ARCH 2002 - Flinders University

ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
ARCH 2002
Major Essay
(Archives assignment: Option B)
Baron Ferdinand Von Mueller: An overview of
his life in Adelaide, botanical work and his cottage in
the Bugle Ranges in South Australia from 1847-52.
John Gitsham
Std. 9904730
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
Botany and botanists have a lot to thank the eccentric Ferdinand von Mueller for his
name is to be found on hundreds of Australian plants, trees and shrubs. He was probably
the most important botanist to visit Australia after Joseph Banks who came out with
Captain Cook on the first fleet in 1770.
Ferdinand Von Mueller was born Ferdinand Muller, on June 30th, 1825 in SchleswigHolstein, in an area under disputed ownership bordered by Germany and Denmark.
He arrived in Australia on Dec 15th, 1847 at Port Adelaide on
the ship ‘Hermann von Beckerath’, having left Germany for
various health reasons.
Mueller lived and worked in and around South Australia doing
botanical taxonomic studies. While living in South Australia
he purchased and lived in a small cottage in the Bugle Ranges
“Mueller’s Cottage”, which still stands today on a private
farming property in the Adelaide Hills. (Pacsoa, 2005 www
At the end of 1857 he moved to Melbourne to take up the
position of director of the Melbourne Botanical Gardens.
He travelled around Australia extensively, collecting plant and
Photo of Mueller in the early
1890’s in Victoria, where he
died in 1896.
animal specimens and classifying them for the scientific world.
The ramifications of some of his work had practical benefits to Australian agriculture.
He was also infamous, unfortunately, for introducing Blackberries to Australia, which
have since become an environmental pest plant. (Pacsoa, 2005 www online)
Throughout Mueller’s time in Australia his botanical work accumulated to include over
2,000 species of identified plants. He was responsible for distributing many plants and
seeds to public gardens, herbaria’s and institutes throughout Australia and overseas, to
boost their collections of Australian plants. Blue Gums in California can be attributed to
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
von Mueller although again this retrospectively may not have been such a great idea as
this tree is now a major pest plant in the USA.
He became president of ‘The Acclimatization Society of Australia’ for 10 years while
living in Melbourne, a group that believed that all and any plants and animals should be
introduced to Australia to enhance the species already here. This group’s philosophy has
caused huge damage to Australia’s ecosystems, and to his credit when von Mueller
started to realize this he left the society, probably feeling rather guilty about his
association with them because of his blackberry introductions and others.
Von Mueller and the Surveyor General of South Australia, Goyder are thought to be the
fathers of plantation forestry in Australia, Mueller planting well over 30,000 trees in his
lifetime. He was the first to plant Marram Grass to help stabilize and anchor sand dunes,
a technique that still is being used today. (pacsoa, 2005 www online)
Mueller became internationally recognized for his positive botanical work, and was
awarded the status of Baron by the King of Germany (Wurttemberg), for his
contributions to the field and large donations of botanical specimens from Australia.
His official title was of Baron “in order of the Olga” (The Queen of Wurttemberg was
called Olga). The unique mountain range behind Uluru now known as Kata Tjuta was
once named “the Olgas” in Mueller’s honour by the famous explorer Ernest Giles.
(German Aust., 2005 www online)
The aim of this project is to find out as much information as possible
about Baron Ferdinand von Mueller’ life, work and place of residence
(Mueller’s Cottage in the Bugle Ranges) while in Adelaide, during his
five years in South Australia. Ferdinand von Mueller was a significant
botanist in Australia, whose name can be found accredited to many
plants that are taxonomically listed. There are also many place names,
roads and creeks named after him. He played an important role in
recording South Australia’s early natural history.
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
The aim is to collect primary (where possible) and secondary data from various libraries,
websites and scholarly papers. Visit local history centres to collect primary data about the
I have a personal interest in his cottage at Bugle Ranges as I live in Macclesfield, which
is only a few kilometres from the locally famous cottage.
I have researched information from various library books from Flinders University, Mt.
