Study guide for midterm 2 Refer to the individual chapter study

Study guide for midterm 2
Refer to the individual chapter study guides, or the powerpoint slides, or the text, for further
Chapter 3- The cell
 I understand the cell theory- that is, I know what a cell is, why cells are important, and
where they come from.
 I understand how the ratio of cell volume to cell membrane surface area, and how those
ratios change as a cell changes in size, set limits on the maximum size of cells.
 I know the tools with which cells are viewed- light microscopes, fluorescent light
microscopes, and electron microscopes.
 I know the categories of different kinds of cells- prokaryotic vs. eukaryotic, and what
distinguishes them.
 I know the structures of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells- their names, appearances and
functions- and the membrane-bound organelles and the cytoskeleton special to
eukaryotes, and their names, appearances and functions also.
 I know what a genome is, and how the genomes of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are
 -I am familiar with the structure and function of cell membranes in detail- how membrane
proteins and phospholipids control the passage of some molecules and not others,
according to the principles of simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, osmosis, and active
transport. Given knowledge of the permeability of the cell membrane, and that cell’s
initial contents, I can predict the behavior of a cell placed in a particular osmotic
 I know what ATP is, and why it is important. I can explain what is meant by the term
“energy currency” as it applies to ATP. I can give examples of process ATP helps to
work. I know what category of molecule (nucleic acid) ATP belongs to. I know what the
abbreviation ATP stands for.
 -Don’t worry about respiration- we didn’t talk about it…
Key figures3. 1 Prokaryotic cell structure- pg 47
3.2 Eukaryotic organelle structure and function- pg 48
3.3 Surface are to volume ratio- pg 49
3.6 Cell membrane structure- pg 50
3.8, 3.9 Facilitated diffusion & osmosis- pg 52
3.10 Active transport- pg 53
3.14 The nucleus- pg 55
Chapter 4- Body organization, skin, and homeostasis
 I remember the levels of organization of living things, and how cells work together in
multicellular animals to form tissues, and those tissues work together to form organs,
 I understand what a stem cell is, how stem cells are related to the process of
differentiation during development, why stem cells are believed to be an important
opportunity for new medical therapies, and the association between stem cells and
 I know the four basic kinds of tissue, and their distinctive characteristics, common places
where they are found in the body, and their functions in these places.
o Epithelial tissue- where it is found in the body, and three of its functions.
o Connective tissue- I can give three examples of connective tissues, the
extracellular matrix unique to these examples.
Muscle tissue- I know the basics of how muscle tissue works. I know why ATP is
important to the function of muscle tissue. I know the three major kinds of
muscle tissue, their structures, their functions, how they are different from each
other, and where they are found in the human body.
o Nervous tissue- I know the major functions of nervous tissue, and the base
I am familiar with two important proteins- collagen and keratin, and where they are found
in the body, and their various functions.
I know what celluar junctions are in tissues, and their various functions.
I know what organ systems are, and can give an example of an organ system, and the
organs involved with it.
I understand the basics of skin- its purposes, what it is made of, and the three layers of
skin, and the distinct cellular composition and function of those layers
I know the definition of cancer, what melanoma is, how it’s important, how it’s detected,
and things you can do to avoid melanoma.
I can define and explain homeostasis. I know the difference between a negative and a
positive feedback loop, and I can give an example of each of these mechanisms- inside
the human body and out- and can explain how they work. I know why negative and
positive feedback mechanisms are important for maintenance of homeostasis in the
human body. I know the general terms receptor, control center, and effector, and the
role of these things in feedback mechanisms.
Key figures for chapter 4:
4.2 Connective tissue- pg 74
4.4 Muscle tissue- pg 76
4.5 Cell junctions- pg 77
4.6 Organ systems- pg 78
4.8 The skin- pg 80
4.A Melanoma- pg 83
4.13 Homeostasis- pg 87
4.14 Homeostasis in the human body- pg 89
Chapter 5- The skeletal system
 I know the primary functions of the skeletal system.
 I know the difference between the axial and appendicular skeleton.
 I know the major bones of the skeletal system as listed in your text.
 I know the basic structural unit from which bones are built- the osteon- and its parts
 I know the different kinds of cells in bone- osteocytes, osteoclasts, and osteoblasts, and
their different roles in building, maintenance, and breakdown of bone.
 I know the structures of a long bone- spongy bone, compact bone, and red and yellow
marrow, and their roles in fulfilling the functions of the skeletal system.
 I know how bones grow, and how they repair themselves from fractures.
 I know the roles of cartilage, ligaments and tendons in support of the skeletal system.
 I know the kinds of joints, and the types of movement they allow.
 I am familiar with some of the major disorders of the skeletal system- arthritis,
osteoporosis, and their causes.
Key figures for chapter 5:
5.1 Structure of bone- pg. 93
5.3 Bone growth- pg. 94
5.5 Major bones of the human body pg.96