Transthyretin Amyloidosis

Transthyretin Amyloidosis
(Adapted from a Review in Amyloid: Int J Exp Clin Invest 3:44-56, 1996)
The transthyretin amyloidoses are the most prevalent type of hereditary systemic
amyloidosis. Since the first published recognition of this form of amyloidosis by Andrade in
1952, and the first description of an American kindred by Falls, et al., in 1955, the number of
kindreds with transthyretin amyloidosis has steadily increased (Andrade 1952; Falls, et al., 1955;
Benson, 2000). While it was expected that variations in clinical presentation (FAP-I, II, III, IV)
were the result of heterogeneity in etiology or pathogenesis of the hereditary amyloidosis, it was
not until the discovery by Costa, et al., in 1978 showing transthyretin as a constituent of the fibril
deposits, that the biochemical basis of these syndromes could be pursued (Costa, et al., 1978).
This resulted in the discovery of the first variant form of transthyretin mutation reported in 1983.
In 1989 there were approximately 12 known mutations and in 2002 there are at least 90. Over 80
of these mutations are associated with amyloidosis. In addition, there is evidence that normal
transthyretin may for amyloid especially in the heart and be the basis for senile cardiac
amyloidosis (Westermark, 1990).
The transthyretin amyloidoses were classically associated with peripheral sensorimotor
neuropathy. A number of the more recently discovered transthyretin mutations, however, cause
little if any clinical neuropathy. Isolated carpal tunnel syndrome, vitreous opacities, and
restrictive cardiomyopathy without any clinically significant neuropathy have all been found in
association with specific transthyretin mutations.
The transthyretin amyloidoses by definition are all associated with tissue deposits of
fibrils having transthyretin as a major protein constituent. While there are a number of other
constituents of the amyloid deposits, including proteoglycan, amyloid P component, and various
lipoproteins, it is transthyretin that is the essential ingredient in this type of amyloid.
Transthyretin is a normal plasma protein synthesized predominantly by the liver as a
single polypeptide chain of 127 amino acids (14,000 daltons) (Kanda, et al., 1974). It folds into
a globular pattern with four -peptide strands in each of two planes (Blake, et al., 1974). The
protein is secreted into the plasma as a tetramer with four noncovalently bound monomers
(Fig.1). Normal plasma concentration is 20-40 mg/dl with significant depression of this level
when the liver is participating in the acute phase in response to injury. It would appear that the
signals for down regulating production of transthyretin (cytokines such as IL1 and IL6) are the
same as those which cause the positive acute phase response of serum amyloid A and C reactive
protein (Costa, et al., 1986). The negative acute phase phenomenon of transthyretin is used by
clinicians to monitor nutritional status of their patients. Transthyretin appears not to be essential
for life since the murine gene knockout model fails to result in any abnormality in fetal
development or life-span of the animals which produce no transthyretin (Episkopou, et al.,
1993). These animals do have very low plasma levels of vitamin A, but show neither signs of
hyperthyroidism nor vitamin A deficiency. Even so, transthyretin is firmly entrenched in the
phylogenetic evolution of vertebrate species being present in both birds and reptiles and its
primary structure has been stable throughout evolution (Richardson, 1994).
The gene for transthyretin is a single copy on the long arm of chromosome 18 (Wallace,
et al., 1985). It was first localized using mouse/human hybrid cell lines and subsequently more
closely localized using in situ hybridization (18 q11.2-q12.1) (Sparkes, et al., 1987). The gene
spans approximately 7 kb, has 4 exons each of approximately 200 bases (Fig. 2) (Tsuzuki, et al.,
1985; Sasaki, et al.,1985). The first exon codes a 5 region with an 18 amino acid signal peptide
and the first three amino acid residues of the mature protein. Exon 2 codes for residues 4-47,
exon 3, 47-92, exon 4, 93-127. The gene has 5 regulatory regions located within 200 bp of the
initiation codon and further enhancer sequences at least 2,000 bp 5 which may be important for
expression at extra-hepatic sites 12. While plasma transthyretin is predominantly synthesized by
the adult liver, it is also synthesized by the choroids plexus of the brain and mRNA is also
present in the retinal pigment epithelium, pituitary and pancreas19, 20 . Choroid plexus synthesis
would appear to be necessary for the thyroid hormone across the basement membrane into the
cerebral spinal space. Reason for synthesis is yet unknown.
The metabolism of transthyretin is largely unknown. The binding of RBP to transthyretin
saves this small protein (21,000 daltons) from plasma clearance via filtration in the kidney.
However, when the complex gives up retinal, RBP dissociates from transthyretin and goes to
meet its fate. Transthyretin evidently can recirculate to bind more RBP-vitamin A. Plasma
residence time of transthyretin is approximately 20-24 hours, representing a plasma half-life of
no more than 15 hours (Benson, et al., 1996). This is really very rapid turnover for a plasma
protein, compared to plasma residence time of apolipoprotein AI which is 5 days, and that of
albumin which is approximately 27 days (t ½ =19 days).
