Dairy Processing Technology Centre – Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) 2013 EOI PROPOSAL APPLICATION FORM DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 1 For Office Use Only Section 1 – Applicant Details 1.1 – Lead Applicant This form should be completed only by the Institution taking the lead for the Consortium making this application Proposal Title Acronym Lead Institution Address Lead Applicant Name Position Lead Applicant Email Address Lead Applicant Telephone Number Has this proposal or a significant part of it been submitted for funding to another programme either in EI or another funding agency? Fax: If so, please give details: Signature of Lead Applicant Signature of person authorised to endorse the participation of the Institution in the project Name Date: Position DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 2 1.2 - Co-Applicant Details This form should be copied and completed for each Co-Applicant involved in the application Institution Address Co-Applicant Name Position Co-Applicant Email Address Co-Applicant Telephone Signature of CoApplicant Signature of person authorised to endorse the participation of the Institution in the project Name Date: Position DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 3 1.3 - Collaborator Details This form should be copied and completed for any collaborator involved in the application Institution Address Collaborator name Position Collaborator Email Address Collaborator Telephone Name Date: Position DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 4 Section 2 – Centre Research Programme 2.1 Overview This section should outline the overall strategic approach of the proposal in meeting the research, technology and innovation needs of the industry group as outlined in the Detailed Description of Needs (DDN). Outline at a high level why and how this proposal will meet the strategic research objectives of the DDN. Provide a convincing case as to why the proposed approach is novel, innovative and of high quality and a credible case that proposed approach will perform highly when benchmarked against the state of the art. Explain and demonstrate why the proposal will provide the Centre with the necessary cohesion and added value to deliver. Max. 3 pages 2.2 Research Pillars The DDN outlines 5 major thematic Research Pillars that the Centre will focus on. The overall aims, rationale, scope and expected outputs are also outlined. In addition, within the 5 thematic Research Pillars, the DDN outlines 19 discrete Research Programmes which will address the research, technology and innovation needs of the industry group. For each Research Pillar, the applicant must articulate the proposed research plan that will be conducted to deliver the DDN as outlined, using the Research Programmes as a guide. Provide details of potential projects constituting each Research Programme highlighting the approach to be taken, why this approach is credible and how it addresses the goals & missions described in the DDN. For each section 2.2.1 to 2.2.5, provide a self-contained summary/abstract of the overall approach to be taken to address the research challenge as outlined under the relevant Research Pillar. 2.2.1 Research Pillar I – Cost Competitiveness in Dairy Processing (Max. 5 pages in total) 2.2.2 Research Pillar II – Next Generation Dairy Processing Science & Technology (Max. 5 pages in total) 2.2.3 Research Pillar III – Innovating for Value through Dairy Processing (Max. 5 pages in total) DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 5 2.2.4 Research Pillar IV – Product Quality & Safety by Design (Max. 5 pages in total) 2.2.5 Research Pillar V – Environmental Sustainability: Towards a Zero Emissions Irish Dairy Industry (Max. 5 pages in total) DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 6 Section 3 – Infrastructural Capability & Facilities 3.1 Overview This section should outline the relevant infrastructural capability and facilities available to the applicants in order to deliver the Centre Research Programme (Section 2). Provide a clear alignment between Research Pillars and constituent Research Programmes (and Research Projects, as appropriate) and existing infrastructure. If new infrastructure (i.e. additional capital equipment) is requested as part of the proposal, provide clear rationale for why this is required. Max. 2 pages DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 7 Section 4 – Host Institution 4.1 Host Declaration This section should declare the intent of the applicant or the co-applicant (if the applicant is NOT proposing to be the host institution) to propose their organisation as being the host institution for the Centre and provide an executive summary that outlines a convincing and credible case for this position. Max. ½ page 4.2 Centre Ethos & Culture As outlined in the DDN, the proposed Centre is positioned to be a transformative initiative for the Dairy sector. This section should describe in a comprehensive manner how the proposed Host Institution can help provide the appropriate conditions and ecosystem for the proposed Centre to grow and flourish, in particular how the proposed Host Institution will proactively support the development of the necessary ethos and culture for the Centre to establish itself. Max. ½ page 4.3 Host Institution and Applicant Institutional Support This initiative will be of significant scale necessitating concomitant state and industry group investment and support. This section should outline both the Host Institution and where applicable co-applicant support for the Centre, including but not restricted to, infrastructure, facilities, space, services and personnel. The support provided should also encompass administrative (e.g. finance, HR, administration) and research/technical domains. Please specifically indicate what enterprise support, technology transfer and IP management resources will be provided. Max. ½ page 4.4 Strategic Human Resource Management The establishment of a strategic centre of excellence such as the proposed Centre is designed to provide a sustainable resource for the sector in the long term. Human capital and resources will be the essential constituents of such a Centre and it is likely the development