Duke-Durham Team Description

RFP DP Team Description
Duke Faculty
Gloria Trujillo, MD, Medical Director Duke Family Medicine (DFM) teaches chronic
disease management to students and residents. Assists with IT development via feedback
of chronic disease management working group for electronic disease registry
development and leads the Diabetes Collaborative at DFM.
Kathy Trotter, MSN, CNM, FNP is an Assistant Clinical Professor at Duke University
School of Nursing. She is a national Centering Healthcare Institute trainer in group
healthcare methods. She practices in the Duke Breast Clinics and developed the first
Breast Cancer Survivor Clinic at Duke Oncology in Spring, 2008. This innovative
multidisciplinary group healthcare model has been well received. She has practiced full
scope midwifery for 18 years, and worked in primary care for 10 years.
Community Leaders
Nicole Weedon, MSW, Durham County Social Services is a community social worker
currently targeting high risk patients with diabetes in the community and works with the
Diabetes Collaborative at DFM.
Michele Easterling, MPH, RD, LDN, Clinical Nutrition Program Manager, Durham
County Health Department. She currently oversees medical nutrition therapy services in
clinics and home visit settings. Experienced in community assessment, program
planning, administration and evaluation and conducting individual and group
Allison Vorderstrasse, DNSc, APRN is an Assistant Professor at Duke University
School of Nursing. She is an Adult NP with a specialty in diabetes care and has
experience in behavioral diabetes research, specifically working with African American
Viviana Martinez-Bianchi, MD, FAAFP, Assistant Professor & Associate Residency
Director DFM. She teaches and implements resident training in chronic disease
management. She is also a community trained faculty for Duke community sites in
Durham County.
Katherine Pereira, MSN, FNP, ADM-BC is a nurse practitioner in the Division of
Endocrinology at Duke PDC, and assistant clinical professor at the Duke School of
Nursing. She has over 6 years experience in the clinical care of patients with complicated
diabetes, and is board certified in Advanced Diabetes Management. She also teaches the
Advanced Diabetes Management class for nurse practitioner students at the SON.
Jacqueline Tatum, MSN, RN has held, and continues in clinical leadership and
community-based public health roles for more than thirty years, currently at the Durham
VA. This afforded the opportunity to gain experience in the planning of care and
interventions for special populations, including the education of multidisciplinary health
care teams that care for diverse populations. She serves as the Patient Health Education
Coordinator at the Durham Veterans Affairs Medical Center.
Fran Mauney, BSN, MEd, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, Duke School of
Nursing, has extensive, varied background in development and implementation of health
care programs across all sectors of the community. She has been and will continue to be
closely involved in the planning process.
Sarah McBane, PharmD, Campbell University/DFM faculty. She teaches pharmD,
family medicine residents, PA students, and medical students in chronic disease
pharmacy management and sits on the Diabetes Collaborative at DFM. Played major role
in initial development of in-office group care.
Bettina Karpathian is an RN case manager working with Latch/ Project Access since
November 2008. Her role on the project is representing LATCH, PADC, and DARA
(Hispanic support group at Lincoln Hospital) and the patients they assist. In her role at
DARA, she coordinates a volunteer run community based health support group for
Latinos with a focus on diabetes, which has met monthly at Lincoln since 2004.
Kelly O'Daniel, MPH is a Health Educator with the Diabetes Empowerment Program at
Lincoln Community Health Center. She provides one-on-one education and glucometer
use training for diabetic patients; organizes and facilitates diabetes group classes; and
works with Lincoln’s Hispanic Diabetes Support Group and Lincoln Walk Club.