Complete Index for The Consort

Catalogue of Articles published in The Consort
Abbott, Thea Arnold Dolmetsch in Literature, vol.67, 2011
Abbott, Thea Diana Poulton and the Dolmetsch inheritance, vol.70, 2014
Agren, Carl Hugo Acoustical Properties of the Viol Family – Some Observations and
Measurements, vol.25, 1968/9
Alker, Hugo The Tenor Recorder: Development, Special Characteristics and
Repertoire, vol.20, 1963
Allsop, Peter Sonata da Chiesa – a case of mistaken identity? vol.53, 1997
Ammetto, Fabrizio The double violin concerto in Germany in Vivaldi’s time, vol.65,
Appel, Richard The Bay Psalm Book and its Music, vol.30, 1974
Ashbee, Andrew John Jenkins, 1592-1678, vol.34, 1978
Ashbee, Andrew John Jenkins (1592-1678): Tradition and Innovation, vol.48, 1992
Azis, Emily Two early keyboard instruments at Westwood Manor, Wiltshire, vol.67,
Backhurst, Roland and Marilyn Bells, and the art and science of change ringing,
vol.63, 2007
Bania, Maria The articulation of fast flute passages in the 18th century, vol.67, 2011
Bania, Maria The improvisation of preludes on melody instruments in the 18th
century, vol.70, 2014
Barry, Barbara Heavenly Harmony and the Tradition of Medieval Number Theory,
vol.36, 1980
Barwise, Maureen Hearing the Music of Ancient Egypt, vol.25, 1968/9
Barwise, Maureen Music of the Pharaohs, vol.32, 1976
Barwise, Maureen Some Comments on the Robert Ap Hw MS (BL ADD MS 14905),
vol.41, 1985
Beechey, Gwilym Guillaume Gabriel Nivers (1632-1714), vol.25, 1968/9
Beechey, Gwilym Johann Jakob Froberger, vol.27, 1971
Beechey, Gwilym Henry Playford’s Harmonia Sacra, vol.42, 1986
Beechey, Gwilym Francesco Geminiani (1687-1762) and the art of string playing,
vol.43, 1987
Beechey, Gwilym C.P.E.Bach (1714-1788) – His Solo Keyboard and Chamber
Music, vol.44, 1988
Beechey, Gwilym The Harpsichord Music of Jean-François Dandrieu, vol.45, 1989
Beechey, Gwilym Jean-Jerôme Imbault’s Thematic Catalogue and Parisian Taste in
the 1790’s, vol.46, 1990
Beechey, Gwilym Music in John Evelyn’s Diary, vol.47, 1991
Beechey, Gwilym Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770), vol.48, 1992
Beechey, Gwilym Songs and Cantatas in 18th-century England, vol.49, 1993
Bergmann, Walter Three Pieces of Music on Henry Purcell’s Death, vol.17, 1960
Bergmann, Walter Francesco Barsanti, vol.18, 1961
Booth, Colin Mattheson’s 12 Suites of 1714: clues to the execution of rhythm in
German baroque suites, vol.71, 2015
Bracken, Paul Musical instruments and the performance of medieval song, vol.67,
Bracken, Paul Singing Trouvère and Trobador Chansons: Vocal style in medieval
song, vol.68, 2012
Bracken, Paul Accompanying Trobador and Trouvère Song, vol.69, 2013
Bracken, Paul Minstrels and Trobadors, c.1150-c.1350: Professionals or not?, vol.70,
Bragg, Zöe Rhetoric and Affekt, and their influence on Telemann’s Fantasie für Flöte
Solo no.1, vol.60, 2004 (see also: Zoë Franklin)
Brett, Ursula Modal evolution in northern Italy: the origin of Angleria’s modern
Tones (1622), vol.67, 2011
Brett, Ursula Banchieri counters his critics with comedy, vol.70, 2014
Brooker, Jeremy, Like two instruments att once: The origins and playing techniques
of the 3-manual baryton, vol.59, 2003
Brown, Alan Parthenia: Some Aspects of Notation and Performance, vol.32, 1976
Bujic, Bojan Do we care what we sing? Editing the poetry of Italian madrigals,
vol.65, 2009
Campbell, Margaret To Dot or Double-Dot? The Eternal Question, vol.31, 1975
Campbell, Margaret Jean Sinclair Buchanan: Memoirs, vol.37, 1981