Transthyretin Amyloidosis
There are now over 90 known mutations in transthyretin (Dwulet and Benson, 1983)
(Fig. 3). The majority are associated with systemic amyloidosis, a late onset autosomal
dominant disease. Some mutations have been found in single families, others in multiple
families, and still others show evidence that the same mutation occurred multiple times. This is
particularly true for the methionine 30 transthyretin variant which can be present on at least three
different haplotypes (Yoshioka, et al., 1989). It has been hypothesized that the presence of the
Met30 mutation on several haplotypes is a result of a “hot spot” at this codon with a CpG
dinucleotide. There are 13 potential mutations that could be the result of “hot spots” in the
transthyretin coding sequence. To date, five have been identified (Gly6Ser, Val30Met,
Arg104Cys, Ala109Thr, Thr119Met, Val122Ile). Of these, Gly6Ser, Thr109 and Met119 are not
associated with amyloid fibril formation. While the sole individual described with Arg104Cys
transthyretin had peripheral neuropathy, nerve biopsy did not show amyloid, and there was not a
family history of amyloid. It is possible that this mutation is not associated with amyloidosis.
Most variants of transthyretin are not associated with amyloidosis. Most variants of transthyretin
are not associated with any postulated “hot spots” in the coding region. The Ser6 variant is the
only known polymorphism, prevalence of approximately 12% in the Caucasian population. All
the other mutations are present in less than 2% of the population, except in the restricted areas of
Northern Sweden where greater than 2% of inhabitants have the Met30 gene and in African
Americans, when considered as a group, where approximately 3% have a Val122Ile mutation.
One possible explanation of the large number of pathogenic mutations in transthyretin is that the
amyloidosis is a delayed onset disease and, therefore, there is a lessened
degree of selection against perpetuation of a pathogenic mutation. Whether there are many more
variants of transthyretin that are not associated with transthyretin has not been determined, since
no large population study has been undertaken to look for nonpathogenic transthyretin mutations.
In reality, there may not be many more nonpathogenic mutations to be discovered. The
argument can be made that practically any structural change in this heavily -pleated sheet
protein may result in amyloid fibril formation. The fact that normal transthyretin makes amyloid
fibrils argues in favor of this hypothesis.
Clinical Features of Transthyretin Amyloidosis
Peripheral neuropathy is the major clinical manifestation of transthyretin amyloidosis
(Andrade, 1952). This was the basis for naming the syndrome familial amyloidotic
polyneuropathy (FAP). However, it has become obvious that neuropathy does not occur in all
patients with transthyretin amyloidosis, and indeed, many of these syndromes have minor
degrees of peripheral neuropathy. The classic presentation as described by Andrade in his report
of Portuguese families with amyloidosis, is sensory neuropathy starting in the lower extremities.
This usually begins as a typical small fiber neuropathy with inability to discriminate temperature,
then touch, and is followed by varying degrees of dyesthesias which at times may be relatively
debilitating. The signs of neuropathy progress proximally at varying rates. Typically, five years
or more may pass before the sensory neuropathy reaches the level of the knees. By this time the
neuropathy usually affects the hands. The symptoms in the upper extremities may be
complicated by appearance of the carpal tunnel syndrome, a compression neuropathy of the
median nerve. While the neuropathy starts in the lower extremities as pure sensory changes,
evidence of motor neuropathy follows within a few years. This is often noted as relative loss of
extensor function of the toes and foot. A slapping gait ensues and affected subjects are unstable
while walking. The sensorimotor neuropathy often progresses over 10, 15, to 20 years with the
affected individual progressing from use of ankle braces to canes, to crutches, and then to a
wheelchair. Autonomic neuropathy may occur as the first clinical symptom of this disease.
Males are often evaluated for other causes of sexual impotence before the diagnosis of
amyloidosis is suspected. Urinary retention from bladder dysfunction may be found.
Constipation alternating with diarrhea is a common feature as are nausea and vomiting, signs of
delayed gastric emptying. Orthostatic hypotension is common and may be incapacitating. This
feature is most problematic when individuals also have cardiac amyloid deposition with
decreased cardiac filling. Any sudden movement requiring increased cardiac output causes
decreased perfusion of the central nervous system. Late in the course, cachexia is common and
this may severely complicate the deficiencies caused by neuropathy and cardiomyopathy.
Variations on the theme include the involvement of the vitreous of the eye in a number of
the kindreds. Approximately a third of transthyretin mutations are associated with vitreous
deposits of amyloid; however, this finding is not uniform within families. In different kindreds,
a single mutation may have different presentations. Most notably, Swedish patients with Met30
transthyretin have a high incidence of vitreous opacities with presentation at a fairly advanced
age (58 years); whereas Portuguese patients have a lower incidence of vitreous opacities, but
have presentation of neuropathy at an early age (mean 32 or 33 years). Some transthyretin
variants present as pure cardiomyopathy (e.g. Met111) (Frederikson, et al., 1962). The
Indiana/Swiss kindred (Ser84) has 100% incidence of cardiomyopathy (Benson and Dwulet,
1983) and this also appears to be true for the Appalachian kindred (Ala60) (Benson, et al., 1987).
