chapter 10

Programming Right From the Start with Visual Basic.NET
The Professional Touch
True-False Questions
A good program will have menu items in unique locations to distinguish itself from other
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 10-1
Page: 250
The main menu is a vertical menu.
Answer: False
Section: 10-1
Level: Easy
Page: 250
The About option is typically found in the Help Menu.
Answer: True
Section: 10-1
Level: Moderate
Page: 250
The only way to access the main menu is by using the mouse.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 10-1
Page: 250
When the main menu control is added to a form, it resides in the component tray.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-1
Page: 251
A dialog box is used to enter the text and name of a menu item.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-1
Page: 252
Each menu item is an object with its own click event.
Answer: True
Section: 10-1
Level: Moderate
Page: 252
It is best to rename menu items before writing code for the event procedure.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-1
Page: 252
The AddWindowsForm menu item is found in the Project Menu of the VB.Net IDE.
Answer: True
Level: Hard
Section: 10-1
Page: 254
Standard Dialog boxes provide functionality familiar to users of Microsoft products.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 10-2
Page: 255
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
The only way to add a dialog box to a program is to add a component to the component tray.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-2
Page: 255
Implementing a standard dialog box in a program requires a lot of effort.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-2
Page: 255
Opening and saving files are two functions provided by dialog boxes.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 10-2
Page: 255
Viewing Fonts and Monitor Display Size are two functions provided by dialog boxes.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-2
Page: 255
Before displaying a color dialog box, a new dialog variable must be declared in a sub procedure.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-2
Page: 255
The font dialog control has a property called Style.
Answer: False
Section: 10-3
Level: Hard
Page: 256
After selecting a color in a color dialog box, the color of all the text on a form will automatically
change to the new color.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-3
Page: 257
The Color dialog box allows the user to create custom colors.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 10-3
Page: 256
The Font dialog box allows the user to select different sizes of the font.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 10-3
Page: 256
A Color dialog box can be displayed with the ShowColorDialog method.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-3
Page: 256
A Font dialog box can be displayed with the ShowDialog method.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-3
Page: 256
The Open File Dialog box will display a directory for selecting files.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 10-4
Page: 258
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
The Open File and Save File dialog controls use different properties for storing file and directory
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 10-4
Page: 258
The directory displayed when the Open File dialog box opens is stored in the InitialDirectory
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-4
Page: 259
Once a file is selected in the dialog box the control will then transfer the data to or from the file.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-4
Page: 259
The DisplaySaveDialog method will open the Save File dialog box.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-4
Page: 258
The StreamReader is used to read data into a file.
Answer: False
Section: 10-4
Level: Moderate
Page: 259
If the file specified in the ‘path’ parameter of the CreateText function is not valid an error will
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-4
Page: 259
The OpenText function is used before data is read from a file.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-4
Page: 259
The System.IO Namespace must be imported into the program to allow the use of StreamWriter
and StreamReader.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-4
Page: 260
The StreamWriter flush method is used to clear the buffers of the current stream.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 10-4
Page: 259
The user can select which page of a document to print with the PrintDialog control.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 10-5
Page: 261
The PrintDialog control must be added to the component tray prior to displaying the dialog box.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-5
Page: 264
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
Every PrintDialog Object has a Document property.
Answer: True
Section: 10-5
Level: Easy
Page: 262
The PrintPreview dialog Control is used to set up the margins of a document.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-5
Page: 262
The PrintPreview dialog Control does not have a Document property.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 10-5
Page: 262
Setting the PrintPreview’s AntiAliasing property to true will make the text look smoother.
Answer: True
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-5
Page: 262
The PrintPage event is raised once when the Print Method of a PrintDocument is called.
Answer: False
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-5
Page: 262
The current Windows Media Player control can play video but not sound files.
Answer: False
Level: Easy
Section: 10-6
Page: 265
The Windows Media Player control is not a standard element in the VB.Net toolbox.
Answer: True
Level: Easy
Section: 10-6
Page: 265
Multiple Choice Questions
Which menu item is not typically found in the File Menu?
a.) Close
b.) Copy
c.) Exit
d.) Print
e.) Save
Answer: b
Section: 10-1
Level: Easy
Page: 250
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
What is the name of the control for putting menus on a form?
a.) FormMenu
b.) MenuForm
c.) MenuControl
d.) MainMenu
e.) Menu
Answer: d
Section: 10-1
Level: Easy
Page: 251
The standard prefix for a menu item is:
a.) men.
b.) meu.
c.) mit.
d.) mni.
e.) mnu.
