Ch. 6 Friis




a whole host of study designs are available

the choice is dependent upon the amount of information that is already known about a particular health issue

if little is known, existing data and something that is quick and dirty, should be the approach – why?

as knowledge of the phenomena increases, then so will the complexity and cost of the study major study designs differ from one another in several respects: o number of observations made : as little as one or up to several o directionality of exposure : it varies relative to disease (particularly chronic disease); start with subjects that have the disease and perform a retrospective study; start with disease free subjects and follow them (prospective) o data collection methods : some methods require use of previously collected data; while some require data collection o timing of data collection : questions may arise as to the quality and applicability of the data – particularly if long periods of time have elapsed o unit of observation : an entire group or one individual o availability of subjects : some subjects might not be available for whatever reason

emphasize: how subjects are selected; how designs fit in the spectrum of design options and how each design has inherent strengths and weaknesses



2 basic facets of research design

1) manipulation of study factor (M) – exposure is controlled

2) randomization of study subjects (R) – chance determines likelihood of assignment to exposure conditions the various permutations produce three study types: experimental (M and R); quasiexperimental (M); and observational (neither M nor R)



greatest control over the research setting; the study factor (exposure) is manipulated and subjects are randomly assigned to exposed and non-exposed groups

clinical trials – used primarily in research and teaching hospitals

community interventions – widespread impact on a population’s health – oriented toward education and behavioral change (smoking cessation classes)


manipulation of study factor, but not randomization of study subjects – natural experiments

can be used to evaluate the extent to which the programs meet public health goals

Observational Studies

neither manipulation of study factor nor randomization of subjects

an experiment might be impractical or unethical

make use of careful measurement of patterns of exposure and disease in populations

2 main types:

1) descriptive studies – case reports, case series, cross-sectional surveys; individual health characteristics with respect to person, place and time

2) analytic studies – ecologic studies, case-control studies, and cohort studies; designed to test specific etiologic hypotheses, generate new ones, and suggest mechanisms of causation

The 2 X 2 Table

this model tends to underestimate the complexity of the potential linkage between exposure and disease – however, it does provide and conceptual model for understanding more complex issues

Disease Status

Yes No Total

Exposure status







A + B

C + D

A + C B + D N

total of individuals with disease = A + C; free from disease = B + D; and so on for exposed and non-exposed – known as marginal totals

cross-sectional study – select the sample and determine which group each individual falls into

cohort study – fill in marginal totals of exposed and non-exposed and track for a period of time, once period of observation is complete then disease status could be classified

case-control – fill in marginal totals of disease status and then determine exposure levels

this approach requires that information regarding cross-classification be known


unit of analysis is the group

number of exposed persons persons (preferably the rate of exposure) and the number of cases (preferably the rate of disease) are known, but the number of exposed cases is not known

the marginal cells are known but the interior cells are not

ecologic comparison studies involve an assessment of the correlation between exposure rates and disease rates among different groups or populations – may include incidence rates, prevalence, or mortality rates

exposure data may be available and may include: SES, environmental parameters, lifestyle characteristics

important characteristic is that the level of exposure for each individual is unknown

generally make use of secondary data collected by other sources; a clear advantage in terms of cost

ecologic trend studies involve correlation of changes in exposure and changes in disease

e.g., association between breast cancer and dietary fat (figure 6-3 in back of notes)

since data is used at the group level, individual exposure-disease relationships might be difficult to identify/define

measurement errors in disease and exposure


or prevalence study, exposure and disease measures are obtained at the individual level

select sample of subjects and then determine distribution of exposure and disease status – not necessary for both, but can be

conducted in a single period of observation – unit of observation is the individual

typically descriptive in nature – provide quantitative estimates of the magnitude of a problem as opposed to testing specific hypothesized exposure-disease associations