Significant renal amyloidosis is less common than cardiac amyloidosis in most of the
kindreds. Recently attention has been directed toward kindreds having transthyretin amyloidosis
with extensive leptomeningeal amyloid. This is the hallmark of the Ohio kindred with
oculoleptomeningeal amyloidosis (Gly30) (Goren, et al., 1980; Peterson, et al., 1997) and a
recently reported kindred from Hungary (Gly18) in which the first clinical manifestation is
dementia (Vidal, et al.,1996). There are kindreds (e.g. His114) in which the only clinical
manifestation is carpal tunnel syndrome (Murakami, et al., 1994). The His69 mutation has been
associated with vitreous opacities alone (Zeldenrust, et al., 1994), but in another family causes
oculoleptomeningeal amyloidosis. Features of the disease in particular kindreds make
familiarity with the different clinical expressions of the various transthyretin variants essential.
Following are brief descriptions of reported amyloid syndrome associated with each of the
transthyretin mutations (Table 1). References are given for reported mutations so the reader can
obtain more detail if needed.
Kindreds and Transthyretin Variants
Arginine 10 (C10R): Only one kindred has been described with this variant. The family
lives in Eastern Pennsylvania with ancestors from Hungary (Uemichi, et al., 1992). The clinical
picture includes restrictive cardiomyopathy, polyneuropathy starting in the lower extremities,
gastrointestinal symptoms occurring usually after age 60. Vitreous opacities and carpal tunnel
syndrome have also occurred in affected subjects.
Proline 12 (L12P): One patient from the United Kingdom has been described with this
mutation (Brett, et al., 1999). Intracerebral hemorrage was associated with extensive meningeal
amyloid deposits. This patient also had hepatic amyloid deposits as measured I 123 SAP
scintigraphy. The spleen and the kidney were also positive by this scanning technique (Booth, et
al., 1996).
Glutamic Acid 18 (D18E): A patient from South America was reported to have typical
amyloidotic polyneuropathy (Booth, et al., 1996). This mutation has been found in the United
States associated with cardiac amyloidosis.
Glycine 18 (D18G): Members of a Hungarian kindred were reported to present with
dementia, spasticity, ataxia and hearing loss. Amyloid deposits in the meningeal vessels and
subpial areas were positive for transthyretin by immunohistochemistry. Lesser amounts of
amyloid deposition were found in kidney, skin, ovaries, and peripheral nerves and reported as
clinically nonsignificant (Garzuly, et al., 1996; Videl , et al., 1996).
Asparagine 18 (D18N): Clinical history not reported (Connors, et al., 2001).
Isoleucine 20 (V20I): This mutation has been reported twice; once in a German family in
which the proband was 64 years old and presented with severe cardiac disease (Jenne, et al.,
1996). Vascular amyloid was present in the liver, kidney, and rectal biopsy. The second report
was of a 50 year old male who presented to the Mayo Clinic with a two year history
gastrointestinal discomfort. Again, cardiac amyloidosis was found and an endomyocardial
biopsy was positive when stained for transthyretin. It was not mentioned whether the patient was
of German extraction.
Asparagine 23 (S23N): A 44 year old man of Portuguese descent presented with severe
cardiomyopathy which was ultimately treated by cardiac transplantation. No symptoms of
neuropathy were presented (Connors, et al., 1999).
Serine 24 (P24S): This mutation has been found in only one family originally from
Kentucky (Uemichi, et al., 1995). Affected subjects have carpal tunnel syndrome,
gastrointestinal involvement with diarrhea and cardiomyopathy. The syndrome usually starts
after age 50 and most patients live to at least age 65 before dying of cardiac complications.
Serine 25 (A25S): This mutation is associated with rapidly progressive neuropathy and
cardiomyopathy starting between age 50 and 60 years. In the one family reported it was the
result of a de novo mutation. (Yazaki, et al., 2002).
Methionine 28 (V28M): A Portuguese man (62 years of age) had peripheral and
autonomic neuropathy without cardio or renal abnormality (De Carvalho, et al., 2000).
Methionine 30 (V30M): The methionine 30 variant of transthyretin is the most common.
It has been found in kindreds from many countries including Portugal, Japan, Sweden, England,
Brazil, Greece, and the United States. While the original description was a typical sensorimotor
neuropathy starting in the lower extremities, practically every variation on the theme has been
seen including vitreous opacities alone, and carpal tunnel syndrome (Andrade, 1952). Extensive
leptomeningeal amyloid has been reported in some kindreds (Julião, et al., 1974; Ushiyama, et
al., 1991).
Alanine 30 (V30A): Only one family of German descent has been described with this
mutation (Jones, et. al., 1992).
Leucine 30 (V30L): The transthyretin variant was reported in a Japanese woman in her
sixth decade that presented with diarrhea, weight loss and sensory neuropathy in the lower
extremities (Murakami, et al., 1992; Nakazato, et al., 1992).
Glycine 30 (V30G): This mutation was first discovered in an American man of French
ancestry with vitreous opacities (Herbert, et al., 1993). It has recently been found in the Ohio
kindred of a German origin which was reported as oculoleptomeningeal amyloidosis (Goren, et
al., 1980; Petersen, et al., 1997). The syndrome as reported had minor systemic deposition of
amyloid and no extensive peripheral neuropathy, but was characterized by vitreous opacities and
extensive leptomeningeal amyloid deposition. Dementia and ataxia we reported as part of the
Isoleucine 33 (F33I): This mutation has been found in one kindred in Israel (Nakazato, et
al., 1984). The family had immigrated to Israel from Poland (Gafni,, et al., 1985). Vitreous
opacities, peripheral neuropathy, diarrhea, and impotence were features of this disease.
