DPI 801A - Harvard Kennedy School

DPI 801A
Fall 2014
“The human mind is a pattern-seeking, story-telling device.”
Stephen Jay Gould
“Delight is in the details.”
Vladimir Nabokov
Marie Danziger
Littauer 102 (617- 495-2686)
Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, 2:00pm-4:00pm
and by appointment
Faculty Assistant:
Alison Kommer
Taubman 271 (617- 495-1329)
Course Assistants:
Kathleen Kane, MPP2, kathleen_kane@hks15.harvard.edu, 646-761-9717
Helah Robinson, MPP2, helah_robinson@hks15.harvard.edu, 801-949-5510
Class sessions include a lecture discussion each Monday from 4:10pm-6:00pm in L130. Starting in week 3 and
continuing for the rest of the semester, students will be divided into two sections – one on Wednesdays, the
other on Thursdays – for oral presentations. Sections will be scheduled as follows:
RED Group – Wednesday, 4:10pm-6:00pm in L130
BLUE Group – Thursday, 6:10pm-8:00pm in T275
Today’s leaders must have an ability not only to analyze thoughtfully, but also to communicate clearly and
persuasively. This course is designed for potential leaders in politics and public policy as well as other
professions. Its primary goal is to strengthen the capacity of each student to speak and persuade well;
secondarily, it is also intended to help leaders and advocates communicate with the public either directly or via
the press. Students will be expected to read a number of articles and watch sample videos in preparation for the
lecture/discussion classes and, during the workshops, to stand in front of the class giving brief speeches that will
then be critiqued and will be available in video streaming for later review.
As a general proposition, the first session of each week (Monday) will be a large lecture/discussion class
focusing on critical aspects of public persuasion in the context of difficult leadership situations. During the
second hour of these lectures, selected students will deliver prepared speeches and receive class feedback. In
the second weekly session, (Wednesdays or Thursdays) students will divide into two smaller workshops of
about 20 each to hone their speaking skills in the relevant areas covered by the lecture and readings. Guest
practitioners will occasionally contribute both to lectures and to feedback in the workshops.
The first eight weeks of the course will emphasize basic techniques for charismatic public oratory – how to find
one’s voice, employ the standard elements of oral persuasion, speak eloquently and express cultural values. The
course will then focus on guidelines for debates, panel discussions, crisis communication and working with the
press. Throughout the semester practical exercises will highlight rhetorical techniques such as mental models,
narrative, visual imagery, and sound-bites. Other exercises will cover inspirational speaking, debate, and
speeches that promote democratic dialogue and public accountability. All assignments will require that students
develop important public messages that are substantive and also express passion and commitment. The final
week of the course focuses on ceremonial speaking involving toasts, tributes and eulogies.
There is no prerequisite for this course. It should be useful to all students interested in public communication
and with all levels of experience, both in American and international contexts. Please note that enrollment will
be limited because of time limitations for workshop presentations.
Time requirements for this course are likely to be high. In addition to the readings, students will be required to
participate actively in frequent oral exercises. Student presentations will be videotaped on a regular basis and
made available as streamed video on the DPI-801A course webpage. Grades will be based on the oral
presentations and on the quality of class participation. Note that contributing to constructive group feedback is
an essential aspect of class participation. Since presentation and feedback are basic to course learning, regular
attendance is required. Two or more unexcused absences will affect the final grade.
Each student will be required to give at least six oral presentations of 4 minutes each and several impromptu
presentations as well. In addition, all students are expected to provide meaningful written and oral feedback to
each presentation in their workshop group. There is no final exam. Note that all assignments are due on the
date under which they are listed.
Oral presentations
Class participation and written/oral feedback
*Note that it is each student’s responsibility to make arrangements to make up missed assignments. Any
assignment that remains unfulfilled receives a failing grade.
All Course readings, except those found in Jay Allison and Dan Gedimen’s This I Believe, and Nancy Duarte’s
Resonate, will be found on the DPI801A course page. Please contact Alison Kommer,
alison_kommer@hks.harvard.edu, 617-495-1329, if you have any questions or problems.