Campbell, Margaret The Dolmetsch Heritage, vol.45, 1989
Campbell, Margaret The Dolmetsch Legacy, vol.47, 1991
Campbell, Margaret Not quite eye to eye: Percy Scholes and Arnold Dolmetsch,
vol.50. no.2, 1994
Campbell, Margaret Robert Spencer – a Birthday Tribute, vol.53, 1997
Capleton, Brian Carl Friedrich Abel, a Gainsborough painting and viol temperament
– some evidence and enigmas, vol.59, 2003
Cave, Penelope Michael Heale: Memories of the first indentured apprentice at Arnold
Dolmetsch Ltd, vol.59, 2003
Cave, Penelope Four hands and five octaves: English piano duet repertoire in the late
18th century, vol.66, 2010
Charteris, Richard Manuscript Additions of Music by Dowland and his
Contemporaries in two 16th-century Prints, vol.37, 1981
Charteris, Richard The Motets of Alfonso Ferrabosco the Elder (1543-1588), vol.38,
Charteris, Richard New Light on Ferrabosco’s Chansons, vol.38, 1982
Cheney, Stuart Observations on French instrumental variation practices in the 17th
century, vol.54, 1998
Cleeve, Montagu The Viola d’Amore, vol.11, 1954
Cochrane, Lalage The Fantasias and Almandes for Viols and Organ by John
Hingeston, vol.52 no.2, 1996
Conant, Robert The Yale Collection of Musical Instruments, vol.20, 1963
Conant, Robert American Composers and the Harpsichord, vol.22, 1965
Cooper, Thomas Foreign novelties above all else: French exotic opera of the 18th
century, vol.69, 2013
Corbet, August The Flemish Harpsichord School, vol.20, 1963
Cowl, Carl, Risala fi Hubr TaLif Al-Alhan of JaQub Ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi (790-874),
vol.23, 1966
Cranmer, John Music Retailing in late 18th- and early 19th-century Scotland, vol.55,
Cudworth, Charles Gainsborough and Music, introduced by Gerald Gifford, vol.59,
da Costa, Neal Peres Lost Traditions and Hidden Meanings: implications of the
comparison between written texts and early recordings, vol.57, 2001
Danks, Harry The Influence of Attilio Ariosti, vol.12, 1955
Daniells, Ruth Viols in the 20th Century, vol.20, 1963
Darlow, Denys Johan Helmich Roman, vol.19, 1962
Dart, Thurston Francesco Geminiani and the Rule of Taste, vol.19, 1962
Davies, Joan The Father of the Pianoforte, vol.18, 1961
Davies, Joan John Field, the Father of Romantic Music, vol.21, 1964
Davies, Joan Maria Syzmanowska, vol.23, 1966
Davies, Joan Moscheles – Maestro and Man, vol.28, 1972
de la Cuesta, Ismael Fernandez, De Musica Libri Septem by Francisco Salinas,
vol.31, 1975
de Zayas, Rodrigo Gaspar Sanz, vol.31, 1975
Dolmetsch, Arnold Instrumental Accompaniments of Early Songs, vol.2, 1931
Dolmetsch, Arnold An Analysis of the Harmonies and Forms of the Bardic Music,
vol.3, 1934
Dolmetsch, Arnold Concerning my Recent Discoveries, vol.3, 1934
Dolmetsch, Arnold Eastern Light on Music, vol.4, 1937
Dolmetsch, Arnold Alterations of Rhythm, vol.8, 1951
Dolmetsch, Carl Interpretation, vol.5, 1948
Dolmetsch, Carl On Playing the Recorder, vol.7, 1950
Dolmetsch, Carl Some Peculiarities of Musical Instruments, vol.9, 1952
Dolmetsch, Carl Observations on the legitimate use of alternative instruments,
vol.10, 1953
Dolmetsch, Carl Charles Avison on some early Composers, vol.11, 1954
Dolmetsch, Carl A Practical Approach to Bach’s Violin Sonatas, vol.12, 1955
Dolmetsch, Carl A Prospectus by Thomas Stanseby, Junior, Recorder Maker,
vol.13, 1956
Dolmetsch, Carl The Recorder and the Flute, vol.14, 1957
Dolmetsch, Carl Specialising in Versatility, vol.15, 1958
Dolmetsch, Carl Limitations of the Piano in Harpsichord Music, vol.16, 1959
