Ultra-thin Nano-layer Stretch-Shrink Films Henry G. Schirmer, BBS Corporation, Spartanburg, SC Tom Schell, Curwood, Inc., Oshkosh, WI Abstract Clear ultra-thin polyolefin films based on nano-layers composed of PP/EVA have been made and characterized. These films exhibit shrink properties as well as stretch properties and are surprisingly tough in spite of thinness as low as 0.1mil total. In order to avoid unmanageable tack, a high degree of slip was used. Surprisingly the high slip films made did cling well to food dishes and bowls making it highly useful as a lidding film. The high degree of shrink shown in the film makes it also useful for shrink packaging soft materials. Overlap seals were made during the shrinking process. room temperature. Therefore, any stretch orientation of PP should have to be done immediately. The quickest way to orient is as the PP containing film is being blown. Fortunately, the specific material composition used was very amendable to long stalk processing where a very high blow up ratio (BUR) of 5:1 was obtained. Picture 1 below shows the first attempt. Introduction Oriented shrink films are another film type that has shown unique improved properties through the use of nano-layers within the film structure. Tough thin shrink films as low as 0.3mil thick have been seen performing as well as thicker films for packaging applications. The work reported here is still another example of an even thinner shrink film showing stretch properties as well. Ultra-thin films as low as 0.1mil have been made because of the high melt strength imparted by nano-layers. The tool for creating nano-layers within the films described in this work is the Layer Sequence Repeater (LSR). As film research continues so does our knowledge of what the LSR can do. Nano-layer films create many surprises that we had not seen before and some of these have been reported earlier at PO 2009, 2010, 2011 and listed in the references. Some of the knowledge gained has been used to develop the LSR further but cannot be reported at this time because of patent reasons. Nylon 6/EVOH nano-layer films reported in the above papers showed some surprises that eventually led to an understanding that blown films containing crystalline EVOH in nano-layer form had a lower density, lower M.P. crystal structure that was consistent with the film being easily deformed. We also suspected that similar things were happening to N6 as well. To test this, N6/EVOH nano-layer films were stretch oriented above the Tg of both but below 100C. Stretching the film in this low temperature range showed clearly how deformable this new crystal structure actually was. Polypropylene is another crystalline polymer that also may experience a new crystal structure when in nanolayer form. But it has a Tg well below room temperature and that means that any crystalline changes may only be temporary. Both N6 and EVOH both have Tg above 60C so the new crystal forms remained rather permanent at PICTURE 1 LONG STALK BUBBLE PROCESS High Density Polyethylene shopping bags gain much of their strength and toughness through this method of orientation. Generally, a high molecular weight polymer is the key to successful processing and the EVA component in the 11-60-70 series structure was of 0.3MI. However, the nano-layer structure of this new stretch-shrink film gave it far different properties from an opaque stiff HDPE counterpart. These properties were indeed due to the nano-layers within the microstructure of the film series described here. Picture 2 shows the micro-structure of a similar but thicker precursor film. PICTURE 2 25 NANO-LAYER FILM 1 Definition of Terms The Patented Modular Disk Die has produced films containing 25 and more micro-layers independently of the LSR. While it is generally true that as the number of micro-layers increases, the individual layer thickness decreases for a given total film thickness. But the thickness of each of the structural micro-layers is generally all in the same order of magnitude. This doesn’t preclude that some thin micro-layers may contain the same material to make what would appear to be fewer and thicker micro-layers. The reason for doing this might be to simply gain increased output or to gain some other processing attribute. The Layer Sequence Repeater (LSR) operates as an independent unit within a Modular Disk Die and inserts nano-layer bundles within the matrix of micro-layers wherever desired. These are truly an order of magnitude thinner than the surrounding micro-layers. So the term nano-layers as depicted here will be used to differentiate nano-layer thickness relative to micro-layer thickness and the difference was very apparent in picture 2 above and other microphotographs shown in this paper. For the purposes of this paper, the number of nano-layers issued by the LSR was set at 25 in alternating layers of EVA/PP. This nano-layer bundle appeared to