
Date of Meeting: 8th November Parish/Ward:
Agenda No. 4
Reference No:
Construction of a two storey care wing a three storey
bedroom wing and a conservatory
Dormy House Ridgemount Road Sunningdale Ascot SL5
Caring Homes
Lennon Planning Partnership Ltd
Date Received:
9th August 2006
Case Officer:
Sarah Ellison
Planning Context:
Excluded settlement
Tree Preservation Order
Sustainable Development Implications:
stock for
residents with particular needs
More intensive use of land
settlement area
Main Relevant Policies
Local Plan – DG1, N5, N6, CF1, T5, P4, IMP1, ARCH2
Structure Plan – DP5, DP4, DP3
Previous Relevant Decisions
Two storey care wing, three storey bedroom wing and
Refused as the size, design and siting of the EMI unit
would appear as a dominating, imposing building failing
to respect the character and appearance of the area;
bedroom block would be out of character with the
development in the locality; location of EMI unit would
result in an unacceptable impact upon occupiers of The
Ridge Cottage and development did not secure developer
Appeal pending by written representations.
Enclosed fire escape on east elevation.
Construction of store and use as a nursing home.
Change of use to retirement / nursing home.
The Highway Authority
No objections, subject to conditions
Neighbour Notification Responses
One letter stating no comments on the application.
The Sunningdale Ladies’ Golf Club has objected to the proposal on the
basis of the size and mass of the EMI extension, which the Club
considers will unduly overlook the golf course, the noise from talking,
music and televisions which will distract golfers, and the noise resulting
from construction.
Berkshire Archaeology
No objections subject to conditions.
Sunningdale Parish Council
Has concerns regarding the building’s close proximity to the road. The
building should not be overbearing and there should be no third floor. Due to
the above circumstances we object to this application.
Tree Officer
The footprint of the EMI unit has been reduced, and there is reduced
conflict with the boundary vegetation. This has also increased the
available area to ensure adequate protection for the retained trees and
hedges during construction. The reduction in the footprint of the
building also reduces the conflict with the vegetation on the northern
boundary. The footprint of the bedroom block will be set back further
than the existing and allows potential to increase the soft ground
opportunities to the front of the site. No objections subject to condition
This application was considered at the Panel on 11th October 2006,
when it was resolved to grant planning permission on the completion of
a unilateral undertaking to secure contributions towards associated
improvements in community infrastructure. Although progress is being
made on completing the undertaking, it has not yet been completed
and the planning permission has not been issued. Since the Panel
representations have been received from Sunningdale Ladies’ Golf
Club raising issues which were not discussed in the original report.
These relate to the size and mass of the EMI extension, which the Club
considers will unduly overlook the golf course, the noise from talking,
music and televisions which will distract golfers, and the noise resulting
from construction.
The application has been referred back to the Panel to allow it to
consider whether these representations affect its original decision to
resolve to grant planning permission to sufficient a degree that an
alternative decision should be reached. Officers do not consider that
the points raised are sufficiently material to reach a different
conclusion. Noise during construction is controlled under
Environmental Protection legislation and cannot be used as a reason to
refuse planning permission, whilst Officers do not consider that
increased overlooking of the golf course or the possibility that the
occupants of the building might disturb golfers amount to sustainable
grounds to refuse permission. The original report, is reproduced below
for information.
The Site and Surroundings
The application site comprises a 0.76 hectares fronting onto
Ridgemount Road. The site is mainly flat and comprises a collection of
buildings used as a nursing home. The site bounds The White House,
a dwelling to the west, located on lower ground level, to the north west
is The Ridge, a block of 6 flats and The Ridge Cottage, a dwelling. The
land to the south of the site is part of Sunningdale Golf Course.
The buildings on the site are a mix of three, two and single storeys of
eclectic sizes and designs, the main building has a mock Tudor theme,
the remainder of the buildings comprise more modern buildings of a
functional design and appearance. The area is, in the main,
characterised by substantial dwellings sited on large, spacious plots. A
Tree Preservation Order protects the band of trees located on the
boundary between the site and the White House and the trees at the
front of the site.
The Proposal
The application seeks planning permission to construct a two storey
care wing, a three storey bedroom wing and a conservatory, in total
providing a net gain of 24 bedrooms on the site, and ancillary rooms
such as meeting rooms and offices. The proposed extensions /
demolitions would result in a total of 82 bedrooms on site. In order to
facilitate these new buildings the existing single storey building at the
rear of the site which comprises the existing EMI unit would be
demolished, along with two buildings at the front of the site which are
two storey in height and currently unused.