• Nancy Duarte, Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences
(Wiley, 2010.) Available free in Hollis Here and an interactive version Here. (Also on
Amazon for $16.92)
• Jay Allison and Dan Gediman, eds, This I Believe: The Personal Philosophies of
Remarkable Men and Women, (Holt Paperbacks, 2007.)
• Roger Ailes, You Are The Message: Getting What you Want by Being Who You Are,
(Currency Dover, 1999.)
• Lewis Copeland, The World’s Great Speeches, 4th Edition (Dover, 2000)
• V.A. Howard and J. H. Baron, Thinking on Paper (Quill, 1986.)
Finally, the following websites contain links to a broad range of famous speeches--texts, audio, and sometimes
video renditions--that students should find interesting and informative: www.americanrhetoric.com,
http://www.youtube.com and http://www.ted.com.
Introduction: Five Secrets of Powerful Communicators
Sept. 5
Lecture in L130 4:10pm-6:00pm
* NOTE – This is the only time we will meet on a Friday.
• Nancy Duarte, Resonate, Introduction, Chapter 1, pp. xviii-22 and “Balance Emotion” pp. 180181.
• Marie Danziger, “10 Ways to Generate New Ideas”
• Marie Danziger, “Finding Your Voice”
• Susan Faludi, “Speak for Yourself,” New York Times, January 26, 1992.
• Jay Allison, ed. This I Believe, pp. 1-57 and 260-273.
Amy Cuddy, “Your body language shapes who you are,” TED Talk, June 2012
Recommended Readings:
• Roger Ailes, You Are the Message, pp. 1-40.
• George Orwell, “Politics and the English Language.”
• JFK, 1st Inaugural, from World's Greatest Speeches, pp. 739-742.
• MLK, "I Have a Dream," from World's Greatest Speeches, pp. 751-754.
• Nelson Mandela, "On his Release from Prison," World's Greatest Speeches, pp. 882-884.
• Ronald Reagan, 1st Inaugural, World's Greatest Speeches, pp. 853-858.
Making Meaning with Mental Models
Sept. 8
Lecture in L130
• Nancy Duarte, Resonate, Chapters 5 & 6, pp. 98-145.
• Wayne Parsons, “Models, Maps and Metaphor,” from Public Policy: An Introduction to the
Theory and Practice of Policy Analysis, pp. 57-64.
• Jay Allison, ed. This I Believe, pp. 58-111.
• Marie Danziger, “Mental Models for Public Speaking”
• Marie Danziger, “Markers for Public Speaking”
• Gerald Zaltman, “How Listeners Think,” in How Customers Think.
• Marie Danziger, “Guidelines for More Effective Public Speaking,” pp. 1-15.
• Jason Salzman, “Develop a Simple Message,” in Making the News: A Guide for Nonprofits
and Activists, 1998, pp. 9-10.
• Neil Postman, “The Information Age: A Blessing or a Curse?,” Harvard International Journal
of Press/Politics, 2004.
Online videos to watch:
• Simon Sinek: “How great leaders inspire action.”
(especially the first 8 minutes)
• Jill Bolte Taylor’s “Stroke of Insight,” TED Speech, March 2008.
• Atul Gawande, “How do we heal medicine?”
Sept. 10
Lecture in L130
2 minute Introductory Impromptu Speech using “Mental Models.” Details TBA.
• Marshall Goldsmith, “Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback,” from Leader to Leader, No. 25,
Summer 2002.
• Marie Danziger, “Feedback Questions to Consider.”
Starting this week read regularly the op-ed pages of:
The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com)
The Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com)
The Wall Street Journal, (http://online.wsj.com/public/us)
or The Boston Globe (http://www.boston.com/news/globe)
Rhetoric, Persuasion and Public Deliberation
Sept. 15
Lecture in L130
• Nancy Duarte, Resonate, Chapter 7, pp. 147-167.
• Deborah Tannen, “The Power of Talk: Who Gets Heard and Why , Harvard Business Review,
Sept-Oct., 1995.
• Jay Conger, “The Necessary Art of Persuasion,” from The Harvard Business Review, MayJune, 1998.
• Cordelia Fine, “Biased but Brilliant,” New York Times, July 31, 2011.
