Having separate Disability Arts events THE GOOD THINGS ABOUT THIS It is important to have arts festivals just for ourselves (learning disabled artists) because it will then be accessible for all people with a learning disability and other disabled artists. Other artists can learn how they can make their arts accessible to learning disabled people. 1 There are, for example, not many people with a learning disability on TV. By doing things separately it makes sure that learning disabled arts gets seen. It gives learning disabled people a chance to lead and plan things. We learn more from each other and get more support. We get new ideas about how to make arts more accessible. It gives learning disabled artists a chance to show what they can do, to show their work and talk about it. It is important that Black and Asian artists with a learning disability have a chance. And that we do things in different languages and ways. 2 THE THINGS THAT ARE NOT SO GOOD ABOUT THIS It may not be accessible for other artists – disability awareness – other disabilities. Non disabled people may not come and see our work at disability arts festivals. 3 Disability arts included in mainstream arts events THE GOOD THINGS ABOUT THIS All artists learn from each other. We share ideas about how make better art. It gives learning disabled people a chance to be equal and to get programmed into mainstream theatres and festivals. It shows how to do things equally. More people will see learning disability arts. And that is important to other arts companies. 4 It is also part of the DDA. It shows the organisers how to involve and work with disabled artists. It will help people to make all things accessible, eg web sites. 5 THE THINGS THAT ARE NOT SO GOOD ABOUT THIS It may not be accessible or safe (eg where the place is, how to get there). Information may not be accessible for us. It may not be what we think of as accessible if non disabled people organise it. Learning disabled artists may not be included or taken seriously. 6 A mixture of separate Disability arts events AND mainstream arts events that include disability arts THE GOOD THINGS ABOUT THIS I think it is important to do both, because this way other people will know what disabled artists do and give them a chance to be recognised in mainstream events. It gives disabled artists a chance to have their work seen as they want it to be seen. And to do art that talks about what disabled artists think is important. 7 THE THINGS THAT ARE NOT SO GOOD ABOUT THIS Money isn’t fairly shared out in the arts. It is worse for people with learning disabilities, because people fund what they want to see happening. It is important that learning disabled people are involved in decisions about how money is spent in the arts. 8 PROGRAMMING There is a danger that non disabled people want to take over the way things are done rather than thinking of what an artists does best. They should look at what is special in the art. There is a danger that learning disabled artists are patronised. On TV disabled parts are often played by non disabled people and there are jokes about disabled people. 9 QUALITY Are you looking at the quality of the work or whether the artist is disabled or non disabled? When there is a commission it goes to a non disabled artist unless the subject is about disability. RICHARD WEST (with help from Gus Garside) Feb 2004 10