Care Wing (EMI Unit)
The proposed structure would replace a smaller existing single storey
building which is located in a similar location to that proposed and
would be used as accommodation for the elderly and mentally infirm
(EMI); the unit would be linked to the main buildings on the site by a
new two storey link. The EMI unit would be sited at the rear of the site
parallel with the boundary of the site with The White House. The
building proposed is broadly rectangular in shape and would have a
maximum width of around 46m and a depth of around 11.5m and
would have a modern design and appearance with brick work, render
and cedar cladding proposed as facing materials. The building would
have an eaves height of 5m rising to a maximum height of 8m.
Bedroom block
The block would replace two existing two storey buildings, one located
at the front of the site and one within the site. The structure proposed is
a broadly rectangular in shape and comprises a two storey building
with rooms in the roof. The building would have a maximum width of
around 27m when fronting Ridgemount Road, a depth of around 11.5m
and would have a maximum height of 9.4m. This block would provide
additional bedrooms for the nursing home with office and staff facilities
at second floor level.
The proposed conservatory would be located on the southern elevation
of the building, adjacent to the main entrance to the site, parallel with
the boundary of the site with the golf course. The conservatory would
be rectangular in shape, measuring 6.2m in width, 10.2m in depth and
would have a maximum height of 4.8m. It would be used as a
conservatory for the residents of the home.
The application seeks to overcome the objections raised to planning
application 06/00713, refused as concerns were raised in respect of
the size of the proposed EMI unit and its relationship with The Ridge
Cottage and its grounds. Objections were also raised to the scale,
mass and bulk of the proposed bedroom block at the front of the site
and the adverse effect that the building would have had upon the
character and appearance of the area. Furthermore a legal agreement
had not been provided to secure the necessary developer contributions
to fund infrastructure required as a result of the development.
Principal Planning Issues
The main issues for consideration in the determination of this
application are:
Principle of increasing the size of the nursing home
Impact upon character and appearance of the locality,
Impact upon living conditions of occupiers of nearby
Highway safety
Developer contributions
Principle of increasing the size of the nursing home
The site is located within the settlement of Sunningdale and is an
existing nursing home. No objections were raised under the earlier
application this year to the principle of increasing the number of
bedrooms by 28, the concern was the manner in which it had been
provided on the site. The current application proposes an increase of
24 bedrooms. The extension and improvement of facilities on this site
will contribute towards providing a range of accommodation to meet the
varied needs of residents in this Borough in accordance with Local
Plan Policy H9, whilst Policy CF1 seeks to protect facilities in existing
community use. In principle, subject to the details of the proposal being
acceptable, the principle of extending this nursing home to provide a
net gain of 24 bed spaces would be consistent with the Local Plan.
Impact upon character and appearance of area
Care Wing (EMI Unit)
This unit would replace a significantly smaller existing EMI unit at the
rear of the site and no objections are raised to the principle of replacing
this building. The existing building, due to its location and size is not
visible in views of the site from the street. The proposal would result in
the loss of the existing single storey structure, including its link to the
main building and would replace it with a significantly larger two storey
building. The proposed building has been reduced in size and scale
from that previously proposed and now respects the size and scale of
the site and the existing buildings on it. Glimpses of the building from
Ridgemount Road would be visible from the accesses into the site,
however it would not be a particularly obvious feature and would be
seen as part of the complex of buildings on the site.
The building would be visible from the golf course, which is within the
Green Belt that borders the site. Whilst the proposed building is large
and will clearly be seen from the golf course, it will be seen in the
context of the remainder of the buildings on the site. As such no
objections are raised to its impact upon the open character of the
adjacent land.
Bedroom Block
This building would result in the loss of two detached two storey
buildings on the site. One of these buildings currently faces ‘end on’ to
Ridgemount Road, the other is set further into the site and is visible
from Ridgemount Road along the service road. These existing
structures are not currently used and have an air of neglect, although
they are not in a derelict state they provide no positive contribution to
the appearance of the site when viewed from Ridgemount Road. The
proposed building has been sited so that it would face onto
Ridgemount Road, set around 12.4m back from the road. This site
currently has a limited frontage, in terms of built form, onto Ridgemount
Road and locating a building so that it fronts onto Ridgemount Road
would potentially improve the contribution of the site to the area by
providing a street frontage. Whilst the proposed building is fairly large
and bulky it is significantly simpler in terms of its design than that
proposed previously, and to which objections were raised. Setting back
the building from the road provides ample room to provide some
landscaping at the front, adjacent to the road. In view of the revised
design of the structure and the opportunity for landscaping it is
considered that it would improve this part of the character and
appearance of the street scene.
