Committee Reports

St. Luke’s Altar Society
Minutes of April 13, 2011 Meeting
The meeting was called to order by Alice Mellette at 7:00 p.m. Opening prayer was led by Marge
Secretary’s Report: Minutes were presented by Carolyn Mire. Marge Lang made a motion to
accept them as written, with a second by Pauline Smith.
Treasurer’s Report: Cindy Warner presented the Treasurer’s Report. We have a current balance of
$2,386.00. The motion to accept this report was made by Dorothy McAllister with a second by Sue
Committee Reports:
Altar Care-Pauline Smith: April: Carolyn Mire, Amy Nunnally, Marge Lang and Cindy Warner.
May: Pauline Smith and Dorothy McAllister; June: Martha Fraley and Anne Martin. July: Amy
Nunnally and Alice Mellette. August: Carolyn Mire and Marge Lang. September: Pauline Smith
and Sue Holland.
DCCW-Betty Moshea: Betty reported that the annual convention will be held in Murfreesboro on
April 29 and 30 at the Hampton Inn. There will be programs for the benefit of all people; e.g., the
Campaign for Human Dignity. Singer/songwriter, Marie Bellet will perform. The guest speaker will
be Patty Johnson, President of the National Council of Catholic Women. St. Rose of Lima Church
will be the site of Saturday Mass. The closing banquet will honor all mothers of the diocesan priests.
It will be served in the Jo Call Room of the Hampton Inn. Betty said that the National Convention
will be held in Chicago this year on November 9th – 12th.
Marge Lang mentioned “Cross International”. It is a Catholic Outreach in partnership with the
DCCW of “ Women helping Women.” There were three different projects in which to participate.
The one which seemed to fit our budget was helping Women in Kenya with children and childbirth
issues. The cost was $22.00 per woman. Marge suggested we sponsor five women which would be a
$110.00 donation. Annie Easley seconded this motion. Cindy Warner wrote check #767 for $110.00
to cover this expense.
Lazarus Representative-Anne Martin: There were three funerals during the month of March. Juan
De La Cruz, Leslie Horn and John Fox. Mr. Fox’s funeral was the only one that had a dinner. There
were about 60 people served.
Religious-Marge Lang: Marge had a sign-up for First Communion which will be May 15th at 11:00
a.m. Pauline Smith, Amy Nunnally, Cindy Warner, Dorothy Mcallister, Sue Holland agreed to serve.
Pauline said she would ask her daughter, Irene, to help. Marge said there will be no reception for
Confirmation as it will be at the Cathedral. She had some information about the Divine Mercy
Novena. Divine Mercy Sunday is May 1st and to receive the plenary indulgence associated with
Divine Mercy it is necessary to attend this Sunday service and go to confession within two weeks of
the Divine Mercy service. To that end, she has arranged for a priest to be available on May 1 from
1:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. for confessions. The Divine Mercy novena is voluntary.
Religious Articles- Amy Nunnally: Amy had collected $95.65 from sale of religious articles which
she gave to Cindy Warner. She had a bill from St. Mary’s in the amount of $213.64 which she gave
to Cindy. Cindy wrote check #768 to St. Mary’s to pay this bill.
Seminarian Project-Pauline Smith: Cindy Warner wrote check #766 in the amount of $75.00 for
Wesley Hahn. This amount covers the months of April, May and June. She gave the check to
Pauline Smith for mailing. Pauline will be gone during the month of June, so the next check will be
mailed by someone in the Altar Society.
Social-Shirley Schuette: No report.
Sunshine: No report.
Visitation: No report.
Old Business: The Flower Room was cleaned. Old Banners and flowers were collected to be sent to
our sister parish in Haiti. They are now waiting at the warehouse ready to be shipped. All the dowels
which are used on the banners have been painted white by Pete Mire.
New Business:
Cindy Warner said that she will order the flowers for Holy Thursday. Traditionally the Church pays
for these arrangements. Cindy wondered if the Altar Society should pay for these. After a
discussion, it was decided to let the Church pay this year. Let us see how much the flowers cost and
re-visit this issue next year. In the meantime, Cindy was asked to order a “flat-back” arrangement set
in deeper dishes/vases.
The snacks for the DCCW convention were discussed. The wine will be donated. We need snacks
for about 70 or 80 people. It was decided to go with fruit, cheese, crackers and nuts. Pauline Smith
will go to Sam’s to get these items. Cindy Warner will go with Pauline and give her a check as a
Martha Fraley brought a picture painted by Fr. Paul to donate to the silent auction that the DCCW
will hold at the convention.
After the meeting was adjourned, the members worked on a new Altar Society poster to be used at
the convention.
Betty Moshea mentioned that Rob Roy will be 90 on April 17. A party will be held at Church. There
is a need for people to help set up and serve. Betty is going to help with the set up. Anne Martin and
Pauline Smith volunteered to help serve. There will be cake, punch, coffee and finger foods at the
The closing prayer was led by Cindy Warner.
The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
The next meeting will be May 11, 2011 at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted Carolyn Mire