Due to the BH1 Haplotype status of the following bulls, be sure to

Due to the BH1 Haplotype status of the following bulls, be sure to inform your clients NOT to cross the listed bulls within 2 generations on
the BOTTOM side of the pedigree. By not crossing these lines, fertility will actually improve:
USDA and European researchers have recently discovered a new haplotype impacting calf livability in
the Brown Swiss breed. Referred to as BH2 this haplotype is to cause early calf death when present in
homozygous form, i.e., the offspring inherits the haplotype from both the sire and dam. Research
continues to confirm affects of this haplotype. Hopefully exact gene test should be available soon. The
Brown Swiss Association continues to monitor the situation, and once they act, we will follow suit. In
the interim, feel free to contact us or the Association with any questions.
Bh2 positive bulls are below:
Tips for selling the New Generation Genetics line-up!!
All Around Bulls
54BS482 CARTERCarter has now completed his first crop proof and is the new #1 Proven bull for Type and he
added over +150 for milk so he is a “MUST USE” in every herd! He is the complete package of show type, great
udders, high milk and adds longevity. Carter is showing his genomic prediction to be true as he was a Genomic Gem
with high milk and type and his daughters have confirmed it. A great point for customers to hear about his Genomic
success story.
Carter Strengths: His daughters will produce high volumes of milk and is solid for fat and protein pounds. He will add
longevity to cattle and is a great calving ease option too.
Type Traits:
His daughters have been “stand out” in herds as they are very tall, long and dairy. Udders is a big
strength for him as he excels in udder depth and ALL udder attachments. The rear udders are high and wide and the
four udders are strong. Rumps are more level then the linear shows, he is a great balance of strength and width of
chest with the sharpness and dairyness to match it. Feet & legs he will add some set to the leg from the side and
straightness to the rear view.
Watch for:
Protect on udder cleft and for protein pounds and percent. Also protect on teat length as he makes
short teats and shouldn’t be used on borderline too short of teated cows.
Future: This bull has just started to make his impact on the breed and with sons already sampled and daughters in
the show ring, his potential has no limits!
54BS374 VIGORVigor is one of the greatest bulls of all time and is still great for cows today. Between the U.S.
and Europe, Vigor has over 16,000 daughters in his proof making him extremely reliable. His daughters are producing
very well, he is one of the top Udder Composite bulls and he has great milking speed and udder quality upon milk
out. He is a bull that every herd should be using.
Vigor strengths: He will add longevity, is solid for DPR. SCS is very low and is average for calving ease. He has great
production and is adding Protein.
Type traits:
For Type udders will be his selling point by far and he is the best for udders we have EVER had!
Strong fore udders, close teat placement and will shorten teats a touch. Vigor will also add height and width to rear
udders, improve udder depth and a strong udder cleft. Also he will strengthen pasterns and improve foot angle. He
will add set to rear legs so he will be a great option for posty legged cattle. Frames will be optimum medium sized
cattle and great for commercial large herds but the stature seems to come from the animal’s maternal lines more
than Vigor. Vigor will add slope to the rump which is great for high pinned cattle.
Watch for: Vigor can be a little narrow through the rump. Also note his BH1 positive status.
54BS438 BROOKINGS- Brookings is one of the most complete bulls in the breed. His added second crop daughters
have solidified his proof both production and type. He will produce cows that breed back quickly and semen quality
has been very fertile as he is the #1 SCR conception bull in the breed.
Brookings Strengths: His daughters will produce solid volumes of milk with high component pounds and percents.
He will improve longevity and will add fertility to his daughters. With an elite calving ease rating he makes a great
choice for the heifer pens. Brookings daughters also are very fast milking.
Type Traits:
Brookings will improve udders especially udder depth. He will also improve fore udder attachments
and add length. He improves udder depth and teat size and placement. His daughters will be medium size and will
add strength and are very balanced. He will add slope to rumps and will straighten rear legs.
Watch For:
He should also not be used on a round bone animal and also don’t use on poor milking cows.