2 approaches: collect data on each member of the population ; or, take a sample of the population and draw inferences to the population

when taking a sample population, there are two different types: probability sample and non-probability sample

probability sample: every element in the population has a nonzero probability of being included in the sample; non-probability: does not have the nonzero probability feature

probability samples – simply random, systematic samples and/or stratified samples

non-probability samples – quota and judgmental samples – quota: collect data from a fixed number of subjects with particular characteristics (identified); judgmental sample: perception that the sample is representative of the population

non-random samples are not appropriate for cross-sectional studies

cross-sectional studies can be used at the local, state or national level and can be used to evaluate point in time prevalence or repeated for trend analyses

limitations stem mainly from inability to identify causation


disease does not occur randomly – basic premise epidemiology

a rationale that applies to case-control studies (A + C) compared to (B + D)

one point of observation, unit of observation and analysis is the individual

data comes from both primary and secondary sources

exposure – primary; disease status – secondary

Selection of Cases

two tasks are involved: defining a case conceptually and identifying a case operationally

definition of a case is influenced by several factors – the biggest issue is misclassification

if the criteria is broad or too restrictive – cases will me misclassified or left out

a balance must be achieved

tend toward the side of more restrictive rather than inclusive

Sources of Cases

the goal is to ensure that all true cases have an equal probability of entering the study and that no false cases enter

the ideal situation is to identify and enroll all incident cases in a defined population in a specified time period – highly reliable data

cross-sectional (prevalent) cases make it difficult to identify causal factors

Selection of Controls

ideal controls would have same characteristics of experimental subjects (cases) except for exposure

the cases are presumed to have a given disease because of an excess (or deficiency) of an exposure

Sources of Controls

general concept guiding this is that they should come from the same population – they have the potential to become a case, they just aren’t one, yet



Cases Controls






All cases diagnosed in the community

All cases diagnosed in a sampled

Sample of the general population in a community

Noncases, in a sample of the general population

All cases diagnosed in all hospitals in population, or a specified subgroup

Sample of persons who reside in the same the community neighborhood as cases

All cases from one or more hospitals Sample of patients in one or more hospitals

All cases from a single hospital

Any of the above in the community who do not have the same or related disease

Sample of noncases from the same hospital;

Spouses, relatives, or associates of cases

Population Based Controls

may be the best way to ensure that exposure among the controls is representative

– this can be done randomly or through matched cases, e.g., sex or age

Patients from the Same Hospital as the Cases

justified only when little information has been reported about the diseaseexposure relationship

several, important advantages – but too many inherent limitations unless criterion from above is met

Relatives or Associates of Cases

has to meet the criterion of free from disease – but should be similar to exposed cases on most other, if not all, factors

Measure of Association

the objective of case-control studies is to identify differences in exposure frequency that might be associated with one group having the disease

the guiding principle is to determine how much more or less likely the cases are to be exposed than the controls


from our 2 X 2 table; proportion of exposed cases = A/(A + C); not-exposed =

C/(A + C) – the odds of exposure are the ratio of these two proportions:

Proportion (A)

Proportion (C)

odds of exposure for case group = A/C

odds of exposure for control group = B/D

odds ratio (OR) = (A/C)/(B/D) = (AD)/(BC)

OR literally measures the odds of exposure of a given disease

OR = 1.0 – no risk for exposure; OR = 2.0 – cases were twice as likely as the controls to be exposed – associated with twice the risk of disease

should be interpreted with caution, case-control study is retrospective with only one point of observation – no appropriate denominators for the population at risk

Example: A = 204; B = 552; C = 9; D = 145:



BC 552(9)



a prospective or longitudinal study – starts with a groups of subjects who lack a history of the outcome of interest, yet are still at risk – going from cause to effect – the group is then followed for development of the disease

contain at least two observation points – at the beginning to ascertain disease free status and at the end to ascertain disease development

Types of Cohorts

population based (1) – heterogeneous sample in terms of their exposure

(A+B) and (C+D) – exposed and non-exposed

homogenous with respect to exposure (2) – frequency of exposure in the population cannot be determined

Sources of Cohorts

Special Exposure Groups

determined by lifestyle, occupational, environmental, etc… factors

Special Resources Groups

unique populations – college students, medicare/Medicaid, veterans, etc…

Geographically Defined Groups

Research Strategies

prospective – determination of exposure levels at baseline and follows for occurrence of disease

retrospective – historical data to determine exposure level at some baseline in the past

– ascertainment of disease status along the way

Selection of Comparison Groups

Internal Comparison

Separate Control Cohort

Comparison with Available Population Rates

Sources of Exposure Information

same as for cross-sectional studies

Measures of Association

relative risk (RR) – ratio of risk of disease among the exposed to the risk among the non-exposed

RR =







Example: A=14; B=9; C=49; D=149





0 .




2 .


interpreted, numerically, as the OR

main limitation – length of time it takes to conduct them

also, loss to follow-up can pose a problem due to the length of the study

exposures may change due to length of the study