Barker and Adelaide City Libraries. Searched and read scientific papers and the Internet
about Mueller’s life in Adelaide/South Australia and collected primary and secondary
data from the Mt. Barker History Centre (Mt. Barker Community Library) about his place
of residence (Mueller’s Cottage) in the Bugle Ranges, South Australia.
The Mt. Barker Local History Officer Sue Sautter was most helpful in assisting me to
find research material about Mueller’s Cottage.
Results/Findings: Living in Adelaide/SA 1847-1852.
Plants play a basic part in Pharmacy, and Mueller studied botany
and collected plants while he studied for his degree in Pharmacy
in Germany. An outstanding student, he was awarded his PhD in
Botany at the young age of 21 in 1846.
One year later he and his two sisters set sail to South Australia.
Adelaide was the obvious choice, because there were two thriving
German settlements in South Australia at Klemzig and at
Hahndorf in the Adelaide Hills. They were fresh, young and convictfree settlements, holding the promise of new adventures for a young
German Botanist.
Ferdinand von Mueller and his two sisters Bertha and Clara arrived
Photo of Mueller taken in
1876 by J. W. Lindt.
via Sailing ship at Port Adelaide on Dec.15th. 1847.
La Trobe Picture Collection,
State Library of Victoria
The ship Hermann von Beckerath departed from Bremen via Rio de Janeiro and the Cape
of Good Hope in wild storms, arriving on the shores of Spencer Gulf which was alight
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
with wild bush fires, but this did not stop the young Mueller from collecting plant
samples, including sea weed samples from over the side of the ship and other plants from
the waters edge while the passengers were unloading. (Home, 1998 p.19)
On arrival Adelaide initially looked disappointing to the Mueller’s as it was only a small
town compared to the great cities of Germany. They were in a new country, vulnerable
and nervous, but as luck would have it they were approached by a well-dressed English
gentleman named Samuel Davenport, (who would later play a major role in their life in
South Australia, particularly in the purchase of the Bugle Ranges cottage). He was in the
crowd-watching people disembark from the ship and noticed the Mueller’s. Davenport
felt sorry for them and offered them accommodation at his home in Beaumont until they
could find their own living quarters. The Mueller’s soon became friends with Davenport
and his wife and remained so for the rest of their lives. Davenport was also a patron to
Mueller’s work throughout his life and maintained correspondence with him until
Mueller’s death in1896.
Meeting the Davenport’s was not the only good luck they experienced. They met a man
named Heinrich Heuzenroder who had travelled on the Hermann von Beckerath to South
Australia to join his brother who owned and ran a chemist shop in Rundle Street,
Adelaide. Through his contact with Heinrich, Mueller was able to procure employment
immediately on arrival in the chemist shop, earning 15 shillings per week. (Kynaston
1981 p. 63/64)
Mueller had more opportunities for plant study and discovery than he could have hoped
for, and most of his spare time was spent walking around Adelaide and in the foothills of
the Mt. Lofty Ranges, collecting specimens. He favoured walking as a means of travel
becoming an accomplished and hardened bushman, which helped him in his later
journeys further a field in South Australia and Australia. Mueller’s sisters Bertha and
Clara played an important role in pressing his plant specimens for his now growing
Soon after arrival in Adelaide Mueller became a naturalized Australian, possibly
prompted because you had to be an Australian citizen if you wished to purchase land.
(Kynaston 1981 p. 67)
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
A notice in The South Australian Register of Adelaide proclaimed:
Naturalisation of Aliens: No.90. Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich Mueller,
Colonial Secretary’s Office. 14th. August 1849.
He purchased a property in the Bugle Ranges and built the cottage that still stands today,
but found the farming life distracted him from his botany obsession. He returned to his
job as pharmacist at the Rundle St. Chemist shop so he could indulge more in plant
collecting on his days off. Mueller visited his cottage frequently when collecting plants
throughout the Adelaide Hills and while visiting his sisters, who had moved to
Macclesfield to live with the Davenport’s (they owned several houses).
