Biology Final Review

Biology Final Review
2a. organization and structure (cellular structure and function): need some
sort of structure, cells, tissues, organs etc. to carry on life functions
b. growth and development: grow and develop from juvenile to adult- need to
get and use “food” energy- (metabolism)
c. reproduction (heredity): necessary to sustain survival as a species
d. response and adaptation (homeostasis, evolution, & interdependence)organisms must respond and adapt to internal and external changes to survive
3. abiogenesis/spontaneous generation
4. Redi- observed flies going in and out of open jars with rotting meat; maggots
appeared later; put lid on jar- no maggots appeared; put mesh screen on jars
no maggots appeared—previously people believed rotting meat made maggots,
garbage made rats etc.
Pasteur- control setup: heated (pasteurized) soup broth in flask with curved
neck to kill any bacteria; no dust could enter- one year later still no bacteria
experimental setup: heated broth in flask with straight neck to kill bacteria;
dust could enter- one day later broth was cloudy with bacteria
state the problem, make a hypothesis, design an experiment, perform
experiment and analyze the results, and make a conclusion (accept or reject
control (setup)
an idea that one has, through observations, to explain the occurrence of
something before experimenting and testing the idea
liter (L), graduated cylinder
gram (g), triple beam balance
meter (m), meter stick
15a. proton, positive, in the nucleus
b. neutron, neutral, in the nucleus
c. electron, negative, outside nucleus in orbits, energy levels, clouds, shells
16. atom
17. compounds
18. electrons give chemical properties (protons and neutrons physical
properties), negative ions (atom with a charge) bond with positive ions; gain
electrons gives negative charge, lose electrons gives positive charge
19. covalent- sharing electrons, stronger bond; ionic bond (+ and – charge
attract, weaker bond
20. in all of these we are assuming there is no net charge so protons and electrons
are equal; number of protons determines atomic number so they are equal;
(mass = protons + neutrons) or (mass – protons = neutrons)
Li: 3, 7, 3, 4, 3
Mn: 25, 55, 25, 30, 25
Mo: 42, 95, 42, 53, 42
Fe: 26, 56, 26, 30, 26
Co: 27, 59, 27, 32, 27
Reactants are chemicals added together to make something or is a compound
broken down into individual parts
21. CaCo3 is being broken down (its reacting)
22. CaO and CO are the products that come from being broken down
23. yes. CaCo3  CaO + CO2 is balanced 1 Ca, 1 C and 3 O on each side
24. number in front multiplies all the way through, including times subscripts
2K, 2N, 6O; 10 total
25. the sum of all chemical processes that occur within an organism; the
combination of chemical changes in the body primarily after eating
26. amino acids
27. enzyme
28. nucleotides, heredity, DNA, genes, chromosomes
29. carbohydrates, short-term, stored
30. lipids
31. solute (a solvent dissolves the solute- water is the universal solvent)
32. 0-6, 8-14, 7
33. potential Hydrogen measures the amount of free hydrogen ions present in a
34. a uniform mixture of two substances
35a. compound light microscope has one eyepiece and multiple objective lenses
b. stereoscope- has two eyepieces, no objectives, can see object in 3-D,
views of multiple surfaces
36. magnification of eyepiece x objective lens magnification
37a. cells are the basic unit of life
b. all living things are made of cells
c. cells come from existing cells- cell division
38. Robert Hooke
39. prokaryote, eukaryote
40a. nucleus- contains most of cells genetic information, control center of cell
b. nucleolus- a ribosome making structure in nucleus
c. chromosomes/DNA- structure within nucleus that stores genetic info; 5
carbon sugar and phosphate backbone, nitrogen bases (A, T, C, and G)
d. RNA- single-stranded nucleic acid molecule involved in protein synthesis,
bases include (A, U, C, and G)
e. mitochondria- energy production (ATP- from respiration) power plant of cell
f. chloroplast- structures that absorb sunlight and enable plant cells to make
sugars (food- autotrophs) through photosynthesis
g. golgi body/apparatus/complex- packages proteins delivered by the
endoplasmic reticulum (ER) so they can be take out of cell
h. ER: rough- make materials for cell, ribosomes are on surface
smooth- transports materials inside cell
i. lysosome- digestive enzymes that get rid of the trash in the cell; breakdown
large molecules of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids
j. ribosome- an organelle that helps assemble proteins from amino acids picked
up by the ER
k. vacuole- storage for food, water, and proteins, (rarely for wastes) (all plants
and some animals have them- plants have a large central vacuole)
l. centrioles- anchor spindle fibers at the poles of cells; help pull chromosomes
to middle and end of cells; one pair per cell
