SCOTTISH SENIOR CHAMPIONSHIPS FOR SWIMMERS WITH A LEARNING DISABILITY Results TOLLCROSS LEISURE CENTRE, GLASGOW EVENT 1 (‘A’ RACE) 100 METRES INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. EVENT 2 (‘B’ RACE) Rebecca Lee Zoe Kane Veronica Allison Pamela Affleck Claire Jaffray Julie Watson Yin Yee Cheng Sharaine McPike F AS WA L L WB T WB FINAL INCAS City of Glasgow Seals City of Glasgow Seals Discovery SC Kilmarnock Jets 100 METRES INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. EVENT 3 SATURDAY 13 MAY 2006 Stephen Burns Michael Czop Callum MacQueen Paul Coulthard Christopher Marshall Allan Robertson Craig Ferguson Andrew Callander Stephen Russell F AS WA F T F WB F F 1.23.03 1.33.58 1.33.59 1.50.39 2.00.13 2.00.76 2.05.25 2.17.13 FINAL Bruce TC Kilmarnock Jets FIPRE Perth Dolphins FIPRE Kilmarnock Jets Lochgelly HSSC Lochgelly HSSC 100 METRES INDIVIDUAL MEDLEY WOMEN & MEN 1.23.21 1.30.92 1.39.13 1.41.05 1.47.05 1.50.73 1.53.40 1.59.60 2.12.03 FINALS Women ‘B’ 1st. 2nd. Paula Carroll Siobhan McPike WA WB Port Glasgow Otters Kilmarnock Jets 2.14.49 2.24.38 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. Murray Dingwall Scott Walker Colin Johnston Bryan Ritchie Frank Maguire Greg Cruickshank Andrew Gray AS AS L AS FV A T Stonehaven 1.12.36 1.14.67 1.17.00 1.18.07 1.27.13 1.32.39 1.36.94 Men ‘A’ 1 Discovery SC EVENT 4 25 METRES FREE STYLE BACK WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. EVENT 5 FV F T WA WB WB WA T L F 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. EVENT 6 Lara Young Pauline Kinnear Gill Munro Debbie Sinclair Kerry Hunter Sharon Falconer Ellen McLeod Michelle McKenzie Lillian Renshaw Kim Paddon Sarah Demptster Janet Simpson Claire Jeffray Terri Shirra Nicola Watson Lyndsey McFarlane Siobhan McPike Fiona Driver Michelle Wallace FINAL CLASS 6 A T L FV L WA WB T F 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN Dalgairn Discovery SC Temple SC Port Glasgow Otters Cunninghame AC Cunninghame AC Perth Dolphins Robert Gough 0.29.54 0.32.60 0.32.76 0.33.82 0.34.70 0.35.54 0.36.60 0.38.65 0.41.28 1.31.65 FINAL CLASS 3 Perth Dolphins Clyde Valley Beavers Kilmarnock Jets Perth Dolphins St Clair 0.54.00 0.57.10 0.57.48 0.58.33 0.59.39 0.59.48 1.00.82 1.03.54 1.24.12 HEATS CLASS 3 Final at event 23 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 11th. 12th. 13th. 14th. John Robertson Robin Williamson Kevin Mustard Andrew Stirling Jason Wallace Alexander McLachlan Alan Webb Jethro Dougan David MacLean Ian Bryce Paul McNaught John Clark Allan Robertson Peter McMahon T FV F AS FV H WB WB H T WA A F WA 2 Glebe St Clair Cunninghame AC Greenock Otters Discovery SC Port Glasgow Otters FIPRE Temple SC 0.52.25 0.55.81 0.56.36 0.57.98 0.59.39 0.59.70 1.00.73 1.00.82 1.01.10 1.01.39 1.03.23 1.03.82 1.05.03 1.23.92 EVENT 7 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. EVENT 8 David Fergus Christopher Marshall William Reid Peter Holden Craig Donaldson David Faller Craig Sharratt Andrew Callander Neil Buchan Andrew Harrison L T L T F WA B F AS WB 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN FINAL CLASS 2 Perth Dolphins Perth Dolphins St Clair Greenock Otters Jedburgh Lochgelly HSSC WD 44.24 49.70 50.23 51.03 51.73 51.89 52.53 53.00 54.08 57.10 HEATS CLASS 1 Final at Event 25 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 11th. EVENT 9 Scott Walker Bryan Ritchie Colin Johnson Lee Campbell Stephen Burns Greg Cruickshank Peter Copland Callum MacQueen Paul Coulthard Michael Czop Andrew Gray AS AS L L F A FV WA F A T 25 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN AND WOMEN Bruce TC Kilmarnock Jets FIPRE Discovery SC 35.23 36.35 40.86 40.92 41.77 42.07 42.61 43.43 46.73 49.00 50.48 FINALS CLASS 10 Women 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Lindsay White Joyce Fraser Donna Rattray FV AS WA WD 0.45.54 0.56.45 1.00.29 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Mark Walker Fraser Davidson David Reid Arthur Davidson F F T T Robert Gough Dalgairn Perth Dolphins Perth Dolphins 0.58.00 1.03.51 1.03.57 1.14.69 Men 3 EVENT 10 25 METRES FREE STYLE BACK WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. EVENT 11 Kirsty McCallum Laura Aitken Margaret Osbourne Emma Leith Sharon Davison Elizabeth Singers Morag Wilson L H WA AS T T F FINAL CLASS 9 Port Glasgow Otters Discovery SC Discovery SC Robert Gough 25 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN CLASS 9 AND WOMEN CLASS 8 44.63 48.10 50.26 50.59 52.02 54.54 57.45 FINALS Men Cl 9 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. James MacDonald Stuart Melville Frank Logan Edmund Pickett FV F F WB 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Kayleigh Ferguson Alison Milne Kirsty Westwater Sharon Stocks H T F L West Fife CSS Dalgairn Port Glasgow Otters 0.40.00 0.51.94 0.53.32 1.06.06 Women Cl 8 EVENT 12 25 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. EVENT 13 Keith Alexander Shaun Noble Bruce Clark Clive Mappin Stuart Kennedy David Sloane T AS T H WA WA 25 METRES FREE STYLE BACK FINALS MEN AND WOMEN Discovery SC Elmwood Coll 43.38 43.38 54.57 55.00 FINAL CLASS 8 Discovery SC Discovery SC Cunninghame AC WD 29.54 40.57 41.74 44.55 51.67 52.66 CLASS 7 Men 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Craig Bernard Scott Phillips Keith Inglis Richard Miller F T F H Robert Gough Glebe Robert Gough 31.76 42.70 44.32 48.77 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Shona Murrie Alison Docherty Jenna Hancock Ashley Wallace F T F T Robert Gough Discovery SC Robert Gough Discovery SC 36.87 37.70 47.03 47.92 Women 4 EVENT 14 25 METRES FREE STYLE BACK WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. EVENT 15 F A FV WA WA F T WB T L 25 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. EVENT 16 Marianne Steeves Stephanie Salvesen Claire Mathewson June Tamplin Laura Gilfillan Tracey Jackson Claire Hampton Lynn O’Neill Annette Docherty Jennifer Stevenson Darren Tait Chris Stewart Cameron Crawford George Goodsir Grant Skene Colin Lyon William Heron L T T F F AS WA 25 METRES FREE STYLE BACK WOMEN FINAL CLASS 5 Elmwood Coll City of Glasgow Seals Clyde Valley Beavers Lochgelly HSSC Glebe Port Glasgow Otters Discovery SC 25.51 30.00 30.29 30.51 30.60 30.92 31.78 33.97 34.04 35.10 FINAL CLASS 5 Discovery SC Discovery SC Robert Gough Elmwood Coll Greenock Otters 26.07 26.56 28.32 29.73 29.73 33.67 33.85 FINAL CLASS 6 Straight Final at Event 4 EVENT 17 25 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. EVENT 18 Paul Wotherspoon Guy Moonie Paul Booth Ruam McGarthland Alan Jardine Brian Hazlett James McMullen FV F T AS WA WA WB FINAL CLASS 6 West Fife CSS Perth Dolphins Kilmarnock Jets Temple SC Temple SC 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK WOMEN CLASS 4 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Discovery SC Perth Dolphins Elmwood Coll Elmwood Coll Nicola Corrigan Stephanie Beaton Allison Bett Ann Reid Julie Maybe L T T F F 5 24.36 31.20 32.00 35.83 38.30 39.06 43.31 FINAL 0.59.64 1.09.39 1.14.22 1.18.50 1.29.54 EVENT 19 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. EVENT 20 Ashley Frew Sarah Dunsmore Pamela