Dolmetsch, Carl The Recorder in modern British Music, vol.17, 1960
Dolmetsch, Carl, Plus fait Douceur que Violence – Arnold Dolmetsch and the
Clavichord, vol.52 no.2, 1996
Dolmetsch, Cécile Ornamentation in Singing, vol.9, 1952
Dolmetsch, Cécile The Crwth, vol.13, 1956
Dolmetsch, Cécile Personal Recollections of Arnold Dolmetsch, vol.15, 1958
Dolmetsch, Jeanne and Gifford, Gerald Chamber Organs belonging to the Dolmetsch
Family, and the organists and associated repertoire featured in their concerts,
vol.62, 2006
Dolmetsch, Mabel Music in Morocco, vol.2, 1931
Dolmetsch, Mabel The Antiquity of Equal Temperament, vol.5, 1948
Dolmetsch, Mabel The History of the Viol, vol.6, 1949
Dolmetsch, Mabel Personal Recollections of Arnold Dolmetsch, vols 7-15, 1950-58
Dolmetsch, Mabel, La Volta, vol.10, 1953
Dolmetsch, Mabel The Life Work of Arnold Dolmetsch 1-4, vols 18-21, 1961-4
Dolmetsch, Nathalie The Chest of Viols, vol.8, 1950
Dolmetsch, Nathalie John Taverner, vol.13, 1956
Dolmetsch, Nathalie John Jenkins, vol.14, 1957
Dolmetsch, Nathalie Le Mans, vol.15, 1958
Dolmetsch, Nathalie, transl. Jean Rousseau’s Traite de la Viole (1687),
vols.33-4, 36-8, 1977-8, 1980-82
Donington, Robert The Recorders, vol.2, 1931
Donington, Robert An English Art of the 17th century, vol.4, 1937
Donington, Robert Mabel Dolmetsch: her two roles, vol. 21, 1964
Downes, Ralph Interpretation of Classical Organ Music, vol.5, 1948
du Tillet, Titon Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre, vol.13, 1956
Dufourcq, Norbert, Hypothèses sur l’origine du style concertant dans la musique
d’orgue française du XVIIe siècle, vol.21, 1964
Dunford, Jonathan Ludwig Christian Hesse’s transcriptions of Rameau’s Les
Surprises de l’Amour 1767, vol.66, 2010
Dunford, Jonathan and Pringle, John The lyra-viol: viewpoints of a performer and a
builder, vol.71, 2015
Edwards, Warwick The Instrumental Music of Henry VIII’s Manuscript, vol.34, 1978
Erber, James Marco da Gaglano’s Sacrae Cantiones II, 1622, vol.35, 1979
Evans, Angela Georg Bohm (1661-1733), vol.18, 1961
Fallows, David The Cappella Giula Chansonnier: A Review, vol.35, 1979
Farmer, Henry George The Kidson Collection, vol.8, 1950
Finley, Ian Musical Instruments on Postage Stamps, vol.40, 1984
Franklin, Zöe (née Bragg) Rhetoric and Affekt, and their influence on Telemann’s
Fantasie für Flöte Solo no.1, vol.60, 2004
Franklin, Zöe William Babel’s Concertos in Seven Parts, vol. 63, 2007
Friedland, Bea, Le Trésor des Pianistes and the early music revival in 19th-century
Paris, vol.50 no.2, 1994
Frood, Roger The Origins of the Dulcimer, vol.60, 2004
Fuchs, Christian ‘The Man Plays’ – Profile of a Viol Player, vol.52 no.1, 1996
Galpin, G. W. The Asian Origins of the Flute and Violin Bow, vol.48, 1992
Gérard, Yves Luigi Boccherini and Madame Sophie Gail, vol.24, 1967
Gifford, Gerald Some Rare Sources of Georgian Harpsichord Music in the Library of
Arnold Dolmetsch, vol.57, 2001
Gifford, Gerald The Mulliner Book revisited: some musical perspectives and
performance considerations, vol.58, 2002
Gifford, Gerald Introducing a Series of Facsimile Publications from the Dolmetsch
Library of Early Music, Haslemere, vol.60, 2004
Gifford, Gerald Arnold Dolmetsch (1858-1940) and the Organ, vol.61, 2005
Gifford, Gerald and Dolmetsch, Jeanne Chamber Organs belonging to the Dolmetsch
Family, and the organists and associated repertoire featured in their concerts,
vol.62, 2006
Gifford, Gerald Some recently identified sources of Handelian keyboard music at the