• Maggie Koerth-Baker, “The Mind of a Flip-Flopper,” New York Times, August 15, 2012.
• James Humes, “Power Gesture” in Speak like Churchill, Stand like Lincoln, pps. 127-141.
• Jay Allison, Jay, ed. This I Believe, pp. 112-152.
Online videos to watch:
• Jonathan Haidt, “The Moral Roots of Liberals and Conservatives.”
• “Cialdini’s 7 Principles of Persuasion.”
• Michael Porter on Reframing to Advocate Change.
Recommended Readings:
• Roger Ailes, You Are the Message, pp. 41-90; pp. 145-173.
• Mario Cuomo, “1984 Convention Speech.”
• Madeleine Kunin, Living a Political Life: One of America’s First Woman Governors Tells Her
Story, pp. 61-70.
Sept. 17
Workshop (Red 1), 4:10pm-6:00pm, L130.
Workshop assignment: First Graded Speech – “Focusing on Logos: Contrast and/or Change”
Sept. 18
Workshop (Blue 1), 6:10pm-8:00pm, T275.
Workshop assignment: First Graded Speech – “Focusing on Logos: Contrast and/or Change”
Facing a Skeptical or Hostile Audience
Sept. 22
Lecture in L130
• Nancy Duarte, Resonate, Chapter 3, pp. 55-73 and Chapter 8, pp. 169-185.
• Transcript of Bill Clinton, Speech to American Legion Convention, Chicago, Il., August 25,
1992. *Video under “Online videos to watch”
• Marie Danziger, “Advocating a Controversial Position.”
• Eric Horowitz, “Want to Win a Political Debate?” from Pacific Standard, August 23, 2013,
Online videos to watch:
• Professor Colon Neill, IESE Business School, “Dealing with a Hostile Audience.”
• “Handling the Hostile Crowd.”
• Marine argues against Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.
• JKF on Religion and Politics.
• Mitt Romney faces hostile audience at NAACP Convention, July 11, 2012.
• Town Hall Meeting with U.S. Congressman Brian Baird, August 18, 2009.
• *Bill Clinton, Speech to American Legion Convention, Chicago, IL, August 25, 1992
Recommended video to watch:
• Video of Obama’s Speech in Israel, March 21, 2013
• Obama Speaking to AIPAC on March 4, 2012.
Sept. 24
Workshop: (Red 2) 4:10pm-6:00pm, L130
workshop assignment: 4-minute controversial speech
Sept. 25
Workshop: (Blue 2), 6:10pm-8:00pm, T275
Workshop assignment: 4-minute controversial speech
Generating Emotional Impact: Storytelling I
Sept. 29
Lecture in L130
• Nancy Duarte, Resonate, Chapter 2, pp. 25-73.
• Marie Danziger, “Some Rhetorical Uses of Story.”
• Peter Guber, “The Four Truths of Storytelling,” Harvard Business Review, Dec. 2007.
• Mario Cuomo, “E Pur Si Muove,” Chubb Fellowship Lecture, from More Than Words: The
Speeches of Mario Cuomo, pp. 52-65.
• Jay Allison, ed. This I Believe, pp. 153-200.
Online videos to watch:
• Hans Rosling, “The Seemingly Impossible Is Possible.”
• Chimamanda Adichie: “The Danger of a Single Story,” TED Speech, July 2009.
• Steve Jobs, “Stanford Commencement Speech 2005.”
Recommended Readings:
• Abraham Lincoln, Coopers Union Speech (Feb. 27, 1860).
• Patrick Henry, “Give Me Liberty, or Give Me Death!” World’s Greatest Speeches,
pp. 232-234.
• J. Robert Oppenheimer, “Prospects in the Arts and Sciences,” World’s Greatest Speeches, pp.
• Barbara Jordan, Opening Statement to the House Judiciary Committee, Proceedings in the
Impeachment of Richard Nixon, World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 830-833.