Leucine 33 (F33L): Only one individual has been reported with this mutation (Harding,
et al., 1991). He was of Polish and Lithuanian heritage and developed lower limb neuropathy
and cardiomyopathy. There was no family history at the time of this report.
Valine 33 (F33V): This mutation was reported from a single individual in the United
Kingdom with typical FAP. There was no definite family history (Booth, et al., 1996).
Threonine 34 (R34T): This mutation was described in one family with three affected
brothers living in the Puglia area of Italy. The disease presents as polyneuropathy after age 50
with restrictive cardiomyopathy (Patrosso, et al., 1998).
Asparagine 35 (K35N): The one patient reported with this mutation had typical amyloid
polyneuropathy. This patient lived in France, but the country of origin could not be determined.
(Reilly, et al.,1995).
Proline 36 (A36P): This mutation has been described in two kindreds; one American
family of Greek origin and an Ashkenazic Jewish family (Jacobson, et al., 1992; Jones, et al.,
1991). Age of onset may be as early as 28. The syndrome includes peripheral neuropathy,
autonomic neuropathy, and vitreous opacities.
Alanine 38 (D38A): A 63 year old Japanese woman presented with peripheral
neuropathy, atrioventricular heart block, and congestive heart failure (Shimazu, et al., 1998;
Kishikawa, et al., 1999).
Leucine 41 (W41L): A 45 year old woman presented with vitreous amyloid and no
systemic symptoms (Yakazi, et al., 2002a).
Glycine 42 (E42G): This mutation has been reported from two areas; one in Japan
(Toyama prefecture) with affected subjects having lower limb neuropathy, autonomic
neuropathy, cardiomyopathy, and vitreous opacities (Ueno,, et al., 1990; Uemichi, et al., 1992).
In addition, an American Caucasian family which also has the Asn 90 mutation was reported to
have this disease with cardiomyopathy.
Aspartic Acid 42 (E42D): Amyloid cardiomyopathy was diagnosed in a 62 year old
individual without evidence of neuropathy (Dupuy, et al., 1998).
Serine 44 (F44S): An American man of Irish decent presented with peripheral
neuropathy at age 26. He subsequently developed severe headaches, autonomic neuropathy,
deafness, and cardiomyopathy (Klein, et al., 1998).
Threonine 45 (A45T): This mutation has been reported in an American Family of Irish
and Italian descent with affected individuals dying from restrictive cardiomyopathy (Saraiva, et
al., 1992). Onset is at approximately age 50 to 60 years of age.
Aspartic Acid 45 (A45D): This mutation associated with peripheral neuropathy and
cardiomyopathy has been reported from the United States (Jacobson, et al., 1998). The proband
had Asp 45 and Ser6, while the proband’s father who died of amyloidosis had only Asp45.
Serine 45 (A45S): A 73 year old Swedish man had carpal tunnel syndrome and
cardiomyopathy without evidence of axonal neuropathy (Janunger, et al., 2000).
Arginine 47 (G47R): This was reported as a de novo mutation in transthyretin in a 38
year old Japanese man (Murakami, et al., 1992). Both parents were negative for the mutation.
Autonomic neuropathy started at age 29 with subsequent development of polyneuropathy.
Alanine 47 (G47A): This was first reported in an Italian family with cardiomyopathy and
peripheral neuropathy starting in the fifth decade of life (Ferlini, et al., 1994). The mutation has
also been discovered in a French patient.
Valine 47 (G47V): This mutation was found in a Sri Lankan kindred with
polyneuropathy (Booth, et al., 1993).
Glutamic Acid 47 (G47E): Members of an Italian family had rapidly progressive
neuropathy and cardiomyopathy. Death occurred between 35 and 56 years (Pelo, et al., 2002).
Alanine 49 (T49A): Two distinct kindreds have been described with this mutation; one
in France, one in Italy, both having cardiomyopathy (Almeida, et al., 1992, Benson II, et al.,
1993). The Italian kindred was reported to have vitreous opacities, but not the French kindred.
Both have polyneuropathy and carpal tunnel syndrome starting between ages 35 and 40 and
subsequent development of cardiomyopathy.
Isoleucine 49 (T49I): A 63 year old Japanese woman presented with painful parathesias
in all four extremities. Affected members of kindred had neuropathy and cardiac amyloidosis
(Nakamura, et al., 1999).
Arginine 50 (S50R): Members of a Japanese family presented with perpheral neuropathy
and autonomic neuropathy in their early 40s (Ueno, et al., 1990). Cardiac amyloid deposits were
proven to contain transthyretin amyloid. A French/Italian woman with this mutation was also
reported (Reilly, et al., 1995).
Isoleucine 50 (S50I): This mutation was originally reported from Japan in a 56 year old
Japanese woman with a seven year history of peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy
(Nishi, et al., 1992, Saeki, et al., 1992). Cardiomyopathy was noted in another affected
individual. In a more recent report, affected subjects were as young as 46 and presented with
carpal tunnel syndrome and cardiomyopathy, as well as peripheral neuropathy.
