ND Egg Drop Physics Competition XVII (the seventeenth drop ..oh yes.. its true) The goal of this project is to design a vehicle that can hold two “occupants” and prevent them from being terminated when the vehicle is dropped from various heights. The occupants are Grade A Canadian eggs. Termination is defined as any cracks or damage to the eggshell. Vehicle and Competition Specifications: Materials: Any material can be used with the exception of sponges (or sponge like materials), manufactured (cubic, rectangular) boxes, manufactured stuffed animals/dolls, Styrofoam and foam padding (6 mark penalty). Size: 35 cm x 35 cm x 35 cm (any parachute that is used must fit within the dimensions when it is fully extended). Vehicles larger than this size will be deducted (6 mark penalty). Mass: Vehicles with a mass greater than 350 grams will have marks deducted (-1 mark for every 10 grams over the limit) Drop Heights: The vehicles (together with their occupants) will be dropped from the following heights a) 1 m b) 1.5 m c) 2.5 m d) between 3 – 4 m e) unknown?????? Please note, during the fifth drop, the contraption may be tossed in any random orientation. Accessibility: The occupants should be accessible to the judge (perhaps 001 will judge this event) at all times during “Drop Day”. On “Drop Day”, the judge will provide each team of designers with two occupants. The designers then have 60 seconds to prepare their vehicle with the occupants. Any team than cannot prepare their vehicle within 60 seconds will have marks deducted. Furthermore, after each round of drops, the judge will then simultaneously ask all the designers to prepare their occupants for inspection. Any team that cannot prepare their occupants for inspection within 60 seconds will be deducted points. Any egg damaged while loading the vehicle will be disqualified from the competition. Repairs: Repairs to vehicles on Drop Day are strictly prohibited. Report Specifications and Marking (1 report per group): The report should have the following a) title page b) d) physics of the problem g) future design improvements material list c) diagram of the vehicle with dimensions e) design considerations and process f) data test runs h) resource list of any internet sites/books used Diagram of the vehicle with dimensions: (diagram should be specific so that anyone can recreate your vehicle) /5 Physics of the problem: /12 a) b) Draw a FBD for the contraption while in flight and at the point that it makes contact with the ground Using sample calculations, explain what happens to the final speed of the egg as i) air resistance force increases ii) mass of the contraption decreases c) Using sample calculations, explain what happens to the impulse the egg experiences as i) the final speed of the egg decreases (if initial speed is 0) Using sample calculations, explain what happens to the force the egg experiences as i) the impulse of the egg at impact decreases ii) the collision time of the egg at impact increases Based on the above answers, how can you improve the chances of the egg surviving at impact d) e) Design Considerations and Process: /4 Based on the physics of the problem, describe the logic behind your design and the choice of your materials. If you tried several different materials or designs, describe some of the results of your trials. Basically, answer the question, “Why did you do what you did (in terms of design/material)?” (no more then 200 words) Data Test Runs: /6 A table of test runs should be included in your report for 2 separate drop heights (1 m and 2 m), which lists the height of the drop, the time of fall, the average acceleration, the final velocity at impact and the impulse the egg (mass of egg is 40 grams) experiences during the collision. Sample calculations are required. If your calculated acceleration is > 9.8 m/s2 (due to error in the measurement of time), then use 9.8 m/s2 as your acceleration and calculate all other values based on this. All other sections: /3 /30 Survival: Drop Height 1 through 3, 4 marks each Drop Height 4, 4 marks Drop Height 5, 4 marks *****Artistic Creativity and Complexity*****: Bonus marks will be awarded to the team that survives all drops and has the lightest contraption /20 /6 /26 Overall Mark Looking forward to some “eggcellent” designs. I am sure you will “eggcel” at this task. Due date: Drop date ________ Report: _________ /56