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, vol.65, 2009
Glover, Jane Aria and Closed Form in the Operas of Francesco Cavalli, vol.32, 1976
Godman, Stanley (transl.) Telemann’s Autobiography (1740), vol.10, 1953
Godt, Irving Frescobaldi’s Viol? An unsolved mystery, vol.46, 1990
Godwin, Joscelyn The Renaissance Flute, vol.28, 1972
Goff, Moira and Nallen, Evelyn William Pitt’s Notebook: music and dancing in the
London theatres of the 1720s, vol.68, 2012
Gomme, Andor Filling in for Bach: a performing version of the St Mark Passion,
vol.60, 2004
Gough, Hugh Sound Recording at Jesses, vol.4, 1937
Griffith, Wynn John Jenkins, vol.1, 1929
Griffith, Wynn John Jenkins to the Consort of Viols, vol.2, 1931
Hall, Monica Recovering a lost book of guitar music by Corbetta, vol.61, 2005
Hall, Monica, Princess An’s Lute Book and related English sources of music for the
5-course guitar, vol.66, 2020
Hancock, Wendy To play or sing? Some aspects of the performing relationship
between music for voices and music for viols in 16th- and early 17th-century
England, vol.42, 1986
Harrison, Rowena Tradition and Tragedy in Rameau’s Hippolyte et Aricie, vol.69,
Haskell, Harry Fifty Years of Early (and not-so-Early) Music, vol.50 no.1, 1994
Hayes, Gerald An Estimation of Arnold Dolmetsch’s Life Work, vol.15, 1958
Hazzleton, Geraldine The Galician-Portuguese troubadour era, and the songs of
Martin Codax, vol.63, 2007
Healey, Tim The Story of the Oxford Waits, vol.59, 2003
Hedrick, Peter Henri Brod’s Méthode pour le Hautbois reconsidered, vol.30, 1974
Henning-Supper, Uta Treasures of the Dolmetsch Library unveiled, vol.26, 1970
Henning, Uta J. C. Fleischer’s Theorbo-Harpsichord (1718) by Rudolph Richter
(1986), vol.49, 1993
Henshaw, Colette Music, Figure and Affection in Baroque Performance, vol.54, 1998
Herrin, Edwin Arnold Dolmetsch, vol.15, 1958
Hockley, Ian The Poems and Letters of Jehan Titelouze, vol.52 no.1, 1996
Hoffman, Donald Music in Modern Turkey, vol. 22, 1965
Hoffman, Donald The Chromatic Fourth, vol.26, 1970
Hollick, Douglas The keyboard music of Moyreau: an 18th-century enigma, vol.61,
Hollick, Douglas A grand pianoforte by John Broadwood (1809) and a double-action
harp by Erard Frères (1820), vol.68, 2012
Holman, Peter Samuel Wesley’s Instrumental and Orchestral Music, vol.23, 1966
Howard, Patricia The Academie Royale and the Performance of Lully’s Operas,
vol.31, 1975
Huggett, Robert Dances from the Gresley Manuscript, c.1500, vol.60, 2004
Hunt, Edgar The Renaissance Recorder, vol.19, 1962
Inglehearn, Madeleine Early Dance Tutors shed light on the German Allemande,
vol.60, 2004
Inglehearn, Madeleine Gender roles in baroque solo dance, vol.65, 2009
Irving, John Oxford, Christ Church MSS.1018-1020: A Valuable Source of Tomkins’
Consort Music, vol.40, 1984
Irving, John Two Consort Manuscripts from Oxford and Dublin: their copying and a
possible redating, vol.42, 1986
Irving, John A Note on British Library Add. Mss. 30826-8, vol.43, 1987
Jansen, Rose-Marie The Loeillet Enigma, vol.39, 1983
Jarecki, Tadeusz The Polish Element in Chopin’s Music, vol.6, 1949
Jerold, Beverly The ‘most indispensable and most pleasing trill’, vol. 64, 2008
Jones, David The Berlin Instrument Collection, vol.21, 1964
Jones, Frances The Alphorn: revival of an ancient instrument, vol.62, 2006
Jones, Frances Leopold Mozart’s Alphorn Sinfonia and the Pastorella, vol.65,
Jones, Frances The herdsman’s horn in the Czech Pastorella, vol.71, 2015
Kent, Christopher Susi Jeans, vol. 49, 1993
