Daw Khin Saw Naing dksn case control dec2015 1 oNon-intervention studies in which the researcher just observes and analyses researchable objects or situations but does not intervene dksn case control dec2015 Intervention studies in which the researcher manipulates objects or situations and measures the outcome of his manipulations 2 oNon-intervention studies in which the researcher just observes and analyses researchable objects or situations but does not intervene Exploratory studies Descriptive studies Comparative (analytical) studies dksn case control dec2015 3 Large scale cross-sectional surveys Cross-sectional surveys aim at describing and quantifying the distribution of certain variables in a study population at one point of time. Small scale, descriptive case studies Descriptive case studies describe indepth the characteristics of one or a limited number of "cases". dksn case control dec2015 4 Large scale cross-sectional surveys The behaviour or practices of people and the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, opinions which may help to explain that behaviour (KAP studies), or Events that occurred in the population dksn case control dec2015 5 Comparative or Analytical Studies This is done by comparing two or more groups, some of which have or develop the problem and some of which have not dksn case control dec2015 6 Comparative or Analytical Studies An ANALYTICAL STUDY attempts to establish causes or risk factors for certain problems. dksn case control dec2015 7 In a CASE-CONTROL STUDY the investigator compares TWO GROUPS and in order to find out what factors have contributed to the problem.. another group called a control or comparison group, where the problem is absent, dksn case control dec2015 one group among whom the problem that he wishes to investigate is present (e.g. malnutrition) 8 • The investigator looks back in time to measure exposure of the study subjects. • The exposure is then compared among cases and controls to determine if the exposure could account for the health condition of the cases dksn case control dec2015 9 Characteristics dksn case control dec2015 10 EXPOSURE DISEASE COHORT dksn case control dec2015 EXPOSURE DISEASE CASE CONTROL 11 CASES d/s + EXPOSED CONTROL TOTAL d/s - ++ +- -+ -- Exposure + NON EXPOSED Exposure - TOTAL ODDS RATIO = (++) (--) / (+-) (-+) dksn case control dec2015 12 Ca Lung CONTROL TOTAL d/s + d/s SMOKER 60 20 40 180 100 200 Exposure + NON SMOKER Exposure - TOTAL ODDS RATIO = (++) (--) / (+-) (-+) dksn case control dec2015 13 Why case-control design for study of rare diseases? Case-Control Studies for Diseases having long induction/ latent period 14 dksn case control dec2015 Progression of study design: Clinical research 15 dksn case control dec2015 Community research Non-interventions studies Case-Control Studies Controls should come from the same “source” population. For example, in a hospital case-control study where cases are being sought in the hospital, cases should normally be selected from patients attending at the same hospital. 16 dksn case control dec2015 Non-interventions studies Case-Control Studies Matching means taking care that the cases and controls are similar with respect to the distribution of one or more potentially confounding variables. 17 dksn case control dec2015 Non-interventions studies Case-Control Studies Matching However, we cannot then look at the effect of the matched variable as a risk factor because we have made the cases and controls exactly the same with respect to that variable. 18 dksn case control dec2015 CASE CONTROL Studies ADVANTAGES The most efficient design : TIME MONEY EFFORT Appropriate for diseases with low incidence Appropriate for conditions with Long latent period 19 dksn case control dec2015 CASE CONTROL Studies DISADVANTAGES Problems in choosing a control group: deciding who should be the controls….matched or unmatched.. Not appropriate for conditions in which the frequency of exposure is low Recall Bias: difficult to ascertain exposure history Can not calculate Incidence Can not calculate risk: RR AR ARR Can get only the closet estimate of Relative Risk ….ODDS RATIO 20 dksn case control dec2015