Herd Life Sires
54BS437 TORCHTorch continues to be one of the best bulls in the breed and is #4 PPR bull. He is a bull that
specializes in Production, components, herd life and especially is one of the best bulls for Daughter Pregnancy Rate.
He is great for outcrossing bloodlines, daughters are fast milking and he improves the reproductive efficiency.
Torchs Strengths:
Torch will add lots of fat and protein and also is very high on percents too. He is near the top
of the list for DPR and his daughters will breed back fast. He also adds longevity to his daughters and now his Type
with more daughters is improving.
Type Traits:
He is a strength bull! Despite his linears, he will add width and substance. Torch is going to improve
udder attachments. He will add height and width to rear udders and will strengthen fore udders. He will also add
udder cleft and improve udder depth. Torch will improve foot angle and straighten rear legs. Torch will add depth of
body and over width through the front end.
Watch for:
He will not add size or dairyness.
54BS467 GOLDWYN- Goldwyn now with over 200 daughters is making some of the most consistent and reliable
cows of the breed. He is a bull that will improve all 3 major categories and is a great bull to improve health traits and
udders. Goldwyn is 1 of the top bulls for Productive Life and NM$ in the breed proven his PROFIT potential true.
Goldwyn Strengths:
He will improve components for pounds and percents and is one of the best calving ease
bulls in the breed. Daughters will breed back fast, improve NM$ and add years to herd life. He is also one of the most
fertile bulls in the history of the company.
Type Traits:
Udders are his specialty as he improves udder depth and cleft while strengthening udder
attachments. Frames are medium size with a great balance of dairyness & strength. Feet & legs will be on the
straighter side and rumps will have a little slope.
Watch For:
Milk production is positive but not too high so watch that and they are not super tall for the most
part if that is your goal.
54BS485 MICHELOB- Michelob finished his first proof as the #1 proven DPR bull in the breed. He is an outcross sire
for nearly all herds in the U.S. or with heavy U.S. genetics. He is a bull that is making great every day cows that have
high milk and breed back fast.
Michelob Strengths:
He will improve DPR in the biggest way. He will add milk and is solid for components pounds.
He will also improve longevity and is a good bull to lower SCS.
Type Traits:
He will improve fore udders and udder depth and will make the ideal teat size and placement. He will
straighten rear legs and also add slope to rumps.
Watch For:
Component percents are minus and frames won’t be big
54BS466 BERRETTA- Berretta added daughters and improved his proof and looks to be a great bull. His daughters
are very balanced cows that will be trouble free in breeders’ herds. He is also very high udder composite making him
a bull that improves multiple udder traits.
Berretta StrengthsHis components are solid and he will improve component percents. Production will increase
using Berretta as well. Berretta will also make cows that will last.
Type TraitsHe will make medium sized cows with a balance of dairyness and strength. He will improve hoof
health, and all udder traits. Adding seam and improving udder depth will be a specialty for this bull
Watch for-
He is minus for DPR so watch for that. He will also slightly level to high in the pins
Show Type & Strong Pedigree
54BS495 GOLDRUSH- New ReleaseGoldrush enters the line-up as one of the best bulls for type in the breed and
his daughters are showing it on the farm! Goldrush is from the popular “G-family” developed at Bo Joy Farms and his
Dam is show favorite Bo Joy Ensign Gredal ‘5E 94’.
Goldrush Strengths:
He is a positive bull for milk and also for protein pounds. He will also lower SCS.
Type Traits:
He is a mostly type sire as this is where he excels. His daughters have fantastic udders and much
better then his linear suggests at the moment. He will improve fore udders and add height and width to rear udders.
Udder Depth is not an issue on the farm and with more daughters we know that number will increase. He also sires
daughters with the awesome dairy, open and deep sweeping rib that wins in the show ring.
Watch for:
He will not improve health traits and teats can be a little long.
This bull is just getting started with an early 1st crop as he will add more in August and we expect the
udder composite to keep going up along with type.