m. cell membrane- thin layer of lipid and protein separating cells contents from
outside environment
n. cell wall- outer, reinforcing layer in a plant cell; gives structure and shape;
o. flagella/cilia- for movement in cells; cilia are hair-like structures; flagella
are tail-like
41. cell wall, chloroplast, (large central vacuole)
42. flagella, cilia, (vacuoles)
43. lipids and proteins
44. diffusion (movement from high to low concentration)
45. osmosis
46a. hypertonic- water moves out of cell into solution where there is more
solute; cell shrinks
b. hypotonic- water moves into cell where there is more solute; cell expands
or bursts
c. isotonic- water moves back and forth equally; cell remains the same size
47. 6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy ((sun)light)  C6H12O6 + 6 O2
carbon dioxide + water + energy  glucose (sugar) + oxygen
48a. light dependent reaction- light is absorbed by chlorophyll, water molecules
are split into hydrogen ions and electrons; oxygen is produced as is ATP
and NADPH which help energize the Calvin Cycle
b. light independent reaction (dark reaction/Calvin Cycle); CO2 is broken down
using ATP (ADP + P) to form glucose (to be stored as usable energy for
49. chloroplast (chlorophyll)
50. respiration
51. autotrophs/producers
52. heterotrophs/consumers
53. C6H12O6 + 6 O2  6 CO2 + 6 H2O + energy
54. anaerobic respiration (a. alcoholic fermentation; b. lactic acid fermentation)
55. xylem, phloem
56. ATP; a. electrons; b. ADP; c. H+ ions
57. xylem
58. phloem
59. stomata, guard cells
60. cell cycle
61. divide/split
62. G1 , gap 1/growth 1: growth and development; S, synthesis: chromosomes
replicated; G2 , gap 2/growth 2: organelles synthesize for cell division, final
growth and development
Mitosis: must be able to recognize diagrams!
Prophase: nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappear, chromatin uncoils to
chromatid, mitotic spindle forms, centrioles start moving to
opposite poles, chromosomes become visible during pro-metaphase
Metaphase: spindle fibers attach to centromeres and pull chromosomes to
middle (equator) of cell
Anaphase: centromeres are pulled apart and chromosomes go to opposite
Telophase/Cytokinesis: nuclear envelope reforms, chromosomes begin to ball
back cleavage furrow deepens and splits into two
daughter cells (in plants cell plate forms between two
daughter cells)
63. homologous pairs/sister chromatids
64. centromere
65. prophase I, metaphase I, anaphase I, telophase I (cytokinesis I)
prophase II, metaphase II, anaphase II, telophase II (cytokinesis II)
66. variation
67. identical, mitosis
Remember in meiosis cells start out with double the chromosomes that
divide twice (4 daughter cells) to end up with half as many
chromosomes in each cell
68. recombinant/recombined/different, meiosis
69. 46 (23 pairs), diploid; 23, haploid
70. sex-linked
71. autosomes
72. linked genes
73. non-disjunction
74. genetic karyotyping/gene mapping
75. human genome project
76. a purine (A & G) with a pyrimidine (C & T) (A & T and C & G)
77. adenine and thymine & cytosine and guanine
78. double helix/ twisted ladder
79. 5 carbon sugar (deoxyribose)- on backbone/sides of ladder
phosphate- on backbone/sides of ladder
nitrogenous bases- steps on ladder between backbone
80. 1. enzymes break weak hydrogen bonds between the bases and
2. unpaired nucleotides in nucleus pairs up with complimentary bases
3. DNA polymerase matches these base pairs and a new (sugar and
phosphate) backbone is formed identical to parent DNA
82. monosomy, Turner Syndrome
83. trisomy, Down Syndrome
84. recombination/recombinant genes/crossing over
85. RNA polymerase bind RNA to DNA in the nucleus (A matches with U,
C matches with G, and T matches with A)
87. mRNA leaves nucleus to go through cytoplasm to ribosomes; tRNA leaves
behind an amino acid (codon- group of 3 bases), more and more link together
until a stop codon is reached- at this point the amino acid chain sequence
stops and a certain protein is made
89. in the nucleus
90. in the nucleus
91. in the cytoplasm
92. messenger, transfer
93. codon, anticodon
94. Thymine, Uracil
95. mutagens
96. the disruption of the DNA sequence in a gene:
frameshift mutation: deletion or addition of nucleotides that disrupt
codons; gets copied wrong during translation
point mutation: a change in only one nucleotide; affects only one codon- one
subs for another but gives same amino acid so less disruption
97. a rearrangement in the genes on a chromosome or a whole chromosome
deletion: part of a chromosome is lost
duplication: part of chromosome is doubled
inversion: part of a chromosome breaks off and attaches to the same
chromosome in a different order
translocation: part of a chromosome (or the whole chromosome) breaks off
and attaches to a different chromosome (non-homologous pair)
98. oncogene
99. carcinogen
100. avoid too much sun, avoid carcinogenic chemicals, hope you have good genes