LOC poster abstract template

Land-Ocean Connectivity: from Hydrological to Ecological
Understanding of Groundwater Effects in the Coastal Zone
A Europole Mer Gordon-like conference. Aber Wrac’h, Brittany, France
25-27 September 2012
Abstract Formatting Details
This abstract format applies to invited speakers and to poster presentations
0. File format
Abstract format must be Word and file name must be as follows using name of applicant (even if the applicant is not
the author, please use the name of the person submitting the abstract for the file name):
LAST NAME_First name_Abstract_LOC.doc
1. Title
Please do not capitalize all words; use italic and capital letters where appropriate.
Land-Ocean Connectivity: what are the major scientific challenges?
2. Authors
1. Underline presenter’s last name
a) Order: Last Name First Name;
b) Separate co-authors’ names by comma;
c) Last two co-authors’ names are separated with “and”;
3. Put numbers of corresponding affiliations after the first name of the presenting author only;
Peterson Jennifer1, Cordell Peter and Tiburon Maya.
3. Affiliation
full mailing addresses for presenting author only and e-mail address for one corresponding author only
Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, 35017 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
4. Body text
No figure, no table, maximum 250 words
Example of full abstract
Land-Ocean Connectivity: what are the major scientific challenges?
Peterson Jennifer1, Cordell Peter and Tiburon Maya.
Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, 35017 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain.
The coastal zone, where fresh and saltwater meet, hosts some of the most dynamic, diverse and productive
ecosystems on Earth. These ecosystems experience significant pressure from human activities, responding to
direct and indirect human disturbance and to climatic-hydrologic variability. Hydrological land-ocean
connectivity is an important driver of these ecosystems. It greatly affects coastal ecosystem processes such as
nutrient cycling, algal and zooplankton community dynamics, ecosystem metabolism or food web dynamics.
The critical role of surface water discharge from rivers to coastal ecosystems has been well documented. In
the past decade or so, the hidden subsurface flow of coastal (intertidal and submarine) groundwater discharge
and associated geochemical and hydrological processes have received an increasing amount of scientific