Oct. 1
Workshop: (Red 1), 4:10pm-6:00pm, L130
Workshop assignment: 4-minute storytelling speech
Oct .2
Workshop: (Blue 1), 6:10pm-8:00pm, T275
Workshop assignment: 4-minute storytelling speech
Generating Emotional Impact: Storytelling II
Oct. 6
Lecture in L130
• Lilyan Wilder, “The Key: Being Real,” Chapter 2 from Talk Your Way to Success.
• Benjamin DeMott, “Junk Politics: A Voter’s Guide to the Post-Literate Election,” Harper’s
Magazine, Nov. 2003.
• Roger Rosenblatt, “Give Me A Corny Speech. Then I'll Listen,” Time, Aug. 14, 2000, pp. 92.
• Arthur Miller, “American Playhouse: On Politics and the Art of Acting,” Harper’s Magazine,
June, 2001.
• Jay Allison, ed., This I Believe, pp. 201-243.
Online videos to watch:
• Isabel Allende on Storytelling
• Ben Zander, The Transformative Power of Classical Music, TED Speech, 2008.
• “Craig Ferguson Speaks from the Heart”
Recommended Readings:
• Roger Ailes, You Are The Message, pp. 91-103, 104-144.
• Jonathan Edwards, “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God,” World’s Greatest Speeches, pp.
• HIV Women, ’92 Conventions, World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 893-898.
• John Gardner, Cornell Commencement ’68, World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 765-770.
• George Wald, “A Generation in Search of a Future,” World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 770-776.
• John Lindsay, 2nd Inaugural, ’69, World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 779-781.
Oct. 8
Workshop: (Red 2), 4:10pm-6:00pm, L130
Workshop assignment: 4-minute storytelling speech
Oct. 9
Workshop: (Blue 2), 6:10pm-8:00pm, T275
Workshop assignment: 4-minute storytelling speech
Empathy: Your Personal Credibility and Trustworthiness
Oct. 13
NO CLASS – Columbus Day
• Marie Danziger, “Building Trust.”
• Marie Danziger, “Delivering Bad News,” “Facing a Highly Polarized Audience,” “Responding
to Allegations of Failure or Misconduct.”
• Gerry Spence, How to Argue and Win Every Time, pp. 135-147.
• Zimbardo and Leippe, “The Psychology of Attitude Change and Social Influence,” pp. 12-21.
• Jay Allison, ed. This I Believe, pp. 244-259.
• Brooks, David, “All Politics is Thymotic,” New York Times, March 19, 2006
Online videos to watch:
• Brené Brown: “The power of vulnerability”
• Act of Uniformity, speech from the movie “Elizabeth.”
• Gandhi Advocates Policy of Nonviolence, speech from the movie, “Gandhi.”
• Gandhi Addresses Indian National Congress, speech from the movie, “Gandhi.”
• Gandhi to British Authorities: “It Is Time You Left” from the movie, “Gandhi.”
• Mr. & Mrs. Gandhi Address the People of India, from the movie, “Gandhi”
Recommended Readings:
• Roger Ailes, You Are the Message, pp. 103-121.
• Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
• Franklin D. Roosevelt, Acceptance Address, Philadelphia, 1936.
• Ronald Reagan, Remarks to Students, Moscow State University, 1988 (partial)
Oct. 15
Workshop: (Red 1), 4:10pm-6:00pm, L130
Workshop assignment: 4-minute speech involving a difficult leadership scenario
Oct. 16
Workshop: (Blue 1), 6:10pm-8:00pm, T275
Workshop assignment: 4-minute speech involving a difficult leadership scenario
Expressing Identity: Acknowledging the Color of Your Lens
Oct. 20
Lecture in L130
• Ethan Watters, “We Aren’t the World,” PS Magazine, April 11, 2013
• George Lakoff, “Framing the Dems,” The American Prospect, Sept., 2003.
• Walter Truett Anderson, “Four Different Ways to be Absolutely Right”, The Truth about The
Truth, pp. 110-116.
• Drake Bennett, “Changing History: Four New Ways to Write the Story of the World,” Boston
Globe, Feb. 7, 2010
• Joe Keohane, “How Facts Backfire,” Boston Globe, July 11, 2010.
Online videos to watch:
• Obama speaks on Trayvon Martin, July 2013.