Answer: e
Section: 10-1
Level: Easy
Page: 254
Which menu object property places a check mark in the display of the menu text?
a.) Check
b.) Checked
c.) CheckMark
d.) CheckOn
e.) RadioCheck
Answer: b
Section: 10-1
Level: Moderate
Page: 253
Which symbol creates an access key in the text of a menu item?
a.) @
b.) #
c.) $
d.) %
e.) &
Answer: e
Section: 10-1
Level: Moderate
Page: 252
Which is not a standard dialog box?
a.) ColorDialog
b.) FontDialog
c.) OpenDialog
d.) PrintDialog
e.) ZoomDialog
Answer: e
Section: 10-2
Level: Easy
Page: 255
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
Why are standard dialog boxes used?
a.) They are easy to create.
b.) They provide functionality familiar to users.
c.) Developers can create their own versions of Dialog boxes.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 10-2
Level: Moderate
Page: 255
How are dialog boxes implemented in a program?
a.) A dialog box is generated programmatically.
b.) A dialog control is placed in the component tray.
c.) A dialog control is placed on the form.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 10-2
Level: Moderate
Page: 255
The standard prefix for a dialog control is:
a.) dal.
b.) dia.
c.) dil.
d.) dlc.
e.) dlg.
Answer: e
Section: 10-3
Level: Easy
Page: 257
What is the method used to activate the color dialog box?
a.) ActivateDialog
b.) DisplayDialog
c.) ExhibitDialog
d.) ShowDialog
e.) StartDialog
Answer: d
Section: 10-3
Level: Moderate
Page: 256
The name of the class used to programmatically create a color dialog box is:
a.) Color
b.) ColorBox
c.) ColorDialog
d.) ColorDisplay
e.) ColorDisplayBox
Answer: c
Section: 10-3
Level: Moderate
Page: 257
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
The name of the class used to programmatically create a font dialog box is:
a.) Font.
b.) FontBox.
c.) FontDialog.
d.) FontDisplay.
e.) FontDialogBox.
Answer: c
Section: 10-3
Level: Moderate
Page: 258
Which OpenFileDialog control property specifies the choices in the “Files of type” dropdown
a.) FileName
b.) FileNames
c.) FileType
d.) Filter
e.) FilterIndex
Answer: d
Section: 10-4
Level: Moderate
Page: 258
Which property is the same in the OpenFileDialog and the SaveFileDialog control?
a.) FileName
b.) Filter
c.) InitialDirectory
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: e
Section: 10-4
Level: Moderate
Page: 259
Which method is found in both the StreamReader and StreamWriter class?
a.) Close
b.) Peak
c.) Flush
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: a
Section: 10-4
Level: Easy
Page: 259
The StreamReader and StreamWriter class are both subclasses of which class?
a.) IO
b.) Stream
c.) StreamIO
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: b
Section: 10-4
Level: Hard
Page: 260
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
Which dialog control allows the user to zoom in on a document?
a.) PrintDialog
b.) PrintPreview
c.) PageSetupDialog
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: b
Section: 10-5
Level: Moderate
Page: 262
Which dialog control has a Document property?
a.) PrintDialog
b.) PrintPreview
c.) PageSetupDialog
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: e
Section: 10-5
Level: Easy
Page: 264
Which object must be assigned to the Document property?
a.) Document
b.) DocumentPage
c.) DocumentPrint
d.) PageDocument
e.) PrintDocument
Answer: e
Section: 10-5
Level: Hard
Page: 262
When is the PrintPage event activated?
a.) When the PrintDialog control is displayed.
b.) When an assignment is made to the Document property.
c.) The first time the Print method is called.
d.) Every time a page is printed after the Print method is called.
e.) None of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 10-5
Level: Moderate
Page: 262
Which controls can activate the PrintPage event?
a.) PrintDialog
b.) PrintPreview
c.) PageSetupDialog
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 10-5
Level: Moderate
Page: 263
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
Which type of file can be played with the Windows Media Player control?
a.) MPEG
b.) AVI
c.) WAV
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: e
Section: 10-6
Level: Easy
Page: 265
The Windows Media Player control:
a.) is located in the toolbox by default.
b.) is located in the toolbar.
c.) can be added to the toolbar.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: c
Section: 10-6
Level: Moderate
Page: 265
The Windows Media Player control can:
a.) display video output.
b.) create audio output.
c.) generate tactile output.
d.) Both a and b.
e.) All of the above.
Answer: d
Section: 10-6
Level: Moderate
Page: 265
Which Windows Media Player control property will hide the player from user's view?
a.) Anchor
b.) FileName
c.) Location
d.) ShowControl
e.) Visible
Answer: e
Section: 10-6
Level: Moderate
Page: 266
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
Fill in the Blank Questions
The ___MainMenu___ control will add a standard menu bar at the top of a form.