Between 1850 and 1852 Mueller published numerous papers describing his work first
starting in South Australia but soon publishing many of them in Germany and England.
He published in The South Australian Register one of his earliest papers called Notes on
South Australian Botany. (Kynaston 1981 p. 69)
He placed an advertisement in the local paper in an attempt to raise funds to pay for his
scientific work, because at the time the Government was not interested in sponsoring his
ventures, and rallied funding from the public as well as his good friend Samuel
Davenport, (see appendix one).
Mueller produced hundreds of remarkable scientific papers about Australia’s botany
throughout his lifetime. The world of Botany was sitting-up and taking notice of this little
German man working from Adelaide. Over 170 International and National
acknowledgments and awards would later be bestowed upon him, and he enjoyed the
attention, cherishing the honours and the accolades he received at ceremonies. By the
time he died in 1896 he had gained the impressive title of Baron Sir Ferdinand Jacob
Heinrich von Mueller. (Kynaston 1981 p. 4)
He was a prolific letter writer and wrote thousands of letters to all kinds of professional
people throughout his life (he wrote about 2000 letters per year and exchanged thousands
of seeds and plants with fellow botanists around the world (pacsoa, 2005 www online)).
Attached are two examples of letters he received from notable correspondents Charles
Darwin and the explorer Charles Stuart (appendix one A/B). (Kynaston 1981 p. 70)
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
It is interesting to note that when Charles Darwin published “Origins of Species”,
Mueller could not reconcile evolution, with the Lutheran religious views to which he was
strictly devoted. (pacsoa, 2005 www online)
Mueller’s botanical work was mainly phytogeographical and taxonomic in style. Unlike
other botanists working in Australia at the time, Mueller was not content to send his
samples back to the experts in Europe for indemnification and description, but was
determined to publish his own work. Mueller formulated a plan to prepare a flora of
South Australia, a major work that is still used today by botanists.
By 1852 Mueller’s work was being noticed by the right people as his botanical work was
of the highest quality. Finally the pressure was on him to move to Victoria to head the
Melbourne Botanical Gardens as the Director, although this would become a
controversial appointment as he was a stubborn and pedantic perfectionist and would
seven years later be asked to resign from the position. He left Adelaide for Melbourne in
August 1852. (Home, 1998 p.20)
The Botanical work in South Australia.
Dr. Ferdinand Von Mueller (later Baron) was one of Australia’s finest botanists of the
19th Century. He scientifically identified and named many hundreds of plants and trees.
(Of course these had been very well known to local indigenous groups throughout
Southern Australia under different names for many thousands of years, so his work was
only significant to the European (western) scientific community and botanists of the
world). He worked extensively around South Australia from 1847 until August 1852,
before moving permanently to Melbourne, Victoria to take up the position of Director of
the Melbourne Botanical Gardens.
The first native plant he obtained and identified on Australian soil was Helichrysum
leucopsideum, on Le Fevre Peninsula on 16th December 1847. (Kraehenbuehl, 1996 p.26)
Von Mueller was an energetic traveller who roamed the countryside visiting many SA
country towns, such as Bethany, Tanunda from 12-15th April1848 and Lake Alexandrina
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
on the 27th April 1848. In September of that year he travelled to the Barossa Ranges, and
Wellington near the mouth of the Murray River in October of 1848. While in that area he
visited the South East at Mount Burr and Mount Muirhead, coming back to the Bugle
Ranges to sort through the specimens he had collected.
Throughout most of 1849 Mueller was engaged in farming on his property at the Bugle
Ranges, but was still able to find some time to travel to the SE again, to Guichen Bay and
Cape Jaffa. In 1850 he was travelled to the Rhine River, Tillys Range, Biscuit Flat and
Rivoli Bay in September of that year.
It is also believed that he made his first trip towards the Flinders Ranges in that year,
reaching Mt. Remarkable. This would be followed by several trips to the Flinders Ranges
in later years. (Kraehenbuehl, 1996 p.26)
Fig.2 One of the many Plants
that Mueller identified and
scientifically named.