• Obama on Race
• Malala Yousafzai’s speech before United Nations on her 16th birthday, July 12, 2013.
• Obama at Notre Dame, with special attention to 11:25-21:00
• Malcolm X Address to the People of Harlem.
Oct. 22
Workshop: (Red 2), 4:10pm-6:00pm, L130
Workshop assignment: 4-minute speech involving a difficult leadership scenario
Oct. 23
Workshop: (Blue 2), 6:10pm-8:00pm, T275
Workshop assignment: 4-minute speech involving a difficult leadership scenario
Framing the Argument: Debates and Dialogues
Oct. 27
Lecture in L130
• Deborah Tannen, The Argument Culture:Moving from Debate to Dialogue, pp. 3-26.
• Michael Tomasky, “The Untransformational President,” Daily Beast, August 7, 2011.
• Drew Westen, “What Happened to Obama?” New York Times, August 6, 2011.
• John Tierney, “Social Scientist Sees Bias Within,” New York Times, Feb. 7, 2011.
• George Lakoff, pp. 170-174, The Political Mind.
• Frank Luntz, “Introduction” and “Appendix B” from The Words That Work.
• Frank Luntz, "The Best & Worst Language of 2004: Key Debate Phrases," Luntz Research
Company, Alexandria, Va.
• Shaila Dewan and Robbie Brown, “A Psychologist Helps Repackage Democrats’ Message,”
New York Times, Oct. 30, 2008.
• Harwood Group, “Meaningful Chaos: How people form relationships with public concern,”
pp. 41-48.
Recommended Readings:
• Matt Bai, "The Framing Wars," The New York Times, July 17, 2005.
• Susan B. Anthony, “On Woman’s Right to Suffrage,” World’s Greatest Speeches,
pp. 321-322.
• Sun Yat-Sen, “National Morale and World Tranquility,” World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 399401.
• Al Smith, “Religious Prejudice and Politics,” World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 408-410.
• De Valera, “Ireland Among the Nations,” World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 466-468.
• Eleanor Roosevelt, “The UN as a Bridge,” World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 640-641.
• Charles William Eliot, “Harvard and Yale,” World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 700-702.
• Malcolm X, “The Ballot or the Bullet.”
• Mario Cuomo, Keynote, ’84 Convention, World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 866-873.
• Aung San Suu Kyi, Keynote Address, Forum on Women, World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 898902.
Oct. 29
Workshop: (Teams 1-3), 4:10pm–6:00pm, L130
Workshop assignment: Debates or Dialogues
Oct. 30
Workshop: (Teams 1-3), 6:10pm-8:00pm, T275
Workshop assignment: Debates or Dialogues
WEEK 10 Thinking on your Feet: Handling Questions and Answers
Nov. 3
Lecture in L130
In-Class Oral Assignment: Prepare to answer questions on topics TBA.
• Carole Howard, “When a Reporter Calls,” Communicating in Business Today, pp. 614-617.
• Joan Detz, “Special Occasion Speeches,” in How to Write & Give Speeches, pp. 85-111.
Marie Danziger, “Bridging” Phrases for Q & A.
Online videos to watch:
• Colbert Report: Robert Reich, Oct. 11, 2010
• Ben Bernanke on 60 Minutes, 12/5/2010 PART I
• Ben Bernanke on 60 Minutes, 12/5/10 PART II
• McCain and Obama on Abortion 8/16/2008
• Bush Sr. and Clinton Answer the Same Question
Nov. 5
Workshop: (Teams 4-6), 4:10pm-6:00pm, L130
Workshop assignment: Debates or Dialogues
Nov. 6
Workshop: (Teams 4-6), 6:10pm-8:00pm, T275
Workshop assignment: Debates or Dialogues
WEEK 11 Dealing with the Media
Nov. 10
Lecture in L130
• David Gergen, “Notes on Press Relations from David Gergen.”
• Mimi Goss, “News Conferences & Interviews: Basic Precepts.”
• Mimi Goss, “Checklist for Developing a Media Plan.”
• The Ruckus Society, “The Ruckus Society Media Manual.”
Recommended Readings:
• Roger Ailes, You Are the Message, pp. 185-202.