Glycine 51(E51G): This mutation was associated with cardiomyopathy (Jacobson, et al.,
Proline 52 (S52P): This mutation has been reported from the United Kingdom and is
associated with peripheral neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, cardiomyopathy and renal
amyloidosis (Booth, et al., 1993).
Glutamic Acid 53 (G53E): Members of a French family had leptomeningeal and cardiac
amyloidosis presenting in the 40’s with headaches and subarachnoid hemorrage (Ellie, et al.,
Gylcine 54 (E54G): This mutation was reported in an English kindred. It gave typical
amyloid polyneuropathy and vitreous opacities. This kindred was reported to also have Ser6
(Reilly, et al., 1995).
Lysine 54 (E54K): A 32 year old Japanese man presented with neuropathy and
cardiomyopathy. He had vitreous opacities (Togashi, et al., 1999).
Proline 55 (L55P): This TTR variant has been reported twice: once in a kindred from
West Virginia which was of Dutch and German descent (Jacobson, et al., 1999). It was also
reported in a Chinese family in Taiwan (Yamamoto, et al., 1994). In both families the syndrome
is characterized by vitreous opacities, peripheral neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy and
cardiomyopathy presenting at a very early age. This syndrome has been noted before age 20 and
often results in death from restrictive cardiomyopathy with all members of one kindred dead by
age 38.
Arginine 55 (L55R): This mutation was reported from Germany and associated with
leptomeningeal amyloidosis (Atland, 1999).
Glutamine 55 (L55Q): This mutation was reported from Germany and associated with
leptomeningeal amyloidosis (Yazaki, et al., 2002).
Arginine 56 (H56R): This mutation was associated (Jacobson, et al., 1999).
Histidine 58 (L58H): This is the mutation of the Maryland/German kindreds originally
reported by Mahloudji, et al, in 1969 (Mahloudji, et al., 1969, Nichols, et al., 1989). It is
associated with slowly progressive peripheral neuropathy starting as early as age 40. Death is
usually from cardiomyopathy. There are many families with this mutation in the United States
and it is presumed that all are descended from German immigrants from Southern Germany in
the 1700s. Only one haplotype has been demonstrated for several families. One homozygous
individual has been described with a more rapid course of neuropathy and death six years after
the presentation at age 46. Recently we have discovered this mutation in a subject in Germany
(Goebel, et al., 1997).
Arginine 58 (L58R): This mutation has been reported in a single Japanese family with
one individual presenting with peripheral neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy, and carpal tunnel
syndrome at age 39 years (Saeki, et al., 1991). Vitreous opacities were also noted.
Lysine 59 (T59K): The mutation was discovered in an Italian kindred with
cardiomyopathy as a major feature of the syndrome (Booth, et al., 1991). Patients also showed
the features of peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy. Disease onset was between 49
and 64.
Alanine 60 (T60A): This mutation was discovered in a large kindred from West Virginia
which was of Irish descent (Benson, et al., 1987; Wallace, et al., 1986). The syndrome is
characterized by cardiomyopathy, although gastrointestinal symptoms are prominent. Peripheral
neuropathy is present but of less critical significance. Carpal tunnel syndrome has been reported,
vitreous opacities have not been seen. This mutation has been found in many families in the
United States, Ireland, England and also in Australia. So far, all have had the same haplotype
suggesting that the mutation is of common origin (Waits, et al., 1995). Disease presents after age
50 and patients may live into the 8th and 9th decade without serious compromise.
Lysine 61 (E61K): This mutation has been reported from Japan and is associated with
peripheral neuropathy (Shiomi, et al., 1993). A patient developed diarrhea at the age of 62 and
then sensorimotor neuropathy.
Leucine 64 (F64L): This mutation was reported in an individual with peripheral
neuropathy and cardiomyopathy presenting at age 66 (Ii, et al., 1991). He was an American of
Italian descent.
Serine 64 (F64S): Members of this Canadian family of Italian origin had severe
migraine, periodic obtundation, psychoses, seizures and endocerebral hemorrage. Pathologic
examination demonstrated amyloid deposition in leptomeneges around the brain and spinal cord
in the retina and in the peripheral nerves (Uemichi, et al., 1999).
Leucine 68 (I68L): This mutation was described in a 61 year old German with
dyesthesias, cardiomyopathy and polyneuropathy, but peripheral nervous system amyloid was
not proven (Almeida, et al., 1991).
Histidine 69 (Y69H): Symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome were present in one
individual, but amyloid deposition was not proven. One individual died of brain hemorrage at
age 62. A family in Texas with origin in New York was recently found to have this variant
transthyretin as well as a large family in Canada of Swedish descent (Zeldenrust, et al., 1994).
Aspargine 70 (K70N): A New Jersey family with German ancestry reported with this
mutation associated with carpal tunnel syndrome. Disease onset may be as early as age 30 years.
Vitreous opacities were also reported (Izumoto, et al., 1992).
Alanine 71 (V71A): This mutation was found in two loci; one family from Northeastern
France with carpal tunnel syndrome as early as age 35, followed by peripheral neuropathy and
cardiomyopathy; also in subjects from Majorca, Spain. Vitreous opacities were described for
both kindreds (Benson II, et al., 1993).