be well over one third of the total thickness of the film in all microphoto’s taken. In fact, the measured proportional thickness ratio was 2125/4625 or 0.46T where T=total thickness. Since the bundle contained 25 nano-layers, then each nano-layer averaged .46/25T or .018T. At a total thickness T=0.1mil, each nano-layer averaged 0.0018mil thick. That’s 45.7 nanometers and will be the average of each PP/EVA nano-layer in this paper. Oriented films can be biaxial or monaxial. The ultra-thin films within this report are biaxial. Oriented films can be made by either a reheat process or by a cooling process. The ultra-thin films here are from a cool down process. Generally oriented films from cool down processes are tougher, stretchier and in a less stressed state (low shrink force) than films derived from the heat up process (high shrink force). Some processes share a little of both as is seen in US Patent 5,456,979. were made at 4mil because we first thought to orient them using a reheat process. However, there were problems with hot tack and open ability of the tubing. So that approach was temporarily abandoned until we could provide a means to prevent hot tack. Picture 3 shows the nano-layer structure of the 4mil film. Other thinner films in this series all have the same structure but become increasingly harder to microphotograph. PICTURE 3 SAMPLE 11-54 The above 4mil film blown film structures also had a tendency to blow with a stalk. So to enhance the stalk stability, the EMA was switched to an EVA with a 0.3 MI. This higher MW resin indeed made long stalk processing more stable and processed well in the LSR with PP. Samples 11-57 through 11-60 were made at a high BUR and increasing draw speeds. Sample 11-61 coupled this with a drastically reduced delivery rate. The highest draw speed for this lab equipment was 56 fpm. Picture 4 shows the overall setup. Ext. d Ext. b, A, c 2” Die & Air ring Experimental Procedure TEST FILM STRUCTURES Samples 11/54 & 11-55= LDPE/EMA/{EMA/PP.. 25nano..PP/EMA}/EMA/LDPE The above structures were the start of the PP nano-layer series. EMA having about a 2 MI was first chosen to sequence with PP because it adheres well. These films PICTURE 4 LABORATORY FILM LINE Extruders d, b, c = 0.75” Extruder A = 1.25” Extruders b, A, c were all commonly driven at a fixed output ratio of 20/60/20 referred as a triplex extruder. 2 Samples 11-62 to 69= LDPE/EVA/{EVA/PP.. 25nano..PP/EVA}/EVA/LDPE With the stability of the process well defined by the 11-54 to 11-61 samples, the parameters were set so that thinnest and widest film could be obtained. All films made were 15-16” wide with the rate of the triplex extruder b, A, c at 29rpm and extruder d at 30. Because the glass transition temperature (Tg) of PP is below room temperature at about –10C, any deformable crystalline state produced within the nano-layers during cooling would only be temporary at room temperature and would quickly revert to the more stable higher melting more rigid state. As reported earlier this is similar to the two crystalline forms of polybutene –1. The DSC curves displayed in Fig.1 show the first heat to be lower than the second annealed heat. Samples 11-70 to 11-73 LDPE/EVA/{EVA/PP.. 25nano..PP/EVA}/EVA/LDPE The triplex extruder b, A, c was then lowered in rate to 20 rpm while extruder d was also lowered to 20 rpm. All sample rolls were 15-16” wide and in 4 increments the draw speed was increased from sample to sample roll until the fastest setting at Sample 11-73. Many rolls of this were collected until the EVA ran out. This gave us enough of this thinnest sample to test in several areas of application. 162.55 C 111.92 C CONTROL FILM STRUCTURES In order to see the true effect of the nano-layer core in the above test films, the die module was switched to a similar module containing a three-layer core. Everything else remained the same. 163.57 C 111.59C Samples 11-74 & 75 LDPE/EVA/(EVA/PP/EVA)/EVA/LDPE These films were also run with a high stalk high BUR bubble into films of 14-16” widths. Attempts to draw 1175 to thinner film failed and the only stable processing condition was close to 11-74. Both films were 1 mil thick. Samples 11-76 & 77 LDPE/EVA/(EVA/PP/EVA)/EVA/LDPE Extruder screw speeds were changed to lower rpm similar to 11-73. Sample 11-76 was drawn to 0.5mil thickness at 16” width. Sample 11-77 was very unstable and could not be blown much past 12” wide. This was 0.2mil compared to 0.1mil for the 11-73 16” wide nano-test films. Clearly, 25 alternating nano-layers of EVA/PP/EVA imparted high melt strength and pinhole resistance caused by an occasional gel in the bubble as it was drawn very thin biaxially. The 3-layer EVA/PP/EVA control films showed no bubble stability as they were drawn thinner than 0.5mil. Discussion of Results DSC TESTS ΔT=1.02C FIG. 1 DSC CURVES FOR SAMPLE 11-73 This is consistent with having a less dense form of crystal