Trauma Unit Accreditation - The North West Children`s Major


Process of ‘Assurance and Refresh’ of Paediatric Trauma Unit

Accreditation for 2013/14 North West Children’s Major Trauma Network

Evidence Template for the PAEDIATRIC TRAUMA UNIT Accreditation Refresh

The role of The Paediatric Trauma Unit within the North West Children’s Major Trauma Network encompasses the following:

To receive paediatric trauma patients with less serious injuries (e.g. simple fractures of one limb, lacerations and minor head injuries) and to deliver effective and timely diagnostics, resuscitation and care.

To act as an effective receiver for paediatric trauma in cases where the patient has catastrophic injuries and whose outcome could be adversely affected by direct transfer to the Children’s MTC. (CMTC) To deliver effective and timely diagnostics and resuscitation. Arrangements should be made to transfer these patients to the CMTC within an hour of arrival.

To act as an effective receiver for paediatric trauma in cases where the journey time to the MTC is greater than 45 minutes. To deliver effective and timely diagnostics and resuscitation. Arrangements should be made to transfer these patients to the MTC within an hour of arrival.

To have protocols in place to accept patients back from the CMTCC and to provide an ongoing rehabilitation service including delivery and re-assessment of the patient’s rehabilitation prescription.

To participate in the Children’s Major Trauma Network governance arrangements and associated work streams.

Instructions for completing the template below:

Please provide BRIEF information on each question in the box provided. The purpose of the template is to provide a description and assurance of how the children’s trauma service is working. It is preferable to provide a (brief) narrative rather than embed or attach other documents. However where supporting evidence is available, please reference the document in the template below and attach separately or as appendices.


Governance Children’s Major Trauma

1. 1 Who is Trust Executive Lead for Children’s Major Trauma

1.2 Who is lead for Children’s Major Trauma and represents the Trust at the North West

Children’s Major Trauma Clinical Governance meeting , and what is their role ( e.g

Emergency Consultant, Anaesthetist ) Please give email and telephone contact details.

1.3 How many meetings has the Trust been represented at the quarterly Childrens Major

Trauma Governace Meeting in the last 12 months

1.4 Within the Trust what internal governance arrangements are there for Children’s Major

Trauma to be raised

1.5 Have there been any clinical incidents investigated since April 2012 re Children’s

Major Trauma. If so please provide details

1.6 What arrangements are there for TARN data input , who inputs TARN data

2. Pre Hospital Care

2.1 Does the Trust have a named contact for NWAS?

2.2 Who is the contact?

2.3 Are there any issues re prehospital care for Children with major Trauma at your unit

3. Trauma Unit :Data

3.1 How many children in total attended the Emergency Department April 1

2012- March 31 st 2013

3.2 Number of children (≤16yrs) with an ISS > 8 and ≤ 15 admitted to

Trauma Unit since April1 2012 to present

3.3 Number of children with an ISS >15 and of age admitted to Trauma Unit since April1 2012 to present

3.4 Number of patients <16 years transferred to the Children’s MTC from the

Trauma Unit with an ISS >8 since April1 2012 to present

3.5 Transfer destination –please state number to Alder Hey

number to RMCH

3.6 Of the number transferred to the Children’s Major Trauma Unit how many were in the department for over one hour before they left the department to go to the MTC

3.7 Of the number transferred to the Children’s Major Trauma Unit how many were in the department for over four hours before they left the department

3.8 Number of children with ISS >8 admitted to Trauma Unit not transferred and retained in Trauma unit hospital since April1 2012 to present

3.9 Has there been a death of a child in the ED department as a result of a

Major Trauma since April 2012

3.10 If yes please provide brief details and TARN ID number

4. Trauma Unit Care for Children

4.1 Number of ED Consultants with speciliast interest in Paediatric Emergency


4.2 Number of RSCNs in the department

4.3 Provide evidence of anaesthetic paediatric airway management expertise

4.4 Evidence that an experienced and appropriately qualified clinical team is available to transfer time critical patients to the Childrens MTC and that transfer protocols are in use and readily available in the department

4.5 Attach a sample of an actual (anonymised) ‘Children’s Emergency Trauma

Pathway & Patient Record’ document

4.6 Number of occasions a dialogue with NWTS has been initiated

4.7 Are there guidelines for the management of paediatric trauma

4.8 Evidence of development of guidelines for the management of paediatric trauma

5. Childrens Trauma Team


Provide a description of the following: Trauma team (children) – team membership and roles consultant lead, pathway coordinator etc.

5.2 Number of occasions and proportion of children when a full trauma team was not present( since April 2012)

5.3 Number of children with severe major Trauma (ISS > 15) who did/did not have a consultant present within 30 mines of arrival ( since April 2012)

6. Rehabilitation

6.1 Please describe arrangements for reverse transfer from Childrens MTC to your hospital

6.2 Who is the clinical lead for Children with Rehabilitation following Major

Trauma in your hospital

6.3 What facilities are available outside your hospital locally to meet the needs of children who have rehabilitation needs after major trauma

7. Accident Prevention

7.1 Please describe any accident prevention programmes for Children the Trust is supporting

8. Training needs

8.1 Please identify any training needs your unit has for Childrens major trauma
