CS 116 Programming Assignment #10 Your input file should have one record. The content of the record is studName (string), studId (integer) and three float exams (exam1, exam2, and exam3). The valid range of data are 1111 studId 9999 and 0.00 exam 100.00. For valid data, determine that student has passed or failed the course (student with average 70.00 will pass the course.) For valid data if student’s exam average is higher or equal to 97% add message TOP! For invalid data, print “~~ Invalid data ~~” message. See input and output sample: Input file sample1: Lewis,Rose 1111 75 80 70 Output file sample1: *~~< Stud Exam Report >~~* Name Stud Id Exam1 Lewis,Rose 1111 75.00 Exam2 80.00 Exam3 70.00 AVG 75.00 Passed/Failed PASSED Exam2 80.00 Exam3 101.00 AVG Passed/Failed ~~ Invalid data~~ Exam2 97.00 Exam3 97.00 AVG 97.00 Passed/Failed PASSED / TOP Exam2 0.00 Exam3 0.00 AVG 0.00 Passed/Failed FAILED *< end >* Input file sample2: Lewis,Rose 1111 75.00 80.00 101.00 Output file sample2: *~~< Stud Exam Report >~~* Name Stud Id Exam1 Lewis,Rose 1111 75.00 *< end >* Input file sample1: Lewis,Rose 1111 97 97 97 Output file sample1: *~~< Stud Exam Report >~~* Name Stud Id Exam1 Lewis,Rose 1111 97.00 *< end >* Input file sample1: Lewis,Rose 1111 0 0 Output file sample1: *~~< Stud Exam Report >~~* Name Stud Id Exam1 Lewis,Rose 1111 0.00 0 *< end >* Page 1 of 1