Level: Easy
Section: 10-1
Page: 251
The ___ampersand (&)___ symbol will create an access key in the menu text.
Level: Easy
Section: 10-1
Page: 252
The shortcut keys used to access a menu item will only be displayed if the ___ShowShortcut___
property is set to true.
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-1
Page: 253
The ___click___ event of the menu object is activated by the user selecting the menu item.
Level: Easy
Section: 10-1
Page: 252
The AddNewItem dialog box is used to add a new ___form___ to a project.
Level: Hard
Section: 10-1
Page: 254
Both the ___MainMenu___ and any of the standard ___dialog box___ controls can be added to a
program by selecting controls from the toolbox.
Level: Hard
Section: 10-2
Page: 255
The ___SaveFileDialog___ control is familiar to any user who ever saved a file in the Microsoft
Word program.
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-2
Page: 255
The ___FontDialog___ control allows a user to choose what font will be displayed on the form of
a program.
Level: Easy
Section: 10-3
Page: 255
The ___ColorDialog___ control allows a user to choose a color that can be applied to any text
box or label.
Level: Easy
Section: 10-3
Page: 255
The ___ShowDialog___ method will display any dialog box.
Level: Easy
Section: 10-3
Page: 255
The font that a user selects in a Font Dialog box is found as a(n) ___property___ of the dialog
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-3
Page: 256
The read method belongs to the ___StreamReader___ class.
Level: Easy
Section: 10-4
Page: 259
The WriteLine method belongs to the ___StreamWriter___ class.
Level: Easy
Section: 10-4
Page: 259
The ___InitialDirectory___ property determines which directory will be active when the open file
dialog box is first displayed.
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-4
Page: 258
The ___ShowDialog___ method will display the Save File dialog control.
Level: Easy
Section: 10-4
Page: 258
The ___peek___ method will return the next character in a stream but will not advance to the next
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-4
Page: 259
The ___close___ method should be called when the program is done reading from or writing to a
Level: Hard
Section: 10-4
Page: 261
The ___PrintDialog___ control allows the user to select which printer will print a document.
Level: Easy
Section: 10-5
Page: 261
Setting the ___AntiAliasing___ property of the PrintPreview control to true will smooth out the
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-5
Page: 262
The ___PrintDocument___ object must be assigned to the Document property.
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-5
Page: 262
The page orientation of a document can be changed with the ___PageSetupDialog___ control.
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-5
Page: 262
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
The ___PrintDocument___ object requires the System.Drawing.Printing namespace to be
imported into the program.
Level: Hard
Section: 10-6
Page: 262
The ___FileName___ property of the Windows Media Player holds the file being run by the
Level: Easy
Section: 10-6
Page: 265
The ___EndOfStream___ event will activate when the Windows Media Player finishes running a
Level: Moderate
Section: 10-6
Page: 268
The files being played by the Windows Media Player should be located in the project’s
___bin___ directory.
Level: Hard
Section: 10-6
Page: 268
Essay Questions
Write the code to create a form called frmAbout and display the form that has an about message
typed in a label on the form.
Write the code to create a dialog box called dlgColor and will allow the user to change the
foreground color of the label lblMessage.
What are the similarities and differences between these two sets of code?
Dim myfrmAbout As New frmAbout()
myfrmAbout.ShowDialog() '.Show is also acceptable
Dim dlgColor As New ColorDialog()
lblMessage.ForeColor = dlgColor.Color
In both sets of code the first statement creates an instance of an object based on a class, using the
‘New’ keyword. Next both objects are displayed in the modal format, where the object must be
closed before any other part of the program can be run.
The two sets of code are different in that the form object is explicitly removed from memory with
the dispose method, while the Color Dialog is left to the automatic Garbage Collection methods
of the .Net framework for removal from memory.
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Chapter 10 – The Professional Touch
How can you add a menu to your program and how should it be setup? What is a menu item?
Describe the menu option and underlying object that closes the program?
A menu is added to a program by adding the MainMenu control to the component tray of a form.
The naming and placement of each menu item in a menu should match the standards established
for menus in other Microsoft programs. For example the File menu should always be the first
menu on the left hand side of the menu, followed by Edit menu and the Help menu item should be
the last menu on the right hand side of the menu.
A menu item is an object that is associated with each menu option. When the menu option is
selected by the user, its click event is activated. Any code in this event is then run.
The menu option that closes the program should be located in the File menu and it should be
displayed as Exit, with an access key under the ‘x’. The menu item associated with this menu
option should be named mnuExit.
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