Kingsley, Victoria Do the Words Matter? vol.25, 1968/9
Kleinertz, Rainer Handel’s St John Passion: a fresh look at the evidence from
Mattheson’s Critica Musica, vol.61, 2005
Kokole, Metoda The Baroque Musical Heritage of Slovenia, vol.51 no.2, 1995
Kory, Agnes The significance of the Tenor Violin, vol.62, 2006
Lade, John Modern Composers and the Harpsichord, vols.19-20, 1962-3
Lamb, Andrew Conservation at the Bate Collection, vol.69, 2013
Lancaster, Andrew The square piano and its effect on society in Georgian England,
vol.63, 2007
Lancaster, Andrew A passionate love for the square piano: Joanna Leach (19372011), vol.68, 2012
Lasocki, David The Life of Daniel de Moivre (fl.1687-1731), vol.45, 1989
Leach, John The Dulcimer, vol.25, 1968/9
Leach, John The Psaltery, vol.27, 1971
Leach, John The Psaltery and Dulcimer, vol.34, 1978
Leach, John Psalteries Plucked and Struck, vol.39, 1983
Leech, Peter Musical patronage by Cardinal Henry Benedict Stuart (1725-1807),
vol.71, 2015
Lefkowitz, M. Matthew Locke at Exeter, vol.22, 1965
Lejeune, Jérome The Lyra-Viol: an Instrument or a Technique? vol.31, 1975
Liebner, Janos The Baryton, vol.23, 1966
Lorimer, Elena, L’art de bien chanter: Singing as declamation in Bacilly’s Remarques
Curieuses (1668), vol.59, 2003
MacMillan, Douglas The Crumhorn – a Historical Survey, vol.30, 1974
MacMillan, Douglas The Recorder in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, vol.39,
MacMillan, Douglas The Voice Flute: an Historical Survey, vol.47, 1991
MacMillan, Douglas The Small Flute Concerto in 18th-century England, vol.62, 2006
MacMillan, Douglas Arnold Dolmetsch and the recorder revival, vol.63, 2007
Malins, Edward Yeats and the Bell-Branch, vol.21, 1964
Marshall, William Godfrey Finger’s Chamber Music, vol.26, 1970
Marshall, William Rousseau and his Dictionary, vol.42, 1986
Marshall, William The Shudis and the Broadwoods, vol.44, 1988
Martin, Margot, Préciosité, Dissimulation and le bon goût: Societal Conventions
and Musical Aesthetics in 17th-century French Harpsichord Music, vol.51 no.1,
Marvin, Frederick Antonio Soler, vol.39, 1983
Mayes, Andrew Carl Dolmetsch and the Recorder Repertory in the 20th Century,
vol.56, 2000
McLeave, Sarah Marie Sallé as Muse: Handel’s Music for Mime, vo.51 no.1,
Mera, Miguel Representing the Baroque: the portrayal of historical period in film
music, vol.57, 2001
Montagu, Jeremy The Sound of Music, vol.36, 1980
Morehen, John The Instrumental Consort Music of Osbert Parsley, vol.30, 1974
Morehen, John The English Anthems of Thomas Morley: A Ghost Story, vol.49, 1993
Nelson, Claire The Party of the Century: Lord Stanley’s Fête Champêtre, vol.55,
Newton, Richard, Hommage á Marin Marais, vol.9, 1952
Newton, Richard More about Marais, vol.10, 1953
Noble, Richard Antonio Mahaut – Forgotten Dutch Flautist, vol.17, 1960
Owens, Samantha, Gedancken für ein Gantzes Leben: Polnischer Bock Music at the
Württemberg Court c.1730, vol.54, 1998
Pallis, Marco Mabel Dolmetsch – a pen portrait from memory, vol.21, 1964
Payne, Ian Apt for Viols and Virginals? The consort element in the late keyboard
music of Thomas Tomkins (1572-1656), vol.56, 2000
Payne, Ian The four-part Consorts of John Ward: the case for one composer, vol.62,
Payne, Ian Musical borrowing in the madrigals of John Ward and John Wilbye,
vol.64. 2008
Payne, Ian John Ward and the London Set: Further evidence for musical borrowing
in the ‘late’ English madrigal, vol.66, 2010
Payne, Ian Ward and Weelkes: Musical borrowing and structural experiment in