Fig.1 Mueller’s trip into the flinders ranges in
The year of 1851(fig.1) was notable for von Mueller’s most remarkable and arduous
expedition, plant collecting through the Flinders Ranges. From October 7th through to the
7th November he travelled to Crystal Brook, Nelshaby and Mount Remarkable, and then
to Cudnaka and Arkaba in the northern Flinders. Later that year he travelled to the river
Murray, Moorundie and down to the South East to Guichen Bay again. Apart from a few
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
trips along St. Vincent Gulf he did not travel far from the Mt. Lofty Ranges, River
Torrens and Onkaparinga during 1852.
Later that year in August of 1852, he left for Melbourne to take up his newly appointed
position at the Melbourne Botanical Gardens, as his reputation as a high quality botanist
was now widely known.
He rarely returned to South Australia in his later years. (Kraehenbuehl, 1996 p.27)
Listed are only a few of the hundreds of plants he identified while travelling throughout
South Australia. They can be identified easily by looking up the scientific name of the
species in any Australian Plant book, where the initials ‘F. Muell.’ will be seen.
Red Mulga Acacia cyperophylla
Iron wood Acacia estrophiolata
Dead-Finish Acacia tetragonophylla
Whitewood Atalaya hemiglauca
Desert Kurrajong Brachychiton gregorii
White Cypress Pine Callitris columellaris
Bean Tree Bauhinia carronii
Desert Oak Casuarina decaisneana
Long-leaved Eremophila Eremophila longifolia
Broad-leaved Box Eucalyptus behriana
Sugar Gum Eucalyptus cladocalyx (fig.2)
Cup Gum Eucalyptus cosmophylla
Pink Gum Eucalyptus fasciculosa
Yorrell Eucalyptus gracilis
SA Blue Gum Eucalyptus leucoxylon
And many more…(Boomsma 1981)
This sample of the extensive contribution that Mueller made to Australian Botany
includes only species indigenous to South Australia. Mueller collected many more
samples once he moved to Victoria.
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
Living in the Bugle Ranges (Mueller’s) Cottage.
In December of 1848, a year after the Mueller’s arrived in Adelaide; he was still working
in the Chemist shop in Rundle Street, which he had not found very enjoyable. He decided
(along with a good friend and aided by Davenport) to purchase a block of land of about
20 acres at Bugle ranges, 4 km east of Macclesfield in the Adelaide Hills. Mueller
decided to take up farming as an alternative to working in the Chemist shop. He became a
farmer and pioneer gaining the independence he had been craving. He could now collect
plant specimens when he felt like it and go on expeditions when necessary. His sister
Clara came up from Adelaide to house keep for him in the cottage, which was built in
1849 from locally cut timber. This adventure was not to last, however, as he would end
up working back at the Chemist shop once
Mueller lost money on the Bugle Ranges
property, but during his stays at the cottage
his health improved, as he was a prolific
walker, doing a lot of plant collecting while
walking around the Adelaide Hills.
(Kynaston 1981, p. 66)
The cottage still stands to this day, and is
Mueller’s cottage still stands today at Bugle ranges,
photo taken in 1983.
listed by the National Trust of South Australia, although it is unfortunately not in very
good condition. Copies of current documentation about the cottage from the Mt. Barker
Historical Society are attached (appendix five). Time has not been kind to the structure
and it is now in a state of disrepair, but local Historians are attempting to raise money so
that the cottage can be restored to its former glory. The original hut was built from local
Sheoak trees (Allocasurina verticulata), which were used for the uprights.
Mueller and fellow workers were nearly crushed to death by one of these trees, felled
while the cottage was under construction. He later purchased a further 60 acres of land
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
surrounding his cottage from his friend Samuel Davenport (on November 9th 1850).
(Gemmell 1975, p. 6)
Attached (appendix two) is the floor plan of the original wattle and daub cottage.