Valine 73 (I73V): Multiple members of a Bangladeshi family had FAP starting at age 50
(Booth, et al., 1998).
Tyrosine 77 (S77Y): The proband of the German family from Illinois with this mutation
had typical peripheral neuropathy and diarrhea and died with renal insufficiency. However,
many individuals in the family have had cardiomyopathy. This is also the feature of a large
family from Texas, and another from Northern France. Two separate haplotypes have been
described, suggesting separate mutational events (Wallace, et al., 1988).
Phenylalanine 77 (S77F): This mutation is associated with peripheral and autonomic
neuropathy, and cardiomyopathy. Presentation in a French family was between 48 and 68 years
of age (Plante-Bordeneuve, et al., 1998).
Phenylalanine 78 (Y78F): This mutation is associated with late-onset carpal tunnel
syndrome and dermal amyloid in a French family.
Threonine 81 (A81T): A Caucasian man presented with cardiomyopathy in his late 60’s.
He had no neuropathy but had a history of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS).
Serine 84 (I84S): This is a mutation of the Indiana/Swiss kindred first described by Falls,
et. al., in 1955 and Rukavina, et. al., Rukavina, et. al., in 1956 (Falls, et al., 1955; Rukavina, et
al., 1956; Dwulet, et al., 1986). The syndrome is characterized by carpal tunnel syndrome as
early as age 30, followed by vitreous opacities in the 40s or 50s, then restrictive cardiomyopathy.
Essentially 100% of the patients have vitreous opacities and cardiomyopathy. Death is often in
the 50s, but may not occur until the 70s. Males seem to have a more rapidly progressive course
than females. Subjects with this mutation have very low levels of plasma retinol binding protein
and this can be used for genetic screening (Benson and Dwulet, et al., 1983). There also is a
kindred in Hungary with this mutation whose affected members show the same clinical
symptoms (Zólyomi, et al., 1988).
Asparagine 84 (I84N): This mutation has been reported in only one individual of
American and Italian descent who presented with vitreous opacities at age 62 (Skinner, et al.,
1992). Carpal tunnel syndrome and cardiomyopathy were also reported. This individual also
has a low plasma retinol binding protein level.
Threonine 84 (I84T): This mutation was reported in a 60 year old German woman with
cardiomyopathy and peripheral neuropathy (Stangou, et al., 1998).
Glutamine 89 (E89Q): This mutation was reported in a Sicilian family with carpal tunnel
syndrome, cardiomyopathy and neuropathy presenting in the fifth decade (Almeida, et al., 1992).
Lysine 89 (E89K): This mutation was discovered in an American family with peripheral
neuropathy and cardiomyopathy presenting at 55 years (Nakamura, et al., 2000).
Serine 91 (A91S): This mutation was described in a French family with peripheral
neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome and cardiomyopathy. The proband presented at 72 years of
age (Mirashi, et al., 1998; Plante-Bordeneuve, et al., 1998).
Lysine 92 (E92K): A 71 year old Japanese man presented with amyloid cardiomyopathy
(Saito, et al., 2001).
Glycine 97 (A97G): This mutation was reported in a Japanese kindred with
cardiomyopathy and peripheral neuropathy (Yasuda, et al., 1994). A patient developed
sensorimotor neuropathy at the age of 52, but showed well preserved autonomic function and
slow progression of the disease.
Serine 97 (A97S): This mutation was found in two Chinese brothers who moved from
Taiwan to the United States. Peripheral and autonomic neuropathy plus cardiomyopathy were
features of the disease (Lachmann, et al., 2000).
Valine 107 (I117V): This mutation was found in two American men of German descent
(Uemichi, et al., 1994). Both presented with carpal tunnel syndrome at age 57 and subsequently
developed peripheral neuropathy.
Methionine 107 (I107M): This mutation is associated with peripheral neuropathy and
cardiomyopathy (Atland, et al., 1999).
Serine 109 (A109S): A 69 year old Japanese woman had severe amyloid peripheral
neuropathy proven by sural nerve biopsy (Date, et al., 1997).
Methionine 111 (L111M): This is the mutation of the Danish kindred reported by
Frederiksen, et al., in 1962 (Fredriksen, et al., 1962; Nordlie, et al., 1988; Ranløv et al., 1992).
Affected individuals have cardiomyopathy and several studies looking for peripheral neuropathy
have failed to reveal any.
Isoleucine 112 (S112I): This mutation was reported from Italy with subjects having
peripheral neuropathy and cardiomyopathy (De Lucia, et al., 1993).
Cysteine 114 (Y114C): This mutation was reported in a kindred from Nagasaki with
peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy presenting at age 30 with subsequent
development of vitreous opacities (Ueno, et al., 1990). Cardiomyopathy was also a common
feature of this disease.
Histidine 114 (Y114H): This mutation was reported in a kindred living in Niigata
prefecture of Japan. Patients developed CTS in their 50’s without other manifestations of
amyloidosis (Murakami, et al., 1994).
