Creating a Syllabus—New Faculty Orientation/ Jackie Cason Fall 2006 Syllabus Checklist Syllabus Content1 Yes No Comments Course number, section, title, meeting time, location, semester and year Instructor full name, title, preferred name Office location, office hours, phone number, and email Pre-requisite courses or skills Course description (how course relates to other concepts and principles of the discipline) Course objectives and goals (enduring understandings and essential questions) Required course materials Texts and reading lists (required and suggested2, location of readings) Instructional strategies (i.e. group work, lectures, simulations, discussions, etc.) Class atmosphere and safety Testing methods (e.g. essay, multiple-choice, short answer) and type of knowledge tested (e.g. Bloom’s taxonomy—knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation) Grading Policies Attendance and participation Major assignments--goals & criteria This checklist can be used to review already existing syllabi (faculty peer groups) or used to create your own syllabus. The CAS Syllabus Template is available at 2 For example, I sometimes use the verbs read, review, consult to distinguish between varying levels of reading. 1 Creating a Syllabus—New Faculty Orientation/ Jackie Cason Fall 2006 Examination/ assignment policies (e.g. missed tests; academic dishonesty, extra credit, etc.) Course schedule of unit topics and calendar with due dates for major assignments and exam dates Guidelines and criteria for course assignments Academic Success and Support Services3 Syllabus Format Yes No Comments Format (e.g. 8½ x 11; 2-column, newsletter) Printing/ fonts Color, other ‘aesthetic’ concerns Graphic images Sufficient white space Information chunking Hierarchy of information Blackboard Access 3 Should a student require academic accommodation (e.g. extended testing time, note-taking assistance), a notification letter, typically hand-delivered by the student, will be provided to you which identifies those academic adjustments. If a student approaches you requesting accommodations based on disability without a notification letter from this department, you are under no obligation to provide accommodations; however, please refer the student to Disability Support Services. It is also recommended that you include the following in your first-class-session announcements and on your syllabus: "If you experience a disability and would like information about support services, contact Disability Support Services, located in Rasmuson Hall 105 at 786-4530, or on the web at:” Faculty may contact Kaela Parks, Director, Disability Support Services for further information: Ph (907) 786-4535; Creating a Syllabus—New Faculty Orientation/ Jackie Cason Fall 2006 COURSE NAME Instructor’s Name Semester and Year Once you have studied the course syllabus so that you understand its contents, please initial the statements below. Then print your name and sign and date the document. Return it to me no later than the next class period. Feel free to ask any questions or request clarification as needed, now or throughout the semester. You may also ask questions directly on this form if you prefer. ___________________ I have read the class syllabus and understand its contents. ___________________ I thoroughly understand the grading and attendance policies stated in the syllabus. ___________________I also understand the University’s policies and guidelines regarding grading, including the grades of W for Withdrawal and I for Incomplete. (Print student name) (Student Signature) Date