With Bertha Mueller living with Samuel Davenport at Macclesfield and Clara now living
with Mr. and Mrs. Austin at ‘Lashbrook’ just outside of Macclesfield, Mueller
(although living back in Adelaide, at times) would visit his sisters and stay in the cottage
while in the area. He used it as a base when on his many collecting trips, both in the
Adelaide Hills, to the Murray Mallee areas to the east and along the Murray River.
(Gemmell 1975, p. 7)
Von Mueller’s hut (as it became known to the locals) was
made from the sheoak and red gum that were prolific in
the area.
The large trunks were split into boards called ‘slabs’ and
used vertically like a fence for the walls. The slabs were
20cm wide by 4cm thick and about 2 m high.
The doorway height was only 1.65m (Mueller was a small
man), and gaps between the slabs were filled with a
mixture of clay and water, a technique called ‘pugging’.
The finish on the walls was a lime wash. Over the years
Mueller’s Cottage, Bugle
Ranges. photo 1990.
the walls through successive coatings of lime and clay became thicker.
The main room (2.8m square see photo of interior) was used as the kitchen and sitting
room and was dominated by a large fire place (1.2m wide by 45cm deep). The fireplace
and chimney projected through the roof against the gable walls. The sawn red gum planks
were laid and butted together, becoming as the original floor, the interior floor made flush
with the outside ground. (Mt. Barker Local History Centre, 2005)
The ceiling was constructed using hand-sawn planks, which became blackened overtime
due to smoke from the fireplace. The original bark-thatched roof was replaced over time
with corrugated galvanized iron, and the building still remains without a verandah. The
tiny second room (2.8m by 2.0m) was the only bedroom as seen in the original layout
(appendix two). The only furniture in the room was a large wooden trestle and benches.
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
Von Mueller’s cottage conforms to traditional pioneer house designs, although there are
some subtle differences. He built the cottage differently to the way a British builder
would. Mueller being German sited the building on raised ground, oriented to the points
of the compass with the chimney side wall (plain) facing northward. This followed the
traditional European practice of providing a thicker wall to the north, devoid of openings,
to protect the occupants from the winter weather. He did not take into account that in
Australia the winter weather comes mostly from the southwest! He would have realized
his mistake however when the first winter came as he built the cottage during the
summer. Also, according to European customs, the only two doors open against the walls
instead of into the room as they would in a British home.
Attached in appendix three and appendix four are ‘EBC
research slips for historic buildings’ files from the
National Trust of South Australia and a map of the area
showing where Mueller’s cottage is today.
(McEwin 1990 p.25)
The property over the years has changed hands first being
sold to James McCall (a shepherd) of Bugle Ranges, then
to A.J.R. Shepley and finally to Mrs. M.J. Craig
in 1983. While the exterior has become run-down the
interior (right) is still in its original condition with the
Interior view of Mueller’s
Cottage, Photo taken in 1990.
fireplace still intact and still being used for cooking until recently.
The time Mueller spent at the cottage was fruitful and enjoyable as he was surrounded by
fellow botanists Krichauff and Fischer who also lived in the Bugle Ranges and
Macclesfield during the five-year period when he lived in SA. (Stark, 1983 p.168)
Even after this time he would sometimes return to the cottage following his field trips to
the Flinders Ranges and other parts of Australia. Many of the botanical specimens he
collected from the Bugle Ranges, Macclesfield and Mount Barker Creek are still
preserved in the Melbourne Herbarium, Victoria. (Faull, 1980 p.76)
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
Mueller passed away on Oct.10th 1896 in Melbourne, suffering
a massive stroke. He is buried in the St. Kilda Cemetery, Victoria.
Politicians, bureaucrats, and the simple folk of the colonial society
were baffled and bemused by him. Because of his complex
personality they thought he was a pretender and did everything to
reduce him to their own mediocrity. So it is ironic that a granite
obelisk, surmounted with an urn, was erected over his grave.