Nov. 12
Nov. 13
Workshop: (Teams 7-10), 4:10pm-6:00pm, L130
Workshop assignment: Debates or Dialogues
Workshop: (Teams 7-10), 6:10pm-8:00pm, T275
Workshop assignment: Debates or Dialogues
WEEK 12 Vision and Values: Brevity, Levity, Clarity, Charity
Nov. 17
Lecture in L130
• Joan Detz, “Chapter 7 – Style,” pp.71-76, “Chapter 8 – Humor,” pp. 77-84 and “Appendix,”
pp. 179-191 from How to Give a Speech.
• Text of George Saunders Commencement Speech
Online videos to watch:
• JK Rowling Harvard Commencement Speech.
• JK Rowling Commencement Speech – Part 2.
• JK Rowling Commencement Speech – Part 3.
• George Saunders Commencement Speech
• Al Gore Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech – Parts 1 and 2.
• Obama Victory Speech.
Nov. 19
Workshop: (Red 1), 4:10pm-6:00pm, L130
Workshop Assignment: “This I Believe” speech
Nov. 20
Workshop: (Blue1), 6:10pm-8:00pm, T275
Workshop Assignment: “This I Believe” speech
WEEK 13 Crisis Communication
Nov. 24
Lecture in L130
• Ted Sorensen, Counselor: A Life at the Edge of History, pp. 292-300.
• Marie Danziger, “Crisis Communication: 6 Steps.”
• “How to Keep a Crisis from Happening,” A Newsletter from Harvard Business School
• John Schwartz, “The Truth Hurts: Efforts to Calm The Nation’s Fears Spin Out of Control,”
New York Times, October 28, 2001.
• Vincent T. Covello, “77 Questions Commonly Asked by Journalists during a Crisis,” Keeping
Your Head in a Crisis, ASTHOP, 2002.
• Vincent T. Covello, “Lessons Learned From the Front Lines of Risk and Crisis
Communication,” from a speech at the U.S. Conference of Mayors, 10/24/2001.
Online videos to watch:
• “How to Apologize,” CBC Sunday, Allan Bonner.
• Tiger Woods Apology.
• Eliot Spitzer Resignation Speech.
• Ronald Reagan: The Challenger Tragedy.
• George W. Bush speech night of 9/11, 2001.
• George W. Bush’s second 9/11 Speech at Barksdale Airforce Base.
• JFK’s Cuban Missile Crisis Address.
Nov. 26
No Class – Thanksgiving Recess
Nov. 27
No Class – Thanksgiving Recess
WEEK 14 Ceremonial Speeches
Lecture in L130
Dec. 1
• JFK, Tribute to Robert Frost, World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 748-750.
• Cyrus M. Copeland, "Death, Be Not Ponderous,” New York Times, October 21, 2004.
• Bruce Feiler, “The Art of the Wedding Toast,” New York Times, June 15, 2013.
Online videos to watch:
• Earl of Spencer, Tribute to Diana.
• Obama’s Eulogy for Ted Kennedy.
• Ted Kennedy Jr’s Eulogy for His Father.
• Tim Russert Memorial Service.
• Rosa Parks Funeral Service.
Bill Clinton is at 1:26, Obama is at 2:35, Hillary is at 2:43
Recommended Readings:
• Mark Anthony (Shakespeare), Oration on the Dead Body of Julius Caesar, World’s Greatest
Speeches, pp. 58-62.
• Winston Churchill, “Their Finest Hour,” World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 439-446.
• Jawaharlal Nehru, “A Glory Has Departed” (Gandhi eulogy), World’s Greatest Speeches, pp.
• Mark Twain, “New England Weather,” World’s Greatest Speeches, pp. 693-696.
• Frederick Douglass, Oration in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, World’s Greatest Speeches, pp.
Dec. 3
Dec. 4
Workshop: (Red 1 and 2) 4:10pm-6:00pm, L130
Workshop assignment: Toasts, Tributes and Eulogies
Workshop: (Blue 1 and 2) 6:10pm-8:00pm, T275
Workshop assignment: Toasts, Tributes and Eulogies