of a sustainable core competence of skilled researchers and administrative staff will be vital for the long term health and viability of the Centre. The Host Institution and co-applicant Institutions (where applicable) should provide a clear and unambiguous statement of their strategic human resource management policy as it relates to the recruitment and in particular the retention of Centre staff (research, technical and administrative). This section should also provide information on the plans and supports available for continuing professional development and competence building in the applicant Institutions in the relevant areas. DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 8 Max. ½ page - Where more than one Institution is represented in a consortium, applicants should submit an overarching statement on behalf of the consortium to articulate a consortium position on the above issue and may submit an additional ½ page max. per institution to articulate a specific Institutional position on the strategic HRM policy wrt to recruitment and retention of centre staff DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 9 Section 5 – Leadership & Management 5.1 Leadership This section should outline the case for the applicant (s) of their leadership in the relevant field. This section should focus on proven thought leadership in the field, their vision for the future of the Centre and the qualities they will bring to the development of the Centre. This section should also indicate the commitment level and involvement of key leaders in the Centre going forward and if relevant, outline the mechanism by which this will be managed. Max.1 page 5.2 Centre CEO The applicants are invited to give their own thoughts on the profile, skills and competencies of the Centre CEO and outline how they propose to support the Centre in recruitment and retention of same. Max. ½ page 5.3 Governance & Management Outline proposals for the Centre governance and management are provided in the DDN. Applicants are nonetheless invited to provide their own thoughts on optimal governance and management structures to achieve the Centres aims and ambitions and to comment on how the suggested structures could be improved or refined for optimal performance. They are also asked to provide a position on how the outline proposals would integrate with the Host Institutions core structures. Max. ½ page 5.4 Cohesion and Collaboration Provide details on how the Host Institution and co-applicants will promote, achieve and maintain cohesion between all the stakeholders of the Centre. This section should also indicate previous track record of delivering and leading a cohesive collaborative research programme and highlight what systems and approaches are used to manage seamless and effective collaboration across multiple Institutions in a research and industry engagement context. Max.1 page DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 10 Section 6 - Commercial & Economic Impact A Dairy Processing Technology Centre (DPTC) with active participation by the dairy industry will play a critical role in the successful future positioning and development of the sector. As outlined in the DDN, the Centre will provide R&D and innovation leadership and will help build innovation capacity and technology capability within partner companies. These capabilities will underpin the commercialisation of new, higher value differentiated export-orientated products and will support a step change in Irish industry’s ability to compete effectively and sustainability in international markets. The applicant’s views on the potential economic and commercial impact of the proposal should be addressed under the following headings: 6.1 Impact of the Centre in Adding Value to the Dairy Sector Outline your view of the potential impact of the Centre and the outcomes of the programme in contributing to the development and value enhancement of the Irish dairy sector. Max.1 page 6.2 Strategies for Value Enhancement and Sustained and Active Industry Participation Provide some insight on how the applicant (s) and the Centre plan to develop sectoral added value and how industry participation can be sustained and developed. Max.1 page 6.3 Commercialisation of Research Outline your proposed commercialisation strategies appropriate to achieving effective commercialisation of the research to be carried out in this Centre with due recognition of the type of research being done, the type of value being created and the type of industry sector involved Max. ½ page 6.4 Intellectual Property (IP) Management In consultation with the relevant TTO office, the Lead Institution should provide below an overview of how the Technology Centre IP will be managed. The IP policy and procedures for the Centre must reflect the aims of the Technology Centre and the proposed host institution must outline how it will manage and transfer IP owned by collaborating institutions, with due recognition of the type of research being done, the type of value being created and the type and dynamics of the industry sector DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 11 involved. Intellectual Property management practices proposed should be in accordance with national guidelines. Max. ½ page DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 12 Section 7 - Applicant Team, Track Record & CV’s The DPTC should be resourced by teams comprised of subject matter experts with multi-disciplinary capabilities. This section should provide details on the relevant skills and experience of the Lead Applicant and the Co-Applicant(s) as the core team/group leading the proposal and clearly outline how they will add direct value to the project. It is particularly important to demonstrate how the configuration of the applicant group relates to the research and economic objectives of the proposed technology centre. 