Physical examination


Physical examination


- it is good determination of health and normal nutrition as weight

-male infant is an average of 2-3cm longer than of female at birth

-During first year of the life the infant HT should increase by 25-30 cm

- by age 2 yrs , the child will be an average of 12.5 cm taller most toddlers have reached approximately 1\2 of their adult height.

-AT birth: 46-56cm , average( 50cm)


Average newborn boy weight=3400g, and girl=


- infant lose 5-10% of birth weight at age 3-4 days to gain it back in 2 weeks with a steady growth rate.

infant double birth Wight by 6 month

they triple the body weight by 12 month= 10 kg.

head circumference and chest circumference :

• Measure at birth and routinely until age 3 yrs.

• HC measures directly skeletal growth (skull), and indirectly cerebral growth.

• Measurement at birth = 33-35 cm

Chest circumference : CC = 31-33 cm at birth

Ratio of head to chest circumference:

birth : HC is larger than CC2 cm

1 yrs-18 month : HC=CC

2-3 yrs HC slightly smaller than CC

> 3 yrs :HC is smaller than CC by 5-7 cm



Bruises or unusual marks

Birthmarks of any type are recorded. (May change as child grows older.)

Dark skinned children may have Mongolian spots at the base of spine or elsewhere.

• milia.

• The skin of neonates will still be covered with vernix caseosa, the oily material that covers the fetus's body while in uterus.

Hair :

*Nail beds should be pink, nails convex

* Neonate: Normally varies from no hair to a thick bush. Infant: Consists of lanugo, a soft, downy covering commonly seen over the shoulders, back, arms, face, and sacral area, especially in darkskinned children; lanugo is present for the first 1 to

2 months, after which it disappears

Head :

Anterior fontanel :

Located between the frontal and 2 parital bones

Diamond- shaped , shape


2-3 cm (length) x 3-4cm( width)

Closed between 18 month ,



Posterior fontanel:

Located between the occipital and parital bones

Triangular shape


1cm( length ) x 1cm ( width)


Closed between 4-8 month , and may closed at




• Obtain temperature, pulse rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure as often as necessary, based on the child's condition.


Oral : :

Rectal (36.1°-37.8° C) contraindicated in child with anal surgery, diarrhea, or rectal irritation

Axillary :


Check with hospital policy .

-Obtain apical pulse rate on an infant or small child ( under 2 yrs ; radial, temporal, or carotid pulse may be measured on an older child. Pulse may be counted for 30 seconds and multiplied by 2 or for full 1 min

it increase with( crying, anxiety, fever, and pain).

*to accurate assessment of the respiratory rate in infant or small child wait until they are sleep or resting quietly, DOING IT BEFORE INVASIVE EXAM

Blood pressure

*Obtain blood pressure by auscultators method, rather than palpation method, whenever possible. Make sure the cuff covers no less than A½ and no more than 2/3 the length of the upper arm or leg( SHOULD ENCIRCLE 100% OF THE


* crying can cause inaccurate blood pressure reading

*consider norms for age .
