no stringent health and safety tests were needed to market
Our new REACH legislation is therefore very important for European citizens and
businesses because it combines a high level of protection of human health and the
environment; enhances competitiveness and innovation; promotes non-animal
testing methods; and prevents the fragmentation of the internal market.
The REACH legislation, which is operational since the 1st of June, will improve the
lives of all our citizens because it concerns some 30.000 of the substances currently
used in everyday products. At the same time, REACH will provide important
opportunities to European industry. This is true for the chemicals industry itself. Let
me recall that the chemicals industry is the third largest manufacturing industry in
the EU, generating 1.7 million jobs and indirect employment for more than 3 million
people. In total, the EU produces 31% of the world's chemicals, compared to 28%
for the United States.
But REACH will also provide important opportunities to other industries which look
to the chemicals industry as a driver of innovation and as key to resolving critical
challenges, such as greater energy efficiency and combating climate change.
The REACH legislation therefore fits into our overall strategy to improve European
industry competitiveness, to deliver a citizen’s agenda and to equip Europe for the
challenges of the global age.
REACH does not stop at Europe’s borders. From the economic viewpoint, REACH
will affect almost all manufacturing industries and trade with Europe.
Furthermore, many countries are aware of the need for a comprehensive and
coherent approach to managing the risks from chemicals – as mandated by the
2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development. They find in REACH many
worthwhile ideas about the path to be taken. I hope they will follow Europe’s
example. The interest that other countries have shown already in the work of our
Agency here in Helsinki is a very positive signal.
Today is a time for celebrating our success. Finding an agreement on REACH was
not easy. One of my first tasks as President of the Commission was to consider
how best to advance REACH, bearing in mind the immense controversy which had
surrounded its launching and the difficulties in the initial negotiations. With the
support of the Vice-President Verheugen and Commissioner Dimas in particular, the
Commission worked on a more balanced version of the legal proposal which at the
end got the support of all parties involved.
It fell to the Finnish Presidency to secure the final agreement. This was achieved
following very difficult negotiations in what was an outstanding achievement for the
Presidency. And here I would also like to pay tribute to the constructive engagement
of the European Parliament, and in particular to its rapporteur, Mr Sacconi, in
helping us to secure the vital breakthrough.
One of the key features of REACH was the requirement to establish the Agency,
and of course as we now know, it was decided to have its seat here in Helsinki. This
was done in record time as REACH triggered real responsibilities and real
obligations which could not be deferred. The Commission devoted an
unprecedented level of time and resources, including the secondment of several
experienced officials to the Agency, to ensure that it could get off to a good start.
We have made remarkable progress in overcoming the many obstacles. This has
been due to the efficiency, dedication and tenacity of those who carried out the
preparations. We were helped immensely by the Finnish authorities.
Prime Minister, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you for your impressive
support. The help of your authorities was always prompt, clear, and unwavering.
This led to the timely conclusion of the Seat Agreement between the Agency and
And I would like also to thank Lord Mayor Pajunen of Helsinki, for the valuable
support from the City in helping with accommodation and providing practical
assistance. The staff of the Agency and their families who have come to Helsinki
have been very impressed by the welcome and help in this city. And of course they
will enjoy working in this beautiful city.
The Agency’s visible presence in Helsinki will be an important reminder to its
citizens of the positive impact of the European Union, and its capacity to bring
together many different nationalities and stakeholders.
The Commission depends fundamentally on the Agencies to ensure effective
execution of their tasks and to advise the Commission on many sensitive topics. A
report of the French Senate in October 2005 noted that the European Union had
created more regulatory agencies in the previous 50 months than it had during the
first 50 years of European integration, and wondered whether this was a cause for
celebration, satisfaction or worry. But rather than view the proliferation of agencies
as a dilution of the executive function of the Commission, as some fear, I prefer to
consider the agencies as useful tools, where necessary, to help us to perform that
executive function more efficiently and with more impact.
The use of agencies has helped us to ensure that public policy retains continuity,
credibility and visibility, and that we, as the Commission, fulfil our obligation to
protect the general interest of the European Union. As the French Senate also
noted, the use of regulatory agencies is a means of reconciling democratic
legitimacy and scientific legitimacy without the latter overtaking the former.
I am sure that this Agency will confirm this theory and that it will provide for the
highest quality scientific advice to the Commission. This is essential to effectively
fulfil the objective of the legislation which has created it: to manage the risks to our
citizens and the environment, and to avoid unnecessary burdens on industry and
public authorities.
This Agency will also have to establish its reputation at the international level. I am
convinced that Europe has to be proactive in engaging in the debate at global level
about how best to deal with risk, to build alliances, and to forge international
Industry must now take greater responsibility for substances that are being used in
industrial processes and in consumer goods. There will be opportunities for those
who anticipate change and are proactive in meeting the requirements of REACH.
Overall, European industry will emerge stronger in the face of international
Consumers and authorities will also benefit greatly from this new system as it will
generate meaningful and structured information on chemicals. It is essential that
this information is put to good use by way of more effective management of risks
and action to deliver effective protection for our citizens.
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am increasingly convinced that you have a fascinating, but a difficult, task lying
ahead of you. I am sure that the Agency will be the focus which will permit
Europeans to work together to achieve the important aims of REACH. At the same
time, I count on the Agency to give the necessary assistance to those outside
Europe who wish to join with us and ask for our advice and support. These are
challenging tasks. But I am confident that with the support of the Commission,
Member States and stakeholders, the Agency will succeed. Indeed, I look forward to
coming back on a future occasion to toast to your success.
In the future, Helsinki will not just stand for the beautiful capital of Finland, but also
for the heart of European chemical expertise.
Thank you.