Prime English – English Speaking and Listening Programme

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Prime English – English Speaking and Listening Programme
User Guide
01. Website Login ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
02. Home Page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
03. Main Page ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3
04. My Info --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
05. Top Heroes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------06. Top Recordings
07. Quest Practice
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 - 12
7.1. Step 1 – Magic Sound Quest----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.2. Step 2 – Blending ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.3. Step 3 – Story ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.4. Step 4 – Speaking ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.5. Step 5 – Assessment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9 – 12
08. Progress Report
09. My Collections
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14
10. Picture Dictionary ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
Page 2 of 15 Pages
01. Website Login
Please go to the link http:// and then enter your User ID and password in the space provided. Next, press the LOGIN button to log in the
website. (***Please check carefully the CapsLock button is not on when you enter the information.)
If you forgot the password, you could press “? Forget Password” and fill in the requested information.
02. Home Page
Click here to link to the
English Speaking Right
Click here to check the
student rankings of each
grade among all schools
(Top Heroes) and the
monthly rankings
(Monthly Heroes).
Click here to check the
News and the News
Archive of the course.
(Read Page 4 for details)
Click here to check the
top recordings of each
Click here to turn
on/off the
background music.
grade among all schools.
(Read Page 5 for details)
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03. Main Page
Click here to check the
News and the News
Course Outline:
Click here to read the
Click here to link to the
English Speaking Right
outline of each week and
the Course Summary.
My Info:
Click here to do the
Quest Practice of each
Click here to read and
amend your personal
information. (Read Page 4
for details.)
(Read Page 6-12 for details.)
Top Recordings:
Click here to check the
Progress Report:
Click here to read the
results of your Quest
top recordings of your
grade among all schools.
(Read Page 13 for details.)
Click here to check the
student rankings of your
grade in your own
school (Top Heroes)
and the monthly
rankings. (Monthly
After your have
completed all steps of a
week once, you can
choose any step of that
week you like to do
a blue popup.
Here tell you about the completion
status of each week:
(1) Not Finished
(2) Finished
(3) Coming Soon – the week’s practice
is not open yet.
My Collections
Click here to check
your collections of
Picture Dictionary
(Read Page 14 for details.)
(Read Page 15 for details.)
Click here to learn the
key vocabulary words.
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04. My Info
Click the arrows
below to choose your
favourite profile
Enter your
information and
press the SAVE
05. Top Heroes (In Home Page)
You can check
the student
rankings of each
grade among all
schools here.
Pull down the
Grade button to
select different
P.S. After you
login, you can
only read the
rankings of your
grade in your
You can check
the student
rankings of
each grade
among all
schools here.
Select the
month and
grade you
would like to
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06. Top Recordings (In Home Page)
You can click on the names on the screen to listen to the top recordings.
To listen to the recordings of other grades, please choose the particular level from the “Grade” bar.
Teachers will give a grade for the recording practices of Week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16, and select them to be broadcast here.
P.S. After you login, you can only listen to the recordings of your grade.
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07. Quest Practice
7.1. Step 1 – Magic Sound Quest
Teaching Dialogue
Card Game
Result Page
Right Answer:
Smile: Should hit the card
Cry: Shouldn’t hit the card.
Teaching Dialogue:
You are advised to read the words and sentences with the cartoon characters while you are watching the dialogue. This makes your learning more beneficial!
Card Game:
There are 2 rounds in the game. Each contains 25 cards, comprising a total of 50 cards.
First, you will hear a target sound of the week. If the word shown on the card contains this sound, you have to hit the card by clicking the card with your mouse.
Besides, you have to hit the card before the robot cat does it.
After the target sound is read out, there will be a timer on the screen. You must decide if you should hit the card within 2 seconds.
You can gain 100 marks for your correct decision to hit a card or not. If you hit wrongly or hit slower than the robot cat, 50 marks will be deducted. A maximum of
5000 marks can be rewarded in this game.
Result Page:
You can check your scores, the right answer and if you get the correct answer on this page.
Press the speaker button beside Word and Target Sound to listen to the pronunciations.
To skip all the Teaching Dialogue
parts, you can click on the screen and
then press Esc on your keyboard.
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7.2. Step 2 – Blending
Teaching Dialogue
Blending Game
Result Page
Teaching Dialogue:
Please listen to the dialogue carefully when it introduces the blending sounds of the week.
You can do all the games and
exercises as many times as you
like but only the most recent
scores will be recorded and saved.
Blending Game:
There are 10 questions in this game. Each question contains 3 options to choose from.
First you have to mouse over the「?」button to listen to the question word and the blending sounds. Select the correct blending combinations from option A, B and
To the answer the question, you have to mouse over the option A, B or C and click on it.
If your answer is correct, there will be an animation of that word shown on the screen for you.
500 marks can be gained for each correct answer. A maximum of 5000 marks can be rewarded.
Result Page:
You can check your scores, the right answer and your answer on this page.
Press the speaker button to listen to the pronunciation of the blending sounds. You may also listen again to your choice if you fail to get the right answer.
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7.3. Step 3 – Story
Teaching Dialogue
Result Page
Teaching Dialogue:
Please enjoy the brief introduction here.