Affleck Sharaine McPike Gillian Fraser Natalie Kane T WA L WB WB L 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. EVENT 22 T FV T WA F L F 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. EVENT 21 Jimmy McMillan Gordon Reid Steven McKenzie Matthew Milligan William Farnworth John McMillan Graham Law Rebecca Lee Zoe Kane Veronica Allison Rachel Travis Beckey Moore F AS WA AS F 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK WOMEN FINAL CLASS 4 Discovery Discovery SC Kilmarnock Jets Elmwood Coll FIPRE 0.59.69 1.00.69 1.06.32 1.10.29 1.10.82 1.17.71 1.40.45 FINAL CLASS 2 Perth Dolphins Clyde Valley Beavers Kilmarnock Jets Port Glasgow Otters 0.47.92 0.51.30 0.53.30 0.54.07 0.57.90 1.01.22 FINAL CLASS 1 INCAS City of Glasgow Seals Elmwood Coll 38.07 42.78 43.95 46.54 53.48 FINAL CLASS 3 Straight Final at Event 5 EVENT 23 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. John Robertson Kevin Mustard Robin Williamson Alexander McLachlan Jason Wallace Ian Bryce David MacLean Jethro Dougan Andrew Stirling Alan Webb T F FV H FV T H WB AS WB 6 FINAL CLASS 3 Glebe St Clair Discovery SC Greenock Otters Cunninghame AC 0.54.48 0.55.30 0.56.91 0.58.07 0.58.37 0.58.73 0.59.66 1.00.92 1.01.82 1.01.64 EVENT 24 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN FINAL CLASS 2 Straight Final at Event 7 EVENT 25 50 METRES FREE STYLE BACK MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. EVENT 26 Scott Walker Bryan Ritchie Colin Johnson Greg Cruickshank Lee Campbell Stephen Burns Callum MacQueen Michael Czop Andrew Gray AS AS L A L F WA A T FINAL CLASS 1 Bruce TC Kilmarnock Jets Discovery SC 50 METRES BUTTERFLY 34.10 36.11 37.50 40.79 41.39 41.95 44.54 47.38 51.67 FINALS MEN CLASS 1 (‘B’ RACE) 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Michael Czop Frank Maguire Greg Cruickshank Andrew Gray Craig Ferguson A FV A T WB 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Stephen Burns Colin Johnstone Scott Walker Bryan Ritchie Lee Campbell F L AS AS L Discovery SC Kilmarnock Jets 0.36.85 0.37.29 0.40.08 0.41.67 0.51.70 (‘A’ RACE) EVENT 27 Bruce TC 50 METRES BUTTERFLY FINAL MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 33.57 34.44 34.44 35.64 42.80 CLASS 2 Paul Fraser Callum MacQueen Allan Robertson Paul Coulthard Alan Winchester Andrew Stirling Neil Buchan WB WA F F WB AS AS 7 Clyde Valley Beavers Kilmarnock Jets FIPRE FIPRE Kilmarnock Jets 0.47.79 0.51.10 0.51.35 0.53.29 0.56.64 0.58.70 1.13.04 NR EVENT 28 50 METRES BUTTERFLY FINALS WOMEN CLASSES 2 & 1 Class 2 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Veronica Allison Ionutsa McLelland Claire Jeffray Yin Yee Cheng WA H L T City of Glasgow Seals 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Rebecca Lee Zoe Kane Rachel Travis F AS AS INCAS Discovery SC 44.81 51.72 55.48 57.95 Class 1 EVENT 29 25 METRES BUTTERFLY 34.14 42.84 46.80 FINALS MEN AND WOMEN CLASS 4 Men 1st. Steven Penman F West Fife CSS 42.16 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Janet Simpson Siobhan McPike Debbie Sinclair Alison Docherty Nicola Keppie T WB WA T WA Perth Dolphins Kilmarnock Jets Temple SC Discovery SC Temple SC 30.97 33.36 33.67 36.64 38.54 Women EVENT 30 25 METRES BUTTERFLY FINALS MEN AND WOMEN CLASS 3 Men 1st. Stephen Russell F Lochgelly HSSC 27.54 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Paula Carroll Julie Watson Nicola Corrigan Gillian Fraser WA WB L WB Port Glasgow Otters City of Glasgow Seals 27.36 27.50 28.38 30.73 Women 8 Port Glasgow Otters EVENT 31 50 METRES ADAPTED BREAST STROKE MEN HEATS CLASS 3 Final