structure. The ΔT at 1.02C is surprising and may be a result of the orientation of the film during processing. The stretching of the film during the cooling from the melt immediately oriented the PP layers that were being cooled probably even before the LDPE layers solidified. Orientation during the cooling from a melt usually takes place at a lower temperature than heating from a solid as is usually done. A lower density form of crystal structure may very well be the signature of this difference. Since at least the nano-structure of this film was oriented as the melt was cooled, the stress involved in stretching the film to high BUR was much lower than it would have been for orientation by the reheat methods. This is seen in the low shrink tension and force during the shrink process that sample 11-73 displayed during shrink packaging tests described below. It therefore seems plausible that the lesser stressed oriented PP crystal may also display a less densely packed but still stable crystal structure to account for the ΔT between first and second heat. 3 Also notable on the DSC curves is the wide temperature range that exists while there are still solid nano-layers of PP remaining. So from room temperature all the way to 160C the film would have some degree of strength due to the solid PP. This wide range of hot strength is in many ways similar to x-linked PE shrink films. STRETCH - SHRINK TESTS Sample 11-73 was selected for shrink performance tests as well as stretch lidding film because it was the thinnest that was produced at 0.1mil. This ultra-thin film was surprisingly tough and handled well in lidding trials where it was drawn tight over the rim of a bowl. Although the film was not tacky due to the slip added to the outer PE layer, it had a tendency to cling to the bowl. This was enhanced further if any moisture was present. There is no question that the thinness and ease in draping of the film also added to this good performance. Picture 5 shows the lidded bowl along with a shrunk package showing overlap seals made during shrinking. Lap seals during shrink PICTURE 6 - TRACED 10mm CIRCLE ON FILM Tight lid cover PICTURE 5 SHRINK-STRETCH OF 11-73 During the shrinking of 11-73, the heat strength became noticeable when the lap seals were made during shrinking. Obviously, the film temperature was above 111C in order to make the seal but there were no burn through holes observed as the film sealed and shrunk at the same time. The presence of the PP nano-layers was no doubt responsible for holding the film together over this wide shrink temperature range especially in the range between 111C and 162C, the melting points of LDPE and PP. Since the shrink took place in this tacky temperature region, testing the film for ultimate free shrink and shrink tension was complicated by the extreme thinness and film tack. With the LDPE surfaces melted, the shrinking film stuck immediately to itself on contact and the thinness produced extremely low shrink force. Pictures 6 and 7 show how the ultimate free shrink was obtained by draping the film with a 10x10mm traced circle from a table. With a helper to keep the film from folding onto itself, hot air was applied by means of a heat gun set at low air flow. The result was free shrink in all directions as shown in picture 7. PICTURE 7 – FILM SHRUNK BY HOT AIR GUN The better samples showed approximately 50% free shrink in all directions and selected articles shown in picture 8 were shrink-wrapped. These included an answering machine and 2 rolls of tissue. PICTURE 8 – 50% SHRINK, FILM & PACKAGES 4 Measurement of shrink force was also complicated by the same things as free shrink. The film became tacky at the measurement temperature and the shrink force was low. By trial and error, we found that 2 paper clips and a strip of wood weighing 24 grams provided enough weight to counterbalance the longitudinal shrink so that no shrink occurred in that direction. Picture 9 shows the results. The free shrink film sample was held with paper clips on all 4 corners. This was not truly free shrink because there was some pendulum like resisting force to do this as the device was heated within an oven. Both sides of the device held suspended 3-1” strips of film cut from the longitudinal and transverse directions. Each strip was weighted with paper clips at 1.2 grams each and progressed from one to three clips for increasing weight. Each strip was marked with 10 cm measurement lines that increased in length as the samples became heated and stretched beyond the shrink force limit. The shrink tension then was derived at the weight where the film shrink was in balance with the weight suspended in a manner similar to the above earlier crude measurements. The stretch-temperature-weight tabulation below Graph 1 in the next column shows that this occurred in the 210220F-temperature range where the shrink was below 10%. There was virtually no