SCHOOL OF COMPUTING AND MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES DRAFT MINUTES of the Second meeting of 2005/2005 of the Computing and Mathematical Sciences School Board held on Wednesday 9th February 2005 in Room 353 at 4pm, Queen Mary, Maritime Greenwich Campus. PRESENT: Liz Bacon (Chair) Alun Butler Bob Dolden Mohammed Dastbaz Tony Mann Kevin Parrott Miltos Petridis Frank Razaghzadeh Ray Stoneham Zelijko Sevic (Business School) Anders Murday (Student Rep) 05.02.1 Apologies for Absence Tony Ackroyd Chris Bailey Ryan Flynn Rodney Sue 05.02.2 The School Annual Reporting and Planning Document (ARPD) The meeting was solely to discuss the ARPD. All sections of the report were discussed in detail. Summary of the School Strategy and Targets LB explained the summary plans and discussed the financial position of the School. It was pointed out that the lateness receipt of many of the statistics that were not provided in the original statistical digest was unacceptable. Therefore it had not been possible to respond to some of the ARPD questions. Quality and Standards BD provided an overview of the Quality and Standards parts of the report. Some amendments were proposed regarding the list of reports from the Department of Mathematical Sciences. BD asked the committee to identify any areas of the report which they thought might be missing and let him know. 1 Action: TM to inform BD of the missing Maths programmes. Portfolio Planning The Dept of Computer Science is considering an undergraduate degree in Business computing. It is also reviewing some of the existing MSc award titles. The report also mentions the proposals which are under consideration. MP stated that he thought constraints put upon the School regarding reduced staff would have an effect on the running of any proposed new courses. However, LB mentioned that if there was a market for a particular programme then a proposal should be put forward and a strategy to resolve the staffing issue would be discussed. The BSc (Hons) Entertainment Technologies degree will utilise existing resources wherever possible. One new coursework will access an external studio resource available at one our Partner institutions. There were no changes to the Department of Mathematical Sciences and Computer Science. Budget Report CMS financial position which is currently healthy was discussed. Staffing Report Overall there appears to be little change in the staffing complement however a full analysis of the staff had not yet been received. Due to the financial position, the School is unable to recruit new staff. Research Report Research within the School is financed through several means, RAE funds and external research funding etc. KP provided an overview of the financial position of research. One amendment was proposed which was to include the SRIF expenditure. The employment figures for PhD student were queried and LB said she would look double check this. All staff were asked to report any missing publications from the list and also to inform Francoise Barkshire as she maintains the central list. Action: LB to ask Francoise to check the correct PhD student numbers employed. Action: KP to add SRIF numbers to the report. Resource Requests The CMS School is desperately in need of a new lab and therefore, have submitted a request for this. MP pointed out that due to the number of mobile computing students now on the course plus our networking students, the current lab cannot cope. He felt that this was not emphasised sufficiently in the report and this section needed strengthening. Action: LB to reword this section. Collaboration BD explained that the School was still waiting for statistical digest for the full cost centres. There was some discussion regarding the section however no changes were proposed. 2 Risk Management LB explained how risks were graded. Some changes were proposed to various aspects of the wording and risk levels. Action: LB to update the report with proposed changes. Final comments by LB and BD at the end of the meeting outlined the problems in completing the ARPD as follows: 1. No one in the School was warned about the change in format of the statistical digest which required some time to understand before analysis could take place. A brief explanation of the digest would have greatly assisted this understanding. 2. ‘Numbers less than 5 were not included in the digest breakdown but were included in the totals, which was very confusing until an explanation was found for this (apparently to prevent the identification of individuals). It was also extremely unhelpful in the analysis and quite bizarre since this could be deducted from the percentage figures and the identified totals.’ The rationale for suppressing values <5 was in case copies of the printed sheets were copied. 3. The Final Destination statistics by programme was received less than a week before the School board and two weeks before the final submission of the ARPD. 4. The only percentages provided in the digest combined university, partner college and UK full cost collaboration. In order to report on significant issue or changes in the data for university based students, a vast number of calculations were required in order to convert the raw numbers to percentages. 5. Limited University data was received late from which to make School comparisons. 6. At time of the School Board, no information had been supplied for: Full cost overseas collaborations Average A’level tariff points for the School Target numbers for recruitment Full staffing analysis 7. The facility to drill down to programme level using pivot tables was invaluable last year providing an analysis down to the level of programmes as opposed to departments. This facility was not available this year except in table 1 out of the 125 provided. 8. A lot of the information was only supplied when requested and often at the last minute. 9. This is not meant to imply any negative views about the Planning and Statistics Unit as it is clear that the staff are under significant load responding diverse requests from different departments. 3