at Event 39 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 11th. 12th. 13th. EVENT 32 Derek Miller Robbie Kirk Robin Williamson Callum MacQueen Callum Dale Bryan Cross Craig Ferguson Stephen Russell Peter Holden Ian Bryce Paul McNaught Ian Tirell John Clark L H FV WA WB B WB F T T WA L A Kilmarnock Jets Greenock Otters Gala Kilmarnock Jets Lochgelly HSSC Perth Dolphins Discovery SC Port Glasgow Otters 50 METRES ADAPTED BREAST STROKE MEN CLASS 2 0.49.16 0.51.54 0.54.61 0.55.57 0.55.57 0.56.48 0.57.41 0.59.00 0.59.94 1.01.10 1.01.15 1.04.32 1.06.54 HEATS Final at Event 40 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 11th. 12th. 13th. EVENT 33 Scott Walker Colin Johnston Frank Maguire David Fergus David Faller Peter Copland Callum Raeburn Paul Coulthard Allan Robertson Paul Fraser Neil Buchan Jethro Dougan Craig Sharratt AS L FV L WA FV H F F WB AS WB B Greenock Otters FIPRE FIPRE Clyde Valley Beavers Greenock Otters Jedburgh 25 METRES ADAPTED BREAST STROKE WOMEN CLASS 6 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. Gillian Fraser Lyndsay McLoughlin Christine Bannister Laura Young Stephanie Salvesen Beth Smillie Sharon Sloan WB H F FV A H FV 9 Port Glasgow Otters West Fife CSS 0.37.32 0.42.83 0.43.00 0.46.48 0.48.48 0.48.64 0.49.21 0.49.80 0.49.80 0.51.18 0.58.32 0.59.39 1.00.70 FINAL 31.86 33.11 33.95 34.20 36.40 37.64 41.62 EVENT 34 25 METRES ADAPTED BREAST STROKE MEN CLASS 6 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. EVENT 35 WD Cunninghame AC Kilmarnock Jets Discovery SC Gala Claire Hampton Sharaine McPike Sarah Dunsmore Catherine Kennedy T WB WA WA Glebe Kilmarnock Jets Clyde Valley Beavers Clyde Valley Beavers 25 METRES ADAPTED BREAST STROKE MEN CLASS 5 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. EVENT 37 L FV WB WB WA T H B H 25 METRES ADAPTED BREAST STROKE WOMEN CLASS 5 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. EVENT 36 William Reid James MacDonald Andrew Harrison Michael Maher Danny O’Rourke Cameron Crawford Clive Mappin Sandy Anderson Martin Forsyth Darren Tait David McLean Stuart Mabon Alan Webb Graham Lang Alan Winchester Alan Watkins L H B WB B WB WA Peebles Cunninghame AC Kelso Kilmarnock Jets Greenock Otters FINAL 28.29 31.77 34.89 35.70 38.73 40.94 43.62 45.88 47.31 FINAL 28.06 30.07 32.08 32.08 FINAL 27.57 29.07 29.07 29.86 30.59 33.06 33.54 50 METRES ADAPTED BREAST STROKE MEN AND WOMEN CLASS 4 FINALS 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. Steven George Stephen Davidson Jason Wallace Ryan Peterson Paul Booth Gordon Reid B L FV F T FV 1.00.61 1.02.37 1.04.86 1.05.00 1.11.11 1.29.75 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Nicola Corrigan Terri Shirra Alison Bett L FV T Men Jedburgh Dalgairn Perth Dolphins Women 10 Perth Dolphins 1.09.32 1.09.86 1.13.73 EVENT 38 50 METRES ADAPTED BREAST STROKE WOMEN CLASSES 3 & 2 FINALS 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Claire Jeffray Julie Watson Lorraine Clark Paula Carroll L WB T WA 1.00.80 1.02.36 1.02.65 1.13.00 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Rebecca Lee Veronica Allison Ashley Frew Pamela Affleck F WA T L Class 3 City of Glasgow Seals Discovery SC Port Glasgow Otters Class 2 EVENT 39 50 METRES ADAPTED BREAST STROKE MEN CLASS 3 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. EVENT 40 INCAS City of Glasgow Seals Perth Dolphins Derek Miller Robbie Kirk Bryan Cross Callum Dale Robin Williamson Callum MacQueen Stephen Russell Craig Ferguson Peter Holden Ian Bryce L H B WB FV WA F WB T T Gala Greenock Otters Kilmarnock Jets Lochgelly HSSC