The monument was one of the largest in the cemetery and some
believed that its size was consistent to with the guilt his contempories
and peers felt as a result of their treatment of the great man while he
was alive (Kynaston, 1981 p.370)
A bust of Mueller
found in the
Botanical Gardens,
Mueller was naturally a loving, gentle man. He found other people complex and a threat
to him; hence he gave all his energy and love to the land. Although he was always kind,
people remained only useful objects to him. His botany work was his refuge and
salvation. While he was egocentric, perhaps his ways were sadly, often touching and
irresistibly funny to people around him.
During a turbulent period in his personal life Mueller became engaged to an extremely
determined middle-aged spinster, but in a moment of reflection he decided it was not
such a good idea after all. To avoid being sued for breaching his promise to marry the
woman, he was obliged to announce he was impotent. Hence he never married. (Pacsoa,
2005 www online)
For nearly fifty years, Mueller wrote continuously, producing tens of thousands of letters,
a thousand scientific papers, hundreds of speeches and lectures and over forty books. He
wrote in German, Latin, English and French. The author Edward Kynaston who wrote the
biography (A Man on Edge: a life of Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller) says:
“His (Mueller’s) contemporaries described him to be fluent in several languages, but
apparently he was not even fluent in German, it was said to be prosaic, clinched and
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
undistinguished. His English was Latinate, ponderous, clumsy and dull. He had no
feeling for words. Mueller was an atrociously bad writer. He was also a bad speaker,
meandering on interminably until boredom and sleep overcame the back rows of his
audiences, and the front rows strove politely to keep awake.” (Kynaston, 1981p.371)
Mueller believed that the time he had spent living and working on the land had restored
his health and provided him with many opportunities that he would have been unable to
find anywhere else in the world. Mueller wrote very little about himself, but many facts
about his love of botany. (Kynaston, 1981 p.373)
Many rivers and mountains in Australia, New Zealand and Antarctica are named in
memory of him, as are many plants, such as Calamus muelleri, Livistona muelleri and
Heterospathe muelleri.
While Mueller may have been eccentric, egotistical and dull to some, Australian Botany
and the scientific community have a lot to thank the devoted Baron Ferdinand von
Mueller for, as without his magnificent efforts Australia would be scientifically poorer.
Discussion on research methods used for Major Essay.
I found that collecting primary data about Mueller’s life and work in Adelaide during the
period 1847-52 was difficult. I understand most of his primary data, such as his letters,
papers, diaries and personal items are kept in collections in the Victorian State Archives,
Victorian State Library and the Melbourne Botanical Gardens Archives Collection, the
collections are kept there because Mueller spent the last 44 years of his life living in
Victoria. For my research, only secondary data was available about his life and work in
Adelaide and that information was well documented in many books, articles and websites
that I could access.
I found Mueller’s cottage had very little written about in secondary data, so I was able to
get most of what I needed from the Mt. Barker Local History Centre (The centre is within
the Mt. Barker Community Library) as primary data. With the help of Sue Sautter, the
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
Local History Officer I spent about 4 hours going through various documents, papers and
articles about the cottage, copies of these documents are attached in the appendices.
I found that most of the information/research about Mueller’s Cottage was not current; it
only covered up to about 1990. I would have preferred information that was more recent.
I remembered some local historians doing some recent research (in the last year or so) on
the Cottage after reading the local paper “The Courier” about two years ago. The back
issues of “The Courier” are stored at the Local History Centre, so I looked through 2
years worth of back issues, but could not find the article, this was a frustrating exercise.
I even visited the farming property where Mueller’s Cottage stands, but the current
owners were not available. I did not want to wander around the property to find the
cottage, as newer buildings obscured it. I was unable to return to find out more
information about the cottage. I do not even know the new owners name and phone
number. The History Centre could not help me with that information either.
A Mr. P. Stark had previously done most of the Cottages primary and secondary data
research in 1990 and I have referenced him where necessary.
The negative ramifications to Historical archaeology would be if the old cottage should
collapse from weathering and old age or be demolished because of neglect from the lack
of funding to restore the cottage to its former glory. To lose this historic cottage would be
a shame as the cottage did play an important role in the life of Mueller and his botanical
work while living in Adelaide in the 1800’s.
