UOW Laboratory Safety 2000 UNIVERSITY OF WESTMINSTER School of Biosciences Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) ***** APPENDIX 4 - CHEMICAL SAFETY ***** Sheet........1... of...1......... Title of Experiment 1. Room/Laboratory 3BCM505 Proteins and Enzymes PEPTIDE SEQUENCING 7th Floor Teaching Laboratory Site NCS Brief description of work Students separate and identify and unknown peptide fragments by TLC followed by identification of individual amino acids by staining with Ninhydrin reagent. Note that a COSHH assessment for class activity may not be of a sufficiently high level to cover technician preparation; double assessment usually required. Note also that it is RISK that is to be assessed, not HAZARD. 2. LIST OF SUBSTANCES USED OR CREATED (continue on a separate sheet if necessary) Manufacturers Safety Data Computer Data Base Product Label Other (Specify) NAME OF SUBSTANCE (CODE) Alanine PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION MAX. QUANTITY EXPOSED TO DATA AVAILABLE (YES/NO) White powder or colourless liquid in solution White powder or colourless liquid in solution mg Y mg Y Phenylalanine White powder or colourless liquid in solution mg Y Proline White powder or colourless liquid in solution White powder or colourless liquid in solution mg Y mg Y 1-Propanol Colourless liquid ml Y Acetic Acid Colourless liquid ml Y Lysine Valine KNOWN HAZARDS (See Note; use numbers) 4 (Toxic) 10 (Teratogen) 13 (Ingestion) 14 (Skin Absorption) 15 (Skin or Eyes) 4 (Toxic) 10 (Teratogen) 13 (Ingestion) 14 (Skin Absorption) 15 (Skin or Eyes) 4 (Toxic) 10 (Teratogen) 13 (Ingestion) 14 (Skin Absorption) 15 (Skin or Eyes) 4 (Toxic) 10 (Teratogen) 13 (Ingestion) 14 (Skin Absorption) 15 (Skin or Eyes) 4 (Toxic) 10 (Teratogen) 13 (Ingestion) 14 (Skin Absorption) 15 (Skin or Eyes) 1 (Explosive) 3 (Flammable) 8 (Carcinogen) 9 (Mutagen) 10 (Teratogen) 13 (Ingestion) 14 (Skin Absorption) 15 (Skin or Eyes) 1 (Explosive) 3 (Flammable) 5 (Harmful) 6 (Corrosive) 7 (Irritant) 12 (Inhalation) 13 (Ingestion) 14 (Skin Absorption) 15 (Skin or Eyes) UOW Laboratory Safety 2000 Ninhydrin Spray (0.2% in acetone) Colourless liquid ml Y Cellulose powder (TLC plates) White powder adsorbed onto metal or glass plates Colourless Liquid < mg N ml Y Acetone NOTE: 1) EXPLOSIVE 2) OXIDIZING 3) FLAMMABLE 4) TOXIC 5) HARMFUL 6) CORROSIVE 7) IRRITANT 8) CARCINOGEN 9) MUTAGEN 10) TERATOGEN 11) DUST 12) INHALATION 13) INGESTION 14) SKIN ABSORPTION 15) SKIN OR EYE 16) INJECTION 17) MAXIMUM EXPOSURE LIMIT 18) OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE STANDARD 19) RADIATION 20) OTHER (specify) 3. 12 (Inhalation) 1 (Explosive) 3 (Flammable) 5 (Harmful) 12 (Inhalation) 13 (ingestion) 14 (Skin Absorption) 15 (Skin and Eyes) Ref Note 17, 18: see EH40 (current edition). PERSONNEL INVOLVED WITH SUBSTANCES (continue on a separate sheet if necessary) NAME/CLASS INITS 3BCM505 Class 4. 5 (Harmful) 7 (Irritant) 12 (Inhalation) 13 (Ingestion) 15 (Skin or Eyes) STATUS INVOLVEMENT - DATE OF USE or DAILY/WEEKLY/MONTHLY/OCCASIONALLY Students Once per year Curley P Lecturer Occasionally Perry D Lecturer Occasionally Thompson S Lecturer Occasionally Bucke C Lecturer Occasionally OTHER GROUPS/PERSONS WHO MAY HAVE ACCESS TO THE SUBSTANCES (e.g. students, cleaners, maintenance staff, contractors, visitors, storekeepers, etc.): Technicians. State control measures (to prevent inappropriate persons/groups having access to the substances ): Reagents are only made available to students on day of laboratory session. Once the practical session is completed reagents are either disposed of or stored away by the technical staff. UOW Laboratory Safety 2000 5. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (as per Hazard Data Sheet). if any of the substances or procedures identified above is likely to pose a special hazard in an emergency, then identify below action to be taken. CODE SPILLAGE/UNCONTROLLED RELEASE None FIRE None If personnel are affected (fumes, contamination, etc.) treatment to be adopted: SPECIFY PER SUBSTANCE (CODE AS PER HAZARD DATA SHEET) Alanine Wash skin/eye wash Lysine Wash skin/eye wash Phenylalanine Wash skin/eye wash Proline Wash skin/eye wash Valine Wash skin/eye wash 1-Propanol Wash skin/eye wash Acetic Acid Wash skin/eye wash Ninhydrin Spray Wash skin/eye wash Acetone Wash skin/eye wash (NB. Antidotes and special treatment may be obtained through.......N/A............................................................................................................................) 6. CONTROL MEASURES TO BE ADOPTED (NB. Consider the following points, the appropriate Biosciences Safety Code plus any other necessary measures. SPECIFY PER SUBSTANCE AS NECESSARY FOR EACH OF THE ITEMS BELOW.) 1. Limiting exposure time of personnel - state maximum time 2. Partial enclosure with local exhaust ventilation 3. Local exhaust ventilation 4. Sufficient general ventilation 5. Personal protective equipment (goggles/gloves/clothing/mask/breathing apparatus/safety screen, etc.) * 6. Safe disposal/storage of hazardous substances * 7. Regular cleaning of the workplace * 8. Adequate washing facilities * = MANDATORY STORAGE - SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS 1-Proponal, Acetic Acid & Acetone should be stored in fire-proof cupboards when not in use as they are potential fire hazards. SPECIFY HANDLING PRECAUTIONS Disposable rubber gloves and fume hood should be worn when using Ninhydrin spray. DISPOSAL PROCEDURES DURING AND AT END OF EXPERIMENT Unused reagents can be safely disposed of down the drain. 7. REVIEW AND MONITORING OF CONTROL MEASURES (Required checks, and their frequency, on the adequacy and maintenance of the control measures during the course of the experiment) (NB. Biosciences Safety Code in respect of health surveillance needs. This form is not adequate if health surveillance is required.) UOW Laboratory Safety 2000 8. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION (continue on a separate sheet if necessary) (e.g. restriction of usage; transportation risks; labelling requirements; assessment review date, etc.) During the course of the practical session students prepare thin capillary tubes for application of samples to TLC plates using a Bunsen burner. Students MUST wear protective eye-glasses during this procedure and excerise care when using the Bunsen burner (e.g. tie back long hair, keep clothes away from flame, extinguish Bunsen Burner when no longer required, etc.). 9. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the above precautions will adequately control the risks from the hazardous substances listed. I have brought the assessment to the notice of the relevant technicians; academic staff; students; researchers (delete as necessary). Name of Assessor: Dr Paul Curley Signed: Status of Assessor: Senior Lecturer Date: 27th September, 2003