Norwich Medieval Churches Photography Competition Entry form Name Telephone Email address Address Preferred method of contact (please circle): Email Entry / Entries submitted for the following categories (please circle, tick or underline): History and tradition Name of church photographed Telephone Post Your title of photograph (please leave blank if untitled) People and community Inspiration and learning Restoration and conservation Worship and contemplation Art and architecture Enjoyment and fun Innovation and change Declaration Please sign / Parent or guardian to sign if entrant is under 16. By signing below I declare that all work submitted is my own and that I agree to the terms and conditions. By entering the competition I agree to my work being exhibited and used by Norwich HEART for marketing purposes. Signed: ______________________________ Print name: ___________________________ Date: ________________________________ It would be very helpful to us if you could let us know where you heard about the competition: In the Heritage Open Days brochure: Y / N From a friend or colleague: Y / N From a search engine: Y / N From a flyer: Y / N From another website (please state which): _____________________ In the media (please state where):_____________________________ Other (please specify): ______________________________________