Serine 116 (Y116S): A 75 year old French man presented with peripheral neuropathy
and carpal tunnel syndrome. A sibling and a daughter had the same mutation (Misrahi, et al.,
Serine 120 (A120S): One Afro-Caribbean patient had peripheral and autonomic
neuropathy plus cardiomyopathy (Gillmore, et al., 1999).
Isoleucine 122 (V122I): This mutation occurs in individuals presenting after age 60 and
was originally thought to represent senile cardiac amyloidosis (Gorevic, et al., 1999). The
mutation has been described predominantly in African Americans and it has been now been
reported that approximately 3% of African Americans have this mutation. A number of
individuals homozygous for the mutation have been described (Jacobson, et al., 1990; Nichols, et
al., 1991). Peripheral neuropathy is a minor clinical manifestation of this disease and death is
from congestive heart failure.
 Valine 122 (122V): This is the first deletion mutation transthyretin found to be
associated with amyloidosis (Uemichi, et al., 1997). The proband of this kindred was a 64 year
old man with approximately two years of impotence before developing peripheral neuropathy.
There is also evidence of cardiomyopathy. The proband immigrated to the United States from
Alanine 122 (V122A): A 47 year old American of Welsh and English descent presented
with cardiomyopathy (Theberge, et al., 1999).
It should be noted that while some of the hereditary amyloid syndromes have been
extensively described (e.g. Met30, Ala60, Ser84), others have been described for only one
affected subject or only a few members of one family. The assumption that many of the
transthyretin variants cause the disease is by analogy alone. There is still much to be learned
about how each of these mutations is related to the clinical disease.
Nonamyloid associated variants of transthyretin include Ser6, His74, Asn90, Ser101,
Arg102, His 104, Thr109, Val109, and Met119 (Almeida, et al., 1991; Izumoto, et al., 1993,
Uemichi, et al., 1994). A mutation of arginine to cysteine at 104 was found in an individual with
symptoms of polyneuropathy, but no definite evidence of amyloid deposition (Torres, et al.,
1995). The mutations at 109 (Thr109 and Val109) are associated with euthyroid
hyperthyroxenemia (Izumoto, et al., 1993; Moses, et al., 1990). Also, some individuals with Met
119 appear to have increased thyroxine binding. Only the Ser6 mutation can be listed as a
polymorphism being present in approximately 12% of the American Caucasian population. As
mentioned, the amyloid associated isoleucine 122 allele may be considered a polymorphism in
the African American population since approximately 3% of this ethnic group carry this
The pathogenesis of transthyretin amyloidosis is still not well understood. The extensive ß
confirmation of the protein is most certainly important in forming the ß-pleated sheet fibrils
(Fig.1). With the discovery of single amino acid substitution variants of transthyretin, it was
postulated that perturbations in the structure of the protein in some way might lead to
aggregation or polymerization of the subunit protein molecules to form the fibrils. It is not that
simple. Tertiary structure analysis of a number of the transthyretin variants has failed to show
any unifying theme which predicts the transition of soluble plasma protein to isoluble amyloid
fibril (Blake, et al., 1978; Hamilton, et al., 1993; Oatley, et al., 1984). The intramolecular
location or type of amino acid substitution in the transthyretin protein also gives little clues to
pathogenesis. Mutations from neutral to charged residues, from charged to neutral residues,
from hydrophobic to hydrophilic, or hydrophilic to hydrophobic have all been described for this
protein. In addition, the mutations are distributed over most of the length of the protein
molecule. All are due to single base changes causing single amino acid substitutions except for
the Val122 which is the result of a loss of codon. If tertiary structure alterations leading to
increased aggregation or polymerization are not the basis for fibril formation, the question
persists. How do single amino acid substitutions lead to fibril formation? One possibility is the
disruption of the stability of the transthyretin tetramer so that altered metabolism and
polymerization may occur (Chakrabartty, 2001; Hammarström, et al., 2001). The fact that
normal transthyretin can result in amyloid fibril formation indicates that there are factors other
than mutation events leading to this pathology. Hypothesized models of amyloid fibril formation
have been formulation are not consistent with the tetramer being the basic building block of the
fibril forming subunit. Limited studies have shown evidence of significant amounts of
proteolysis. Fragments of transthyretin representing amino acid residues 47 to 127, 49 to 127
and 52 to 127 have been demonstrated in extracted fibrils from several tissues, and a relative lack
of the amino terminal portion of transthyretin has also been noted. These findings along with the
demonstration that synthetic peptides of the carboxyl terminal end of transthyretin can give in
vitro formation of fibrils meeting the characteristics of amyloid, suggest that proteolysis may be
a significant factor in the formation of transthyretin amyloid deposits (Fig. 4). Accelerated
metabolism of variant transthyretin may also be a factor. Plasma transthyretin levels are
commonly depressed in individuals with many of the variant forms of amyloidosis. This is
found in mutant gene carriers which are not yet affected with systemic amyloid deposition.
Plasma transthyretin is synthesized predominantly by the liver and is the source of
substrate for amyloid deposits in the vascular tree, the heart, and the kidney. The liver, however,
is rarely involved with significant amyloid deposits nor is the pancreas or spleen. The reason for
organ selectivity is not readily apparent. Transthyretin is also synthesized by choroids plexus
and amyloid deposition in the leptomeninges is probably the result of this intercranial synthesis.
