MEETING REPORT FOR ÇİMSA CEMENT INDUSTRY AND TRADE INC. ORDINARY MEETING OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY HELD ON APRIL 6, 2011 Çimsa Cement Industry and Trade Inc. Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly for 2010 was held on April 06, 2011 at 14.00 at the Sabancı Center Kule:2 Sadıka Ana 1 Salonu 4.Levent - ISTANBUL under the supervision of Ministry Commissar Mehmet Ali Köse, assigned with correspondences of the T.R. Ministry of Industry and Trade, Istanbul Directorate of Industry and Trade dated 05.04.2011 and numbered 19571. Invitation to the meeting was issued in advance by publication in the issue dated March 21, 2011 and numbered 7776 of the Turkish Trade Registry Gazette and the issues dated March 21, 2011 and numbered 10573-9389 of the Dünya Newspaper, as stipulated in the law and Core Contract, and including the agenda. The meeting was opened by Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mehmet GÖÇMEN, stating that Ilker YILDIRIM from the company auditors is present at the meeting, after determining that a total of 9,575,155,232 shares, representing 95,459,736.32 TL of capital out of the total 13,508,444,200 shares of the Company, representing a total of 135,084,442 TL of the Company capital, 9,545,973,632 of which are represented principally, corresponding to a capital amount of 95,459,736.32 TL, 29,181,600 of which are represented by agents corresponding to a capital amount of 291,816 TL and, therefore, the minimum meeting quorum stipulated both in the law and the Core Contract is present at the meeting. As a result of the proceedings held in accordance with the agenda, the following decisions have been taken. 1- In accordance with Article 15 of the Core Contract, Chair of the General Assembly is held by Chairman of the Board Mehmet GÖÇMEN. Recep Reha DEMİRÖZ and Nalan ALPAY were selected as vote collection officers and Hüsnü DABAK was selected as clerk by a majority of votes consisting of 9,520,909,432 votes in favor and 54,245,800 abstaining votes. The list of abstaining votes is as follows: List of partners who voted in abstention Share Owner Representative PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND TOTAL Number of Votes 39,477,000 14,768,800 54,245,800 2- Assigning the Council Committee with the authorization to sign the reports of the General Assembly was decided by majority of votes consisting of 9,520,909,432 votes in favor and 54,245,800 abstaining votes. The list of abstaining votes is as follows: List of partners who voted in abstention Share Owner Representative PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND Number of Votes 39,477,000 PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND TOTAL 14,768,800 54,245,800 3- The action report of the Company Board of Directors and reports prepared by the Independent Audit Company in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Capital Markets Board were read. Vote owners of 165,847,900 votes have stated that they are in abstention, although the 3rd article of the agenda is not open for vote. The list of abstaining votes is as follows: List of Share Owner 5BJY EMERGING MARKETS SMALL CAPITALIZ.EQU.IN.NONLENDABLE NORTHERN TR FIDUCIARY SER GUERNSEY LTD AS TR OF SAUDI 5BJY EMERGING MARKETS SMALL CAPITALIZ.EQU.IN.NONLENDABLE PFS SOMERSET EMERGING MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND WISDOMTREE EMERGINGMARKETS EQUITY INCOME FUND WISDOMTREE EMERGINGMARKETS SMALLCAP DIVIDEND FUND MTB INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND OHIO SCHOOL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM TOTAL partners who voted in abstention Representative Berna YAZKAN Number of Votes 3,929,900 Berna YAZKAN 46,536,000 Berna YAZKAN 1,336,500 Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 39,477,000 Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 21,238,900 Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 36,208,000 Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 3,770,000 Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 13,351,600 165,847,900 4- Partners were informed on the total donations of 68.226,28 TL to various legal authorities according to Article 10 of Law on Corporation Tax. Vote owners of 165.847.900 votes have stated that they are in abstention although 4th article of the agenda was not open for vote. List of abstaining votes are as follows. List of partners who voted in abstention Share Owner Representative Berna YAZKAN 5BJY EMERGING MARKETS SMALL CAPITALIZ.EQU.IN.NON- Number of Votes 3,929,900 LENDABLE NORTHERN TR FIDUCIARY SER GUERNSEY LTD AS TR OF SAUDI 5BJY EMERGING MARKETS SMALL CAPITALIZ.EQU.IN.NONLENDABLE PFS SOMERSET EMERGING MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND WISDOMTREE EMERGINGMARKETS EQUITY INCOME FUND WISDOMTREE EMERGINGMARKETS SMALLCAP DIVIDEND FUND MTB INTERNATIONAL EQUITY FUND OHIO SCHOOL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM TOTAL Berna YAZKAN 46,536,000 Berna YAZKAN 1,336,500 Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 39,477,000 Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 21,238,900 Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 36,208,000 Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 3,770,000 Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 13,351,600 165,847,900 Consolidated Balance Sheet and profit/loss accounts were read and discussed. The Balance Sheet and Income Table dated 31.12.2010 were accepted by a majority of votes consisting of 9,507,557,832 votes in favor, 13,351,600 against and 54,245,800 abstaining votes. The list of abstaining and negative votes is as follows: List of partners who voted in abstention Share Owner Representative PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND TOTAL List of partners who voted against Share Owner Representative OHIO SCHOOL EMPLOYEES Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN RETIREMENT SYSTEM TOTAL Number of Votes 39,477,000 14,768,800 54,245,800 Number of Votes 13,351,600 13,351,600 The resolution submitted on consolidated profit distribution in 2010 and proposal placed in the Activity Report of the Company Board of Directors were discussed. As a result, after all financial liabilities to be paid by the Company are reduced, necessary