Page 1 of 496 [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Event Manager - << Hide Filters Show Severity: Show Element Type: All All Apply Filters Summary Text or Element Name: >> ] Preferences Severities: Clear: 43 Unknown: 0 Informational: 1 Warning: 0 Minor: 0 Major: 5359 Critical: 1939 Element Types: Application: 0 Host: 0 Switch: 0 Storage System: 0 Fabric: 0 Other: 0 HP Storage E Clear Undo Clear ID Delete... Element Total: 24793 Severity Time HP Storage Essentials 2006/05/17 05:52 2006/05/17 05:52: Unable to connect to Brocade switch at FabAPI_DiscoverFabrics did not return any fabrics. HP Storage Essentials 2006/05/17 05:52 2006/05/17 05:52: Can't connect to switch because of invalid username or password. HP Storage Essentials 2006/05/17 05:50 2006/05/17 05:50: Unable to connect to Brocade switch at FabAPI_DiscoverFabrics did not return any fabrics. HP Storage Essentials 2006/05/17 05:50 2006/05/17 05:50: Can't connect to switch because of invalid username or password. 280237 280236 280235 280234 Summary Text Element Type Can you help me with clearing solving how to correct the username/password For these switches? Thanks Donald Ray Hornsby Work #334-213-7566 Work #Alternate 334-271-7474 DSN 363-7566