It has not been demonstrated, for certain, that vitreous amyloid is the result of local transthyretin
production (Munar-Quéz, et al., 2000). The predilection for the peripheral nerves also is not
understood. Amyloid deposits are unusually seen within nerve substance; although they may
originally be associated with the vasa nervorum. The involvement of the dorsal root ganglia has
not been fully appreciated, but is probably very important in this peripheral neuropathy. An
interesting observation is that transgenic mice with the methionine 30 variant of transthyretin,
while having amyloid deposits in heart, gastrointestinal tract, kidney, and other organs, have not
yet been shown to develop amyloid in peripheral nerves (Yi, et al., 1991).
The only specific therapy for transthyretin amyloidosis is liver transplantation (Holgren,
et al., 1991; 1993; Skinner, et al., 1994). Replacement of the liver results in rapid disappearance
of variant transthyretin from the blood. The procedure has increased risk since individuals with
cardiomyopathy or severe nutritional abnormalities have greater risk of perioperative death.
Most recent reports indicate 78% survival after two years. Partial liver transplant from related
living donors has also been reported (Matsunami, et al., 1995). The reports of the appearance of
vitreous amyloid deposits after liver transplantation and the association of severe leptomeningeal
amyloid deposition with cerebral dysfunction are worrisome (Munar-Quéz, et al., 2000; Dubrey,
et al., 1997; Adams, et al., 2000). In addition, progression of cardiomyopathy has been
documented in some patients. In general, patients with the methionine 30 and the histidine 58
mutations have fared better than patients with the glycine 42 and arginine 10 mutations who have
had disease progression after liver transplantation.
Nonspecific therapy for patients with transthyretin amyloidosis, including diligent
management of heart failure, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and renal dialysis when indicated, can
significantly prolong life. The judicious use of cardiac pacing and recognition that any negative
inotropic drugs such as antiarrythmics should be avoided if possible in patients with restrictive
cardiomyopathy, has added to length of survival. A very significant factor in the treatment of
subjects with transthyretin amyloidosis has been genetic screening. This has resulted in the
identification of subjects with this key condition so they can receive timely diagnosis and
As with many rare diseases, diagnosis of transthyretin amyloidosis is a problem, not
primarily because of varied expression of clinical disease, but because it is not expected. It is
easy to criticize the lack of early consideration of amyloidosis in the medical evaluation of
subjects presenting with impotence, chronic diarrhea, carpal tunnel syndrome, angina pectoris, or
proteinuria. These are all early signs of amyloidosis, but they are also early signs of much more
prevalent diseases. There are, however, combinations or signs and symptoms which should
bring the diagnosis of amyloidosis to mind. Peripheral neuropathy or autonomic neuropathy in
combination with any of the major systemic conditions (angina, proteinuria, restrictive
cardiomyopathy, azotemia) demands consideration of hereditary amyloidosis in the differential
diagnosis. Carpal tunnel syndrome or vitreous opacities in a person with sensorimotor
neuropathy and any of the cardiac, renal or gastrointestinal signs raises the chance for
amyloidosis being the correct diagnosis.
Taking a good family history is most important. The presence of similar syndrome in any
relative, no matter how distant, can give reason to suspect hereditary amyloidosis. On the other
hand, the lack of the disease in the family history should not deter consideration of hereditary
amyloidosis. Most of the transthyretin variants are the result of single nucleotide changes.
These are easily detected by SSCP, ASO hybridization, RFLP, or direct DNA sequencing. The
transthyretin gene exons are small and easily amplified by PCR (Nichols, et al., 1989).Results
can be determined within 48 hours. In addition, hybrid isoelectric focusing of plasma has been
used to detect some of the transthyretin variants. Plasma RBP levels can be used to screen
individuals in the Ser84 families.
Our current strategy for DNA testing is based upon PCR of genomic DNA. If a
particular mutation is known for the family under consideration, previously described RFLP tests
are used. This requires amplification of the transthyretin exon having the known mutation and
then digestion of the PCR product with the appropriate restrictive enzyme. If the mutation is
unknown or a novel mutation is expected, all exons are amplified and then subjected to direct
DNA sequencing. If sequencing does not give adequate results, SSCP may localize the mutation
to a specific exon. This can then be studied under greater detail (e.g. M13 cloning and
DNA testing is a valuable tool in the treatment of individuals and families with this
genetic disease. It is also very important for genetic counseling and should be appropriately for
the overall medical care of those affected with transthyretin amyloidosis.
A tremendous amount of progress has been made in the study of transthyretin
amyloidosis. To date the most visible element of this progress has been the discovery and
description of new transthyretin mutations and the disease they cause. This has been essentially
descriptive research, but that has not been so bad. The generation of descriptive data has formed
the basis for more in-depth research on transthyretin amyloidosis, has resulted in the discovery of
apolipoprotein AII forms of hereditary amyloidosis and allowed patients afflicted with these
diseases to benefit from diagnostic testing, genetic counseling, prenatal testing, and treatment
such as liver transplantation. Now we are charged with the task of taking our knowledge base
and pursuing mechanistic research into pathogenesis. This hopefully will lead to a means to
prevent or cure these diseases.
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Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Table 1