Alleluia. I heard a voice, vol.67, 2011
Peter, Hildemarie An Introduction to Ganassi’s Treatise on the Recorder, vol.12,
Pike, Lionel Peter Philips’ Les Rossignols Spirituels, vol.27, 1971
Pike, Lionel Triple Rhythms in Peter Philips’ Vocal Music, vol.28, 1972
Pike, Lionel The Opening of Palestrina’s Stabat Mater, vol.42, 1986
Pincherle, Marc Florid Ornamentation, vol.7, 1950
Pinto, David Walter Earle and his Successors, vol. 49, 1993
Pinto, David Unmasking Thyrsis and Dorinda: Viper-wine, reclaimed women and
declamatory song, vol.58, 2002
Plank, Steven An English Miscellany: Musical Notes in 17th-century Diaries and
Letters, vol.41, 1985
Poplawska, Dorota and Czechak, Tadeusz The Tuning and Playing of a Medieval
Gittern and Fiddle from Elblag, Poland, vol.58, 2002
Poulton, Diana The Lute Music of John Dowland, vol.8, 1951
Poulton, Diana The Favourite Singer of Queen Elizabeth I, vol.14, 1957
Poulton, Diana Notes on some Differences between the Lute and the Vihuela and their
Music, vol.16, 1959
Poulton, Diana John Dowland, Doctor of Musick, vol.20, 1963
Poulton, Diana The Dolmetsch Library, Haslemere MS H.B.1: A Preliminary Study,
vol.35, 1979
Price, David The Elizabethan Household and its Musical Education, vol.32, 1976
Priestman, Brian An Introduction to the Loeillets, vol.11, 1954
Race, Steve Samuel Pepys, Music Lover, vol.39, 1983
Rastall, Richard Sacred songs and domestic music-making in Jacobean England:
John Milton, Martin Peerson and others, vol.64, 2008
Redlich, Hans Claudio Monteverdi – some editorial problems of 1967, vol.24, 1967
Rees, Elizabeth Chant and incantation as sacred song, vol.63, 2007
Rees, Elizabeth The dance of heaven and earth, vol.64, 2008
Rees, Margaret An Introduction to the Grundy Book, with a look at a few early
recorder tutors, vol.58, 2002
Rennert, Jonathan Dr William Crotch – Worth Reviving, vol.31, 1975
Ring, Layton Some Observations on the Henry Watson Music Library, vol.9, 1952
Ring, Layton Two recent finds in Durham Cathedral Library, vol.13, 1956
Ring, Layton The ‘missing bar’ in Purcell’s 3 Parts Upon a Ground, vol.52 no.2, 1996
Robinson, John H A Description of the Medici Lute Manuscript (MS II.C.23) in the
Dolmetsch Library, and a summary of modern studies, vol.62, 2006
Roche, Elizabeth ‘The present antiquarian zeal’: Early Music in London 100 years
ago, vol.50 no.1, 1994
Rose, Adrian Some 18th-century Sources of Treble Viol Technique, vol.38, 1982
Rose, Adrian Lalande and the Médaillons des Musiciens of Titon du Tillet’s Parnasse
François, vol.66, 2010
Rose, Adrian Jane Austen’s cousin, Eliza de Feuillide, and music in Paris c.1780-90,
vol.69, 2013
Ross, James Robert Carver (1487-1566): a 16th-century Scottish master of polyphony,
vol.43, 1987
Ruff, Lillian Thomas Salmon’s An Essay to the Advancement of Musick, vol.21, 1964
Ruff, Lillian John Playford’s Introduction to the Skill of Musick, vol.22, 1965
Ruff, Lillian Music Lectures at Gresham College in the 17th Century, vol.23, 1966
Ruff, Lillian M. A. Charpentier’s Règles de Composition, vol.24, 1967
Ruff, Lillian Josquin’s Motets – some formal devices, vol.25, 1968/9
Ruff, Lillian The Social Significance of the 17th-century English Music Treatises,
vol.26, 1970
Ruff, Lillian Adrian Willaert – the Man and his Music, vol.27, 1971
Ruff, Lillian Josquin des Prez – some features of his motets, vol.28, 1972
Ruhnke, Martin Relationships between the Life and Work of Georg Philipp
Telemann, vol.24, 1967
Salter, Lionel In Search of Scarlatti, vol.41, 1985