allocations will be made to the legal reserves in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. Subsequently, out of the remaining realized consolidated profits, it was decided to distribute profit shares in a total amount of 94,829,278.28 TL at a gross rate of 70.2% and a net rate of 59.67% to share owners representing the total capital of 135,083,442 TL, to reserve the remaining profit as extraordinary reserves, to begin the payment of profit shares to be distributed on April 7, 2010 and not to pay profit shares to Members of the Board of Directors. The motion was passed by a majority of votes, consisting of 9,507,557,832 votes in favor, 13,351,600 against and 54,245,800 abstaining votes. The list of abstaining and negative votes is as follows: List of partners who voted in abstention Share Owner Representative PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND TOTAL Share Owner OHIO SCHOOL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM TOTAL List of partners who voted against Representative Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN Number of Votes 39,477,000 14,768,800 54,245,800 Number of Votes 13,351,600 13,351,600 6- As a result of the vote where the votes of share owner members of the Board of Directors represented through their agents were not taken into consideration, members of the Board of Directors were dismissed due to their activities in 2010 by a majority of votes consisting of 9,478,376,232 votes in favor, 13.351.600 against and 54,245,800 abstaining votes. The list of abstaining and negative votes as follows: List of partners who voted in abstention Share Owner Representative Number of Votes 39,477,000 PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 14,768,800 MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND TOTAL 54,245,800 List of partners who voted against Share Owner Representative OHIO SCHOOL EMPLOYEES Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN RETIREMENT SYSTEM TOTAL Number of Votes 13,351,600 13,351,600 The auditors were also dismissed by a majority of votes consisting of 9,478,376,232 votes in favor, 13,351,600 against and 54,245,800 abstaining votes. The list of abstaining and negative votes is as follows: List of partners who voted in abstention Share Owner Representative PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND TOTAL Share Owner List of partners who voted against Representative Number of Votes 39,477,000 14,768,800 54,245,800 Number of Votes OHIO SCHOOL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM TOTAL Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN 13,351,600 13,351,600 7- It was decided to approve the election of Levent DEMİRAĞ for the membership of the Board of Directors that became vacant within the year upon the resignation of Yılmaz KÜLCÜ by a majority of votes consisting of 9,461,021,832 votes in favor, 59,887,600 against and 54.245.800 abstaining votes. The list of abstaining and negative votes is as follows: List of partners who voted in abstention Share Owner Representative PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND TOTAL List of partners who voted against Share Owner Representative Berna YAZKAN NORTHERN TR FIDUCIARY SER GUERNSEY LTD AS TR OF SAUDI OHIO SCHOOL EMPLOYEES Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN RETIREMENT SYSTEM TOTAL Number of Votes 39,477,000 14,768,800 54,245,800 Number of Votes 46,536,000 13,351,600 59,887,600 8- It was decided to elect Nur ŞENOL for the Auditor position that became vacant upon the resignation of Bahadır BORAN on 07.03.2011 until the Ordinary Meeting of the General Assembly to be held in 2013 in order to discuss the activity results of 2012 (for three years) by a majority of votes consisting of 9,515,747,632 votes in favor, 5,161,800 against and 54,245,800 abstaining votes. The list of abstaining and negative votes is as follows: List of partners who voted in abstention Share Owner Representative PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND TOTAL Share Owner LSV GLOBAL STABLE VALUE FUND LP SEI GLOBAL MASTER FUND PLC EMERGING MARKETS FUND TOTAL List of partners who voted negative Representative Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN Number of Votes 39,477,000 14,768,800 54,245,800 Number of Votes 3,190,000 1,971,800 5,161,800 9- The issue of audit by the independent audit companies DRT Independent Audit and Independent Accounting and Financial Consultancy Inc., selected upon the decision of the Board of Directors dated 17.03.2011 and numbered 1323 in order to audit the company's 2011 financial tables and accounts in accordance with the provisions of Capital Markets Law No. 2499 by a majority of votes consisting of 9,507,557,832 votes in favor, 13,351,600 against and 54,245,800 abstaining votes. The list of abstaining and negative votes are as follows: List of partners who voted in abstention Share Owner Representative Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN PFS SOMERSET EMERGING MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND TOTAL Share Owner OHIO SCHOOL EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT SYSTEM TOTAL List of partners who voted against Representative Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN Number of Votes 39,477,000 14,768,800 54,245,800 Number of Votes 13,351,600 13,351,600 1- 10- It was decided to allow the Chairman and Members of the Board of Directors to perform the transactions stated in Articles 334 and 335 of Turkish Trade Law by a majority of votes consisting of 9,520,909,432 votes in favor and 54,245,800 abstaining votes. The list of abstaining votes is as follows: List of partners who voted in abstention Share Owner Representative PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND PFS SOMERSET EMERGING Hikmet Vuslat SUMEN MARKETS SMALL CAPFUND TOTAL Number of Votes 39,477,000 14,768,800 54,245,800 The chairman dismissed the meeting at 15:00 since there were no other topics on the agenda. This report was prepared and signed in the meeting place following the meeting. 07.04.2010 COMMISSARY OF THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND TRADE Mehmet Ali KÖSE VOTE COLLECTION OFFICER Recep Reha DEMJRÖZ Nalan ALPAY CHAIRMAN OF THE COUNCIL Mehmet GÖÇMEN GENERAL ASSEMBLY CLERK Hüsnü DABAK