7.1 Profile of Applicant Group and Track Record This section should outline the research, publication, human capital development and industry & commercialisation track record of the Applicant Group. Max.1 page 7.2 CV’s Provide a detailed CV (Appendix I) for each lead applicant and co-applicant (max 5 pages per CV) ensuring the following sections are included: Details of most relevant research funding history as Lead/Co-Applicant Experience in multi-disciplinary large scale research programme management and leadership History of mentoring and supervision (include numbers of current and completed MSc and PhD students, directly under your supervision as well as details of previous and current post-doctoral staff) Innovation/Commercialisation Activity (e.g. relevant industry collaborations, invention disclosures, patents, spin-outs) Publication record Other information as appropriate DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 13 Section 8 –Existing Capability, State of the Art and Differentiation 8.1 Funding History in the 5 Thematic Areas Provide details on previous and current state & non-exchequer funding that the applicants have received which is directly/closely aligned with the proposed Research Programmes outlined within the strategic Research Pillars. Max.1 page 8.2 Existing Capabilities Provide details on the existing capabilities, competencies and expertise that have been built and are available for the Centre, aligned with the 5 strategic research pillars. Max.1 page 8.3 International Collaborations and Partnerships Provide an overview of significant international research groups that the applicant group collaborates with and provide evidence of the value this may bring to the Centre, in line with the 5 strategic research pillars. Max.1 page 8.4 State of the Art & International Benchmarking Provide a concise summary of the current state of the art in each of the overarching fields of interest and articulate the current grand challenges that are being faced in this space. Provide a concise overview of the main international competitors in the space (academic or industry) and comment on how you benchmark your performance against them. For each of the thematic areas please provide (in Appendix II) a list of what you judge to be the top 5 seminal research outputs internationally and a list of what you judge as the top 5 current leading edge research programmes/investments in the space. Max.1 page DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 14 8.5 Differentiation and Added Value Provide an articulation of how this proposal and its constituent elements is differentiated from current state funded projects and programmes in the 5 thematic areas and how this new investment will add value to the industry groups needs. Max.1 page DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 15 Section 9 - Budget Justification 9.1 Please discuss the proposed funding required for the centre in this section: Include indicative budget The applicant group should outline the required expertise for each requested researcher and justify the researchers role in the research project Justification should also be provided for requested equipment, consumables and travel Funding sought for use of overseas equipment/services should be clearly justified and the rationale for not carrying out this activity in Ireland must be provided Discuss financial management and financial accountability for the centre Please indicate whether the centre will be VAT liable within the structure proposed Max.1 page 9.2 Summary Budget Please fill out the projected total costs for the proposed centre for each research pillar using the format shown below. TOTAL CENTRE COSTS (by Year and Research Pillar) Research Pillar Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Pillar 1 Pillar 2 Pillar 3 Pillar 4 Pillar 5 TOTALS DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 16 9.3 Research Pillar Budget Please provide a summary of the projected costs for each research pillar outlining proposed overall costs to fund the staffing requirements, equipment, materials etc. to deliver the Centre Research Programme. Cost item Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Total Staff Equipment Materials Travel Other PILLAR 1 TOTALS Staff Equipment Materials Travel Other PILLAR 2 TOTALS Staff Equipment Materials Travel Other PILLAR 3 TOTALS Staff Equipment Materials Travel Other PILLAR 4 TOTALS Staff Equipment Materials Travel Other PILLAR 5 TOTALS DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 17 9.4 Institutional Breakdown of Budget Please fill out the projected total costs per Institution for the proposed centre using the format shown below. Breakdown by Institution Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 total TOTALS DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 18 Section 10 – Signatures and Verification 10.1 Signature of Lead Applicant and Co-Applicants LEAD APPLICANT DATE: CO-APPLICANT 1 DATE: CO-APPLICANT 2 ETC. DATE: 10.2 Signature of authorised officer of the designated institution Lead Institution Co-Applicant Institute NAME: __________________________ _________________________ POSITION: __________________________ _________________________ SIGNATURE: __________________________ _________________________ DATE: __________________________ _________________________ 10.3 Signature of Technology Transfer Officer Lead Institution Co-Applicant Institute NAME: __________________________ _________________________ SIGNATURE: __________________________ _________________________ DATE: __________________________ _________________________ DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 19 COMPLETED EOI APPLICATIONS SHOULD INCLUDE: Complete and fully executed PDF e-copy AND SHOULD BE SENT ELECTRONICALLY, BY 17.00 9 October 2013 TO: Martin Hussey, Technology Centres Programme, Enterprise Ireland, East Point Business Park, Dublin 3 e-mail: martin.hussey@enterprise-ireland.com DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 20 Appendix I: CV’s for Lead Applicant & Co-Applicants (5 pages max. per CV, see 7.2 for details on required details) DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 21 Appendix II: State of the Art for Research Pillars (Applicant group is asked to list below their opinion of what constitutes the top 5 seminal works/research outputs internationally for each thematic Research Pillar AND to list their opinion of what constitutes the top 5 current state of the art global research & innovation investments in dairy processing a) in general and b) in each of the thematic research pillars) DPTC – EOI Proposal 2013 22