alum story

Summer Splashes With The Alumni Association
HONG KONG- Summer 2005 kicked off with the Alumni Association’s first annual junk
trip spectacular on July 10th. Alumni response was overwhelming, with nearly 40 alumni
and a special guest – teacher and author Mr. Tim Kaiser – spending a day de-stressing
from the pressures of work and school in the relative tranquility of the waters off
northeast Sai Kung. Icebreakers and refreshments started the day as alumni from nearly
all graduating classes chatted and exchanged gossips on each other’s whereabouts.
During the hour long journey to Sai Kung, the clouds cleared its way to blue skies
as the sun took its post. Isolated showers, as forecast by Freddy, never materialized. The
much anticipated highlight of the day – banana boat and wakeboarding – proved very
popular among the young and active. The sheer excitement of speed, coupled with the
water’s forces, was irresistible. This as others chose a more chill alternative: to lie flat
beneath the sun for a skilled tan.
“The event was a huge success, judging from the overall turnout and how much
everybody enjoyed themselves on such a beautiful day,” said Alumni Association
President Stephen Yiu (‘2000). “This should now become a staple Alumni program every
year, or even holding it more than once annually!”
Catering for the trip was provided courtesy of Café de Coral. Alumni enjoyed a
sumptuous buffet lunch, along with beer as a matter of course, and wasted nothing by
day’s end. Recalls Herman Ng (‘2003): “The food was like caviar and filet mignon
compared to university food in the U.S. What an inexpensive feast!”
Special guest Mr. Tim Kaiser shared a few laughs with former students, offering
anecdotes about his teaching experiences, and described how much his sons Mark and
Samuel – now both students at CDNIS - have grown. The acclaimed author of poetry
collection Food Court will always be welcome at alumni events, as well as other former
teachers that we now see as friends. Thanks for stopping by Tim!
But the junk trip couldn’t have been a success without all of you taking part.
Kudos to everyone who showed up and became part of CDNIS alumni history. Stay
tuned for Junk Trip 2006, and please, spread the word!