Kilmarnock Jets Perth Dolphins Discovery SC 50 METRES ADAPTED BREAST STROKE MEN CLASS 2 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. Scott Walker Colin Johnston Frank Maguire David Fergus Peter Copland Paul Coulthard David Faller Paul Fraser Allan Robertson Craig Sharratt AS L FV L FV F WA WB F B 11 FIPRE Greenock Otters Clyde Valley Beavers FIPRE Jedburgh 0.44.36 0.45.80 0.48.73 0.50.48 FINAL 0.40.54 0.52.04 0.53.82 0.54.57 0.55.65 0.57.89 0.59.10 1.01.13 1.01.22 1.03.53 FINAL 0.37.03 0.38.16 0.42.25 0.44.11 0.49.39 0.49.75 0.49.89 0.50.79 0.51.38 1.01.64 EVENT 41 25 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. EVENT 42 David Sloane George Goodsir Scott Phillips David McInnes Edmund Pickett Clive Mappin Mark Walker James McDonald Bruce Clark WA F T WA WB H F FV T 25 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMEN FINAL CLASS 6 WD Robert Gough Glebe Greenock Otters Port Glasgow Otters Robert Gough Discovery SC 31.82 33.38 33.30 34.57 34.92 38.22 39.25 39.82 44.74 HEATS CLASS 5 Final at Event 56 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 11th. EVENT 43 Alison Docherty Beth Smillie Debbie Sinclair Kerri Hunter Sharon Falconer Christine Bannister Ellen McLeod Claire Mathewson Jennifer Stevenson Michelle McKenzie Laura Aitken T H WA WB WB F WA FV L T H 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMEN Discovery SC Temple SC Port Glasgow Otters Cunninghame AC West Fife CSS Cunninghame AC Perth Dolphins 28.03 28.13 29.62 29.64 29.89 30.32 31.20 31.44 33.41 34.54 34.64 HEATS CLASS 3 Final at Event 59 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. Nicola Corrigan Natalie Caine Catherine Kennedy Stephanie Salvesen June Tamplin Stephanie Beaton Claire Hampton Lindsay McLoughlin Tracey Jackson Julie Maybe L L WA A WA T T H F F 12 Clyde Valley Beavers City of Glasgow Seals Discovery SC Glebe Lochgelly HSSC Elmwood Coll 0.52.71 0.53.38 0.57.03 0.57.80 0.59.22 1.01.13 1.02.51 1.02.80 1.11.15 1.19.77 EVENT 44 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN HEATS CLASS 3 Final at Event 60 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 11th. 12th. EVENT 45 FV B L F L WA FV T H B T H 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. EVENT 46 Gordon Reid Sandy Anderson Darren Tait Steven Penman John McMillan Brian Hazlett Paul Wotherspoon Paul Booth Jamie Sinclair Gavin Maull Steven McKenzie Martin Forsyth Terri Shirra Claire Jeffray Lyndsey McFarlane Fiona Driver Julie Watson Sarah Dempster Lorraine Clark Marianne Steeves Paula Carroll Amanda Robertson FV L WA T WB A T F WA H 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. Lauren Gilfillan Pamela Affleck Beckey Moore Ionutsa McLelland Janet Simpson Nicola Weston Siobhan McPike Yin Yee Cheng Sharaine McPike WA L F H T L WB T WB 13 Gala West Fife CSS Temple SC Perth Dolphins Gala Discovery SC 0.49.31 0.50.79 0.54.03 0.54.04 0.55.16 0.56.54 0.57.04 0.57.32 0.57.67 0.58.13 1.00.05 1.09.49 FINAL CLASS 2 Clyde Valley Beavers Perth Dolphins City of Glasgow Seals Discovery SC Elmwood Coll Port Glasgow Otters 0.46.09 0.46.59 0.46.86 0.48.94 0.49.13 0.51.64 0.53.09 0.55.77 0.57.57 1.01.07 FINAL CLASS 1 Clyde Valley Beavers Elmwood Coll Perth Dolphins Kilmarnock Jets Discovery SC Kilmarnock Jets 41.13 41.82 44.53 44.74 44.74 47.82 47.84 47.84 47.96 EVENT 47 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN HEATS CLASS 2 Final at Event 62 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. 