Site/Subdivision Plan Review for Compatibility with Woodstock Plan of Open Space and Conservation1 Prepared by the Town of Woodstock (Connecticut) Conservation Commission, with input from the UCONN CES NEMO Project, Rev 0.4, 02/17/02 – endorsed by P&Z 3/21/02 PROJECT NAME/DESCRIPTION: PROPOSED LOCATION: DATE CHECKLIST WAS COMPLETED: POINT OF CONTACT FOR PROJECT (Name, address, phone number): N A2 RESOURCE 1. Wetland & Water Resources (Maps F2, F4 and F5) Proposed Site Contains/is Adjacent to: (check all applicable boxes, and fill in the blanks) CONSIDERATIONS Aquifer ______ % Aquifer recharge ______ % Floodplain (FEMA) : ____ 100 yr ____500 yr ______ Feet from public water supply Streams ______% ______ Feet from tributary streams Vernal pools ______ % Reg. activities - list in Comments ______ % Steep slopes >15% adjacent to water Manage impacts from development Protect aquifer from contamination Protect/provide riparian buffers9, at least 75’ from stream edge for perennial, 50’ for intermittent streams, 150’ preferred for habitat corridor (see Item 3) Protect vernal pools 3 4 5 6 7 8 2. Steep Slopes, Surfaces body Impervious surface ______% 3. Productive Wildlife Habitats/Corridors (Map F1) Forest cover/contiguous habitat______% Riparian corridor______% Endangered, rare or species of special concern (protected) 4. Viewsheds /Scenic Vistas CT Scenic Road name/#:________________ Town Scenic Road name/#:________________ Property in or part of Viewshed/Scenic Vista Viewshed/Scenic Vista visible from property 5. Farmland Resources (Map F6) or Active Ag land ______ % Prime Ag soils ______ % Prevent erosion, stormwater runoff during and post construction Avoid disturbing slopes >15% within 100’ of water body Keep impervious surfaces <10% Buffer/preserve wildlife corridors without stream, 200’ min. buffer (pg. 25) Riparian habitat corridors, 300’ including streambed Buffer/protect endangered, rare or species of special concern and habitat Preserve viewshed/vista Wooded buffer concealing development from scenic roadway Roads maintain natural contours Utility lines buried New development blends into existing neighborhood character Opportunities to preserve prime and important soils New development includes buffer strip between 1 RECOMMENDATIONS by Conservation Commission N A2 RESOURCE Proposed Site Contains/is Adjacent to: (check all applicable boxes, and fill in the blanks) CONSIDERATIONS Soils of other Statewide importance______ % active farm CT Farmland Preservation Program, PDR10 6. Productive Forest Lands/ Land Use (Map F1) Active management ______% Unfragmented forest ______ % Productive forest soils ______% 7. Open Space (Map F3)/ Greenways11 Possibilities (Map F1 shows potential wildlife corridors) Committed open space acres#______ New committed open acres #______ Greenway acres #______ Recreational use ______% National Register ______ % CT Register ______ % Local Historic District _____ % Old stone walls Historic property – describe in Comments Existing – list in Comments Potential – list in Comments Review has been conducted Developed/cleared area ______% Landscaped area ______% Invasive species– list in Comments Opportunities to fill in windows, preserve/create greenways, add to larger parcels Preserve/provide habitat corridors Cluster dwellings Provide for passive recreation 8. Historic Properties (Map F7) 9. Archaeological Features 10. Other Opportunities to preserve productive soils Buffer or preserve productive forest lands Avoid forest fragmentation Preserve wildlife corridors Compatible with character of existing district Preserve historic properties Preserve old stone walls, especially along roadways Bury utility lines Preserve tree canopies along roads where possible Conduct review for archeological sensitivity Limit opportunities for disturbance, and protect Preserve existing vegetation and incorporate into development Avoid/remove invasive species COMMENTS SECTION: Please provide additional information on if applicable: Item 1. List planned “regulated activities” (see Appendix D in Open Space and Conservation Plan): Item 8. Describe historic property: Item 9. Describe known existing/potential archeological features/cultural resources: Item 10. Additional information you think would be useful: 2 RECOMMENDATIONS by Conservation Commission Note: A downloadable version of this checklist that can be filled in electronically will be made available at the Town of Woodstock website. Input on how this checklist could be improved is welcome. Please provide comments to the Town of Woodstock Conservation Commission, c/o Woodstock Town Hall, 415 Route 169, Woodstock, CT 06281. 1 Refer to the Open Space and Conservation Plan for the Town of Woodstock, CT for additional information on goals and recommendations. A copy of the Plan can be obtained from the Woodstock Town Hall, or downloaded from the Town of Woodstock website at 2 Not applicable. Put an X in this column if none of these resources exist or are adjacent to the proposed location. 3 Over or near a potential high yielding stratified drift aquifer. 4 Federal Emergency Management Agency – located within 100 or 500-year floodplain on a Flood Insurance Rate Map. Maps are available in the Town Hall. 5 Public Water Supply Watershed – see Map F4. 6 Perennial or intermittent streams present. See detailed drainage basins on Map F2. 7 Vernal pools are isolated basins that hold water on a temporary basis, usually during winter and spring, but are too shallow to support fish. No map available. 8 Potentially regulated activities are listed in Table 5-c in Open Space and Conservation Plan. 9 A riparian buffer is a vegetated area alongside a stream/river. 10 Purchase of Development Rights program. 11 Greenways are undeveloped links to larger parcels that provide continuity of open space for aesthetics, passive recreation, and potential corridors for wildlife movement. 3