1 GEOLOGY HIGHER Map Exercises 1 Study Map 1 on Page 2 of the Map Exercises Appendix (a) (i) On which side of fault F1 have the rocks been moved up? ....................................................................................................................... (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (b) (i) What type of fault is F2? ................................................................................ (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (iii)In which direction and by how many metres have the rocks been displaced on fault F2? ...................................................................................................................... (c) (i) What type of structure is formed by surface S? .............................................. (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (iii)Give a reason to explain why mylonite will not be found in the movement zone of fault F1. ....................................................................................................................... Map Exercises 1 ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (d) How can you tell that igneous rock K forms a sill and not a lava flow? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (e) How many unconformities can be seen on this map? .................................... (f) Which two statements are correct? A B C D E F The gneiss has been metamorphosed by the granite. Marble may be found adjacent to both the granite and dolerite P. Pebbles of granite may be found in the conglomerate. Pebbles of mylonite may be found in the conglomerate. Part of the granite has been metamorphosed. Xenoliths of granite may be found in dolerite Q. Give only the letters: ___ and ___. (g) (i) Explain why you cannot tell if fault F1 is older or younger than fault F2. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (ii) Explain why you cannot tell if the felsite is older or younger than the granite. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... Map Exercises 2 (h) On the topographic profile, draw a geological section between points X and Y on the map. Topographical profile 1 Map Exercises 3 (i) Place the geological events in the correct order by inserting the correct letters from the table at the bottom of the page. Youngest E Movement on fault F2 J Formation of Surface S G Folding of rocks I Deposition of limestone H Erosion of grass F Dolerite L affected by regional metamorphism Oldest The events in the table below are not in the correct order. A B C D K L Map Exercises Dolerite L affected by contact metamorphism Intrusion of igneous rock K Intrusion of dolerite L Intrusion of dolerite P Intrusion of granite Deposition of conglomerate 4 2 Study Map 2 on Page 3 of the Map Exercises Appendix (a) (i) On which side of fault F1 have the rocks been moved down? ....................................................................................................................... (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (iii) On which side of fault F2 have the rocks been moved down? ....................................................................................................................... (iv) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (v) Explain why movement on fault F1 has not displaced the outcrop of igneous rock K. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (b) What type of relationship exists between the granite and the conglomerate with granite boulders? ....................................................................................................................... (c) How is tuff formed? ....................................................................................................................... Map Exercises 5 (d) Which two statements are correct? A B C D E F Pebbles of gabbro may be found in the conglomerate in the southeast corner of the map. The granite outcrops lie in the cores of domes. The basalt forms both intrusive and extrusive features. Pebbles of dolerite may be found in the conglomerate in the southeast corner of the map. Igneous rock K lies on top of the gabbro but underneath the felsite. The angles of dip tell you that the synclines have asymmetrical shapes. Give only the letters: ___ and ___. Map Exercises 6 (e) On the topographic profile, draw a geological section between points X and Y on the map. Topographical profile 2 Map Exercises 7 (f) Place the geological events in the correct order by inserting the correct letters from the table at the bottom of the page. Youngest D Intrusion of felsite I Intrusion of dolerite C Erosion of mudstone F Intrusion of igneous rock K B Movement of fault F2 A Deposition of mudstone Oldest The events in the table below are not in the correct order. E G H J K L Map Exercises Intrusion of gabbro Intrusion of granite Folding of rocks Eruption of volcano Movement on fault F1 Deposition of conglomerate 8 3 Study Map 3 on Page 4 of the Map Exercises Appendix (a) (i) On which side of fault F1 have the rocks been moved down? ....................................................................................................................... (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (b) (i) What type of fault is fault F2? ........................................................................ (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (iii) In what direction and by how many metres have the rocks been moved on fault F2? ....................................................................................................................... (c) How many unconformities are shown on the map? ........................................... (d) (i) What form of fold is shown by conglomerate P? ....................................................................................................................... (ii) In which directions and at what angles does this fold plunge? ....................................................................................................................... (e) How can you tell that igneous rock L forms a sill and not a lava flow? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... Map Exercises 9 (f) What type of rock would you expect to find in the movement zone of fault F1? ....................................................................................................................... (g) Which two statements are correct? A B C D E F The sandstone has been metamorphosed on three separate occasions. It is possible that conglomerate P contains pebbles of igneous rock L. The shape of the outcrop of conglomerate Q tells you that it has been folded into the form of an anticline. Igneous rock K may be cut by both faults F1 and F2. It is possible that conglomerate Q contains pebbles which were once in conglomerate P. On the map there will be no areas of hornfels. Give only the letters: ___ and ___. Map Exercises 10 (h) On the topographic profile, draw a geological section between points X and Y on the map. Topographical profile 3 Map Exercises 11 (i) Place the geological events in the correct order by inserting the correct letters from the table at the bottom of the page. Youngest G Intrusion of rock L H Deposition of conglomerate Q L Intrusion of igneous rock K E Folding of conglomerate P J Intrusion of felsite C Eruption of basalt lava Oldest The events in the table below are not in the correct order. A B D F I K Map Exercises Movement on fault F2 Movement on fault F1 Deposition of mudstone Deposition of conglomerate P Folding of limestone Intrusion of dolerite 12 4 Study Map 4 on Page 5 of the Map Exercises Appendix (a) (i) On which side of fault F2 have the rocks been moved up? ....................................................................................................................... (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (b) (i) From the map, how can you tell that fault F1 is not vertical? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... (ii) Fault F1 dips to the west at 45°. What type of fault is F1? ............................. (iii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (c) From a study of the dolerite dyke how can you tell that the volcano has erupted more than once? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... Map Exercises 13 (d) Which two statements are correct? A B C D E F The fold plunges towards the north at an angle of 20°. The youngest sedimentary rock is sandstone. The broken volcanic rock lies in a vertical structure called a plug. The sedimentary rocks lie in a basin-shaped syncline. The surface between the conglomerate and gneiss is a thrust fault. The fold shown on the map is a dome. Give only the letters: ___ and ___. Map Exercises 14 (e) On the topographic profile, draw a geological section between points X and Y on the map. Topographical profile 4 Map Exercises 15 (f) Place the geological events in the correct order by inserting the correct letters from the table at the bottom of the page. Youngest B Intrusion of dyke K E Intrusion of dolerite F Eruption of lava P C Movement of fault F2 D Folding of rocks I Intrusion of dyke M Oldest The events in the table below are not in the correct order. A G H J K L Map Exercises Final eruption of volcanic ash Movement on fault F1 Formation of gneiss Deposition of conglomerate Intrusion of dyke L Eruption of lava Q 16 5 Study Map 5 on Page 6 of the Map Exercises Appendix (a)(i) On which side of fault F1 have the rocks been moved down? ....................................................................................................................... (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (b) (i) What type of fault is F3? ................................................................................ (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (iii) In what direction and by how many metres has the diorite dyke been displaced by movement on fault F3? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (iv) What evidence suggests that fault F3 has moved more than once? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... Map Exercises 17 (c) Which two statements are correct? A B C D E F The arkose lies in the core of a plunging anticline. The conglomerate lies in the metamorphic aureole of the granite. The granite forms an intrusion called a ring dyke. Marble will be found only in the metamorphic aureole of the granite Cross-cutting relationships tell you that the diorite and fault F2 were formed at the same time. The granite lies in an intrusion called a stock. Give only the letters: ___ and ___. Map Exercises 18 (d) On the topographic profile, draw a geological section between points X and Y on the map. Topographical profile 5 Map Exercises 19 (e) Place the geological events in the correct order by inserting the correct letters from the table at the bottom of the page. Youngest L Deposition of conglomerate K Intrusion of granite A Intrusion of dolerite G Intrusion of diorite D Movement on fault F1 J Deposition of sandstone Oldest The events in the table below are not in the correct order. B C E F H I Map Exercises Intrusion of felsite Deposition of arkose First movement on fault F3 Second movement on fault F3 Period of erosion Folding of rocks 20 6 Study Map 6 on Page 7 of the Map Exercises Appendix (a) (i) What type of intrusion is formed by igneous rock R? ...................................... (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... (b) (i) On which side of fault F3 have the rocks been moved down? ....................... (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (iii) How can you tell that the intrusion formed by dolerite L is not vertical? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (c) (i) What type of fault is F4? ................................................................................ (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... Map Exercises 21 (d) Which two statements are correct? A B C D E F The gneiss has been formed from two rock types. Igneous rocks may be altered to become metamorphic rocks. The felsite dyke and fault F4 are known to be the same age because they both cut conglomerate T. The felsite may contain xenoliths of four or more different rock types. Granite Q lies on top of conglomerate S. Fault F4 will not cut dolerite L. Give only the letters: ___ and ___. Map Exercises 22 (e) On the topographic profile, draw a geological section between points X and Y on the map. Map Exercises 23 (f) Place the geological events in the correct order by inserting the correct letters from the table at the bottom of the page. Youngest C Movement on fault F4 L Intrusion of granite Q B Intrusion of dolerite L K Deposition of conglomerate S I Intrusion of igneous rock R D Intrusion of granite P Oldest The events in the table below are not in the correct order. A E F G H J Map Exercises Regional metamorphism Movement on fault F2 Intrusion of dolerite K Deposition of conglomerate T Movement on fault F1 Movement on fault F3 24 7 Study Map 7 on Page 8 of the Map Exercises Appendix (a) (i) How many unconformities are shown on the map? ....................................... (ii) How many anticlines are shown on the map? ................................................ (iii)How many synclines are shown on the map? ................................................ (b) Give one reason to explain why the dykes and foliation in the gneiss west of thrust fault T1 run in a different direction to those east of thrust fault T2. ....................................................................................................................... (c) Which two statements are correct? A B C D E F The pebbles found in conglomerate P will be the same as those found in conglomerate Q. The map shows an anticline which plunges to the south at 15°. Conglomerate Q lies in a fold called a basin. The mineralogy of dolerites K and L will be different. You would expect to find mylonite in the movement zones of the thrust faults. You would expect to find xenoliths of mylonite in the dykes to the west of the outcrop of thrust fault T1. Give only the letters: ___ and ___. Map Exercises 25 (d) On the topographic profile, draw a geological section between points X and Y on the map. Topographical profile 7 Map Exercises 26 (e) Place the geological events in the correct order by inserting the correct letters from the table at the bottom of the page. Youngest I Eruption of lava G Movement on thrust fault T1 D Movement on thrust fault T2 A Deposition of sandstone K Intrusion of dolerite K L Regional metamorphism Oldest The events in the table below are not in the correct order. B C E F H J Map Exercises Intrusion of felsite Formation of unconformity Intrusion of dolerite L Deposition of conglomerate P Intrusion of diorite Folding of rocks 27 8 Study Map 8 on Page 9 of the Map Exercises Appendix (a) (i) What type of fault is F1? ................................................................................. (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (iii) How can you tell that fault F1 is vertical? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (b)(i) On which side of fault F2 have the rocks been moved down? ........................ (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (c) (i) What name is given to the blocks of gneiss in the granite? ....................................................................................................................... (ii) How have the blocks of gneiss come to be in the granite? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... Map Exercises 28 (d) How can you tell that the galena has not been derived from the granite? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (e) (i) Name the predominant type of metamorphic rock close to the granite. ....................................................................................................................... (ii) Give one reason to explain why the zone of metamorphism extends further into the limestone than into the mudstone. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (f) Which two statements are correct? A B C D E F The rocks have been moved down on the east side of fault F3. The veins of haematite have been formed in faults. Gneiss lies at an unknown level beneath the mudstone and limestone. Limestone has been metamorphosed on only one occasion. The pegmatite has been formed by melting of rocks in the zone of metamorphism. The conglomerate forms a structure called a nappe. Give only the letters: ___ and ___. Map Exercises 29 (g) On the topographic profile, draw a geological section between points X and Y on the map. Topographical profile 8 Map Exercises 30 (h) Place the geological events in the correct order by inserting the correct letters from the table at the bottom of the page. Youngest A Deposition of river gravel C Deposition of conglomerate I Intrusion of granite H Intrusion of dolerite E Movement on fault F3 G Movement on fault F2 Oldest The events in the table below are not in the correct order. B D F J K L Map Exercises Folding of rocks Intrusion of pegmatite Movement on fault F1 Blocks of gneiss picked up by granite magma Formation of vein of galena Formation of veins of haematite 31 9 Study Map 9 on Page 10 of the Map Exercises Appendix (a)(i) What type of surface is surface S? ................................................................. (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (b) How many unconformities are shown on the map? ....................................... (c)(i) What type of intrusion is P? ............................................................................ (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (d)(i) What type of fault is F4? ................................................................................. (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (e)(i) On which side of fault F3 have the rocks been moved down? ....................................................................................................................... (ii) Give a reason for your answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... Map Exercises 32 (f) Which two statements are correct? A B C D E F All of the gneiss lies in the core of a faulted anticline. Sandstone is the youngest sedimentary rock. Igneous rock P has been folded into the form of a basin. The rocks were folded after the deposition of conglomerate K and before the formation of surface S. Fault F2 is a tear fault and fault F3 is a normal fault. You would expect to find mylonite in the movement zone of fault F3. Give only the letters: ___ and ___. Map Exercises 33 (g) On the topographic profile, draw and geological section between points X and Y on the map. Topographical profile 9 Map Exercises 34 (h) Place the geological events in the correct order by inserting the correct letters from the table at the bottom of the page. Youngest F Intrusion of granite A Movement on fault F1 E Movement on fault F4 B Movement on fault F2 L Deposition of conglomerate K K Intrusion of dolerite Oldest The events in the table below are not in the correct order. C D G H I J Map Exercises Movement on fault F3 Formation of gneiss Formation of surface S Intrusion of felsite Deposition of conglomerate L Formation of intrusion Q 35 10 Study Map 10 on Page 11 of the Map Exercises Appendix (a) (i) On which side of fault F1 have the rocks been moved down? ....................................................................................................................... (ii) Give a reason for you answer. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (iii) How can you tell that there has been sideways as well as vertical movement on fault F1? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (iv) In which direction and by how many metres have the rocks been moved on fault F3? ....................................................................................................................... (b) The shale is older than the greywacke. Explain how the outcrop pattern northwest of fault F1 has been produced. ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (c) From the map, how can you tell that the dolerite forms a sill and not a lava flow? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... Map Exercises 36 (c) Where on the map is there a structure which may be described as a rift valley? ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... (e) Which two statements are correct? A B C D E F Conglomerate K has been metamorphosed on four occasions. The map would be expected to have a small area of hornfels. Fault F3 ceases to exist where it meets the lava. The map shows four unconformities. The limestone is the oldest sedimentary rock in the area between faults F1 and F2. There are places where igneous rocks have been metamorphosed. Give only the letters: ___ and ___. Map Exercises 37 (f) On the topographic profile, draw a geological section between points X and Y on the map. Topographical profile 10 Map Exercises 38 (g) Place the geological events in the correct order by inserting the correct letters from the table at the bottom of the page. Youngest H Deposition of conglomerate L B Movement on fault F3 J Intrusion of granite S D Intrusion of granite T A Intrusion of dolerite E Intrusion of diorite Oldest The events in the table below are not in the correct order. C F G I K L Map Exercises Movement of fault F2 Intrusion of felsite Deposition of conglomerate K Extrusion of lava Deposition of greywacke Movement on fault F1 39