54BS462 AUSTINAustin is the #2 proven Type bull in the entire breed at +1.0 Type. His daughters have the
show appeal both heifers and cows. The dairymen milking them are all excited with the production and the “look”
they have.
Austin strengths:
He will add milk production and is solid for protein pounds. He will also lower SCS.
Type traits:
Type is where he shines. His daughters are tall, long, dairy & stylish. Heifers have been in the show
ring and his is a great option for this. The four udders are long and very well attached. He will improve ALL udder
traits including height of rear udder and also much more udder cleft then his sire.
Watch for:
Protect on teat length and rump angle as the pins can be slightly high. Also watch some for fat.
54BS436 TOTALTotal is the HOT bull for all type and show enthusiasts. The udders are truly impressive, he is
improving udder depth big time. He also has great attachments, will add length to fore udders and is great for teat
size and placement. Total semen has been excelling in fertility both for flushing and breeding purposes.
Total Strengths:
Total is improving udders and fast, the attachments are awesome and he is the quickest way
to improve udder depth in 1 generation. Total is known for adding depth of body and dairyness to his daughters.
They are also very straight across the topline and have correct feet & legs. Total makes a very correct heifer with
added style and is one of the best and newest current options for show ring enthusiasts.
Production Traits:
His production proof now with daughters into mid and late lactation is slightly negative for
milk and fat. The dairymen milking them really like what he is doing for them and milking speed and udder quality is
high for him.
Watch for:
Keep an eye on components when using him and he can be a little wide and long in the front teats.
54BS486 TANBARKAfter producing All American nominated heifers for the last 3 years, Tanbark has his first full
proof of milking daughters. He is still siring daughters in the show ring as well as daughters producing lots of milk on
the farm.
Tanbark’s strengths:
He will add a good bit of milk to any herd. They are also fast milking which make them a
dairymen’s dream. Tanbark is solid for components and is a great calving ease bull for heifers.
Type traits:
Tanbark can make frames that a rear few have been able to. They are super stylish and just have the
eye appeal that is hard to turn away from. His udders can be variant but he will improve teat placement and shape as
well as strengthen fore udders.
Watch for:
Keep an eye on DPR as his is minus a fair amount. Also watch the udders as he can produce some
Production Specialists
54BS493 VITALIS- New ReleaseVitalis explodes into the proven line-up as the #1 fat % bull, #3 PPR & #2 fat
pounds bull of the entire breed! Vitalis is a complete outcross sire as he is the first Driver son out of a TD who made 2
lactations over 33,000 for milk. Vitalis is a cheese makers dream with his fat numbers and great protein numbers too.
He is also a 3.5% for calving ease making him the BEST in the breed for that.
Vitalis strengths:
Components is where he ranks among the best of the breed, he is +64 for fat and +.22%. He
is also high for protein and protein % and is nearly +400 for milk. He is a great conception bull, will improve DPR and
will make cows that will last.
Type Traits:
He will be an average type bull, they aren’t going to any shows but they are good solid
everyday cows. He is a medium size frame, good strength, feet & legs and solid udders. He is the commercial
dairymen and crossbreeders dream bull for nearly everything.
Watch for:
Rear udders are ok for attachment, and watch dairyness
Vitalis we look to become positive in his UDC with more daughters scored and continue to rank very
high in the breed for PPR.
54BS483 DOMINATOR- Dominator is one of the top bulls for milk in the breed and hails from the famous “D” family
at Hilltop Acres.
Dominator Strengths: He will add milk and lots of it. He is also in the top 5 proven bulls for protein pounds.
Dominator will add longevity and lower SCS.
Type Traits:
Dominator will make slightly above average sized cows with sikly dairy frames and good width
throughout. He will also improve fore and rear udder attachments. His rear legs will be near ideal and he will add
width to rumps.
Watch For:
Fat percent is very minus and he is above average for calving ease so don’t use on virgin heifers.
54BS473 LOGAN-
Logan has solidified his proof having great production information.
