Samples, Bias, & Survey Design

Quiz-Sampling Methods
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1. What do we call a sample that consists of the entire population?
2. A high school statistics class wants to conduct a survey to determine what
percentage of students in the school would be willing to pay a fee for
participating in after-school activities. Twenty students are randomly
selected from each of the freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior classes
to complete the survey. This plan is an example of which type of
Stratified Random Sample (You may NOT abbreviate with SRS)
3. The faculty senate at a large university wanted to know what proportion
of the students thought foreign language should be required for everyone.
The statistics department offered to cooperate in conducting a survey,
and a simple random sample of 500 students was selected from all
students enrolled in statistics class. A survey form was sent by e-mail to
these 500 students. Discuss the extent to which two types of bias would
be likely to occur in this survey.
Selection bias-they should survey a variety of majors, not just students
who are taking Statistics. For example, students in Statistics are probably
majoring in something math, business, or computer science related and
may not see the need for foreign language, but a student majoring in some
type of fine arts or cultural program may feel differently about the need
for foreign language.
Selection bias-students may not check their email and may not choose to
respond even if they do check their email. They may be too busy.
4. The LTHS nurse would like to know the average height and weight of all
students. She gets a list of all students and uses a random number table to
select a sample of 200 students and calls them in to record their
Population of interest: __all LTHS students__
Response variable: __height and weight__
Sampling Method: __Simple Random Sample (SRS)__
5. If the classroom has 6 rows of chairs with 5 seats in each row, choose a
row at random and select all students in that row. What type of sample
does this represent?