The proposed conservatory will be sited at the front of the building,
visible from Ridgemount Road. The conservatory is a simple structure
and is of a pleasing design and form that will integrate satisfactorily
with the character and appearance of the existing building. No
objections are raised to the proposed conservatory.
Impact upon living conditions of occupiers of nearby dwellings
The proposed EMI unit would be parallel with the boundary of The
White House, located 10.4m from this boundary. It has been designed
with the rooms at first floor provided partially within the roof of the
building and a number of dormer windows serving the bedrooms at first
floor level face towards the boundary with this property. There are
currently mature trees and vegetation located along the boundary
between the sites and beyond the boundary the site slopes downwards
towards the White House. The house is located around 14m from the
boundary at a ground level around 2m lower than the application site
and part of its garden area is adjacent to the boundary. Taking into
account the distance of the building from this boundary and the existing
vegetation, which could be strengthened where necessary, it is
considered that the proposed building would be unlikely to have an
adverse effect upon the occupiers of this dwelling in terms of either its
form and bulk, or in terms of any overlooking.
The previous application sited the proposed EMI unit just under 3m
from the boundary of the site with The Ridge Cottage. Concerns were
raised about the impact of this building upon the occupiers of The
Ridge Cottage in terms of overlooking and loss of privacy. The
proposal is now sited 8m from the boundary at its closest point and its
relationship with this property has significantly improved. It is
considered that the proposed EMI unit would now be unlikely to result
in any adverse effect upon the occupiers of The Ridge Cottage, and
would enable the retention of important boundary vegetation.
Neither the proposed bedroom block at the front of the site, nor the
proposed conservatory are in close proximity to adjacent properties
and as such would be likely to have any unacceptable impact upon the
living conditions of the occupiers of any nearby properties.
Highway safety
The Highway Authority has commented that the applicant proposes no
changes to the existing access arrangements. Care homes of this
nature generate a low demand for parking space and low levels of
traffic and the Highway Authority is content that the 37 available
spaces would be sufficient. The site is within walking distance to
Sunningdale railway station and a nearby supermarket in the town
centre. No objections are raised in respect of highway safety.
Developer contributions
The development would result in additional residents and an increased
impact on library services and highways. In line with the Adopted SPD
the proposal generates a requirement for developer contributions
towards library services (£4,752), with the contribution being directed
towards the mobile library, and traffic and road safety improvements
(£4,760), with the contribution being directed towards traffic safety
improvements on the A30 London Road. The developer has expressed
a willingness to enter into a legal agreement to secure these
contributions and is currently preparing an agreement. Subject to a
satisfactory signed agreement being provided no objections are raised.
Other Material Considerations
It is noted that the Berkshire Archaeology has advised that the site is
within an area of archaeological potential. It is advised that Prehistoric
finds have been recovered from the site boundaries, and any new
building has the potential to damage archaeological deposits relating to
these. Each of the three proposals would be likely to require
archaeological monitoring, in the form of a watching brief. It is
recommend that a condition requiring this is included as part of any
The proposed extensions have overcome the objections previously
raised in application 06/00713. The principle of providing 24 extra
bedrooms on the site is consistent with the Local Plan and it is
considered that the development will integrate satisfactorily with the
existing development on the site and the character and appearance of
the area. The proposals will be unlikely to have any adverse impact
upon the living conditions of occupiers of nearby properties. There is
adequate off street parking for the development and subject to a
satisfactory signed legal agreement being provided to secure the
necessary developer contributions the scheme is considered to comply
with the Development Plan.
That the application be deferred
and authority delegated to the
Head of Planning to
Grant planning permission subject
to the following conditions and
such conditions as are required by
the Tree Officer to ensure a
satisfactory decision and subject
to the prior completion of a legal
Refuse planning permission if the
legal agreement or undertaking is
not satisfactorily completed within
three months of this Panel.
Conditions and Reasons
Commencement - full application - 3 year
Samples of materials
Landscaping Scheme
Replacement Planting
Finished slab levels
Areas of Archaeological Interest
Existing Parking
HI06 Damage to footways and verges
HI07 Damage to the Highway
HI29 No Equipment/Materials On Public Highway