Appendix one: Mueller’s Advertisement and letters from Charles Darwin (a) and Charles
Stuart. (b)
Appendix two: The floor plan of Mueller’s Cottage at Bugle Ranges.
Appendix three: EBC files National Trust of SA. Mt. Barker Historical Society.
Appendix four: Map of the Bugle Ranges area showing location of Mueller’s Cottage.
Appendix five: Documentation of Mueller’s Cottage from the Mt. Barker History Centre.
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
Boomsma, C.D., 1981, Native Trees of South Australia, Second Edition, pub. Woods and
Forests Dept. Adelaide.
Faull, J. 1980, Macclesfield: reflections along the Angas, p.76, pub. Lutheran Publishing
House, Adelaide.
Gemmell, N. 1975 Ferdinand von Mueller and the early settlement of Bugle Ranges
The South Australian Naturalist, vol. 49, number 4, p.6-7, June, 1975. pub. F.N.S.of SA.
German Australia, German –Speakers in Australia, 2005 available online
Home, R. W. et al 1998, Regardfully Yours: Selected correspondence of Ferdinand von
Mueller, Volume 1: 1840-1859, p.19-20, pub. European Academic Publishers, Bern.
Kraehenbuehl, D. N., 1996, Pre-European Vegetation of Adelaide: A Survey from the
Gawler River to Hallett Cove, p.26-27, pub. Native Conservation Society of SA inc.
Kynaston, E. 1981, A Man on Edge: a life of Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller p.4, 6667, 69-70, 370-371, 373. pub. Penguin books, Melbourne.
McEwin, G. G. 1990, Hundred of Macclesfield: Historical Search of titles, Alienation to
Current. p.25, A 720.994232 MCE LH, Mt. Barker Library, Local History Centre, 2005.
Stark P. B. (Report), National Trust Inventory Sheet, Copy of Title, SA Historic
Registered Places. Mt. Barker District Heritage Survey, Title: Mueller’s Cottage, Item
no. 8/01.p.168, Mt Barker Library, Local History Centre, 2005.
Palm & Cycad Societies of Aust., People, 2005 available online
ARCH2002, Historical Archaeology in Australia, John Gitsham std.9904730, Flinders University
Australian National Botanic Gardens, Von Mueller F., 2005 available online
Boomsma, C.D., 1981, Native Trees of South Australia, Second Edition, pub. Woods and
Forests Dept. Adelaide.
Costermans, L. 2005, Native Trees and Shrubs of South Eastern Australia, pub. New
Holland Publishers, Sydney.
Faull, J. 1980, Macclesfield: reflections along the Angas pub. Lutheran Publishing
House, Adelaide.
German Australia, German –Speakers in Australia, 2005 available online
Gemmell, N. 1975 Ferdinand von Mueller and the early settlement of Bugle Ranges
The South Australian Naturalist, vol. 49, number 4, June, 1975. pub. F.N.S.of SA.
Home, R. W. et al 1998, Regardfully Yours: Selected correspondence of Ferdinand von
Mueller, Volume 1: 1840-1859, pub. European Academic Publishers, Bern.
Kraehenbuehl, D. N., 1996, Pre-European Vegetation of Adelaide: A Survey from the
Gawler River to Hallett Cove, pub. Native Conservation Society of SA inc. Adelaide.
Kynaston, E. 1981, A Man on Edge: a life of Baron Sir Ferdinand von Mueller pub.
Penguin books, Melbourne.
McEwin, G. G. 1990, Hundred of Macclesfield: Historical Search of titles, Alienation to
Current. A 720.994232 MCE LH, Mt. Barker Library, Local History Centre, 2005.
Palm & Cycad Societies of Aust., People, 2005 available online
Stark, P. 1983, Meadows Heritage pub. Gillingham Printers P/L, Adelaide.
Stark P. B. (Report), National Trust Inventory Sheet, Copy of Title, SA Historic
Registered Places. Mt. Barker District Heritage Survey, Title: Mueller’s Cottage, Item
no. 8/01. Mt Barker Library, Local History Centre, 2005.