shrink force beyond this temperature. PICTURE 9 – SHRINK TENSION MEASURMENT Since the film was 13” wide and averaged 0.1mil thick, the shrink tension was calculated as follows: 24gms. /13”x 0.1mil x .001”/1mil = 24gms. /13” x 0.0001”= (1lb/454gms)24gms. /0.0013in2 Shrink Tension = 40.7 psi All these were crude measurements and more control was desired to obtain a better characterization. So a sample holding device was assembled that overcame the film tack problems. This is shown in Picture 10. Free shrink was easier to measure and the results are shown in Graph 1. Please note the difference between the L & T free shrink was partially due to the slight pull of the suspension clamps on the film corners during shrink and is more of a reflection of the differences in the extremely low shrink tensions i.e. the differences between the lower transverse value and the higher longitudinal value. Please note picture 8 again where the shrink was 50% in both directions. This was a situation where there was a lot less shrink tension influence on restraining free shrink in the transverse direction. The less restraint on the film means a truer value of free shrink, so we averaged both to arrive at the 50% average free shrink in both directions. % FREE SHRINK OF SAMPLE 11-73 3 shrink force strips with progressive wts. Longitudinal Average Free shrink film held with 4 clamps Transverse GRAPH 1 FREE SHRINK VS. TEMPERATURE PICTURE 10 SAMPLE HOLDING DEVICE Graph 1 shows that shrink began at about 200 F close to the melting point of the LDPE outer surfaces. It then 5 progressed as the temperature rose to 260F where total melting of the sample took place. Somewhere within this region the shrink forces came into play but all test strips measuring shrink force failed at 230F and higher. Significant stretch occurred between 210 and 220F so these 2 temperature readings were averaged and shown tabulated and underlined below in blue. Shrink force @ 210F Longitudinal stretch Transverse stretch 1.2gms. 2.4gms. 3.6gms 10.1 10.2 10.8 10.2 11.0 20.5 Shrink force @ 220F Longitudinal stretch Transverse stretch Average stretch (long.) Average stretch (trans.) 1.2gms. 10.0 10.1 10.05 10.15 decreased. Generally, as the stretching and cooling speed increased the elongation decreased. This is a clear indication of orientation taking place. Oriented films simply have less elongation than blown films. Table 1 TENSILE –ELONGATION (Instron, psi) 2” Span @ 20” per minute crosshead Sample Machine direction Cross Machine TEST mils T E T E 11-63 1.06 4599 480% 4325 425% 11-64 0.41 4399 268% 3848 287% 11-67 0.26 4475 177% 4284 246% Clearly the lowest shrink force occurred in the transverse direction because there was more stretch occurring at the 2.4gm value. The transverse shrink force at 1.2 grams resisted any significant elongation and the longitudinal shrink force of 2.4 grams also resisted any significant elongation. So in choosing these 2 values, the shrink tension was calculated as follows: 11-73 0.15 4956 124% 1676 402% 1.2gms. /1”x 0.1mil x .001”/1mil = 1.2gms. /1” x 0.0001”= (1lb/454gms)1.2gms. /0.0001in2 2.4gms. 10.5 12.0 10.35 11.50 3.6gms. 11.4 11.4 11.10 15.95 Therefore between 210 & 220F: Shrink Tension Transverse = 26.4 psi Shrink tension longitudinal = 2(26.4) = 54.8 psi As shown here, the more precise measurements of both shrink and shrink tension were essentially a confirmation of the less controlled measurements taken earlier. OTHER FILM CHARACTERIZATION TESTS Tensile – Elongation (Test Film) We have seen from the shrink and shrink tension tests that the more highly stressed orientation appeared to be in the Machine Direction (MD) than in the Cross Machine Direction (CDM) using the thinnest sample 11-73. Tensile & Elongation tests, however, should help to confirm this and show how the orientation behavior is influenced by sample thickness. In other words the thinnest sample should show the most orientation because of higher stretch speeds and faster cooling. The main point to note in looking at the test data is that blown films usually have lower tensile strength and higher elongation in most cases than oriented films. Table 1 above shows a summary of the T & E data as the films were drawn faster and the thickness was accordingly CONTROL 11-74 1.27 4554 494% 4451 479% 11-75 1.13 4850 516% 4642 479% 11-76 0.40 3612 315% 3095 306% 11-77 0.20 2993 105% 2768 326% There was one exception in the cross machine direction of sample 11-73 elongation. This may have been due to a less oriented streak in the film. Cross machine direction properties often can be less consistent than machine direction properties because of film differences due to streaks, die lines etc. While the elongation goes down, the tensile strength goes up as orientation increases. Again this is seen in the machine direction with the same exception in the cross machine direction particularly with the thinnest