A letter for you to send home to parents

Here is a letter of instructions for parents you can copy/paste
onto your school’s letterhead or onto holiday paper (don’t
forget to add a closing or just delete this and the two ***
parts below)
This Thanksgiving break I’ll be sending home lessons to be played on VizZle, an
interactive lesson format accessed via the Web. This will give you some great computer
activities that your child is familiar with, enjoys and supports what we are doing in class.
What is VizZle?
VizZle is visual learning software that we have been using at school to work on a variety
of different skills and topics. You can find more information at www.monarchtt.com.
Using VizZle Lessons Over Break
Your child will be able to log into a VizZle Student Player at home and choose from
lessons I have selected and prepared.
To log in to the VizZle Player, open a web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari,
etc.) and go to http://govizzle.com/vizzleplayer/. Then log in using the username and
password below.
Username: __________________________
Password: _________________________
When you or your child logs in, you’ll see the lessons there, ready for play.
(***Feel free to add any instructions about play at home here)
I know school vacations can be difficult because of the break in routine. I think these
VizZle activities can very helpful. Your child is familiar with how to play them and enjoys
them. If you have any questions please let me know.
(***Add your preferred contact information and closing here
if you like)