Teaching Excellence Grants on Teaching Leadership

Teaching Excellence Grants on Teaching Leadership
Request for Proposals
Due: May 30, 2015
Are you a full-time faculty member on any USC campus who wants to broaden your students’ understanding of
leadership? Do you want to explore and promote strategies for teaching students about leadership and for
developing their leadership skills? Such skills include:
 Ability to inspire change and to understand the dynamics of effecting change
 Effective communication and interpersonal abilities
 Ability to work effectively in groups and organizations, including recognizing individual and group
strengths as well as opportunities for improvement
 Development of integrity and ability to put ethics into practice
 Valuing of diversity and teamwork
 Creativity and thoughtful risk-taking
 Capability to develop and implement strategic visions to benefit one’s community
The Center for Teaching Excellence, in collaboration with the Carolina Leadership Initiative, solicits applications
for participation in this competitive grant program to strengthen leadership education in courses taught at USC.
Applications are welcomed not only from faculty who teach explicitly leadership-themed courses but also from
those who would like to incorporate a leadership-related experience of some sort in a course that they teach.
Successful applicants will:
 Receive internal grant funds of up to $3,000 to engage in the proposed instructional development project.
 Meet with fellow grant recipients at least four times during Summer 2015, Fall 2015, and/or Spring 2016
to share strategies for teaching leadership skills and to discuss current literature and best practices in
leadership education. These meetings will occur on the Columbia campus.
 Implement one or more strategies for improving leadership education or incorporating a leadershipdevelopment experience in a course taught regularly by the grantee.
 Participate in a campus-wide panel presentation or similar session during Spring 2016 or Fall 2016 through
the Center for Teaching Excellence.
Application Process
To apply, submit the attached Cover Sheet, Budget, a one to three page proposal, and a current CV. The proposal
should include the following information: (1) a description of the targeted course, (2) the objectives of this project
and their relationship to the course learning outcomes, (3) proposed instructional strategies for incorporating a
leadership-related experience in the course or for improving leadership education, (4) a description of the activities
that will be accomplished during the grant period, and (5) the applicant’s general philosophy or approach to
teaching leadership-related material, and how this is advanced by this project.
Proposals will be judged using the following evaluation criteria:
 Completeness of application and conformance to guidelines.
 Clear articulation of the potential to increase student leadership skills or understanding.
 Feasibility of completing the project in the time proposed and with the funds available.
 Degree of innovation or creativity in advancing the practice of teaching leadership.
Completed applications should be received by May 30, 2015 in the Center for Teaching Excellence, Thomas
Cooper Library, Room L511, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208, or sent electronically to
cte@sc.edu .
This grant opportunity is offered by the Carolina Leadership Initiative and the Center for Teaching Excellence.
For more information, contact the CTE at 803-777-8322 or cte@sc.edu.
Cover Sheet
Teaching Excellence Grants on Teaching Leadership
Title of Proposed Course:
Course Designator:
Type of Course (Check All That Apply):
New Course
Existing Course
Undergraduate Course
Graduate Course
Course Required for Majors
Course for Honor’s College
Course for Non-Majors/General Education
Semester and Year of Planned First or Revised Course Offering:
Anticipated Enrollment:
Principal Instructor Name and Title:
PI Campus, College, School, and/or Department:
PI Phone & Email:
Amount of Funding Requested:
Unit Budget Manager’s Name and Contact Information:
I certify that I am not on notice of termination of my position at USC nor have I accepted employment at another institution. I also
understand the expectations of grant recipients and commit to fulfill these obligations if selected.
Applicant Signature
Academic Unit Endorsement (required for application to be considered):
Chair, Director, or Dean Signature
Budget Template
Teaching Excellence Grants on Teaching Leadership
Proposed line-item budget and justification. Please include expenditure categories (e.g. travel, supplies, etc.) in
your description. Fringe benefits associated with salary must be included within the budget (see
Senior Personnel (PI, CoPIs). List by Name.
Fringe Benefits
Other Personnel (Students, Programmers, etc.) List by Position.
Position Description
Fringe Benefits
Other Costs (Best Estimates)
Materials and Supplies
Course Content Items
Copyright Fees
Total Amount
Total Project Budget
Budget Justification
Describe the roles of personnel to be supported. Detail other costs to the extent possible at this time.
Justify how travel costs (if any) support course development activities. Use one additional page if