There will be a series of stories shown here. The letters of the target sounds will be highlighted in the stories to help you learn the pronunciation of these sounds.
You can mouse over the underlined words to look at the Chinese meanings of the vocabulary words.
You can use the device control bar at the bottom of the story book to control the story reading.
Back – Go to the previous page of the story.
Play / Pause – Play the story or stop reading it.
Next – Go the next page of the story. (On the last page of the story, press Next will bring you to the exercise part.
Replay – Play the story again.
There are 10 questions in this exercise, including 3 types of questions: Comprehension Exercise, Phonic Exercise A and Phonic Exercise B.
Comprehension Exercise:Questions about the story.
Phonic Exercise A:Click the speaker button next to the question word and find out the correct missing letters.
Phonic Exercise B:Click the speaker button next to the question word and type in the correct answer in the blank.
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You must complete all questions before you can submit the answers by pressing I’m Done.
500 marks can be gained for each correct answer. A maximum of 5000 marks can be rewarded.
Result Page:
You may check your scores, the right answer and your answer on this page.
Press the speaker button to listen to the correct answers. You may also listen again to your choice if you fail to get the right answer.
7.4. Step 4 – Speaking
Teaching Dialogue
Result Page
Teaching Dialogue:
Please enjoy the brief introduction here.
In Step 4, different types of exercises will be released in different periods and according to the grade of the students.
Exercise Type
1. Reading Aloud
2. Expression of Personal Experience
Grade 1- 6
Grade 1- 3
Releasing Weeks
Week 1 - 5
Week 6 to 10
3. Teacher-Student Interaction
4. Picture Description
5. Presentation
Grade 4- 6
Grade 1- 3
Grade 4- 6
Week 6 to 10
Week 11 to 16
Week 11 to 16
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Week 1- 5 : Reading Aloud (Grade 1- 6)
In this game, you have to arrange the words in the correct order and finally form a passage.
Mouse over the scattered words and left click the mouse to drag the words to the position below the orange arrow.
5000 marks can be gained for completing a passage; otherwise, no marks will be rewarded.
Week 6-10 : Expression of Personal Experience (Grade 1-3) / Teacher-Student Interaction (Grade 4- 6)
Type in your answer here and press Enter to confirm the answer.
Press Next to go to the next blank.
Reminder: After you press Enter, you cannot change the answer any
more. Please check carefully before pressing Enter.
You may press the Hint button 7 times at most to read
the hints which will be shown on the blackboard.
In this game, you have to read the question on the blackboard and fill in the blanks. Type in the answer in the appropriate area.
There are 5 questions in this game. 1000 marks can be scored for each correct question. A maximum of 5000 marks can be rewarded.
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Week 11-16 : Picture Description (Grade 1-3)
In this game, you have to arrange the scattered words in the correct order according to the questions and pictures shown on the screen.
Mouse over the scattered words and left click the mouse to drag the words to the position below the orange arrow.
After you have rearranged the words, press Next to go to the next question. Click on the speaker button to listen to the sentences.
 5000 marks can be gained for rearranging all sentences correctly; otherwise, no marks will be rewarded.
Week 11-16 : Presentation (Grade 4-6)
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In this game, you have to write a passage according to the pictures and the themes shown on the screen and in the introduction part.
Type in your passage in the appropriate area.
You have to write about 90 words to complete the passage. Press Submit to hand in your article after you finish it. Before you submit, you can always press
Preview to read your passage.
A maximum of 5000 marks can be rewarded for each passage. We will mark on the content, use of vocabulary and number of words.
Result Page:
After you have finished the exercises above, you can check your scores and the suggested answers on this page.
Press the speaker button to listen to the suggested answers. You are advised to read along while you are listening.
7.5. Step 5 – Assessment
Teaching Video
Result Page
Teaching Video:
Please read the introduction and watch a video carefully to learn how to record online.
Please follow the instructions to make your recording and press Submit lastly. If you are recording conversations, please submit the pieces of recordings
one by one.
Result Page:
You can listen to your own recordings and the teachers’ recordings again here.
P.S: If your recording(s) of a particular week is marked, you cannot record it again, and you can then read your grade of the recording(s) in the Progress Report.
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08. Progress Report
Here you can check the number of times you do an exercise (Attempt), your most recent Scores and the latest Submit Time.
Besides, different stamps can be collected according to your performance in each step.
Click here to read the score chart.
Click here to read the comments of
your recordings.
Click here to read the description
of each stamp.
Click the left and right corner to
go to the report of different
P.S.: As Step 5–Assessment of Week 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 are used for revision only, N/A (not available) will be shown in “Grade”.
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09. My Collections
Please click on the
bookmarks to view
your collections of
different parts.
After you have completed the
exercises, you can collect a
total of 16 weeks’ of stamps.
Incomplete exercises are
indicated by shaded stamps.
16 weeks’ of printable magic cards
16 weeks’ of vocabulary animations.
16 weeks’ of printable TSA papers.
16 weeks’ of interesting stories.
16 weeks’ of recordings.
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10. Picture Dictionary
You can look up the key vocabulary words (with examples) and the sight words here.
Sort by weeks
Sort by alphabets
< The End >