sample. The least oriented sample appeared to be in the thickest sample 11-63 with the highest elongation but its tensile strength was also surprisingly high in both directions. This probably was due to the differences in crystalline size and coarseness of the aged polypropylene in the less oriented state. Oriented polypropylene has a very fine crystalline structure while unoriented polypropylene has a course sphereulitic structure. Tensile – Elongation (Control Film) The control films containing EVA/PP/EVA instead of 25 nano-layers showed a marked decrease in tensile as the films were drawn thinner showing that they were weaker. Note the blue values in table 1 above. This is consistent with the poor bubble stability shown during manufacture. 6 The machine direction measurements show this vividly while the cross machine measurements were less pronounced especially with the elongation. Sample 11-77, the thinnest control sample, could not be blown as wide as its test film counterpart 11-67. So, table 1 shows at a glance the higher tensile and lower elongation of the more oriented test films. While the control films became more oriented during stretching, there was much less strength developed. Graph 2 details the test film data more vividly. Films made below .4 mils have decreased elongation and generally higher tensile strength. This implies higher orientation is obtained with thinner test films. Oriented Films GRAPH 3 - TEAR STRENGTH (Gms) Permeability Blown Film Permeability of the film to gases and vapors tends to either get a bit lower or remain about the same with respect to orientation. What truly counts is thickness. As the films become thinner the permeability increases. GRAPH 2 - TENSILE & ELONGATION DATA Tear Strength Graph 4 shows that both Oxygen and water vapor follow the same path of increasing permeability as the films became thinner. Just as the ultimate elongation of the more oriented films was lower than the less unoriented films in the above film series, tear strength also was lower. Since the thinner films had increasingly lower elongation (a sign of increasing orientation) , we now can also follow the same decrease in tear strength over the same film thickness path. Graph 3 on the next column shows this relationship. Please note the steep drop in tear strength as the film was reduced in thickness from 1 mil to.41 mil. This .41mil thickness value appears to be the threshold to the film becoming truly oriented. This is also the thickness where the tensile strength began to climb and the elongation became lower. 7 although they could be made into 1-mil films with a high stalk, high BUR process. Summary and Conclusions 1. Test film containing a core of 25 alternating nano-layers consisting of Polypropylene and EVA had a propensity to be blown into very thin films at a blow up ratio of about 5:1with a long stalk process. Low MI EVA stabilized the process as would be expected. 1. 2. The thinnest test films made with this process were about .1mil thick. 3. 3. The thinnest test films showed all the signs of being oriented with free shrink at up to 50% and shrink tension about 25-50 psi. 4. 5. DSC measurements showed the PE/EVA melt peaks at 96-111C and the PP peak at 162.55C. This extra 50C temperature spread gave the film more hot strength during shrinking. DSC measurements also showed a difference in the PP crystallinity on 1 st heat at 162.55C to 2nd heat at 163.57C or a ∆T=1.02C. This difference is usually indicative of a lower density crystalline structure due perhaps to orientation. 6. The test films sealed during heat shrinking using simple overlap seals as would be used in film over wrapped trays or rolls of paper. 7. The relatively high elongation of even the thinnest test film was helpful in making it very useful as a stretch lidding film for food trays and bowls. 8. Graphs of the tensile, elongation and tear strength all showed a decided tendency to higher and higher orientation as the test film was drawn thinner and thinner. 9. Permeability to Moisture Vapor and Oxygen increased as the test film became thinner. 10. A special shrink property device was needed and assembled for use to avoid film-to-film contact. The high tack of the test film due to the melting of the polyethylene surfaces made measurement difficult with standard devices in the shrink temperature region. 11. Control films containing 3 alternating EVA/PP/EVA layers as a core could not be blown with stability into ultra-thin film REFERENCES 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 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Ed, 590 (1985) Nano-layers in Blown Barrier Films (part 2) – Schirmer, Schell, Pucci & Chatterjee AUTHOR CONTACTS Henry G. Schirmer BBS Corporation 2066 Pecan Drive Spartanburg, SC 29307 Tel: (864) 579-3058 E-Mail: hschirmer@att.net Tom Schell Curwood, Inc. 2200 Badger Avenue Oshkosh, WI 54904 E-Mail: TASchell@bemis.com 8