Sampson, Jerry and Wood, Julia Music and liturgy at Wells Cathedral: evidence
from archaeology, vol.71, 2015
Sandford, Gordon An Early Arnold Dolmetsch Lecture Recital, vol.41, 1985
Sappey, Brigitte François Un Tricentenaire Versaillais: Celuis de Jean-François
Dandrieu, vol.38, 1982
Scott, Anneke Measures to wynde the horn: early horn notation, vol.69, 2013
Seay, Albert The French Chanson of the Renaissance, vol.20, 1963
Seay, Albert The Setting of Tempo by Proportions in the 16th Century, vol.37, 1981
Signell, Karl Mozart and the Mehter, vol.24, 1967
Simpson, Adrienne An Introduction to Czech Baroque Music, vol.34, 1978
Simpson, Adrienne An Introduction to Antoine Reicha, vol.40, 1984
Skeaping, Kenneth The Ancient Bow in Modern Use, vol.6, 1949
Somorjay, Dorottya Fabian Changing style in performing J. S. Bach’s music 19451978: the Goldberg Variations, vol.53, 1997
Southey, Rosemary Compositional activity in Newcastle upon Tyne at the end of the
18th century, vol.56, 2000
Spector, Irwin Robert White’s Music, vol.23, 1966
Spenser, Robert and Charteris, Richard Newly Discovered Manuscript Fragments
of an English Vocal Part-Book, c.1610, vol.41, 1985
Stevens, Meghan The Irish harp and the Paraguayan harp, vol.64, 2008
Stone-Davis, Férdia ‘The Genteel Companion’ by Humphrey Salter: Gracing as
method, vol. 64, 2008
Stratford, Michael Daniel Demoivre (c.1675-c.1720) and his music, vol.43, 1987
Strudner, Gerhard Musical Instruments of the Austrian Renaissance, vol.30, 1974
Sutter, Milton Francesco Galeazzi on the Duties of the Leader or Concertmaster,
vol.32, 1976
Swainson, Dorothy, Silences d’Articulation, vol.5, 1948
Swainson, Dorothy Phrasing and Articulation, vol.6, 1949
Swainson, Dorothy The Upper Mordent, vol.8, 1951
Swainson, Dorothy, Aimables Parodies, vol.10, 1953
Swainson, Dorothy The Turn, vol.11, 1954
Swainson, Dorothy On Playing the Clavichord, vol.12, 1955
Swainson, Dorothy Note on the Scarlatti Portrait, vol.14, 1957
Swainson, Dorothy Some Forgotten 18th-century Keyboard Instruments, vol.16,
Talbot, Michael Vivaldi and the Violino in Tromba Marina, vol.61, 2005
Talbot, Michael Martino Bitti’s violin sonatas, vol.68, 2012
Tatnell, Roland Falsetto Practice: a brief survey, vol.22, 1965
Taylor, Alan Fen The French at Work on their own Music, vol.17, 1960
Terry, C. Sanford Bach’s Music and Church Acoustics, vol.2, 1931
Thaler, Alan, Der Getreue Music-Meister: a ‘forgotten’ periodical, vol.24, 1967
Thomas, Michael The Claviorganum, vol.16, 1959
Thomas, Michael Modern Music for the Clavichord, vol.18, 1961
Thomas, Michael The Cherubini Revival, vol.20, 1963
Turbet, Richard Writings about Byrd’s Consort Music: a Bibliographical Note,
vol.41, 1985
Turbet, Richard Early Music in Scotland, vol.54, 1998
Usher, Brett Two Elizabethan musical dynasties: the Cosyns and the Galliardellos,
vol.50 no.2, 1994
Vallo, Victor The natural trumpet and the baroque oratorio, vol.61, 2005
Vanicky, V. The Rozmberk Band and its Inventory, vol.22, 1965
Wagstaff, John, The Consort: A Retrospect, vol.50 no.1, 1994
Walker, Geoffrey Mattheson: The Practicus, vol.37, 1981
Walls, Peter Iconography and early Violin Technique, vol.54, 1998
Webber, Oliver Real gut strings: some new experiments in historical stringing,
vol.55, 1999
Webber, Oliver, En mesure réglée: dance songs and musique légère in the early air de
cour, vol.56, 2000
Wells, Peter The Recorder in 18th-century Dublin: hidden repertoire and recent
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