11th. 12th. 13th. 14th. EVENT 48 H B F T FV WA FV F WA T WB L AS H 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. EVENT 49 Jason Simpson Steven George Kevin Mustard Jimmy McMillan Robin Williamson Paul NcNaught Jason Wallace Stephen Russell Matthew Milligan Chris Stewart Michael Maher Ian Cranston Andrew Stirling David MacLean Derek Miller Craig Donaldson John Robertson Alexander McLachlan William Heron Ryan Peterson Craig Sharratt Bryan Cross Ian Bryce Neil Buchan L F T H WA F B B T AS Jedburgh St Clair Discovery SC Port Glasgow Otters Lochgelly HSSC Kilmarnock Jets Discovery SC Cuinninghame AC 40.56 47.23 47.85 49.64 50.30 50.30 50.92 50.92 52.69 53.17 52.92 53.18 54.28 54.75 HEATS CLASS 1 St Clair Glebe Greenock Otters Dalgairn Jedburgh Gala Discovery SC 0.38.89 0.39.59 0.41.77 0.41.89 0.43.52 0.43.83 0.46.73 0.46.73 0.50.12 1.07.07 25 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN AND WOMEN CLASS 10 AND MEN CLASS 8 FINALS 1st. 2nd. Sharon Sloan Donna Rattray FV WA WD 0.41.91 1.06.78 1st. George Black WA Temple SC 1.07.09 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Craig Bernard Stuart Kennedy Fraser Davidson David Reid Arthur Davidson F WA F T T Robert Gough Cunninghame AC Dalgairn Perth Dolphins Perth Dolphins Women Cl 10 Men Cl 10 Men Cl 8 14 36.09 37.13 37.14 44.67 47.91 EVENT 50 25 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMEN CLASSES 9 & 8 FINALS Class 9 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Sharon Davidson Emma Leith Elizabeth Singers Sharon Stocks T AS T L 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Christine McAbe Lillian Renshaw Margaret Osbourne Morag Wilson Lindsay White L L WA F FV Discovery SC Discovery SC 49.86 55.34 55.72 55.77 Class 8 EVENT 51 25 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. EVENT 52 F AS WA F H WA 25 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMAN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. EVENT 53 Keir Winsborough Shaun Noble Robert McDonald Willie Meikle Richard Miller Danny O’Rourke Laura Young Michelle Wallace Kirsty McCallum Kayleigh Ferguson FV F L H 25 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Jemma Hancock Layla McFadyen Shona Murrie Annette Docherty Alison Milne F WA F T T 15 Port Glasgow Otters Robert Gough 41.95 41.95 41.98 50.03 53.71 FINAL CLASS 7 West Fife CSS Greenock Otters West Fife CSS Kilmarnock Jets 27.22 27.44 36.76 38.63 40.00 41.53 FINAL CLASS 7 St Clair 28.57 37.56 38.69 59.17 FINAL CLASS 6 Robert Gough Robert Gough Discovery SC Discovery SC 34.22 34.54 35.37 37.32 39.57 EVENT 54 25 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. EVENT 55 Cameron Crawford Wayne Halliday Alan Jardine Graham Law Ruam McGarthland Colin Telfer Alan Watkins Keith Alexander T F WA F AS AS WA T 25 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN FINAL CLASS 5 Discovery SC West Fife CSS Kilmarnock Jets FIPRE Greenock Otters Discovery SC 25.07 25.70 27.43 28.07 28.07 29.82 34.22 42.86 FINAL CLASS 6 Straight Final at Event 41 EVENT 56 25 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. EVENT 57 EVENT 58 Debbie Sinclair Beth Smillie Alison Docherty Christine Bannister Ellen McLeod Jennifer Stevenson Sharon Falconer Kerri Hunter Michelle McKenzie Laura Aitken WA H T F WA L WB WB T H FINAL CLASS 5 Temple SC Discovery SC West Fife CSS Cunninghame AC Cunninghame AC Port Glasgow Otters Perth Dolphins 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMEN CLASS 4 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Discovery SC Elmwood Coll Discovery SC Dalgairn Temple SC Gill Munro Kirsty Westwater Ashley Wallace Pauline Kinnear Nicola Keppie T F T F WA 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. Peter