Logan StrengthsAt +36 for fat he is one of the breeds best and is very high for milk and protein too. He will be
a good choice for calving ease for the heifer pens.
Type TraitsHe will make medium sized cows with very good strength and dairyness combined. He will improve
fore udder attachments, strengthen foot angle & provide the ideal set to feet & legs.
Watch for-
He is minus for DPR so watch for that and slightly below 0 for Udder Composite
54BS500 WHISKEY- (Glenn x Wurl) Whiskey who was wildly popular during his sampling is one of the most unique
bulls on the market. His first couple daughters have calved and the udders have looked great so far. He is from a
tremendous cow family and one of the best uddered Dams in the breed. He will increase production, improve udder
depth and will add size and strength to his daughters. The first daughters will calve early next year!
54BS509 CADENCE- (Brookings x Wonderment) Cadence is the #3 Genomic PPR bull in the breed. A bull to be used in
every herd as he has elite production, components and one of the best for type too. Cadence also offers improved
longevity and a very low SCS. Cadence should be used by ALL breeders and now he is available in Preferred Sex
Semen. Cadence is having his first sons sampled through our program right now.
54BS513 JACKSON- (Alibaba x TD) Jackson is the first Alibaba son from a new bull mother and is an OUTCROSS to
future generations of Brown Swiss. He is already putting sons through our sampling program with his unique
pedigree and genomic imformation! Jackson is one of the most fertile bulls in NGG history and is available in
Preferred Sex Semen.
54BS526 DAVENPORT- (Carter x Vigor) Davenport is now one of the best bulls for type in the breed and he improved
ALL traits of his proof. Davenport offers the best Daughter Pregnancy Rate of any genomic bull, superior calving ease
and is +1.0 for Type. He is a leader for the new udder Composite and has great components. He is a “must have” in
any breeding program.
54BS537 DUPONT- (Chili Pepper x Driver) Dupont is from the famous “D” family at Hilltop Acres and will massively
improve production traits with staggering numbers. He will have complimentary type and good udders and is a bull
that should be sold everywhere! He is now being offered in Preferred Sex Semen and he will improve DPR.
DISCLAIMER: SDM is a genetic recessive and was more prominent 15 years ago. President was a carrier and the
main carrier today is Driver...which is why Dupont is a carrier. The frequency of the gene is fairly low.
54BS535 BRADY- (Jackson x Wonderment) Brady is the #4 G-Milk bull in the breed. His Dam is the EX-91 Brenda who
is a FULL SISTER to the Dam of the popular 54BS509 CADENCE bull. Brady is nearly +1200 for milk and is +0.70 for
udder composite making him a very unique combination! Brady will be a great option for calving ease and improves
longevity in all herds. He is Now Available in PREFERRED SEX SEMEN!
54BS544 DANE- (Cadence x Alibaba) Dane is now moved to a Genomic Gem based on his superior rankings in the
breed. He is high for PPR, NM$, all production traits and a great calving ease bull too. Dane 170 PPR, over +900 for
milk and over +35 for both fat and protein with positive percents. He also will add great udder attachments and is a
great new bull to improve milk and profit in all herds.
54BS544 DARIO- (Paysli x Alibaba) Dario is still the #1 G-PPR bull in the breed and with a sire stack of German and
Switzerland bulls he is an outcross for nearly the entire U.S. genetic sire population. Dario ranks near the top for
genomic bulls for both longevity and DPR. His type will be modest BUT he will improve production traits on animals
fast and is a great choice for many large herds and breeders who like to make money!
54BS547 KOBE- (Jackson x Torch) Kobe is a Jackson son from an EX 92 Torch out of a brand new bull mother cow
family. Kobe is the #1G-Fat bull at +53 and his Dams have both made over 34,000 milk records. He is a great
combination of deep milk pedigree, High genomic production and great udders that should be a great option for
commercial breeders anywhere!
