“How to use Camel’s Milk and Urine” March 18, 2009 باب الدواء بأبوال اإلبل: حديث من البخاري روى البخاري عن أنس أن رهطاا نان الننةناد واننوا علاب النباهللا عالب و علةاق ووال نااالوا ناا ا وةناا الننةند نعظنا بطونناا وار ت ا اعنااننا نا نره النباهللا عالب و علةاق ووال أن ةل ااوا براعاهللا اببا ) ( رواه البخاري ونول وغةرهنا...... بطونت وألوانت نة ربوا نن ألبانتا وأبوالتا ب عل The Authenticated Hadeeth (Saheeh) says that some people came to Madeenah then fell sick with huge abdomens. The Prophet (peace be upon him) told them to drink the milk and urine of camels, they recovered and grew fat. Narrated by Al-Bukhaari (2855) and Muslim (1671). With regard to the health benefits of drinking the milk and urine of camels, they are many, well known to the earlier generations of medical science and they have been proven by modern scientific researches. General Notes: 1. In this document the word Camel refers to the Adult Camel, male or female. 2. Analysis has shown that Camel’s urine is clean, sterile and free of toxicity. Camel’s urine may be stored at room temperature for up to two weeks without being spoiled even if its color darkens. 3. Camel’s milk stays fresh from 3 to 7 days if refrigerated. It is important not to spoil the milk by boiling it. You may only heat it using very low heat source for one to two hours until it starts steaming but not boiling. It should be refrigerated immediately after steaming. You may warm the milk before drinking it. Camel’s milk is good for all members of the family because of its unique nutritional values. 4. Infant Camel’s urine is not suitable for treatment use. All other non-infant camels are suitable to use their Milk and Urine for treatment. 5. Hygiene must be observed when obtaining the milk and urine from Camels. It is recommended to use your own utensils to collect Milk and Urine, as most probably the Camel caretaker's tools might be polluted. 6. The following doses are suitable for adults above 16 years old. For children between 6 to 15 years, the recommended doses shall be half of the adults' doses. 7. We brought these doses from patients who have been cured. Those patients used the treatment in its natural form as: Milk and Urine. This treatment shall be under your responsibility once used in its natural form. It shall fall under our responsibility when used under the medical form of 'tablets' which we are currently working on preparing it for market. 1 of 3 “How to use Camel’s Milk and Urine” March 18, 2009 Dosage and Administration First Phase (only milk) The patient should drink the Camel milk according to the following dosage. First day: 30 ml of milk once in the morning. Second day: 30 ml of milk once in the morning and once at night. Third day: 60 ml of milk once in the morning and once at night. Forth day: 120 ml of milk once in the morning and once at night. Fifth day: 240 ml of milk once in the morning and once at night. Sixth day: 240 ml of milk three times. Seventh day: 240 ml of milk four times. If the patient is still weak or his body is not yet adjusted to the Camel’s milk, then the last doses could be repeated for another week until the patient’s body gets used to the Camel’s milk prior to moving to the second phase. Second Phase (milk and urine) The patient should mix the Camel’s urine with the Camel’s milk immediately before drinking the mixture in accordance with the following dosage. First, second, and third day: 5 ml of urine mixed with 240 ml of milk once a day. Fourth, fifth, and sixth day: 15 ml of urine mixed with 240 ml of milk once a day. Seventh day: 30 ml of urine mixed with 240 ml of milk once. Last Phase (milk and urine) Just like in the Second Phase the patient should mix the Camel’s urine with the Camel’s milk immediately before drinking the mixture in accordance with the following dosage for a period of 18 weeks. 45 ml of urine mixed with 240 ml of milk three times a day for 126 days (18 weeks). Required Volume of Milk and Urine This is intended to help you prepare the required volume of milk and urine for each phase: For the first phase: 2610 ml of milk. For the second phase: 1680 ml of milk and 90 ml of urine. For every week of the last phase: 5040 ml of milk and 945 ml of urine. 2 of 3 “How to use Camel’s Milk and Urine” March 18, 2009 Notes You could increase the amount of milk as you like, but the maximum amount of urine should not exceed 300 ml per day. Camel’s Milk should be replaced every 3 days, while Camel's Urine remains fresh for two weeks. Treatment should continue for three (3) months before analysis and scans could be done to see the result. A fourth month of treatment should be continued in order to protect, in-Shaa-ALLAH, from reoccurring of the disease. Appreciating if you could email us your analysis' results, scans and investigations before and after the cure in-Shaa-ALLAH, as well as praying for us. Update us about your news by email, so may ALLAH helps us to contribute in-Shaa-ALLAH to the cure, even if a little. 3 of 3