McMahon Steven Robertson John Clark Wayne Moreland Paul McKenzie WA F A F B 16 26.03 27.08 27.08 30.07 30.58 31.22 32.20 34.32 35.27 36.10 FINAL 1.04.23 1.06.20 1.06.62 1.07.45 1.10.40 FINAL CLASS 4 Temple SC Elmwood Coll Elmwood Coll Earlston 1.01.73 1.04.45 1.06.03 1.10.41 1.16.48 EVENT 59 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. EVENT 60 L A L WA WA T T F H F 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. EVENT 61 Natalie Caine Stephanie Salvesen Nicola Corrigan Catherine Kennedy June Tamplin Stephanie Beaton Claire Hampton Tracey Jackson Lindsay McLoughlin Julie Maybe Gordon Reid Sandy Anderson Steven Penman Brian Hazlett John McMillan Darren Tait Paul Booth Gavin Maull Jamie Sinclair Paul Wotherspoon FV B F WA L L T B H FV 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMEN FINAL CLASS 3 Clyde Valley Beavers City of Glasgow Seals Discovery SC Glebe Lochgelly HSSC Elmwood Coll 0.54.12 0.54.16 0.54.35 0.57.67 1.00.08 1.02.60 1.07.87 1.08.16 1.09.92 1.16.33 FINAL CLASS 3 Gala West Fife CSS Temple SC Perth Dolphins Gala 0.48.82 0.50.86 0.51.23 0.54.42 0.55.77 0.57.59 0.58.36 0.59.66 1.00.43 1.00.45 FINAL CLASS 2 Straight Final at Event 45 EVENT 62 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. Jason Simpson Steven George Kevin Mustard Stephen Russell Matthew Milligan Jason Wallace Jimmy McMillan Chris Stewart Robin Williamson Paul NcNaught H B F F WA FV T T FV WA 17 FINAL CLASS 2 Jedburgh St Clair Lochgelly HSSC Kilmarnock Jets Discovery SC Discovery SC Port Glasgow Otters 38.45 46.56 47.78 51.38 51.66 52.20 52.69 53.98 54.51 54.92 EVENT 63 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT WOMEN FINAL CLASS 1 Straight Final at Event 46 EVENT 64 50 METRES FREE STYLE FRONT MEN FINAL CLASS 1 Straight Final at Event 48 EVENT 65 100 METRES FREE STYLE WOMEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. EVENT 66 Rebecca Lee Zoe Kane Veronical Allison Ashley Frew Sarah Dunsmore Lynn O’Neill FINALS OPEN F AS WA T WA WB 100 METRES FREE STYLE MEN OPEN 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. T T F F WB WB INCAS 1.10.64 1.21.82 City of Glasgow Seals 1.30.70 Perth Dolphins 1.32.03 Clyde Valley Beavers 1.42.51 Port Glasgow Otters 1.51.45 FINALS (‘C’ RACE) EVENT 67 Peter Holden Christopher Marshall Allan Robertson Andrew Callander Jethro Dougan Alan Winchester 100 METRES FREE STYLE MEN Perth Dolphins Perth Dolphins FIPRE Lochgelly HSSC Greenock Otters Kilmarnock Jets 1.36.86 1.41.35 1.42.82 1.44.70 1.47.86 1.51.94 FINAL OPEN (‘B’ RACE) 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. David Fergus Lee Campbell Paul Coulthard Peter Copland Callum MacQueen Callum Dale Craig Ferguson Paul Fraser Stephen Davidson L L F FV WA WB WB WB L 18 FIPRE Kilmarnock Jets Greenock Otters Kilmarnock Jets Clyde Valley Beavers 1.21.00 1.22.82 1.23.54 1.24.67 1.29.22 1.31.04 1.32.26 1.33.79 1.55.06 EVENT 68 100 METRES FREE STYLE MEN FINAL OPEN (‘A’ RACE) 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. Murray Dingwall Bryan Ritchie Colin Johnston Frank Maguire Andrew Gray Michael Czop David Faller Robbie Kirk AS AS L FV T AS WA H Stonehaven Discovery SC Greenock Otters TEAM TROPHY 1st. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. 5th. 6th. 7th. 8th. 9th. 10th. Fife Tayside Lothian West of Scotland ‘A’ Forth Valley West of Scotland ‘B’ Aberdeenshire Highland Borders Aberdeen 325 points 284 points 265 points 245 points 161 points 143 points 141 points 109 points 59 points 58 points 19 1.03.84 1.06.15 1.08.62 1.11.01 1.20.45 1.21.81 1.27.22 1.32.57