Math Homework Solutions: Exponents, Scientific Notation, Functions

Lesson 8.1, 8.2
HW: p. 492 #3 – 38 multiples of 3 (so #3, 6, 9, etc), 40, 41, 43, 45, 47
p. 498 #3, 7, 11, 15, 21, 25, 29, 33, 38, 40
p 492
9𝑥 4
3) 48
40) B
33) 4𝑦 2
6) 96
41) D
38) 4
9) 214
43) 2
40) 14
12) 712
45) 2
15) 153•93
47) -3267x12y13
18) (-14)5• 225
p. 498
21) z6
3) 54
24) y24
7) (-4)3
27) 25x2
11) 35
30) 125p3q3
15) 77
33) 96d22
21) y7
35) 12p19
25) 𝑞4
38) (-10n)2(-4n3)3
64𝑐 3
Lesson 8.3
HW: p. 506 #3-26 multiples of three, 28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 41, 43, 50, 52
12) 64
6) 64
15) 32
9) 1
18) 81
21) 243
29) 𝑦 3
24) ½
31) 121ℎ2
28) 𝑥 4
32) 𝑦 3
35) 1
50) 106 grains of salt
41) 243d3
52)1011 times greater
3𝑥 12 𝑦 −7
Lesson 8.4
HW: p. 515 #1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 16, 19, 22, 29, 39, 40, 42, 43
1) No; 0.5 is not greater than or equation to 1.0 and less than 10
2) Greater than 1; the exponent is positive
3) 8.5 x 100
16) 2600
42) 7.5 x 102
4) 7.2 x 10-1
19) 30,300
43) 3 x 10-3
6) 5 x 10-3
22) .0061
7) 7.2 x 107
29) 6.7 x 103; 12,439;
9) 1.06525 x 106
39) 6.6 x 10-4
10) 4.5 x 10-5
40) 4.234 x 10-2
2 x 104; 45,000
Lesson 8.5
HW: p. 524 #5, 6, 9, 17, 22, 26, 30 (use calc for underlined problems), 39
5) y = 125 • 5x
6) y = ½ • 2x
9) domain: all real numbers
Range: 0 < y < ∞
17) domain: all real numbers
range: 0 < y < ∞
22) The graph is a vertical stretch.
26) The graph is a vertical shrink.
30) The graph is a vertical shrink with
a reflection in the x-axis.
39) a) Let x = the number of years since 2001
Let y = the number of computers in hundreds of millions
y = 6•(1.1)x
b) about 1,286, 153, 286 computers
Lesson 8.6
HW: p. 535 #1, 2, 3, 7, 19, 20, 24, 28, 32, 47 (use calc for underlined problems)
1) 1 – r
2) If the graph increases from left to right, then it represents growth; if it decreases from left to
right, then it represents decay.
3) exponential function; y = 8•4x
7) domain: -∞ < x < ∞
range: 0 < y < ∞
19) D
20) The graph is a vertical stretch.
24) The graph is a vertical shrink
28) The graph is a vertical shrink with a
reflection in the x-axis.
32) A
47) Let V = the value of the cell phone, dollars
Let t = time, in years, since the phone was purchased
V = 125(.8)t
After 3 ye3ars, the value of the phone is $64.