Observing Academic Communicative Competence I

UMEI004C Spring 11 1
Observing Academic Communicative Competence II
Observing Academic Communicative Competence
Lecturer Name:
Class setting (number of students, gender distribution, seating arrangement, lighting, technology, audio-visual materials)
Class identities/participant roles (e.g. facilitator, elicitor/questioner, elaborator, collaborator, competitor, clarifier, etc.)
Nonverbal behavior/body language
Values/beliefs shared by participants (e.g. critical thinking, domain knowledge/expertise, genre knowledge, literacy, openmindedness, respect, competition, cooperation, collaboration, etc.)
Outside class reading/writing preparation/tasks (e.g. chapter, article):
UMEI004C Spring 11 2
Observing Academic Communicative Competence II
Outside class listening/speaking preparation/tasks (e.g. lecture, film):
In-class reading/writing/listening/speaking tasks (e.g. article, text excerpt, writing prompt, lecture, group discussion, etc.):
In-class academic tasks (e.g. comprehension, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, elicitation/questioning, elaboration, argument, counterargument):
Sequencing of academic tasks:
Class discussion/lecture topic(s):
Sequencing of discussion/lecture topic(s):
UMEI004C Spring 11 3
Observing Academic Communicative Competence II
Genres used to organize class discussion(s). Note: genres are related to communicative purposes, and academic speech commonly
uses more than one genre to accomplish its communicative goals. What genres are used to organize the discussion(s)/lecture(s)?
□Extended Definition
□ Exemplification
□ Description
Lexical bundles/fixed expressions . Record the most common lexical bundles or fixed expressions used in the speech you hear. (The
last page has a list of some of the most commonly used in academic speech according to MICASE)
Which grammatical structures were most commonly used? Why do you think this is the case?
□Passive voice
□Present tense narrative
□Active voice
□Past tense narrative
UMEI004C Spring 11 4
Observing Academic Communicative Competence II
Which were the most common forms of modality used to express degrees of certainty? Why? What does modality tell us about the
discourse community?
Intonation and pitch
Intonation and pitch communicates a very important part of meaning. Which intonation and pitch patterns were most prevalent in the
discussion? Why?
□Falling (statements)
□Falling (commands)
□Rising (incomplete thoughts across an utterance chunk)
□Rising (questions)
What register(s) were most prevalent in the discussion? Why?
□Formal/general academic
□Formal/discipline-specific technical
□Formal/discipline-specific scientific
□Informal/general academic
Examples of common lexical bundles/collocations in academic discourse from MICASE
□you can see
□and so on
□and in fact
□in your mind
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Observing Academic Communicative Competence II
□what I mean
□in this case
□I was like
□you don’t know
□so you have
□point of view
□you know what I mean
□you don’t know
□all of these
□the first/second, etc. one
□does that make sense
□how do you know
□in the book
□it doesn’t matter
□do you see
□what I’m saying
□how do you know
□so that’s why
□in this class
□in this one
□it turns out
□in some sense
□in the same way
□look at it