54BS541 LEXUS- (Nelgor x Agio) Lexus is the first Nelgor son the popular bull from Switzerland out of a tremendous
new bull making cow family and an outcross for nearly the entire Brown Swiss breed! Lexus’ Dam is now fresh in her
3rd lactation and will look to match her 33,000 record from last calf and will surely go up for her final score. Lexus will
be a milk and type specialist. He will improve component pounds, udders and add lost of size and strength as
evidenced by his Dam and MGD. Lexus is an elite combination of high producing Dams and great type and will be a
great choice for any breeder!
54BS549 CARLTON- (Chili Pepper x St Nick) Carlton is out of the popular Chili Pepper bull that is making many show
winners and sale toppers and his Dam is also a brand new bull mother. Carlton is made for milk and type as his
pedigree is set with high producing Dams who score well. Carlton is a top G-Type bull at +0.7 type and will make the
stylish and dairy frame on his future offspring. Carlton is over +800 for milk and is a great option to add milk while
keeping elite type!
54BS542 TEMPO- (Huray x Joel) Tempo is the first Huray son the very high ranking and popular PPR bull from
Germany. His Dam is Cozy Nook Joel Tipsy with multiple sons in A.I. and she will be fresh again soon! Tempo is an
elite combination of high production traits, a strong udder composite and he will improve both health traits making
him a super outcross and high index choice!
54BS545 JUBLATION- (Cadence x Vigor)- Jublation is a new Cadence son backed by multiple generations of bull
mothers. His Dam with her first son is an elite Vigor that combines a stunning mammary system with great
production. Jublation like his cow family will be an udder improver for all traits and is also one of the top genomic
bulls for Productive Life. Jublation will also add milk and components to his daughters and is the rare combination of
profit and longevity that all are looking for!
54BS546 PRICE- (Desi x Vigor)- Price is a new Desi son from the Dam that sired the popular Tanbark son POWERPLAY.
Price is an elite bull for both being in the top 10 for G-PPR and also the #3 G-Milk bull. Price is near the top for DPR
and will add longevity to his daughters while lowering SCS. Price on the type end will improve udder attachments and
like his maternal brother bring a great eye appeal to his early daughters!
54BS548 WINNING FORMULA (Jongleur x Glenn) Winning Formula is the finest offering from the2014 Reserve Grand
Champion of World Dairy Expo, 2 time All American, 1 time Reserve All American, 3 time All Canadian and Grand
Champion of the Royal Winter Fair in 2013! Winning Formula is sired by the Switzerland show ring specialist Jongleur
and his Dam Brown Heaven Glenn Fantasy is one of the HOTTEST cows in the Brown Swiss breed all over the world!
Winning Formula will be a type and udder specialist as he is +1.01 UDC and will improve ALL udder traits big time and
most of all be superior for udder depth. He will add size and strength and show ring style to his daughters with
tremendous feet & legs and will be average for milk. He is a bull for that also has NO Wonderment in his pedigree so
is a great option to outcross the show pedigrees!
54BS539 RICHARD (Nemo x Ensign) Richard is still the new #1 G-Type bull in the breed at +1.3 type and the only top
G-Type bull that doesn’t have Wonderment in his pedigree so use him on all show animals with Wonderment blood!
Richard is now also the new #1 G-Udder Composite bull in the breed making him the best choice for type on the
market! He is also over +700 for milk, will improve longevity & DPR. Richard is a bull that nearly sells himself with a
multiple All American Dam and cow family! Richard is now available in Preferred Sex Semen making him the highest
type bull EVER offered this way!
54BS521 KINGSMAN (Wonderment x Wagor) Kingsman has been elevated into the Champion Collection. His Dam
Eloc Wagor Kandid was just named the Grand Champion of the Brown Swiss show at World Dairy Expo 2014 and he is
the ONLY son available from this amazing cow. Kingsman has daughters on the ground and they will be in the show
ring come next year and have that fancy look already! Kingsman will provide solid milk numbers and improve
longevity. As you expect udders and tall stylish frames will be his calling card and he is ready to make any breeder
their next winner!