Constitution of Eleanor Roosevelt High School Boys Soccer ARTICLE I - ORGANIZATION The name and address of this organization shall be: Eleanor Roosevelt High School Boys Soccer Program, hereinafter referred to as ERHS Boys Soccer ARTICLE II - PURPOSE The ERHS Boys Soccer Program exists for the purpose of broadening the involvement of students, student families and the school through support of all activities of the Boys Soccer program. The ERHS Boys Soccer Program works to achieve this through active participation of as many student athletes and supporters as possible in the organization: * To support, promote and maintain a high standard of integrity and good sportsmanship in all athletic activities of the high school. * To directly support the coaches’ programs. It is responsible for fund raising, organization of volunteers, and other activities as identified by the coaches. * To promote and encourage more young women to get involved in athletics, either as an active participant or as a volunteer assistant. ARTICLE III - MEMBERSHIP A. Qualifications of Members (1) All participants must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher, be enrolled in the school as a current student, successfully pass through the try out process, and not be a participant in any other winter sports. (2) Voting privileges will be granted to members in good standing. Members must attend all required meetings, practices, games and events. Failure to do so may result in termination of membership. (3) The responsibility of all members shall include: participating in approved fundraising activities, wearing CIF approved soccer gear, respecting others at all times, obeying all ERHS and hosting school sites rules. B. Termination Membership may be terminated by (1) Three unexcused absences. (2) Excessive use of inappropriate language. (3) Three or more red cards during regular season play. (4) GPA below 2.0 (5) Failure to oblige with qualifications listed in Article III Section A 1-3 ARTICLE IV - OFFICERS AND COMMITTEES A. Criteria 1. All officers must be regularly enrolled students in good standing at ERHS. B. Election and Removal Election of officers: Election of officers shall take place at the meeting of the ERHS Boys Soccer program to be held at the first meeting of each year, or as near thereto as is reasonable. All officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the voting members present and voting at this meeting. The nominating committee shall present a slate of proposed officers at the time notice of the meeting is provided. Additional nominations for each office may also be made from voting members from the floor at the meeting. Any officer may be removed with majority (2/3) vote and or termination from the program. These offices will be filled by special election or appointment. C. Duties and Responsibilities 1. Captain: Shall preside at all meetings of the club, represent the club to the school and others, and shall convene the executive committee at least monthly when soccer is in session. 2. Co-Captain: Shall assume the duties of the president in her absence and serve as a member of all sub-committees. In addition, the Co-Captain is there to support the president and assist with those duties as necessary. 3. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep a record of all regular and special meetings. It shall also be the duty of the secretary to maintain a list of all current board members including all contact information 4. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer to approve all monies due to the ERHS Boys Soccer Program, keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements, and approve the deposit of monies received. The treasurer shall present a written statement of accounts at all regular meetings and at other times when requested to do so by the president and shall make a full report at the end of the school year meeting. The accounts of the treasurer may be audited by a committee approved by the president. D. Committees 1. Upon approval from coaches the president may appoint to others to committees as needs arise. ARTICLE V – MEETINGS Regular meetings shall be held on a scheduled basis. This schedule will be determined by the coaches, relayed to students in morning announcements, and posted on the ERHS message board and Boys Soccer web site(when applicable). All notices shall state the date, time and place of the meeting. ARTICLE VI – DECISION MAKING PROCESS The process for general decision making (including the expenditure of funds shall be a simple majority of a quorum unless otherwise specified in the constitution. A quorum shall constitute a minimum of 40% of the membership in attendance at a scheduled meeting. ARTICLE VII- ADVISOR A faculty advisory shall be selected and removed by the principal. ARTICLE VIII – AMENDMENT PROCESS This constitution may be amended by as school administrator using 2/3 vote of the total membership. Amendments will be introduced to the membership at scheduled meetings. ARTICLE IX – DISBURSAL OF ASSESTS Should the club disband, the executive board shall disburse the assets to the ERHS athletic program.